Vancou- ‘i e . ° ° | P | HOCKEY SCORES .) Wings Win at Indianapolis Trap Shoot i > I nto 2, New York 2 INDIANAPOI 5 B n 2, Montreal ert r diokes Leave, St to Start | Bas: Sie Hockey soa —. we P indian pr ' Black Hawks in a regular NHL |< first trap| “** Vou fession t t : i Hon underw Pac 1 { SERED REE ECRR EERE Ree ;, ns S male ‘ ® WIL, a ' 1 Spokane 6 . oe 4 : A St ore Chucl 4 Full i Kelowna . ® et NHL ; ss Of Gifts For Girls! ane i ’ ) : 1 rong : a Girls’ Dresses Girls’ Jackets wi . _ 5 Girls’ Biouses Girls’ Pajamas dé ; 7 with, 4 é 7 wp Girls’ Skirts Girls’ Bathrobes ' Girls’ Jeans Girls’ Coats & S Girls’ Socks Girls’ Raincoats ; Girls’ Sweaters Gir!s’ Underwear Vancouver Woman es ee Hospitalized For 6 Months PLUS AND DOUBLE PLUS 8. C. Hospital Insurance OUR COMPLET. Paid The $4300 Bill INFANTS’ DEPARTMENT —are you protected? LOWEST COST PROTECTION \GAINST CRIPP LING HOSPIT AL Bll I wee Wallace s Dept. Store SRRRR SEEN ARPA ERMA AR ERR RRR ee > ITA Uhinp ADVERTISIN¢ N DALLY NEWS BRINGS REST tle , Monel Ch M , . Mone! nickel doses Auepasdinars 7 ce fact Monel baskets are | pper “Tt sure is! Propel ifts are made of Monel be« ist tis extremely strong and tough | it rust in salt ‘ i *} why Mone much too t than on most other metals. 16 GORDON & ANDERSON 4 Joe Davis Loops Winner InDying Minutes of Game | Prince Rupert Daily News | Mond De nber 8 Curling Results Sai-} Rowbotham 7 High | vik Iman 1982 Following are | urday’ 8 Booth | Se hool ¢ curling resuits of Memorial Henry >, Kaardal 3 Bell 1D 5. From the waterfront’s secrets! ! From the wild fury of the Sea! Came the raging passions that stormed their tives . “THE RAGING TIDE’ ), MANSONS 38 shot from well out Gf the key \ long, looping Saturday night gave victory to Gordon & Anderson "e . : : Saas Starring riva! Mansons 40-38 in the regular senior “B SHELLEY WINTERS - RICHARD CONT; baske ill FAN s : bucket from Behind the cen —~Pius— TODAY and TUESDA Wi ‘ iv ¥ ' ve : ; as | D ~ a : a Measured, that) shot would mene the Prontics C 2 wh he ae iave stretched somi@ 60 feet Cartoon - News , id beer DULL GAME Shows 7 - 9:06 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEA n ere O the whole, the game was Fi ) ‘ull ad tedious except { t quarter “after Man- ‘ i-ffaniex rally took up! TODAY to WEDNESDAY Evenings 7: . 9: pm, rp ight-point d ymna lead of 26-85 PIER ANGEL) “HIGHEST RA tl ull winged unerrin t Mick Websters@aine through T Bacon pba ms VITTORIO DE SICA seieimaaeaebiinemniine., dashes “afd successful : the ball j | “How about Monel in acids, dad?” “Sulphurn acids have less eflect on i) used to hold steel which has to be dipped m acid in steel plants.’ " Don't Forget the CANADIAN LEGION Annual Pre-Christmas Ray auvine ~ OW wavetie of was high for \ = tean . his long shots ; niy seid and his usua sonia : oo Extra AN f Fo he viet Jim Flaten ' high with 12. but he. too “Cleopatra's Playground’ if Hocre class unti) “Rudolph the Red-Nosed noments of the Reindeer” \ FAMOUS PLA RS THEA sa ‘ i he turned master of . urd Ine to set up the win- Friday, Dec. 12 ie i oa re releres : controlling a me but often not agree- PRINCE RUPER go ach other calls ine nard® squad's Win puts \ 4 B ea ) points ahead t laees coach- TO KETCHIKA Hartwig, slip Se ee MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY 2 Bye Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. 44. However, fod Tait Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ang ve racked up 16 points to lead the scoring for ROUND TRIP $27.00 was high man for the ~occees |ELLIS AIRLINE 14 > or Phone 476 SENIOR “B (cordon & Anderson Fila 11, Hebb 2, Holkestad 7 W t a Gardiner Currte eee i oe USED CARS and TRUCK Mansons...) 10. Hartwie 3 suscsienemumnennunimainnimeanentes 13, Arney 2, Bill 2, Web ae 2—1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $434 INTER “A North Stas—Morrison 6, MeKay | 2—1949 Austin Panels $g8 4; Cameron 12, Black 1 Letourneau 13, Helis 1—~1949 Flying Standard Coach $54 it 16, Cie 1—1949 Monarch Sedan Fraser & Payne $15! k on 7, Ford 2, Krist |, Macphee. Wood 1—1949 International %4-ton panel $49 4. Total 44 INTER “B 1—1948 Austin Sedan $75 C,eneral Motors NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY S ¥Vart 14. Neilson Grey , FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY y Sedgwick 3. T s Nelson Bros.—Tanaka 3, Mat $960 down and 24 months to pay Yamamoto 3, McKay 2 M 2. Nakatsu 2 h 1. Total 20 Superior Auto Servic IT PAYS 3rd Av-nue W. LIMITED Phone Green 2 TO ADVERTISE Yo ayy Vif, L ofl WAG Bort wer COM sop) 0 \/ Laniled. d At Onlarve banada MELLOWED in WOOD since 1058 a Sail is made. t Dlg : i. tat (LE tales | t Anis a e . . att The International Nickel Company of Canada, Limited 42) m4 ee ve erinnnttniiciomenitinaeteiaiatinh ia 4a ij “Reng Romance of Nickel lustrvated, wnt free om request | ¢ book fully tu be anyone mierested: 25 ning en West, Toronto DISTILLERS a4 | oisfakdddt of tHe Famous Ganadian Club” wi'st | Board oF by This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquer Contre Government of British Columbia,