- fe Mmuperrmt Vatiy Monday, Septemimper 2y, lvoz INES ty Approves New Concrete Jowalk For Second Avenue sidewalk 81% feet wic 1+ le is being built nd Avenue between First and Second Streets. ind plans for@ A changed on the sidewalk 17 feet would be council after! too expensive at this time plant own-| . oes ) ( ion to: eae Council voted 7 to 1 to build the sidewaik 81 assume , feet wide and one-third of the cost of | the portion in front of the lock er plant. Retaining walls will be | built at each side of property nd the side- nr arty 3 ] property 1 of the locke; nan George) plant portion the public 4 ( ight the Mr. Stewart also explained proug mi gs = 1 a ) council]; 2@t. Imperial Oil Company ee Limited, which owns property on the corner at Second Street portion re- has agreed to assume the cost ecessary tO of material needed to strength- ; walls and) en the cement content at place f me discussion | where heavy trucks cross : ne-thire cost The company, however, so far has not announced the type of Casey took building or whether it intend : nstruction of |to build any structure on the ing it should) property. not me width seiner steninbaetinaerpes ty front of the Civic 4 LONDON (CP)—Britain’s post works super- men are to be supplied -with a ounick requirements. Economy is achieved since no basement or fuel storage apace needed, and often the entire homney apd beatin, ducts can fonibletély elimiffated. Every house is, Of course, different, but on the average, for ‘existing homes, the cost of electric heat installation is usually less than other systems. For new construction, savings jwp to $500 are possible, due to ease and simplicity of dnstalla- ition, and elimination of chim- neys, furnaces, ducts and fuel storage bins or tanks. With electric heat installed, | maintenance troubles are avoid- ‘ed, There are no level problems and nothing that can leak or freeze. Depreciation and main- jtenance is only two per cent compared to about eight per cent |with other forms of fuel-fired |heating systems. parti ‘| Considering actual operating | costs, apart from the savings ef- lfected in annual depreciation Memory Rings True ) For Canuck Visitor | SHAPINSAY, Orkneys, Scot- lland (CP)—William Drever of | Medicine Hat, Alta., left the tiny Orkney Island of Shapinsay for Canada 61 years ago. He was a jlittle boy, Through the years in western | |Canada he remembered @ vision lof his old home—of a stone-flag- |eed floor and a particular stone |of special shape, | But he wasn't sure if the stone | floor was one of those tricks of /the subconscious mind, | He wanted to visit Shapinsay |again so he crossed the Atlantic and went to the old homestead. He knelt on the floor and ex- jamined the flagstones. Sure lenough. It was there—the pec- lular stone. His childhood reco- jlection had been accurate, | first half lengthwise and then ‘British Paper | ‘Replaces Ads With Newspage © | MANCHESTER, Eng. — Man- {chester Guardian, one of Brit- jain’s leading newspapers, today fannounced starting Monday | there will be news on front page, linstead of solid mass of classi- fied ads. | Editorially, the Guardian ex- }plained the move was aimed at |gaining inereased circulation. , | IT PAYS ' Dependability —Our Keynote Our thorough training and many years of ex- perience combine to the kind of service so im- assure you sure portant to the perfect operation of the plumbing in your home. Call us any time. Phone 174 SMITH and ‘fj ELKINS LTD. i P.O.Box 274 | TO ADVERTISE WINDOWS & SASH Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts by installing STORM WINDOWS—now. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 215 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 | | | | | | WE $ WHEN WE THINK THAT YOU'LL BE COLD 844 Summit Phone Blue Lag Wouldn't Stand Out In This Driving Rain te protect any investment. the wind and rain . be here? SEE US TODAY PRINCE RUPERT HOME BUILDERS Third Avenue and Cow Bay WHY PAY MORE CHESTERFIELD FACTORY AND SAVE All our chesterfield suites are Terms Arranged To Suit Your Budget YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD MADE LIKE NEW You Phone—We Call PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY. 330 2nd Ave. West A ear is a large investment to any person today. It is commen sense Why not see us today about erecting a garage to protect your car from .. and the snow that will soon EBY & SONS LTD.|/ Phone Blue 156 e iy Bruc ryon- THE mises, . Coil) HoDs|> 293 - LET US SOLVE YOUR | PROBLE! ee a a Kans eee 5 Tee 2. Gee oe a BS R My rf V E eee Soe THIS WINTER WITHOUT STORM WINDOWS & DOORS © AND WITH NO INSULATION IN YOUR HOME WELL FEEL BETTER THOUGH AND YOU'LL BE COMFORTABLE IF YOU WINTERIZE YOUR | HOME NOW For all vour Winterizing Needs—See " Albert & McCaffery Ltd. o® Island City BUILDERS SUPPLIES WHERE SERVICE TO YOU IS A PLEASURE TO US : ee