a i Iy(lr IJtear? The Daily News y,,. Mil. NO. ISt. " ''N:K riUPKflT, U. C, n ' mpAV, JULY 3 1S17 RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE SMTS" I MS TEN THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN IN THE FIRST GREAT ONWARD MOVEMENT FIGHTING IS TO COMMEMORATE CONFEDERATION PROGRESS OF PUPHS IN REPORTED ON . PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOLS t There was a arral altera... . J at the mss meeting held in tfi- The followinir is a lumman r.f" ALL FRONTS t ulliolme Theatre n unda promotions made in the KingKd. n fir moon In rommiuiH.ralt.i, (l ward, S-al Cove and Borden si. the Confederation of CmwU m schools for the school yeaf just Th Drlv on Ln I Continued ago. Oaptain MtKofll . endedt With Unabated Vigor Th chairman, and after the o.-im l Kind Edward School. Russian Offnlv Now exercise of prai- and pa)-Flfd Division ft Mr. D. McD. Hunt-er, Becomes a Tact. Pter. K.. K C, delivered Principal. . a mol Interesting addr j This class Is geaded from Mm i itpMui i ttm Pur yt.t CoHfrderalbHi. dr. iH n i. jrcsult f urpi(mruiai (est and I . n...i. July 3.Tbe drive l"ttrlf lltl fur mirh n Includes a numoer of candidates s..utti and west of hens continues " Mm ' writing witaot recommeBdallen. milr unabated vikot. During the ,w,fe F" ,MM'k ,B' " '" ' jbu't whom parents urge lo lake ...tin the British troops operating w ",b- Mr ,,tr '' the examinations regardless of .n the region of Hast Reservoir "l"1 versa Hot, with .'. the welfare of the school and f 11.11. supported by miioonade wf m cHr John A. Mtrl..i.ld those who are recmmeodd. The' great 'ntensity. pushed forward Mr 1'elf Bd notUinn but .aJiHaU.JslKSBalEaBBBBsaaH$4 vBaaEBaBaBaBaBaBa' award of Honor .wmbV vea hundred yards beyond the l'r " " will depend on toe resuH of h said test, which wl be MaeDonals. who did pobttshM ...i r. hJ .b ThMrt.lay. tier. man counter attacks continue tbM eryl!. boldly, lie was a man later. if m-rmng. where the Canadians ," vfng fl P wind b. Ihilon il,Mr. J. V. MaeooMld. battling forward on the southwest,j d lb,' JW Ill 4ram n teacher.- k hcr,! CaM,U S nation, wnb Prnmntioss to Division I H...nla along the gouehet E4e Clap, Ruby pasey, Cedfie IdlrM prairies and the resulting from the debris of the Jofefl Dunean, Freda Lowe, Aeirge b!.mn up bride. are allghUy re-'"1 i larding Uie 'advance. ,brought under deelofiRM.nl Me THE "ST. CHAMOND TANK"- FRANCE'S LATEST JUQQCRNAUT This gigantic fortress Is Marrio,Mtlchell, Violet Allan Mortimer, Hel McXieboH, XHe Dominion Day was'relehraleil at nowed lle foretght of the nsan.j ,.1 amaiiOr of us kind. In this iew the long range howil i.- .an be plainly seen. On the Dsborne, Freda Pearee, Nora n.M.n yitrday by it triple salve jMibbB 1WMM Columbians, urni .&r mounted revoking turrH- They are so arranged that by adding- a section of the plating PHHoofi, Willie Bogerfv Miy hum all Ibe guns on the g-iBsdUn Itor wagon road, gate tnenij y, MB j. MMHl for p.riholes ir.-n. wiiirh to point machine guns and rifles. The tank moves over Refd, 8ida Soga, Carl Tfomoo. frocl. During June, the Jtritlih' railroad, whleh was the bepin-j uie ground by means of tnaK-rpHlar . ham drne. Recommended Willie Ahh. f r- ' H M' I'e-r. 1,1 have captured 8.6H6 Huns. The'1 ; wing. Ilrlluh raided the German treh.!1 ne graphic storv of -on-1 PRESENTATION BV SPARK YFQTFRnAV AT 'JUDGMENT GIVEN Honor Rotts: ProStiensy- Ce-rlc rhes to the east ef RargteHirt and fmwrauosi irom ru iniuai sugM ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY i ui uiuu iiauibiwni ni im HiMiata John Duncan; DrBOrimeot, aplured bflsonera. UHHl h anal aeeomfuisnment inj RECREATION GROUNDS' Eileen Osbome; FoosioaMf, Fi!ch Front. ner. Tfce tSwsne fe. day ago. the Brirt j fu the ease of. M. P. OUen r. Rosie Adams,. AHaa e.Nieoofl. i. Pane July 4 .UI of nrny.roiV wtPraUve newrrtWs to ;Vkw.rretdul ot the St. Andrrw s j . tr.la morning the Domin. Tn, Molybdenum Mining and Be- DivUlon HL, Mis JL M. Bason, nnlr loeal UatUn.t Is renorted. In Canada, who ll.tet.ed and b ih?. Mr. . U. MeitoH. took a' ou Day . rlebralions were opened ur,,nn -oi"pany. wnicn nvas teacher. J he region east Ar-lthetme, inir CIeuratlsn was but i Mp af (UHMto TeJtMrwnd h XUr .1HlHt neJd h (lje wtTa. .hard before Mr, JuUc ilprrison '-.Promoted from 3d Aeod. A first line were violently bombard. " ,Mr" .' " dM not return. Me was idfem! lioa r(Hmdg Acrtp.lis Hill. lne Illjrjs Court here last week. er to Junior Fourth Readers-Lucy I Strong aurptlie atUcV were Cwda of today hr resuK of Mwi BCCpi4l apoomUnent jtnnnr section came Drst, judgnienThas now been delivered. Pillsbury; Willie Ketgta. 1 made by the enemy east of La "seeigw, naru w-era ani raitn itli Maaare. IlnughUm j..,,,,!,!...! ehielly of races bv Th case eicite.1 a great deal of Vaseleoc Pofiulo, Wjl-He Moot, npelle. and serious losses were bJ lh rreat sUtesmeii of Bfty McNeill. Mr. MHU.II and family thr oungters. interest among mining men of Ihe powcry, Tred. Kergin, Mario aused to the attackers. The r 11 T', left T sertlay to Join him. but be- The baseball game was perhaps district and the Judgment of Mr. MiehalofT, May do Larkin, Anna Frem h troops counter attacked ,nal Nr I' addre ram to fore tfl tsfL. an opftortuiuty was the moot interesting and en- Justice Morrison I as follows: LundquisL Hoy l,idstrem. MoIHe the Oerman line wlong the Mllles ,e- Uka to mfc HUle ursaU. Ihusiastie eenl of the day. All I"At this juncture. I do not deem Cross, Willie Mitchell Mlnoie Road, and recaptured the lost A PrtBer HuiH. two tkmash Mr. McCpll l the th.- players were well known and " necessary to go into the evl- Rank, Jean Currie, Bertha Dew-hurst, ground. The Immense numbers hl l' TM e b ttmtm- Wr-hrehleot of the Sriety as a eaeh tried (o lo his stunt, dence, as I have, on the run of the Frank Morrison. Aloerla f enemr boilr. found J,r.o! brwl, as tbee are few who know m tokfwi of the el"em In there were great cries of acela. whole rase generally, come to the Hill, Ohja Rank. Hannah Kesen. no' uemendtMis ae-tllces of life ! l t band so well, or Xlr. MeCotl was hl.i by tiisjIHalion or declamation accordiuK clear conr!usi"n that thetdalntifT Christopher. Weston, Rwrttfe Ket- . . ... . , ... . . . a is 1 1 ii i kA.a. mm m s. a a a.. a 1 .al. by the Hermans during the o pouiu w uiem in wmu leiiow inmers. a 'iy'-J- a the crowd assembled was wli,ls a young energetic, moving sey, George Walsh Gertrude Season. ' . w -ek offensive. 'Inspiring way boaad voIhism r Hums' wrks '.wayeL Among the sensational person, leaped into tne midst of Clarence Iimitender, Mor-Jorie Russian Front. ! ProWcd r Mrs. Hly and roffetful NswwUy, mUst be included the at- the defendant company,' grounds, Lancaster. Helen Maftae, Petrograd, July The nut. ami Mrs. MeMtuan ana Harvoy, at0 ke or .Mrs. Meunii, wm tempt of Dick Moore to catch a whilst th- rre eipendig money Florence RyaH. Jaek Davis, Theodore stao offensive In lUit flalleia re- together with the swing was an active member of the St. y while standing on his head. in an atl' inpt at serious develop. Halverson. Heiga Halveson. "H-d m the caplurt of the MU ' n '"' B" xt- J- 1 ABdrews Laws Aunllary. Mr. 1Bj tliare was the opposite style menL Recommended Helge 0ien i 'r of Kiimurhv. th ravey. added interest to the or. and M-s. MeColi earry wiUi tbem r vi in wujcn itto ixei aml As t :he llallay incident par. Mary Hanca, WiiKo Bttsart. Aa .-li. i-iflv rurliflMl tlHalllnn anlilh. Cation The V.lbolme Theatre Tvtkwa very good wish ftuffi jw smashed home runs. The tieularly. I am of the opinion that McLeod. wit of Hreiany. Ten thousand " kindly lent lor uie ocoasion, HMkoy rnsnas. !rapUuu. Tbe- and Itrooks, what was done by tho plaintiff Honor RoHs; ProneieBcy Luey li sonera were taken. r wnwn inans are uc !Jayel their reepeftlve places jn was an evasion of the spirit and Pillshury; Cufliinct Olga Rank; A German Report. j FATAL ACCIDENT FALLS trve professional style and their letter of the Mineral Act. The Regularity and PtHM-tuaHty Willie o--l Ifc'Hin. July 3, The Ilussun' WEDDING BELLS AT NIAGARA :lam suptiorted them excellent. action is dismissed; and I find Montgomery, Marie Micha-loH. ..M p in the eastern theatre .ltvft.1 fy. All through the game the play that the Molly, one fraction, is a Mary Hancq, Anna Lmfdqulsl, pened a heavy attack on the One of the most popular eoupU Bartftl S VfcW itsttf I. lt was extremely close, the score at valid and subsisting mineral Helge Oden. KMta front The ItusslAns nf I'rlne ltuiert. Mr. Slantey NiagarM rails. July 3. -A the end being 6 to 5 in faor of claim and that the defendant is Division IV, Miss Jean H. Mac-s Mimed the Oerman positions Irwin and Miss Blsw Taytor. wt Line 7'u-iaT-d the Oetiriie Twb,y'!' lrtl,n- Al lhe end .of lhe the owner and entitled to the eer Gregor. teacher. along a.front of eighteen and a Joined In wedlock early yosttrday J fiZS nflh innln? lhe 8C,re.8loo,J a.l,e iiiicate o r improvement a s - Promoted from Jr. III. to Sr. half miles, but met with heavy morning. Mr. Irwtn eanw up on ti.. jam"s 7"-' nvasr aii im tZt a lo. ana iwo rao" mnings. naa.i sought." III. neader: Eleanor Peck, Frank -ie and were f.,re..d In tlr- the Chelohsln from Vi4ort at T " t P oruer 10 get me McXichoIl, Jack McCoH, Peart . . . ..... Mice of the whirl- ... .r uiir al llie j..,, ,i GENERAL Italian Front. .m.I mltUHlM 1 T ' " .MT1UIIIK UU1I1L. NEWS ITTMS RodaI. Alida Josnsoa, Carl Gu-s-tarson, Home, July 3 The Austrian, proceeded to lhe home of lhe i ' "Vr .?3 After me baseball game the Willie Lamoie. Kthel 4insurrrrUlly assaulted the bride, where they were tf'r'r-- n( P continued from the (SiwtUl la Tbe Oslly newt). Smith, Gordon Johnaon, Elmer " - till missing.. Tee cause lr morning. The following is the London. July 3. The gun crew Smith, Dori Raine, Alice Mason. jr. wac i)iuons on i.anc viania. uy uanon nw ir.w- . mW lo j,, a eu... and sustained enormous few friends. ' To MW was gw " ; " . . ,Um list of prUe-wInners: of an .American liner fired upon Lonie Fisher. Constantine Misb. losses. awar bv her mother. while the,""' Hase running: II. Astoria, 17 two German submarines duirng a aloff, France Cummings, I.eona groom was attended by Mr. Wilis- q EJECT to THE HOME teoands; It. McDaniels, 17 H sec. voyage to England. Holh targets Parker, Sundae Calderoo, Mary ANTUCONSCRIPTION by and the bride's.maW was Mia RULE SETTLEMENT 100 yd. dash, open: V. II. Marte were at a considerable range and McRae, Margaret Graham, AHeeas, MEKTINQ BROKEN U! MarOreger. 1st; Leo Ives, 2nd. one periscope was shattered. Stephens. Jean Striker, rWiymaaillfey "1 ! After the t-vimdny was performed, a. Th. dmi ! i0 J. da: J- Curric. isl; P. The French steamer Himalaya Scherk, Henry Koger. Lyle rme, "P pUI la Ttts Duly ?.tt,j they left on th Prlne Dublin. July 3. A mass uWel,j,i"rn' -d- . with SOI passengers has been Adolpbe Franok. WHWam liaert-J WlnnlnafV . . . ( Itrsivn.1 iiimn I an Ivud sunk in the Mediterranean the ......... t '. ..... .. "o.. j.....,-. mv as son. in imI.!.-iv in' ' M. I..11. - --- nnram fur their new now! iM l..ra KSTSVS SOW -- j - I'Urric. rooult of an explosion. 176 are Honor Rolls: Prokky--lee- conncrntli.nl fti.f urn !....i. ti,.,. u.ru ovnuv friends i ii...t. it,. ! nn .iy nun M1uare ypterday ii Hie dock to gie tne wwe ami , of . eomiii.tl headed by - ""J saed. nor peck; Deportment Alida afteriiootj and the 9 11 III., u. iiivniic, o ll. i in. Salonika The Provisional Gov Johnson; Punctuality and Reu was broken up by re. ,room a great send-off (M IMm,b ,lf UuMbunlerry. Pro. ihe shot: Hyrue, 1st, ernment which was established larity Frank turned soldier. flying McNkholl. HaJ The chalrmaiu . onfetti and lreamcs was wa mRlU, against the iwrti-!1,"uV " Ins.; (1. llrowne, 30 ft. i nine months ago waa merged on Sundae Lj Alderman Irwin Rogers, Calderone, Mr. Queen, had his clothing thk and Ust. llolb lto of jriand ami tit mMUy;;1 torn from hfa back and police in- and Miss Tayiir . very rPu- tKMiiavalil Irish convmllon wai II!. Saturday into the legal GoveriU Parker. j Thriwinir the baseball: Leo mo nt of United Greece. Division W Miss Elsie M.Twftor, mention alone averted a riot, jar hero and tuere was maay a (.tMiiiMtl. the I-oni Mayor or V. Meiuie 2nJ. Washington i:iilence that jtv. 1st; several I'romoiea (ai r.a?ierj irom.er. arresta have been made, hhnd.shake gu n,ibyn refused t permit the use. t-oiigratulallng to ,0it before they ifot away. It of (jlt Mansion House for the I Fat mau'a" race? O. Hrowne: D Germany.has been obtaining vast Second Reader lo Jr.Third Readers-Sam Thompson. . quantities of fats from European Tom Simpson, Eraser, Just their arrlvad, 250 wish of that Aaa ana . tons of lump is Hit ... everyone k I lllfl4iHB. lOo yd. dash (flshermrn 0. neutrals has been presented to the Jessie Selig, Millicent Osborne, -v... rnon iiB tie oi.e oi w Albert A Mc- marrleo life, may Caffery. COAL STRIKE ENDED Jol.ru ton; 0. Nelson. United States Government by Frances Cross, Alex Mitchell, Al ins aod happlii. Indies' race: Mls . Hirnie; Great Britain for their guidance bert Bergman, Alice PilUbury, DECKHAND'!' STRIKE iSfesikl ss The bitty .iwt. Mrs. Siockland. in demanding an export control (Continuod on page three.) THE Ferni. July 3. Th miners in 1 mi!o 'open: J. Gurrle; T. Shr-roan. policy. Oddfellow Installation, siii u ttw rxuiy Xfi- District IS hy a very largo ma-jorilr the flirls' thretvleg race: 1st. Miss PEACE PARADE IN BOSTON ' 3rhre i A'otad to aeeept pro- LONDON CAFE Vnneouer. July Lorna Tito and. Miss M. Linsay: AH for ma Oddfellow are es-P'-Hallv yet nd sign of on 1mmlii' iMsd working agreeuieat as suggested 2nd, MUse M. Adams and (Trace (SMCitl lo The pstlr Nw). AND GRILL tiiViteil to attend settlement of the seamnit sink.- ....riod 1V1T-10I8. as Cnri-oll. lloktiii'i! 3. lliot'U'j Third Avenue ' insinuation "" HcM r u"tn July scenes ceremonies m?1' lloth sia. hohlinc T on Tuesday evening, July earh oonllileul are of wtauln.. d oy Mr. Armslrong. m, Hoy' saek roco: fleo. Allen, 1st: attendetl lhe Socialist parade to. Prompt Service of th Bt 3rd. ; nr., mwmm aiises wiII.Imi opened l.tla). Jlalph 8mith. 5nd; W. Martin, 3rd. day, which had been annouueed ther I to est at all hour. 8. M. f l - Tug of Wuri. St. .Andrew' vs. a a iH-aee demonstration. The MJWTQKr 0 Th. favorlt household.Phon Coal 15. f kn(Jt Teamslers; Teo'mstra winning by paraders were broken up by sol. BOXES FOR LAOIES "" Udyamlth Welllno or,. mioi Mccanory. Phon 116. two straight but strenuous pulls. diers. ' r Prlnc Hupart Coal Co. I