LASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER ADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISTs “PERSONAL, ied Rates Fr Tre mere . { pm. day pre- cr PERSON who received re oe G n ; : ” wy rel from - i Aandis Studio during the per word per eek of Nov. 17-21 w ‘ i. migra f Noy. 17 will retarn num eharge 50 then t th, handler they will recelve their own (286) ) cents; Cards = NW th Ip . th Notices JOIN me Prince Rupert group Marriage and ‘ _Alcoholic pnonivn ous to nouncementa, Pr ine tech ‘ ) Box 1611 rin Rupert (286) wible price INFORMATION W ANTED ~~~ ANYONE knowledge of NE w ‘nowledge of the CEMENTS whereabe to Peter Thoma “* * heard from at Prince Ru . pert 1943, kindly communi te with Box 572. Daily New Fish Dinner, (i) oe AGENTS WANTED : a tek i) WW @10480 Gail Sang Super-Sox with ama 5 I r ¢ rant Al nplete line of test weate fashions and tadis amcor tionally guaranteed nylon No itivestment is require bye Send for free sales kit or send $5.00 for our complete master ites Kit with samules, Super “ Sox Canarc 18 York Si ! * THANKS nea 1 1 a0 ee ee ACCOUNTANTS Store - sala eir dona- MURLIC ACOMUE TANT Yheome Tan sherbet m4 fl Work ent A Stone Aotiding Tet OR “Sorn,) B« itp BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop. 144 Fast VT NOTICI Sr Ave, Phone Blue 194. Re } Were, reehoreiz rel rebalid Ra f Prine nie Work riaronted fr) eldest CARS FPOK SALE io M . aly FOR SALE af Chev. Deluxe 1H. Per ean 13.00) ! je heater EC. The rat covers. Real bay, cash or Wed tenn Appl Cari MeByer hy Prince Rapert Hote (2828p) Angica FOR SALI 1961 @hevroiet LDF : ecan with radio, heater, C; : } been Wihterizged and is in : A~1 condition, Must be seld by H NOTICE wer is leaving " eit tHom 9, Commer: H Mr. and’ Mrs tel RAD Jean Derry : Gener LOST AND POUND i Thanks LOST—Child's red “Leade Phone Blue 644. Reward 286) RSUNALS LTT Ne Toter Theatre Wee t t in wallet Jewell ‘ i paper nag money Beaner rieect wre Phone 740 wh? wt) or Bine 806 Itp Di POR SALE talon We FOR SALE.8 11.P. Easthope en +t. gine r np. Box Da New 287; Eddie's e) TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES, SPECIAL CLEAR ) ANC (i Standard Model : ' writ ilar price i : £175.00 uy w oniv $49.50 r Bi t Re t Under #9 : Standard ‘ } cle res : ‘ 0 pecially re- : i ” ef New Int ; in R P ihe niv $60.50 ? i . eae , nt to pa’ Lightning : ctf, lenk hk f : Ma hine : only $19.05 1 ' ; ; teed De evening rexeit 45.00 i rder, balance Phone co Writ Crown Eouip 97 i ‘ t i011 Bileury r ‘ Mor Quebec CLEANER 288) cireen 960 wins ) FOR SALI Three-niece dark , terfield ite ight Phor 4 at 210 re be sur } 293) : TOR? " FOR ALI yn alle 16 ft woOT A ne th St ‘ DOY d 289p) ma array of TY STORE.| SALE of Drygoods and Shoes at (289) Nelson Brot ' tore at Port Edward commencing Decem tie off heat-| er 4 Large selection at big work. Phone] gqiseount. Store hours 10:39 Letourneau am. to 12:30; 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 ‘tf pm (286) floors sanded FOOTHILLS (sootiess) coal ‘ler boxes M-| prone 651, Philpott vitt & ms Ltd, Phone Co. Ltd ic) (798) |... . " REAL ESTATE Xmas Trees : \iuminised, Order) POR SALE.—Ten-room house, “th. Don't be fully furnished. Four rooms Phene TMC for self. Revenue $200 per (2798p) month. Can be increased. Rea- sone » price, Red 816. (286) 11 Works. Mo-| sonable price rewound and| POR SALE—Four-room home ee vs : isle mn (tf)! nearing completion on Park} VANCOUY ER P—A “love on mA ’ Avenue. Owner leaving town, | containing he names of & Pa Tan Cash price $4500. For appoint~- imen, some saigi to be prominent, fa hate’ duane. ment to view, Box 575, Dailyjwas produced as evidence In ta PARME e * i¥* ' } . Me Sa a Pel. isi New (tp); police court in the trial of a “ kil the roots : “li woman charged with Keeping a nd cont uns no FOR RENT disorderly house in her apart- , LorBeer | = veeret “ a rnish- ant . i} wnan.| FOR RENT—Two-room furnish- | ment vile, Vanoge: ed suite. Working couple pre-| Two morality squad officers - ferred, Apply 1344 8th Ave.) testified Friday they found the Northlana Dairy,| Bast (286) | names in a little blaék book in ry except Sun-| ‘ king t mdr window ‘hae after your|FOR RENT -— Large cee Se en will look after! room, coal range, central. )S0) ae GTS MA e ne cool ‘All kod Quiet persons only Phone} Satuesque, titian-haired Diana (tO) | Green 727 after 3 p.m. (1tp) | Frew, 27, was charged with own- re | ~iing the West End apartment. GLASS CO. Glass}FOR RENT~-—Furnished three-| yarene Young, 21-year-old sten- es. Phone 426..| room suite for quiet pi ‘| ographer, and Sadie Wardrop, (301); Phone Blue 377 (287) | so were charged as inmates, ¥ - - | , gg ot Y etinines ly some clothes| SINGER SEWING ¢ ENTRE rent Names of the bdericherenie ee écome too small} portable machines, P hone} not read out in court, but police te also shoes and| 864. (¢) | said some were prominent citi- Pin ou want to sell, | . er > ck | zens : : : umigfant, General; ROOM FOR RENT—Phone BIEY |” 1. ofticers said idiosyneracies Pr ei Rupert, and) 785 7 lof the clients and amounts paid hm, OOdtags, = We willl poR RENT—Light housekeeping | were entered in the book be- b>, '¢ Se@them at your! room, 221 Sth East (286) | cide the names, (itp) } . The ground floor suite Was) y finer: etnias | 7 DT ENT | ; rock a8 a rde® Avon Products | WANTED 70 BE _| watched for a week. The detec- 2nd Ave West Only five) WANTED TO RENT — Family’ tives said they stood on an apple ” Christmas or-| with four children, three} box to see what Was going on (287p)| ae ape, desire furnished | inside . ; Bit occentiaes |. Benool bpd gee? ently. Room| The case was adjourned until ‘TR cleaning. Blue suite or house urge cen et ‘Wednesday (290p) 70, Prince Rupert Hotel (287p) inext Weanesaay, NG 4:30 PM Court Hearing DAY PREVIOUS WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT married urgently Young no children y require small, unfur nished suite. Permanent gov- ernment i employee. Phone 37 Domes. (2871p) couple HELP WANTED—FEMALE_ CASHIER, with sales experience preferable Apply B.C. Power Co. Ltd Besner Block, City Northern Room 15 (200) | ~ WORK WANTED—PEMALE GENERAL 7 work Grade Daily office clerk desires 24% years experience: 12 education. Box 570 { New (2866p) WANTED WANTED TO BUY Four- or five ‘room house, cement base- ment. Close to school prefer- ably. C. R. Jetter, Sourdough Bay (2900p) WANTED-.850 ft maple floor- ing. George Muma, General Delivery (289p WANTED Tilt-arbor circular iW 2 or 10 inet with or without mot Box @9, Dally New (286nc) CAGH for seran brass nonper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543, Call 630 6th Avenue West City ir) WANT TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for serap iron teel, brass, copper, lead, ete Honest grading. Prompt pay ment made. At Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van BA Phone PAcific (HA) ED ver 6357 LAND REGMITRY AeT rtiflent ! , 2904-1 to i ur from th publication hereof Pr . Ce t f woe ‘ rtific Titie th Heu of aol t Certif made ti) me t TED ot the Land I Pr Rupert. BC. wt j f N ber, 1962. A.D ANDREW THOMPSON t AUCTION Timber Sale There « ‘ fte Public Anetict Priday, January SAL s 5768 Pore Prince R NB.15 4.20.27 ACTION SALI Timber Sale X57567 Love List’ Bared in Moral PEP SA SS BPE SSAALPPBPIORP CEPR cies RADIO DIAL Subject to Change) SATURDAY PM 5:20--CBC Sports Page 5 :50--Piano Playhouse 6:00-—CBC News 6:05-—Hiockey Broadcast 7:30-—Organ Music 6:00-—"Whatcha Know, Joe’ §°30--Prairte Schooner °:00-—-NBC Symphony Orch, 10:60--CBC News 10:10-—CBC News 10:15--Canadian Short Stories 19 :30--Danecing Party 11:00---Weather Report 11:03-—Otub 1240" 12 :00-—-Second Portion—Ciub “1240° SUNDAY AM. v-—Bign Of Ann ct 6:30-—Sunday Morning Recital 9°90--BBC News and Commentary 9:15-—Rainly About Books }.30--HMarmony Harbor 9:5%—Time Signal '10:00-—B. C. Gardener 10:16—Just Mary | 10:30--Way of the Spirit 11:00-—CBC News 11 :30-—Religious Period PM 40 Philharmonie Symphony Ae Caly Speaking 2-00 1 Yarns 2:30. hi Boat 3 00 . $:05-—~Agk 1 Weatherman Bt Weather Forecast 4 UN On the Record 3 Winnipeg Sunday Concert 2 Ht oe “fuimper tabi 5:00--Sunday Chorale 10 6:00 00 c or On 0 1 Woo k's P if When D is Done it 00 Weat hep «i BS ff MONDAY A.M 110-—B ¢ Pishermen'’s Broadesst Musical Clock i 30—CRS News; Weather Report 7 35-~M ieal Chock as i CBC New O-— Mere Bill Good Morning Bong vi Morning Devotions a4 Little Concert 9:00--BBC News and Commentary 9:16—Reeorded Intertude eae Derothy Dougias Shviw* 9$30-—-Harmony House 9:59-—-Time Signal 1) 00-—Morning Vinit 10:15---Musieal Propram 10:30--This Week's Artist o4 Musiesl Kitchen 11 :00-3Kindergarten of the Al 11:15—-Roundup Time 11 30--Weather Report il 3l--Message Perwxl 1 Rec. Int 4 Scandinavian Melodies PM (:00-—Mid-Day Melodies 2 CBC News 12:25-—Program Resume 0-~—-B.f Farm Broadcast 25 Ree. Int it~ The Comeert Hour i446 t Christmas Roundup 5) mu 3 a0 1 Matinee 4:35 4:30 ¥y of the Seven Bisters 44 News; Weather Report Girl Suieisebibe After Trying Faith PPPPEIPPIO EEL PIP LL II PEED for finessing. Only one spade impossible. Nobody but a man- : Ki man— was missing—the king. And if, ™ hearts. “No spades, partner?” But wait. Mr. Muzzy followed SARRIE, Ont Mrs. David Taylor says her daughter died | after she gave up insulin treat- ments to seek a cure by faith Mr Taylor said Wednesday her 19-year-old daughter, Mary, diabetic since the age of three, sought a cure by faith after lis- tening to an itinerant preacher. tied 48 hours later, girl attended meetings by Pastor the mother Said. Sun- did not take sulin as she had been doing for 15 years, She died Wednesday after the traveling pastor left the district. Pastor Holmes is a member of the Voice Healing Association Holmes day she The group has as associate A.C mentioned last January after a Winnipeg couple was chasged with murder in a prayer-session slaying of their foster daughter rhey later were acquitted be- eause of insanity. A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now ; ... so you'll be ready when the southeasters roar. Thom Sheet Mefal LIMITED Try Daily News Want Ads | i D. Wa her in-i¢ j Valdez, jr., whose name was | p25 First Ave, Phone a 887g. asked Mr s cards again, Mr. Muzzy then found the king of spades, led among his He trick After didn't have a ehance. He could trump diamonds in dummy and ended up losing a trick in each suit. ing proudly. “Fearless, eh?” Mr. Champion shook his head in disgust mean he had led from the king f ~ Prince Rupert Daiiy News Saturday, December 6, 1952 BLACKWOOD on Tridge By EASLEY BLACK WOOD Kibitzers Are Distraeting To Careless Mr. Champion It is sad but true that the best results sometimes | come from the worst plays. I don’t know why, exact- ly, but Mr. Champion seems to be on the losing end of these situations more than anyone else. Maybe it’s beeause he is so deadly serious about the game or maybe it’s a form of poetic justice, in punishment) for the way he tongue-lashes his partners and op-' ponents. Sah dae | UC While sorting his cards in to- East-West vulnerable day's deal r. Muzzy as North aay cal, MA fuzzy _ (Mre. Keen) engaged in some pointless dis- 33876 cussion with the “kibitzers” H-10 7623 eoncerning the previous hand. = nt ee He got hi king of spades mixed West : East ‘in with his clubs. Against the csr. muzzy) (Mr. Dale) final contract he led the four - ry i. + ; — ‘ wy . > : ered E - % : of spades- whic h he considered foe y'5 4 DQ 1082 to be a singieton c~9 6 c-Qjiw4 i sa ating South » effect syastatineg The effect was devastatin ; (Me. Champion) Dummy’s six spot won the first S—h @ 1092 trick and Mr. Champion feit H-—-5 very optimistic indeed. Prepar- o. 9 : 6 ing for a cross-ruff, he ied 2° yy. piagaing " heart from the board. Mr. Dale south West North Fas: tepped ‘in with the king, Mr. 15 Pass 25 Pass | 4 § i S Muzzy dropping the eight . A ee A spade was returned and Mr Champion can hardly be blamed Dale. Looking through nest- ebub played it, winning this, Mr the Champion DRYDOCK only two of his losing SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS How did you like that open- lead?” asked Mr. Muzzy Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene vt Welding “T hate to get beat he snarled, “by a player who SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL can’t even sort his cards.” and Mr. Muzzy had it, that would MINING MACHINERY A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner .— Prince Rupert P.O. Box 1247 325 Fourth Ave. East Telephone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Vancouver « doubleton. Of course, that was to the -trick with the deuce of AND SHIPYARD Be ros ee ee / lSicstnoss | er ee a cae ad Professional ee ee DELUXE PRESS Gestetner’ Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins — any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40% less than regular priating. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733—2nd. Ay. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Give us your mailing list — We do the rest. JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist e John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, ‘|| LINDSAY’S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 de GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors i] New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-Roofing 215-1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Firs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only. 21 ~ 23 Besner Block Phone Bluc 442 FRED E. DOWDIE OPTOMETRIST Room 10 Stone Building t. Phone Blue 593... te Open Friday Evening H. G HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Ev2nings Blaek 899 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED | We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 ~ LING THE TAILUR? Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Made-to-Measure 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 Ist Ave. W. Phone 904 SCOT! McLAREN — CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 For the MEAL ~?, FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE that REFRESHES | Healing tas PG Su This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Contre! Beard er hy the Government of British Columbia. | 2—1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $4395, 2—1949 Austin Panels . Superior Auto Service USED CARS and TRUCKS | $895. 1—1949 Flying Standard Coach $549 1—1949 Monarch Sedan . $1595 1—1949 International 34-ton panel _. $435 1—1948 Austin Sedan So. $750 NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $960 down and 24 months to pay | ) 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 BLONDIE —Yeh. No Hurry. . CITI [NATIONAL GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 ™ Chew Drdhas Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 pan. - 3:30 a.m, e HOLLYWOOD CAFE — For Outside Orders Phone 133 DINING RE PLEASU IN SPARKLING NEW ‘SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe hy A STE tet VANCOUVER ~ via Waypoints SUNDAY j SS. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight Dee. 3,17 and 31 SS Coquitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight Dec. 10, 24 and Jan. 7, 221 square miles. : WET wei iF You're $0 SORRY, THEN [POP DIDNT BREAK YOUR VASE, MAMA.---I BROKE [T, 'M AWFULLY WASH THESE | JAND HES JUST TAKING SORRY ABOUT DISHES FOR | [THE BLAME FOR ME BREAKING 4 NOUR FAVORITE iit GNE Hin Try Daily News Want Ads The Isle of Man in th€ Irish sea, historie holiday resort for the British Iles, has an area of FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Highest mountain in the east- ern United States is 6,684-foot = yma Mitchell near Asheville, From a farm to a fiddte—Daily News Classifieds ~ eX iBy CHIC YOUNG © 1 MIGHT AS WELL [oa]