' ~_— A a] eo eee Saree Trespassing Wah Sandy oldtimer Prince knows piaces Besides and an Rupert, what being an authority on Jack Fuller it’s like to live in is announced For the first time since he injured in an accident at Kemang last May 10, Jack Mc Rae donned his navy uniform to attend a dance Saturday night. Jack, who served aboard the Royal Navy aircraft carrie HMS Puncher i commanding HMCS Chatham Art Murray is wondering if WAS during the war office at his new son is stalling or per haps a little backward. Arthur Ji is three weeks old and hasn't started to work yet Olie Varfeldt has been try- ing to get f away for a vacation and finally boarded the Coquitlam for Vancouve where he will take visit Denmark, for a week plane to Germany and Sweden. He'll be away about ix weeks Howard Bary ieft vith hi Africa Zoo Train on Satu night aiver a week-long More than 4,300 people walk through the train. He zOir to stop at Terrac first and then after covering the Okan agan district Vancouve! will arrive in n Oct. 20 A Portland who was luring the Oregon man here on summer wants to come back and set ip nes He a vacation a bDuUSsI- isnt sure what he wants to do, but says if he can’t go into business, he’d lik to come up and “at lea build @ cabin” so he can return 2ach year to fish and hunt H thinks Prince Rupert ha erything for a holiday resort Rewland Miles thought h had a lot of work making everything was in order for the Alaska Music Trail concert but he even busier now He's leading light in arranging fo the one-night membership drive by the Civic Centre Asso ciation this Thursday Bill Stene and Dr. R. G. Large are set to tell the citizens all the centre in a radio broadcast tomerrow night 100-Year-Old Lady Feels, Acts Lively ,MONTREAL ( Mrs Sanetuary of sjtead is annivers about suburban celebrating her 100 ary, but you A fine look ig snowy-white hair, Mrs ary is confined to her she’s lively and very terested in the world and iis affairs. A widow since she was. 35, sh¢ had four children, three of whx are living. She looks at the rising gene: tion with a good-natured eye “Any words of advice for them?” she said, repeating - question “I should say not. wouldn’t listen anyway. find out the hard way.” Agnes Hamp would tak her for a much younger woman lady, wit Sanctu- chair, but much in- They Let them ine ly __Recives’ We yroud ¢ hi ecipe be cause ike e very bes f Rai Cara- A Sf ) nc rn out so perfec be anr ed with vourself for 1 z before this a hit with the family you'll be the star performer Raisin Caramel Rolls 2/3 cup seedless raisins 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1/4 cup granulated sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt cup shortening cup milk tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup brown sugar (packed) 1 tablespoon corn syrup Rinse raisins and drain, Sift ~ Willi 5 Evans, Mrs. Norah Bond and/| Thurber Album hj p face, . Papen igo Davison W ist rize eedat Sailboat Next big event to be staged by Yo “ Trip Br ee 3 ia : bie the CWL is the fall bazaar to be | cashire Landscape—-Lofthouse 3 a ee oe a held O¢t. 7 and 8 at the An-| and a Villa—Clark; Journe Lee ee gs ¢ . } ow i ay | Sun-—Chando Heart of Asia-—An- | priz al ne Warm-~-uy VLC nunciation School. The regular | o.ws- My India--Corbett: The Ge hint’ ari : Id weekly card games will start aj, of Canada—Robinson; This is) ,) emis few weeks later Liddell; Quest for the Lost | ie .+emp! 2 Ci Lamb; Wilderne Home- Second lad pri vor eader Kavanaugh Lov - by Mi yiVia Johns¢ A 8 quer Nothing—-Hahn Witn Ole Tweed and A. B man / Chamber East and West eng ’ fu ent mits A Few Buttons Missing Fisher; WON mens first ana second pr? “Daddy, what's the mystery Photobiography Beaton; . Letters, respectively. Refreshments wert 7 ates Journal and Conversation Bee - ciaied by Mrs. F. Good and Mr of the Cat in the Bag’ verest l thoven; The Life and Times of King 7 Holdet “Wait till tomorrow. You'll George VI; The Sultan of Morocco T) Mo Le a & Landau; The Younger Sister—Win: Ne MOOSE t) BEA see. LONDON @ enne Neam Miranda: World Citizen—Thornin begins Oct. 18 made a hace fl a Ov Mount fighter anyone Everest in his Spitfire plane but he never told about it He feared discip! by the RAF because he territory in the Himala tains which had been ry action flew ove ya moun-'! ruled out- of-bounds A friend let the cat out of the bag by producing notes from Neame’s diary and photos to add weight to the claim ' — . eat Gut ta ae Neame, now a medical student ; : me in London University, says he g Ad ind milk, and doesn’t fear any trouble now wiki: o rectangle since he’s been out of the ser- — ov read With vice for some time ' ind pri i ”" J . - - ‘ } I nor Ro from long Neame Look picture of the ide, as for jelly roll. Cut into world’s tallest mountain—more 1 es, Spread remaining ‘Man 29,000 feet—through the te 8.inc} quare pan plastic top of his cockpit Combine brow igar and corn spread over buttr cut ide down in Bake in moderately he red ers ) degree F abou a5 Turn ou igar side up. ; @ Canadian Legion Card party Public Speaking h h m a- a This advertisement is not publ erie start Wednesday, October 1, 8 p.m. Legion Auditorium Evervone welcome (230) Centre @ Civic Membership Classes Open Drive Thursday, October 2 at 7 p.m. All those willing to help n ’ are urged to contact the Civic by the Prince Rupert Centre (1t) J ) Chamber of Commerce a will hold its first session at 7:30 @ All those who join the Civic AS at Civie ¢ Centre before October 18 have T f pen to both ® chance to win a radio donated me i vomel by Nobles (1t) lished or deplayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governemnt of British Columbia Woman Food Expert On Mass Feeding in ian and British to Lecture Canadians Case of Atomic Raid ‘ nutritional expert on/ ed the Ord PRESTON, Hartley, in man of two mills in this Lanca- I ° . Don’t F By HEATHER GRIME ences it nizing homemakers; Her plan got its _ aan shire city, gave each of his 600 all fir he LONDON, (Reuters)—Canad- | to “ wide net-/test on a small scale recently | workers 40 shares in the business local f el American housewives wo en er kitchens when it cared for the hunadrec ‘|The share are currently worth so sma itior yon receive advice from a Miss Walker, who was award-| left without food ol shelter bY 4s 9q each on the market strapped lad i British Em-| a flood in Lynmouth, Devon. If Pt a Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, Septembe; 29, 1959 England (CP).—Ed- HARROG 88-year-old chair- GATE Office A WORD TO THE Wig This is the time of year at Tre to check your FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES. e Be sure to see the fine selection at— THE ea haley pu ere ' where it's either too hot or too mass emergency catering in) pire for her | helping feed! war come the organi ut lon cold case of an atom bomb raid, it/ Britain in wart since 1948: would be immediately doubled Prince Ru} las beer was announced today. has enlisted a 61,000-memti in size igned abeut its weather from Edith Walker, chief adviser of arn f housewives who can Washington's civil defence ad outsiders, says the 83-year-old the food ministry, will Jeave’ swi int tion at a moment's; ministration, recognizing her resident, but we don’t get Oct. 8 for.a visit to Canada and’ not itilizin é yf food time work, has arranged for nowed in during the winter a lecture tour of the United! stock: d at | ints all ove Mi Walker to appear befor« ner do we have to put up with States to recount her _ experi-| Britain public health groups, C.D.A, em the hot weather they have in ployees and other official bod South Africa where you have as he on guard af all times ew oo Ss e to e ves Then she will spend 10 days for snakes and ants : in Ottawa as guest of the Can There’s many a worse place adian Health and Welfare De than Prince Rupert, he told rince U, ert I vary partment, which controls civil reg” : i Bed defence Mr. Fuller lived in New Bed- ’ ford, Mass., for five years and Recent addition to the Prince 17 , , Her invitation follows the Mass I yeal € ‘ ( Y y r } + car rin spent 31, years of his life in Rupert Public Library number ‘ k La isit last year of Ameri an and South Africa 105 new books among which are tie | nann; Act Canadian scientists, food ex- 17 fiction, 53 non-fiction and/to N I h; P r the) perts and defence officials to Another oldtimer, veteran 35 juvenile volume 4 io Monsoon | Study emergency feeding plans newspaperman Bill Raymond Among the adult fiction book! s é in K ! here says there’s no centre in th —* - Sa ey Yl authe is Canada Thomas Cana I I Harkine back to the day ‘ west that has greater promise | GOOD VIEW—Four young members of Toronto’s Fairbank | Costain outstanding — historic Ce ie he London blitz, Miss Davis will than Prince Rupert Prest J Choir had a good view over the fiction writer who's latest novel Ma 1 sare; | Also explain “curbside cooking Editor of the old Empi | A ele by two caber-tossing Scots |is “The Silver Chalice.” ‘ ‘ Be B with the aid of such improvised many years until it was sold ‘ Braema in nd. The young choristers. Other new books are: . J lalerials as bomb rubble, mud five years ago, Mr. Raymond , six return to Canada this week after FICTION Sort W for C) id old tin cans, is going to retire from active : pA ‘s - Barbary Hoard by Appleby; The | ,, M the V She explained today that the I i and at Scotland hich included : ides—-Broo BSC rom | + ‘ ‘ , work this week. He’s been in ; ities _ Tides——Broogs; Escape Prom | ; ( I launted I British organization depends re i] erf nance before the Queen at Braemar. They also Burt; The Long Memory ( T k M : the business 52 years. A veteran ; . . ’ oe > asi Clewes; Matador—Conrad; The Sil- ‘ Child——D heavily on local officials, hand! of the Boer War, he has gs n ing at the Edinburgh Festival CP PHOTO ver Chalice—Costain; The Last Rev- |. D jare ing rangements for no more xe ince 1909 anc 5 olution—Dunsany; Dead Men's Plans Y k ~ I id t sec a Vv ve or a in Rupert since 1909 and a _Rhethict: ‘fen Ganiaecar maa o re han a ection of a village o many memories. He’s going Golding; The Soft Voice of the Ser- F ( I t Hambilet city block They would be en continue writing his column ir a e $ 0 on irs alfa e pent—Gordimer; The Quiet Gentle-| , I M it I extensive authority in times of for the Daily News and he mal Heye Catherine Carter : f the Py emergency and have a thorough ‘ j ; : Johnson Madame Serpent-—Plaidy ' i La have a daily routine of some Rage of the Soul--Sheean; The Far |‘ re . : ag rounding in improvisation _ onig nt—. oO s nto e Country-—Shute; The Golden Hand ’ M McCloskey; Tr Commercial and publicly-owned Mr. Raymond arrivec Simon; Lo : ae ut tering facilities would be bit the old Princess May Aveuke cade ne ‘Your naar Gee eee | Thunder Mountain—Pal-/ placed entirely at their dis- says if he had the chance he'd | georetica ' Se i Dicest and Unwoubliae fiecaeee: Oe Fos & Dr acces sal live the same life all over |, , t a. ee ee yp f The Greatest Book Ever hnaw fi Bi , a ' hangal toni 50 90YS ; : os . . Q paw Fly ha Vesenti fo uffs 1 lied again eee Ae are uccessfu a Written—Oursier; Canada's Econ-! ., chin Wadena ion Fi Essential foodstuffs ee Stal te sake ah Cee ma ) parade Ol) my in a Char World—Gibson; | yy tes y ie Ta H »y the food convoys would con- AsKed lO speak about upt Prince el let Squad- J Ihe Universe mm; Beginning He Carpenter ' t chiefly of tea, margarine on a new series of programs . Archaeolc yon Reducing . : apse . ee ee , mat 7 m —~IaAgec mt oe ; Y {—Lar [ i nh up powder, canned milk, pr being prepared for the CBC Anuimendt Officer Dick Gar- Y } Cookbook anc Guide Miller M hi Pr I Amer i r . a nee : by Bob Harlow, regional pro- a : ‘a a a I o Hely Alc holi Earl Whi { a 1 | aut inn bean : f 1us m among the af Radio n -Norri When | , nd veretable ducer at Vancouver, he said he | jy, is exceptional ar is con- althoti« Jalen Dogs } er: Solving! * a * didn’t know his interview was | fic essful A successful rumn ys | the Higt len; The| New in Model Boat B heing eC $ es 7 geome? ny a West Coa : Brown; The . ‘ matte , a 2 — and 56 i A Cade Sponsoring staged by the Catholic W . Bookman | Swinnerton a RAWLEY, € 1d (CP) iter h alc ome things | Con t ts tonigi League Saturday in spite of ad-| Complete Book Built-ins— Hen- ed in cleaning out a ream About the city before he had | anq vi he squadron later verse weather conditions nessey; American F oben Dose , , ae t eon ee much time to think about |j, ¢} é ; : Radio Plays for Young People a M L ung through this newly-con~ then ' at). Wase «4 s ; Under convenorship of M kett: The Amateur M Hand- rs. arsen : ce 2 Poe oo : 1 A three- drive for funds w J. Galbraith the arrange book-—-Hay: Fields of Browe! ; tru i town workme! un is comments will be heard pens Oct. 1 E nNOS 7 7 The 30th Anniversar er . : i thed a sword which experts t — ments committees consisted of i i \nniversar s : eartineda a word whicn cpert when the new ogram serie gest Reader—Reader ‘4 eet een Mrs. George Fleming, Mrs. Lloyd | /,, ‘ ae et INS a es ay dates back to the bronze age ireat Occasiou eM eae Kehr’ MS ha TTL Lyon ll —— “GRAEN NUTS Repeater-action six shooter with Roy Roger name on side. Takes 50 shot cap roll. Finger release breaks barrel. Nickel-plated finish; inlaid burt. Texan holster has tooled leather front \ \aie jewel and nickel studs. Leather belt with cli \ “A of red bullets. ‘ \ t SEND $1 bill or postal note (no stamps) i with a GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES boxtop and iress PRINTED clearly 4 ¥ f name and ad piece of paper to: GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES, 1 i COBOURG, ONTARIO y Money will be refunded if stocks are exhausted f Otter Canada MOTHERS . kiddies love the SUG AROAST ED flavor of Gra ats Flakes. They're nourishing, too! Try them today, —— go0d Oniy in ey a FLAKES | oot A Product of Genero! Foods ROY ROGERS King of the Cowboys ma AB Ke re i eres PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP VISIT THE COW BAY STORE MERCHANDISE AT ABSOLUTE THROW-AWAY PRICES GENTS GABARDINE (11) ()_ Kersey Jackets . $10.45 Genis Dress Shirts $2.95 Kersey Stags Gents’ Sport Shirts $3.95 31h. Wool Socks . pair %5c BLACK and BROWN GORE OXFORDS pair §8.35 BOOTS and OXFORDS, wide fitting, pair $7.50 STROLLER BATTERY RADIOS, Marine Band, . . $89.95 Be Sure To See These And Many More Bargains In Sale Period From OCTOBER Ist to 10th (NO RETURNS — NO EXCHANGES) SOI SE ET LS I TER ELS ‘ Such Getaway | ESSO and ESSO EXTRA—there’s no Backed by Imperial Oil's better buy! 72 years of refining experience . . . by the most extensive research... the most modern refineries. Buy anywhere in Canada at the sign that says quality —the ESSO sign. "Glad | PRODUCTS switche fo Olt GASOLINES” OF IMPERIAL Smoke Player's and your taste will tell you what mildness really means ! Player's are made from Virginia tobaccos, specially selected bec they are milder. a And Player's freshness brings out “a flavour of these milder tobaccos - - vi Player's the mildest and best tasting °9 you can smoke] the costliest ouse ‘ wc PACK THE NAME ‘ohn Player & Sons ON THE ye £1 IS YOUR GUARANTEE THAT EVERY ( |GARETTE