tober 8, 1920. THR DATCY wwe oetol = rn nnn nnn . FAHRA COQUALEETZA INSTITUTE STAFF | ' BLADDER A , a oURS ee A. See A i y 2 Se, fbf Se a Ag ANS + gt xf 3 -§ 3 3 i - i py MI 1 Miss Ho. | banca ned C ~eorenasnaaad| ~ 4 i M j eae COqualeelza Institute Mins ORK? Filling Valaable Place king and domes SELL Principal George H. Raley and his a istants ram abe Boys ’ , \ . ~~ E. and Girls in the i of truce - nship and useful lives sieve . h- OV r PS ! : sit A. G@. das he } ‘ } rai gz instruct si. SEm fe plane iets of British ieee tat fa ne of business war the , : i d in use in , ‘ ~ racewtie vs rs Prince HEAVY COST OF | Stork’s | === PROSECUTIONS ardware N AVENUI ¢ Black 114 —— 4 ayer for the inte r huvert Feed Co. POOL P OPPO PO PODS & MALLETT 9 AND HEATING NGIKEERS furnished Avenue bead PO. Box 274 OOOO LOL L Pe BROW Transfer and wer Service Empress Hotel Di, Black 334 1. Deliveries Detective Agency and Vancouver Lawyers Render Large Accounts. ea = —— - — = = = —————— — —_—— ae MONEY COMING Cat M stated, add LAND REGISTRY ACT = ssary for Sections 36 end 134.) , Te EE ar nd we Application NO 11710 1. File 6322. the Hundreds of Thousands of ., o = ae lich that appitcatian ou been ' : s ¢ t regigter Olof Hanson of Prince n Pounds in Britain Await In- j + wae taxes. which pert, B ©. aS owner in fee under ly # Tax Sale Deed from te Collector of P vestment 1. se, f i i Prince Kupert, besring date ‘ i 4 th i ; ; e 2eth da r November, 1917, Of ALL ss “a i . . " . — ’ ANI SINGUULAR that certain reel i sent OTTAWA, Oct. 7. Phere are grit ther elds for the or tract ef land and fremises situniee ty lected ne a ous 20 a ng. and being In the city of Prince Rupert, ) lig } if thousand f “ee al more particularly knewn aad describes 06 £1. 600, f trifist apital being why t Forty 40), Block Thirty-one , : ee a COR as * he ty : ; = seeton Eebt (8), Map Nine Hundred end une the depart- awaiting favorable oppartunilies There may ‘be something ye Wenty-three (923). h was very high, for investment in Canada and Want. See the classified column, .You are required to contest the claim Chiel detective these funds will be sent across f the tax purchaser within 35 days from }the date of the - service Of “this” “netice fr July 26 WATER NOTICE. which may be effected by publication in soe Trom JUtyY