wpassIng Wik Sond beer if) ut wil é a t P , a on Lata : “wil aca ‘ 5 the F ee Variety is obtained because Tr for chau: Rupert Women’s Caradian Club back of tik SO ketiets exhihetine w te F here Wednesday on the subject — te — "Wi " vg *e, a rp wt “4 hd a rie wey 70+ p 4 sh, | Not only works in a different way "4 Mike Lee si * “| but chooses different colors and ee iack reported on the r ae . vp,+/ Subject matter,” one Art Club! AT UN ASSEMBLY—Canada’s Heaith Minister Paul Martin (ieft) necting of the B. © {r Elien my CBC me mber said of the paintings is acting chairman of the Canadian delegation to the seventh and at Mis lon mmentator on the orning Tp . . waries from i . ‘ 7 ae - sane Visit ean ia te Ga tt =e ee ee hg t ession of the United Nations General Assembly, meeting in 21. Mrs. Black is first wow j even year - a4 ‘wel lem ge - a New York. He chats with Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, head of ent of the command. ’ : pig <® sirac t varies rom a yello% the dAsiucat 3 j sa af Or rishna enon. a » of the oe eniten time ee : toe Born in Winnipeg, Mrs. Harris | prairie street to a green moun- ‘he deicgation of i an Se ae oe - gee —_*, - his cieiectenn ate Pe eu moved to Vancouver in 1936 when | tain lake rom a pleasing grey Indian delegation. Mr. Menon had just outlined/to the Assembly's Memcership vill b estigated. ve he married Ricard C. Harris.) ¢abin in watercolor to a some-. political committee India’s plan for solving the Korean war Monthly raffle s won by sg f. She joined marionette group | what revolting large semi-ab prisoner deadlock : Refreshments ; c in the coast city and later took | stract oi; in ill life in vivid s vere be the entertain- \* charge of the children’s theatre | greens and reds: and from a ‘s neni ¢ nittee in the charge ps She joined radio following a) pj the distance to two greer | OUNCI oves athe the ; " rip to Baltimore to attend a »} ~phant children's theatre conference 7 ; p 2 Lib 1 ; To 1 i mothers with t ! : Bete ak, ee ee, en Clo. ar ra 1 1936 s oegan her radio hitition. which the : : : noe y areer at CRMQ in See oe ehool’s hares Orr The Prince Rupert Film Council has moved its , one writes her own scripts, one ,, wil Siabat't ici u sa iit i of which was an award winner. ‘ere Will be a : nines library and projectors from the Civie Centre to the port ‘. Fo past fi years rs ar a a o ~— £ . f P . . 7 “acid , ’ MARGIT MACARTHUR sinouler honor eras Thee - ae will act as baby-sitters city fire hall for future storage, President E. A. — / JUIGT MONG , a Ue as on . ” ant red hy . / es Round for the CBC and for the Tea will be ,cured by Mrs. A Evans announced today. Mar it Macarthur C d Austrs n Broadcasting Cor- M. Hurst and Mrs. R. H. David- aes a W ia : 7 on, Assisting Mrs. J. W. Roger- move was made to make . ‘ 9g ; 19 ne Mi Hart is a member of *0" 4! » Art Club home cook- s and projectors available FAMOUS COWICHAN : ’ a ti it a ieee “4 : | na + il rT . 2 Queen of Job S Dau hte the Vancouver Art Gallery, Par-|196 table will be Mrs. T. Priest for lending at ail hours of the Indian Hand-Made R g ers t-Teacher’ Association. Zonta | 2nd Mrs. Syd Elkins day; also to make it possible to International. Canadian Wom-' Students who will make and Teturn the equipment at any WEATER ‘ A st mor Was bestowed on | ae ¥'¢ ar-ol Press Club and the Unit add serve tea, act as guides at the | 2°! Mul Maca r Friday night vhen she wu Nations Society exhibition’ and provide recorded Mr. Evan iso announced the : H Daggett, : _ sen ms music will be the following council has received five new will keep you cozy and warm . : m rie red’ queen of the Prince Rupert Be Armida Toffoli. Helen ro films for distribution. They are and wear like buckskin. $27.50 . of Jot LD) t t d M H ‘ M Whi + dahil, Pat Lemon, Ann Buck Cheezer, Eskimo Summer. fon money back guarantec. Vaugnters to succeed Miss Meatt brewe oOose 1st Lorene Gordon, Jessie But Chinook’s Children, Water Direct from knitier te you. ude Mitchell. Georgina Mitchell Friend Enemy, and Life on ! Me » Prize Won by Insulander, Margaret Olson he Western Marshes INDIAN CRAFT SHOP ; I Inge i Diane Stone, Beverly Comer, Lor- nn a . beet aun ae @ 9305 Gov't St., Victoria, B.C. if al B f ) ‘ , and Sg The Film Council was starte 2 d an : . «Mrs. GI ga Perenaw ane —e in 1947 under its first president. - I Fi f S. assey B atric © He It, Olive Strand, Irene Lance Potterton, former RCMP = i ( York, Shirley Pierce, Dorothy cs " ae ect oman tables participated in i a patrol sergeant here. For a start, y Macartt far a “Marshall, Barbara Doumont HA ane a ilile ; : > ‘ ; ,| the regula: ‘Sa irday night Moose Jean Golds Margit Macarthur yrojector and screen = = Chief Councillor ' Ru a | | Lod , irive with Mrs. H. F. pene Ridley ro eate Rt ke ane d to the aes ; - “Everybody loves t a G i ing : 0 first Ande Turcotte, Roberia Paul, “* 70?) =m Pee, toa a om CHRISTMAS to travel”’ I y nan | pnp aeninte . ’ yur ed w unds rais- G wniza Norma Giidne Heien I sal dita aaa es saad . . eee Ae rte ie divisic Suan” phil Sunes rembership fees, dona CARDS Gee a : : : ou were Mrs. E. S. pusaye Saiki : ons and entertainment THIS XMAS GIVE > , = Mar dies’ seco Ole Steg-i yejen Olser ; Pp ince tnat the council ‘ ‘ sy “ian ‘ cor Mr. Dean-)| Hall. Jean Smut Ag : purchased 16 films, includ- TRAVEL Car . : Piven ool prize, and J. Mc- | wetntosh, Lenove Jean ing “Peoples of the Skeena,” a CERTIFICATES pie ea wi ! coor prize Sharpe, Marjorie Wa ay and Len- picture of native people in the’ —_ : Or srince iment committee cOn~| oe Nilson Sie River ies Geod for trips anywhere— } N N p € Mrs. L. Holder, Mrs, F anytime--to value of u Marjorie ¢ Mrs. Harold Muncey Fi certificiate. Hilt the last one this year Playing @ WHAT IS MORE JOYOUS AND JOLLY THAN For a Fine ENQUIRE Good a his year. Playing Q oe © > : B Dou A ecommence Jan. 3 § | f ‘ o Giessen neevenger: Mn CHRISTMAS erection 6 ey | ae , i Cat mia, i Gun Tf st Mary ; ‘ t+ 4 n J Ch : sapien i pin Pat Lem~ P FLOWERS ¢ ristmas TRAVEL AGENCIES June He ee ray ¥ Cards rT. — t? { i : k ; i s been nar i 5 Ett M odian; | DrOmeens { the newls formed PLANTS ‘N HOLLY 4 See bee: ah ga ates . ; 0 Gu siub following a recent . . ( R ‘ . , - eeting rganize the upcom- orien ek ee aselN OL any ; . ‘ Mitel ne ate os Always the perfect gift foi home and friend . . . 1-WALLACE BLDG “i { i va ; tiovd ou Gines atieain abo Ai Wales Or to sweeten the business relations of men | Dibb rinting 0. PRINCE RUPERT. A.C ‘ 3 x wa 2 i f etat Robert James, treas- S , ie t ws ak The Complet rel Servi I . ect Bg : n le, M , ure Mike Orom, range master WORLD WIDE | The CompleterDravel Service i Bi WF af Sand Dick Paul, Roger Menard ohh faa ads a i ence EE Ee eee : : K. Bu nd Mr. James, range executive FLOWER SERVICE OCA he wt G t . ye mobe } ; ne : ieorg foods won a prize in ; f c RY iR ' = k. | Ritchie lian, Mr % eo tithe : a SAY IT WITH FLOWERS-BY-WIRE c peciai comt itio | it J. Bent : ee P f an active season of ) Mrs. N fact hooting were discussed by an Dri ’ f eo enthusiastic membership rl nce UU ert iOr ists vithout Gay Hoedc WN THIS Week : as | : Box 516 Phone 377 er Preser ed b f , , a pe ~ SHOPPING | mec hs 8 o'clock. | ints y acting Wonight at § delock WEEKS LEFT | " Conrad P-TA | Z + A I ( ' i ( gion Auditorium. Guest I Vl h t I ‘ ined Alex A be . told so your children can understand " tor WINNIPEG An emp a mn ( ifs message. ‘ hei : Che a ! best-dressed : AK AN- couple were Mr. and Mrs, Roy ™ FULTON OURSLER’S ins, He t00K yohnson & en Mahthotel ave * a ist pi ed-ul re a “hard ° c ne he pre I yrize i ty oe presented on behali of the P-TA ‘ re ot p ) ( yd elle danced J. Mellor / ane ri i} \ “ MeUWEEN jaree Mell H. Bialr; do ( prise, M Gart E General convener was Mrs. J illustrated by Kurdait and ma r of cer . * v ders monte was Fra Dert Ri Neil O'Keeffe = fre: hme om t CONSIST re will of Mrs. S. Ballinge Mrs, Mell W y 6 to’ Més. Blair, Mrs. G an on & hen told simply, with inspired spiritual illumi- ~ f 1 en! z Va . oe * 287) |Mrs. John D us nation, the story of Jesus’ life conveys its truest ; vovlied by Jean Carl ” 2 . onday, Dee, Hert Gamerci. D in was W and highest meanings. And only the greatest reli- Members ny Griffith gious writer of our time could create such a masters 4, need vour ‘ (98% piece of spiritual simplicity as & hal Pa , Gi J of Schooi SO ea les Nitend wf Ch ld’s Port Bd- / cela fe of ‘ fesus / \ v, Monday Pee \ nas inn e FPR. eet re-/\ma. Follow this special Christmas Story { ‘ iis fore than 80 co le ult . > oe ' every day until Christmas— hight (1t) ed the pre-Christmas Invitationa: oe} ‘ et bat : : +? lat. Mooeé haen.danc: oh matucday Starting December 11 in “Ung, "Tuesday, in the gaily-decorated naval Bes nae ee THE DAILY NEWs (288) Officers of HMCS Chatham CANNED FOODS - a hs | tea, High Were hosts to the many gue This ad : i : ' R or hile ¥ ica re = ‘ alicious fresl is advertisement is not published or « strayec ¥ the Lieuer Contrel ” 1 E t our children. ene , Who enjoyed delicious i j Board or by the Government of British Columbia i sin CHILD'S LIFE OF JESUS to y ‘tion, (1t) ments and dancing : Sreeetviarnianionn | Praised by Members of the Art pictures offered, Ellen Harris To Address Club Oo commen- | Alberta Paintings at the Booth Memorial High School which will be given a public showing Tuesday afternoon declare the most striking feature is the great variety Art Club rf who have seen the Furnished by the Alberta So- clety of Arth which has it headquarters at Calgary, the 20- odd works are for the exhibition being sponsored by students at the échool, Cost of bringing the pieture 9 Prince Rupert will b financed by a silver collection This is said to be the first time in Canada that a major exhibi- tion has been sponsored in this way by high schoo] students Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 8, 1952 Se . ? ceeraemneenaiaiae En 7IMrs. G ‘Mrs. Gomez as | Returned As President Mrs. Darrow Gomez was fe- turned as president of the Can- adian Legion iadies’ auxiliary ai, the ant 1 elections Thursday. Other officers are , Mrs. Victor Duncan, first vice- president; Mrs. Harcld Ander= £on, second vice-president; ‘Sei 2 8 Staci treasurer; Mrs. J. Mrs Robert and Twaites Gi His s Morrow, H Mrs vary Jeant-at-arnas; s. Kay somery E. Barber, Mr Mrs. M tive officers Installation will be next Mont 8