| oa © abe shee ems | me ascot re . af [SSS eee Pink Daily New Today's Stocks| —_ Munaay, September 29, 1952 (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Ce, Ltd.) a = oi Lh) ~-as6Ca use | a Sort | -ERTH, Se ww Ne ; | |} 01 complaints from 4 bank man-| ager, a bus stop in the High) street will be removed. The bank} i LASSIFIED ADS = complained that top-deck bus) NCOUVER assengers watched the bank's! HONE 748 FOR HELPF ' _vaNoouy BLACKWOOD oon J sss PHONE UL CLASSIFIED AD TAKER American Standard 07% ‘'customers handling important! NE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS | Bralorne 1 documents | ouniganieiniiial ahi ‘ | BRX 03 ‘ as — | eet ar 4 2 | aes "RSEON | | Cariboo Quartz 1.35 ; fied Rates PERSONAL FOR RE | o ; ) (jassiiied Rates | NT Congress -06 vl eC ; = Cc? ; m, day pre-| ANY season is ‘a selling season.|RENT a Singer portable electric) Cronin Babine 291 . £20. Cy . prt n i a . hen te daily ee machine. Phone 864. (e) Giant Mascot ~ b, Zs Usitness vO esstona word per| sities neede 1 every home| -——~ : India ines 11¥, 00 ) charge 50 rich or poor You can start — RENT— Room “and board oa — 1.90 " ‘ By EASLEY BLACKW D q with Very little capital-t-you or 1 man sharing. Separate ccc a. 15 ae . rs ag ' | be: Cards| Dave Specials monthly-tree| beds. Red 192 oe ee oe pa Mr. Champion Winces As He Sees Muzzy Set |} John FL. Hughes, D.C. HANDYMAN ‘th ‘Notices,| S#mples and a wonderful op-| poaRD AND ROOM Tor Soieiial © merees Ucn 4.00 ; ae i ge] CHIROPRACTOR HOME SERVICE » tage and| Peruinity 20 establish = prof)" ian wince gen want | ' - If Mr. Abel passed his partner’s double after the senate lage and itable business of your own,|_’™#” slack 660 (a0) Reno a : ’ : : j | eS cement You can work ful or part time/ FOR RENT — Room to share.| Sheep Creek 137 | one spade" bid, Mr. Champion thought it might be! It VACATION GENERAL CONTRACTORS in your surroundings. Infor-| Separa ey eee Silbak Premier 40. | : e ON VAC Building and Repairs of wil : » price. | mation on request. Familex - aor bode, Bas #h.aee Taku River me OT pretty bad, He therefore bid two clubs. A few seconds kinds ‘ iENTS One > Tenemne, ——, ROOM FOR RENT. Phone Black Vananda 02% later Mr. Muzzy was in FOUR spades. Mr, Cham- — — . Salmon Gold .03 . ' : . ; : ee caity | DREBSMARANG and CITCTL. litte) le 06% pion shuddered but felt a little better when nobody FOR YOUR ROCK OO ee : tions. Children’s clothes spe- WANTED TO RENT Silver Standard 180 | doubled ? . eno mercegnnoneenniiten * AND CONCRETE WORK i cialty. 736 6th West. Phone! w TET 1 See > | Western Uranium 4.80 = ' . -| North dealer | ¢ S nning| Red 918 and Black 715. (232) ve oS ee s ai Oils— } a nee Pega the ree Neither side vulnerable | SAUNDERS BROS. PHONES: . SPAMS SULLE 5€ i ae learts and Mr. Muzzy wo North We.P Cement For Le Red AVON has 2 territories open in Couple with 10-month-old Anglo Canadian ae ihe ace —— promptly ruffed a (Mr. ¢ hampion) Pho ; BI = 939 oe oe yer 4 Prince Rupert, Regular calls! °Hild. Phone Red 215. (233p)| A ! every S heart with dummy’s lone trump os none Huse . on established customers wil! WANTED TO RENT — Light a ig = Checking up (too late as usual) _ > 10862 | indre Ww 5 ane it ake oe ag | housekeping room or furn- Positied takes ; 90 he saw that he still had two C—A K QJ 10 6 FRED E. DOWDIE fternoo rite x 502 aily News ished suite by y 7 et | ~~ on ply heart loser, mak 4 the j, West fast ner aes (233) | cours. u oi Mitton nn} Hame Oil 13.00 : m loser and a diamond ‘Mee: Mond (Mr, Abel PRECISION SAW FILING OPTOMETRIST > p.m.|. innervate nin,| Vat Haaster. General Delivery| Mercury = 22 , if he jet ‘thas elaine Se bie = x ‘et ‘ . is Lawn Mowers Sharpened Room 10 Stone Building lor sale.| HELP WANTED—FEMALE | City. (229p) ; ot cdi fo oe gh 1943 215 Ave. W ects Pa ea ss omy? TORONTO they would surely cash those) D—A 7 6 DJ 943 | 215—Ist Ave. W. Phone Blue 593 Oct. 8” ae ‘ORK WANTED Athona - -16 ‘tricks, so he tried +t rid of * °* ah ete e iday Eveni: EXPERIENCED office clerk with — ine te noose ——| Aumaque AT ian ‘of as aque ine ies sees | Phone 909 a be | knowledge of typing and book-| OFFICE manager and experi-|} Beveourt 1.27 Tt is hand 46 mee Mew Be ae 8K QJ 1098 P.O. Box 72] Civk keeping. Permanent position enced accountant desires posi Buffalo Canadian 21 wis atu re Co i . H-A 643 to right party. Apply stating| tion anywhere in B.C. where! Consol ag cere sino |e. ted to do this as he had two D—K qualifications and experience,| there is accommodation for| ™“~°™ , “ a clubs himself and, with only C—8 3 ‘ H. G. HELGERSON } f the’ to Box 611 Daily News (232)| family. References. Box 512; Comwest 3.40 | five club outstanding, one op-| The bidding: : ee eg HELEN'S t. 18 | Daily News. (230p) , a 7. onent had a doubleton at the orm ae Baste wees REAUTY SHOP LIMITED . . Se el enero |. - | Eldona 7 m setaitects ee a fn “e, . ~_ ms 4 en HELP WANTED, MALE FEMALE | FACTORY experienced repairs,| Kast Sullivan 7140 |v, ta oe ee ome a = 10) Fe te ee Permanent Waving REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE { . ee a | unsmithing, outboard motors! Giant Yellowknife 8.60 “4 ae 3 an Pes vie ad : Peuuty Culture jn all Phone 96, Ev2nings Black 899 PIN SETTERS WANTED—Work-| and marine engines Fishing| God’s Lake 53 M K ae user = st ‘d do is give them the first heart’ its branches ods ing hours 7 to 11 p.m. Anyone} rods and reels 337 First} Hardrock il i nae hey = : and ve sas trick. Then there's nothing |? 994—4th Street Phone 655 Buzaar may apply Age 14 years or! Overlook. Phone Green 204 f: i Harricana 09 ea quick a ‘ oe oe ou they can lead that will beat ove! Phone Red 709 or ‘tall pick-up, (233° | anceps va, |OL Glamonds. She sti 1a 1e ” | im at Bowling Alleys, (229) | ~~ — ——————— | Heva 06%4| sce of trumps for the setting | OV" seiskidteus tine sak a ret tas LING THE TAILOR . h a ee /ANTED uvex a7 trick | 2 10 as right. Ti QUAL Ss. Tailoring - Alterations CARES FOR SALE WANTED-—Second hand pian | pont ects 7 ar, Chae rey ee | er beat a coe a ake ae aan : and s a 7 . “ , Fong and 4 e Long Lac 4 Muzzy. why d fou always have er dest continuation is another} an urn Soles yovem sheen ita in good condition. Box 509 ; MUZZY, why do you always Ne ae oa ie et : de-to- FOR SALE—1951 Ford pick-up Daily Hews, — »* 998) aene : - to win the FIRST trick?” he ne Oe poe a or . on on gates Phone Black 953 (230) —— —-| Madsen Red Lake 1.80 snarled. “All you had to do was\°% the board and a diamond MAC oe e zie 1. - oe |\CASH for scrap brass, copper,,; McKenzie Red Lake 39 win 10 tricks. Any 10. You ean l¢d. Mrs. Keen would win with ~ FOR SALE—Green Chev, 1950 batteries and radiators. Phone; McLeod Cockshutt 2.65 pohirbi pre the first a or the the ace and fire a third heart. | SHOE HOSPITAL wen Ae sates paved roads. $1700; 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West,| Moneta 35 | last ee ne ae three in he But Mr. Muzzy could win the} cash, Blue 162 (230), City. (tf) Nepus Me la ea bade: sl 5 iia din PORTRAITS ‘ : 2 Us ra tween as @ as it’s t re ace, enter dummy with a club,! ‘ Bazuar,| FOR SALE—1950 two-tone Ford, REAL ESTATE Noranda 79.50 San dee ee recent pitch his last eket on the Shipping and General TAKEN AT HOME 4-door, in good condition, — ——| Pickle Crow 1.58 “I can’t make the hand,” re-| queen of diamonds, and re-|| Moving, Packing, Crating , 522 8th Avt. West. Phone Blue FOR ee Wartime 4, full! Petrol Oil & Gas 1.03 plied Mr. Muzzy excitedly “with enter his hand by ruffing a dia-| Cartage and Storage Chandler’s Photo Studio , Noy. 19 276. (229p) cement basement, all new fur-| Senator Rouyn 13 ac Suan aes aa a . — 2 “ive out i ‘ ree. x . . - _ ee Lo niture, new oil range; 2 room|} Sherrit fatten 4.95 only one trump an your hand. ora a then — betes Complete, Reliable and Effi- Been Greeh 5 De-) FOR SALE—21-foot cabin trailer) site in basement. Must be Steep Rock 6.00 |, want bo bet?’ continued Me Sas is Sire gicaa das a cient Service. Also agents for $2995 _ Also 16-foot trailer sold. Apply in person to C Silver Miller LAS Champion. “With a club suit, y § s. p Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. $1,000 Terms may be accepted Graham, 1621 8th Ave. East Sweet Grass lis 107 like I had, you don’t need|trump department to rack up|} for Oxygen, Acetylene and all I Fa if good. Phone Blue 756. (234) arver 6 p.m. (233) Golden Manitou 585 trumps, too. All you have to 10 tricks. welding supplies, SCOT T McLAREN ~~ arene FOR QUICK SALE — 6-r sinensis : oe re CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT . : : FOR SALE ool Sth se Sis ae Ee eaorennnnnee | LINDSAY'S: CARTAGE GAGEMENT NOTICE FOR SALE—Nine volume Book McBride, Terms available. T. ' » 1240 Kilocycles | & STORAGE LIMITED James — a ae Ww. * ‘oeau, 0085) Norton Younes, Real Estate & k| tF Prince Rupert, B.C. ish" _of Knowledge: Red 471. (299) tsurance, Phofies 431 or A4A Ousewor sn un RADIO DIAL | Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues hone 347 P.O. Box 874 | re 230 Est. 1910, Phones 60 and 68 ||] Phone : “A . 7° - ar aa “ ak. ‘ st. EB es A Ol FOR SALE—One crib and mat 4 __ 2) a (Subject to Change) Bans : ‘Ar. and) tress $17.00, one go-cart $4.00, SiaURaneE ven ares ne p eae Rupert both in good condition. Call| , Bee en ae , Feta atta aaa Ma Maa | nlace at 331 8th East. (230) $10 DOWN MONDAY | 11:30 FOR SALE Brick lined eoal Fire, Automobile, Personal Prop-| atrons re er 0 $| ‘<5 CBC News; Weather Report Luxury Steamer ie AN wd: woo heater. Cheat 49 @tty Floater, Liability and all! ' 456 ube aaiar “7 (it). é& it hen 1949n). types of General Insurance are | * oe Ot Denice : = Summit Ave 2390p)" available at reasonable monthly | By ADELAIDE KERR | 5 20-—Turbo-Jet Plant PR \ ( rH iS . . . ote : ayme ) ; m. | ; Buppe : > j FOR SALE—First class furni- payments with only $10 down. | NEW YORK (AP)—Out of 109| ©0—Supper Serenade oR ; 7 sure > wi tr: 2 % : G | 6:15—-Martial Airs | f vefore § Y (22% f : * ‘ ine ve] ents ore than! 7:00-—OCBC Ne i rie rings NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim Armstrong Agencies Ltd. teak ie niieting: at ‘all a ne Panotos Vancouver Mrs ited, Distributors for: Mining,| Real FE “_— o Ins ‘Preae — about housework; more than! 4 65 ea ‘Met aa ; O (All Times Daylight Saving) nd family . £ 1 307 Bre est, Phone 342 ‘ : ay she s| s sg | Eas Sawmill. Logging and Con- ' : half hold jobs, and the husbands} 8:15—Morning Song ntermediate Ports VANCOUVER Ga 2 , actors’ Equipment. Fnquir (249) | of 63 per cent help with the}: 5:30-—-Morning Devaiton: O —— and VICTORIA : : an jes invited. Granville Isiand seeuciaks ———__--—- | housework } ooh Serta dihtoree | Each Thursday SUNDAY ri Vancouver 1, B.C (tf) ACCOUNTANTS a The women also disclosed in a | ju:00--cRC News at 11:15 p.m. ss. Camosun 8 p.m. rhe |” PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income|survey that the husbands of | 10:10—CBC News — KAN FRIDAY Mr FOR SALE Tax specialist, S, G, Wurk,| about four-fifths do not get a| 10:15 rs Co eee Soe aan SS Coquitlam 8 p.m. Mrs. 8 : Stone Building. Red 593. °20m) | regular might out; that one-half | )) jo Weather " Report { Yas ane ‘weteles ALICE ARM, near AND Mr. and! MacIntosh Apples, fancy qual ee : en ————— | think their education failed to} 11:03—-Dance Music | F ' PORT SIMPSO qd Mrs. 0.) jty, $3 “9 bows Alberta po SHERIFF'S SALE | prepare them adequately for |12:00—Sign Off Ann Reservations |] Friday, Camosun, popup - — tatoes, excellent cooker good |IN THE SUPREME COURT OF | careers or home-making and} ree wide For Rese om FOR NORTH Q M M. ik | keepers, $4.29 a sack. These BRITISH COLUMBIA | that, contrary to one of the most} 7:00—. ¢. Pishermen’s Broadcast | Write or Ca CHARLOTTE ISLANDS f ‘ eu prices quoted are delivered to |JOHN GREER, et al jcherished male beliefs, 84 per} 7:15—Musical Clock : ae doren ond 10" ei CITY GR DEPOT Sept. 24, Oct. 8 and Oct. 22 lien: Mr.| your door Plaintiff aa |cent do not want tobe aman. | | a ae a a an Report gh pt dy wher OFFICE - SS Coquitlam, mi ht M visa an an Son ee a j « RT, = INDEPENDENT | PRABORNE SAWMILS Ltd, | _ The wareey wie conducted bby | 8:00-—CHC News | how : — Se aon souTs @ y ant - efende own anc idage, @ .weekiy| 9:40--Here: Re | : f i ; : . HARLOTTE LANDS wee. ft FOOD STORES 'UNDER and by vireo ad a Writ| newspaper covering Stuyvesant Daa ate tee | Se scene te es ee SS Coquitlam a and Midway Grocery, Skeena |of Fieri Facias out of the Su-|jtown and Peter Cooper village,| 9:09—BRC: News and Commentary of British Columbia. Pai Cc — ae, ae ats a — Grocery. Lyons Fine Foods, |Preme ps de . toe Cofmmabig| tuige post-war housing develop-| 9:15 a 1s paisa show" | —————__ -_-__ srahineatoie A a A >| 7 ry K 4. ; Otte : nert Butehere & S Grocery | tO me directed, rave seized Of| ments on East Side Manhattan.| 9:50-—“Dorothy Douglas Sho | Be Quast; Rupert Butchers, D & S ¢ ‘(ae the goods and chattels of the “in . viaaiion | 9:9—Recorded Interlude | GEORGE DAWES NATH 0 fad AL er pane, PAOTRB, | _ defendant .Fraborne . Sawmills | HIG COMES oe ee ae | eM oc SCL arias A sale praise Ee WS ABEL. the satvmill EnoWn-as eras | eee + Pe | 1 :00-—Cottee Time $3 4 pie Mi shade rly , 4 si vita JONEER on rT ae a fe ; Mr. ang Mis. By Pen eR SALE Bi Dail Toe intron, ne ne Tor seven mifles |< eee, Ber ent ptt NE) j0:15——Ridess, of, cid MAP ape?" aa aris and Red 127 i Ars’ Lund and|- Skates, size 4, $7.00. Worn six | Yorne se ee eee ‘ounty| Women who participated are in |10:30-ptusiedl . Program oe Anton Tay-| times, like new. Phone Black| South of Terrace, in the County! +16 $5 990-$10,000 income brack- 10:45--Rtobiir’ Hood's Musical Kitchen | ) abeth ‘Me-| 825 (931) of Prince Rupert, complete with et and all have incomes of $3,000) 2:94 Rindereet en of the Air esi shi — MC | : v t power plant and accessories, in-| ~~ * . : : we iq, | Liilo=-Roundup Time ° Sd; Ruth Benson; /#OR SALE—Pair Kodiak boots|ventory of which may be seen |© above. The average age of the | 11:30-—Weather Report | t inese Be Sena es size 10. Write Box 513 Daily/at the office of the Sheriff, ary oan is - nae the nent Se eis phate | ; p, Vners ASsocla-| News (234p) }at the offices of Robert F. Du-} number of children jin their} jaca S anuicuen Wacdies | ° i i Cp) FOR SALE “ane fie waa {Mont, barrister and °° and | families is .88. lpm ot oe | Photo Finishing Chop Suey Chow Mein N MEMOR manger Sewing MA-|Vosburgh, barristers, errace, | x ne ee renorted | 12:00--Mid-day Melodies | se . a | chine $40.00. Black 790 B.C., together with buildings, PO Sgt oaneaie oF nt eee 2:15 CBC News : : @ Open 6 pan. = 3:90 am . of Arthur| (231p)| fire fighting equipment, and ‘ eitet Atte ayo a it Program Resume | vay Gente oh Searcy nett : > “ke | ‘ na a he mt | C. Farm Broadcas . 1949 vay Septem-' OR SALE—2 Venetian blinds ae gal gerd ee ne said they do not. enjoy it. The re- | Rec. Int DFVELOPING, PRINTING ® x oa take away | {20,43 x 72, cream color. Prac-| first day of October, 952, on! mainder said that they definitely | ‘The Concert Hour | ENLARGING HOLLYWOOD CAFE a holds dear. | Ag ara ia agop) | the premises above described I do. Philip Watts Huritone EXPOSURE METERS nger every day, | Deietncinben 2 | aes See Lee. ae ee Of the 62 per cent who hold party Line | AMATEUR SUPPLIES PLEASURE For Outside Orders Phone 133 him near.|FOR SALE — Household furni-|or te he r 2:00) 9 2 rork hecause ecords & andc Josie, Cis,| ture. Reasonable. Quick sale.|o'clock in the Pyne nase bd — a Sey” Gnd ot a ee | Phone Green 136 Box 478 IN . 7 ‘ “4 ; ys interes 0 1e | A " ’ aus fond Show = eee ee (230) vid ‘defendant in and. to the| economic necessity. The rest. re- Charen’ Proven | SPARKLING NEW PERSON AL |FOR SALE—17 ft. 2 wheel box | said goods and chattels. Terms| ported they work partly a oe . = . armen NI een a SURROUNDINGS JOHN H. trailer suitable for hunting or! of sale cash and subject to the|it is necessary and partly be- overnight camping. Sleeps -' Social Security and Municipal) cause they wanted to. Fo: the MEAL that REFRESHES Commodore Cafe AU tle O}) heat. 6:16 tires. Apply H. F. Ketch-| aid Tax. e ave ue O} at- : ixty-thre er t have a ' Meet ny work ‘eet esen, Port Edward, B.C. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., a si nme 2 . = tol i ‘ : | 30 Bt} ie 99 os : nO gular family budget and stic ' : Letourneau (229p) | this 23rd Oey See — to it. More than half save regu-|]} 4 BES] aT st erenrienneiadedliimesiadiitisigiaiibibiedpceuabiac z ; : than half save reg ' ‘ mn _ “f)|FOR SALE—Young roller ean-| ea the larly. : - Optometrist Slack coal. a re ee ben an County of Prince Rupert) saaRE INTERESTS OF Train Schedule ‘ o4h 5t ; st. 903. ( ___ (929) | (220) Of the 69 per cent who hold FOOD STANDARD TIME ) ecninceripeiereeceimaee tannin " , | college degrees, 91 per cent are ast— wf ie FOR SALE—Washing machines, | cae 99 Skee ceil akes oe East t Sunda . John Bulger Ltd. adtes, stoves, chesterfield suites, bed- : z y except Sunday....? p.m e room suites, kitchen suites, | Discussing home life, 80 per FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 From the Kast— Third Avenue ‘ YOu tried ot and all household furniture. | cent said they shared regular|] , Daily except Monday 9:50 p.m Hai; Stulic a Green 894—324 8th West. | interests with their husbands; ; BROADWAY CAFE ae Y just don’ to 229) | 37 per cent said they had no dif- ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS * GON t come cine Mak 2h Pinna € ferences with their husbands, 21 ; ’ zierceeenne c Jan. . Green 960} S wii S, any better ig ge + ye tl per cent differed over relatives, BLONDIE. By CHIC YOUNG IT . (c) 17 per cent over “rebellious atti- r on : "| faeee ape % oS ND} WELL LIFT THE COVERS a Cc ” : : nt ‘ .\ ye rt ft — . ) _— “ tudes,” 10 per cent over discip- ith wm om! GOING WITH THOSE? SEE JOOWN HERE ANDO APPLY , ALBERTA Foothill Coal. Dry lining the children, nine per cent ’ coy ICE CUBES, y——~ A_FEW ICE CUBES | DELIV- ( Dagwoon, ) : erry’s at sac ka Gtip) | over sex. (he. IVE CALLED Y T MAMA? y=? TO THE FEET in } Lene ’ a | Sixty-eight per cent said they eo 3RyoU TWICE 1¢ ue pi eee K THE pre ween See eect took active pleasure in sex; 21 2 a, p h DEY a BATTERY SERVICE pct per cent reported only passive a gil Phone 855 RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East| enjoyment. ; pre ' 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- ip nein Sina oe from airs. rechare § re uild. | Super... pairs, recharging and rebuild- | ; ." ing. Work guaranted. (ce) ean a tejoer-otd can i heme orem ingreeciinnnif testing ups ek -year- 8 (228¢) ~~ ~~ & ora Go—| court here said “ Thave done no e CASh fo. : oodyear tires, tubes, batter- work f y s because [ am NY | 7 burnt out) ies, hose, belting, accessories, cae aE ene ade eae ! lectrieg Wome” st rubber matting, secon v- “Good Heavens A man.of 68 Pho: ’ » ao . Phone : WHE Blue 39) ne 4 a. =. Second Ave (c) is not old nowadays.” west