Prince Ruve i ry Planned © “Ss Canadian Oil 24 Juna of Canadian crude oi Du ht by pipeline from the A I~ CAN MAKE YOUR { | LLY box FUEL BILLS SOAR... HANDYMAN al ast = Let Us Overhaul Your Stone HI _, Furnace Now you'll he re HOME SERVICE when he southeasters roar. 1e¢ Pac ae Genera! Contractors “se LIMITED 253 First “es Phone Black as7 4 # P.O. Box 1670 Phone Red 894 ; , . i YT ai er Bx a Vee xp f | a —— a) ( + from ¢ for ge 4m ae - , ‘ NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD, | -csenmene| NURITVELS! HUN LIU. ppl : Fe / GENERAL CONTRACTORS t t Ca - , vas S$ u P.O. Box 1381 Prince Rupet e broadest pos-| | / ; Nor sec on COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIA DOMEST! I r} Age on rr ! rreis Of: THE DUNA is a story and a half CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE j roduets and docki colonial with three bedrooms on ‘ ‘ bites ros She the first floor, two bedrooms and a i — bath on the second, an attached garage and a porch \s shown, the dining reem and SE iivine room are joined by a cased opening, but the partition can be left out te form an L-shaped cor bination living-dining reom Cabinets are placed on two walls to permit space for kitehen din Boa ing, The double compariment sink is under the rear windows, the re frigerater te the right and the range in the counter toe the tet QUEBRC Canadian Manufacturers’ to invest in their country. Monday, December 8, 195% Laily News a hi ‘Problems Face Home Decors When Planning For Color in Roo When planning for color in a Contre asting color on cell-| 4 room, or Heme, the home deco- Fa will make them rator will find a number of lower problems. Long appear | shorter if ised on Narrow roor 4 contrastin, one end wa To meet them. properly it is necessary to plan for continuity end surprise, and to relate each reom to the mext by carrying 4% Immigrants From UK a | unifying color from room to 46 Percent i m First’ Ten Month Ser OTTAWA (CP)-A total of 146,- Kingdom . Geod paintings make fine 999 immigrants reached Canada aan Admissions sade . a . Y , 37 compared wi ources of color combination in the first 10 months of ti $ . *n succeRs- il Entrics { 7 Many rooms heve been success~| oo» compared with 152473 tnia i fully keyed: around a favorite in, pore monding months of]. Aves Were up painting, @ vase, or a view from jon) | deen of 623! COMPared 4 w a ee ’ E Dean ent eons 4 window The a ibis cin , | eeropean eniric ee The figures were issued dy nt hieher at Always remember.” says Miss | (he imynigration dewartment - ‘ Eileen Cross of the University of | was the first thie this year that L 90,87) British Columbia Department Of /the cupalative tetet aronned Hxtension Home Economics pejow the Service, “that your home is your for 1954, baekground and should express you corresponding figure Hiehlight of the 1-month period was a 46-per Miss Cross has had a wide cent increase in the number of experience in home decorating jmmigrants from the United und the use of color, and she as a Number of “tips” for the rome decorator repert for th Lighting will determine the . Construction colors and strength of colors you ( t i A d see Rooms whie —_ = on rac War 5 eaches must added through color, Warm col ors should be added to cool Show Decline ooms, and cool colors to warm unny rooms Total value of ystructi It's only smal If you want emo ie econtraet award { $152,975,7 yeu know how an roo use rie yraved colors AMM) far t) ron i Nove ‘ Wi ~ m use rich gray ee f he month of N Lote a drip can reall The tiving reom has light from rich textured materials, Por in-/ $4 993.100 below ee | 1 g £ ; come q three sides, an open stairway, fire morality select clear bright €Ol-\ ine same p ; t rN ” naddi place and 4 coal closet, linen cable | oy denoting friendship and! pmpe 1 pl ‘ : ‘ eentinual le net aad walk in closets in the : Fes ” ? ‘ 4 bedrooms cheet award 1 Bo staing wall and This “4 + , wil! re | BAK ” Exterior finish ineludes brick The feminine room wil e | 800 ings, weakens pi facing on the lower front wall oft and the ma hinge Cumul ve tota Fliminate such with siding and asphalt shingles. room featur muted calc manth . i Dimensions are 28 feet hy 22 . quiet. restful room is achieved | . ee ances now, Cai excluding perch and garage, Area eho. Fe a wil + piled by Macls Bu ng F licensed plumbe F is 616, cubage “15,400 by cool, soft muted colors SUCH ports 1 al aN 11 lift ‘ ern . aver later diffie <4 rY s. Mode ' @9 4° Por further information about as oft blue or green Modern 400 compa 175.047 THE PUNA, write the Small House | ity is reached through the Use) jo9 tots) for ti i Planning Bureau of Canada, Box af ibdued background eolors 1981 ti 1193, St. John, New Hraunsewick with vivid pure colors @ con 4 ‘ : as enn mp asts and accent i z : Increase f $13,146,600 in re Furniture tyles will influence ‘ . High Taxation Threatening — g°".c0 se mes os (CP)... K. Sheils, president of the distribution will prove of great! es aos 499 Association, high taxation is threatening niture requires the and textures of its era and manners bay goose needs moc Industry, Says Business Head "sees Sr Tne following rules for . ‘ help to a home decorator and said here that! are recommended by Miss Cross t1% ot ‘ j r UBC ension Depart i A the ability of Canadians ™ a on Extension Dep Try Daily News Want Ads ment cours “These | The tron@er the color in SASH- FRAMES: Doors: - MOULDINGS. the dumping of good rh alg mean not only the interpretati under the present law, but also the dump ing of goods on the Canadian market at less than cost of pro- duction plus a reasonable ad- . Z vance for selling cost and YOUR LUMBER NEEDS |”: " Mr. Sheils made his comments in a speech prepared for the | Quebec City branch of the CMA He said corporation and personal income taxes are such that even Finanee Min- oe ister Abbott has admitted they are too high. Yet, in disregard of repeated | representations from business ndustry, and despite un- and ir ry, ¢ espite | paralleled budget surpluses; he has, to date, done nothing about DOORS reducing them.” CORPORATIONS SUFFER With foreign investors putting up 15 per cent of Canadian cap- ital funds, the remaining 85 per cent “must come from our own pockets—from Canadian corpor- ations, Canadian shareholders . of these corporations and oth-| ers COMMON SHIPLAP and DIMENSION “How long does the minister | expect that these corporations) ;and individuals can continue to find their 85-per-cent share of these investment funds if the government tax collector con-| tinues to take, on an average, $2 from every Canadian corpor-| ation for every dollar that cor-| }poration pays its shareholders | jand then, in additiori, demands| ja very heavy proportion of the | | shareholders’ income? | ‘What does the minister think | | will happen to our present} |healthy industrial expansion ‘if} |and when this 85-per-cent Can- | jadian capital investment is no| jlonger forthcoming because of} | these drains upon its sources? PHONE 651 OR 652 PHILPOTT EVITT ite Neton monument ine |170 feet 1% inches from the w 7 — ee | SAANICH & Co. Lid. PLUMBERS For all your Plumbing and Heating Needs “For Better Buys : In Builders Supplies” Phone Blue 846 Cor. McBride and Fifth Ave. He also warned of the possi- questions might well tensity the smaller the area in lity that higher tariff moves,| Dave the preferred attention of which it should be used especially in the United Stgtes,| Ur sovernments at ail times 2, Rooms will appr ar ome c 4 r operate against Canadian. n merely every third or fourth, pacious if wal ind woodwork ont Accordingly, he urged) year are done in the same color We can instal Picture Windows, Monod overnment measure tx se oat ° that adequate and proper safe Stairways and Cupboards. zuards are set up which can b GRANTHAM Electric Electrical Contractors * NEW CONSTRUCTION * WHY NOT MAKE BEDROOM OR OUT OF THAT WA SPACE IN THE ATI * mh Se us for free estimates on all types of alte Greer & Bridden L + i. Phone 909 215-—~Ist Ave, West P.O Pl AY R REWIRING OLDER BUILDINGS 844 Summit Phone Blue 293 A AOI ET COED a YOU CAN STOP HUNTING FOR THE BE IN RUBBERIZED PAINTS WE HAVE IT! PITTSBURGH | RUBBERIZED SATIN FINI TOUGH ~ LASTING - FREE-FLOWING - GOES FARTHER PER GALLO DRIES IN 20 MINUTES Paint your room . . . two coats if desired . . . and in severo! colours . . - and you can mov e bac all in the same day. - ISLAND CITY BUILDERS SUPPLIES , BLUE 505 McBRIDE STREET ind PHONE