TufJr. J"' 3- 1017 rROCRESS OF PUPIL8 IN : 10 LONG YEARS ' PRINCE RUPKRT 8CM00uj 4HiiiiiiuHl l-rwoi, I'ufte one j HE SUFFERED Knliilfim llyan, ileum lliilt. -r.ariiii nrimr.t. Martin Andir on. Initial ntutrt Una clieik "Fru!f.a-live$" Made Him Feel Drotli Ilruwti, Ailfe Xiia, JJerlie Uuneair, Kuihi.,, mn As II Walking On Air 'Arnold I'lillllpwn, Hore Uurrut '1'uul Johnson, Sain Ji.y, Fram .8 Wlh, 1914. Nov. Ontxu, 0r. iluwriest. l!lgooJ Hteptiene, Mai ovr two yean, I u troubled Tor Dnwtintti, tMk e Kucriu Oaaey, Hwuwi ltord, J..l( wttll , iNfi,ltitkti, One day I mw LlirMian. Illelmiwad Morliincr i , . n which rtl "r'rult-k-tlve Aiuilw ;rtolcy, Hftiben J&twUnrii lr.M Lcillo TaUprall, Maulwn Hebera , a.j oil fee! like wtlklnron weJel to w 1 decided to Horace Tnttrraall, Uarlel lied u.l i , i 'oi. In ery short time, I ulrom, IllUnbrlli UurHe. Jnik Mr i feel tiettcr, nJ w fttln. Mullin. .... goxHlaprUte,relUh everything j ilniMJr ftolle; DepertiHettlJe. I t nJ the Headaches are (ton sie mnnuaii; runcluallly and I recommend this flttianl .IlpffularUy Kathleen Hyan; Jro - e. .tdttit to all my friends . fJelifiiey gam Slmpaon, VOTES DAK McLEAN. IDIvtuion Mit M. Ni. keriou FOn WOMEN Mr.. I. , box, 0 for 3J0, trUI ilie, SSe. teacher. ...1 . ,,,, i i " r To- When You Market tent Fruit iii w i, pf-r t:ii.cil !4ler or jvwrtjwUd by I'rotiHitNma from HecorMl to Ui aildre). i ,mited, OtUwi. Third llMder.-lttty Itwgman Hi. women vn!r .f MINERAL ACT UJerdia I.und.iuUl. ra Tliomp. CetherJra!the eongr..K.,i,1.,l t Kt. j0i,, ,Ut,wmill.pp( Consider Your Less son, nivui Johnson. iJIndya nam Jlcalrlee Kean, Lilian peg. Tb.- IIM., a, nnAUeti in men, John Fortunate Certificate of lmpromnt give Um- f..r the adree. Neighbor. on, nmrge MuMalem, Kwn lfel it NOTICt trorn, Fred Auderton. Winnie Frank Ch:,.t.ai,, BkifMy Turner. "Every dtizen who use more in his Hou5cKc!d than his house- Mineral Claim ..... MontgofUMt), lijarne Lumlriuiat, Ielyn JohiMwtn. Heeeie Itln, bold actually needs is increaiing the cost of Irving for those less tin MiaiBt Diiki r cir DutncL ! adeal .Musealem, narrow Cansy Xellie Wil..,n. Henry Hendriok. fortunate, and he is hindering the prosecution of the war." where located:-Rear need of Alice (ieorge Wythe, Albert Leaper, en. ( Uracil VJpy .Mftry AUi. Sfr 'Chomot Whtte, dfcnulct of Finance. Arm B. 1 Norman MoorehotjM. Willie I.-rrainc tone. Jl'r.LV.; uT; Croe.ley. HeomfWi.,lM.,rlel firaut. Margaret vrelLfo-do vroman who sits at her phono and orders provisions Hona. L-iji Ho?-r. KimI Me-IhMiald. THE GwIlioil. regardless of price, is abusing the power of money as a bully irJi for W A. Wffiiare. rw htinere Promotetl from kchvi abuses brute strength I rtiscai Re setic. Intend, eiiiy dM lmirrt VI. promotion from Primer to First Reaedr. rran tbe d.u hereof, to wiy jUBwr Second Header U Senior Willie No longer can we help ourselves es we see fit from an unlimited food Wralhall. Lot MrRae. Clara H'an supply we are either limiting our buying to our trra real needs or"hogging" pr..jrrooit tor lb parpote of obi timer,wnu neauer. F.rne.t Allielone, F.va MeLnre. someone else's share. :ruw urtoi or ib abate eUim. I F ranee Haneq, Grace Crate, Ahre Ja-..tien. Janiee Hendricks ami further take none mmi eeuo. en- Mary .Noble, Julia Cadron, Kd Extravagant buying by those who can alord it, with waAe in some 6't K"t!ae II tneil t eoaunrored before . ., . Fl.ir en. Itorothy Hiebarde, Jame kitchens, and excels at some tables, will inevitably bring still greater s. 1U9MH r.r -urn ertiari er 1 aru imi, uenry .lacaaorX, Mrllraey. hardships to those who cannot afford the prices, and hunger to those who tfrnllh, Itulh Lid trow. Ma. HoiKir Roll: pr tmrau ,tiee Proflcfeney Lilton must bve on less. ru-d ibn nih At tt Murk, a. D nilf Pambo, Winnie j miry. May r.roe. Willie Wralliall. Ileular. s Buy for household caietully and economically husband IT ' your as as your Ilatle. Allok Duncan Arthur Phil- i rnco MTCmc rnt ity and Punctuality lloario Kor-Uino. buys for his fidcry. store or office. Study food values as well as prices , Ii. Hrea llyman. Ture Ilyman, Uara Hyan. Ierlinenl make know eliminate and it a point to Just what you are getting waste Glen Marllneen, WIIHan Geddee F.va MrClure. you'll find that you can feed your family well on far less than you spend now. Feed Co. MarKit Hnllberjf. Ob one moath Inviaioiv VIII.. Miee L. IL King. Invest the swing in Canadian War Swings CertiBcales and you will Prince Winnie Rupert probation White. Willie tvacner. be doubling your service to the nation. P. O. Ul. 08 TMre At. 1 While. From Kiret Primer to Second vk stxnulM War Savings Certificates are issued in denominations of $25, $50 Honor Rnlle: IJSelfey Mary Prtener. Jamew Parker, George and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face value. They coft $21.50, RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Noble; Depertmeft Muriel Col. Hard Katkleeu Morrison, ulga $43 and $86 respectively, at all Money Order Post Offices and Banks, thus llKon; Attrndanee and 1'nartueliiy Jonoeou. Julia Tbomas, Mary yielding over 5 Interest. WE HANDLE , Gladys Common, Winnie Motl- HowtKer. William Murray,, Mary Steel A Brlgga, Rennlea' gumery. Pranee llaaeq. Kerr. Astrid Hanson, Klhtl Lid- The National Service Board of Canada, Ferry' and Maekeml' ilMl4MMi VIL Miee I. Jean, leech etrom, reeneme Mulr, Puoebe OTTAWiL Gardn and Field Sed. I er. Kean. Richard Hory, Douglas Also Fertilizer. I'ronKded (mm Firet Heaider to iHalier, Joeie Maon. Lilly Adatne. ! 8eriiHl Header. Lilian Ooh olpa Hergnian Florence MonU HAY, GRAIN AND FEED Martbe Poetolu. Hueerkt Soriano, rnry. From Heeeiving Cla CMcken Feed A Specially. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ti Fire I Primer. -Heltfe Hynian. Jaeob MueMllem. Ruth Senerk. We Take Order for Nureery XWTIU; IS HEREBY GIVES Utt U nut a LAMM ITITIM. Louie AHIeon. HirdH Jack. Ciem. Stock. rrtrrvT riuuor utcr a imaJI Mod la lb WRIGLEY5 eaUafe PorUH, Jack Andttron, BMW of marc KsperL know, ai Lot a erjKUf atu4e t. CIKCWtT RO. 1. Twkto Mortia. Julia Keeen, Jame M4. Ron i. Cc4t DtitrtcL ty r4oo m it iui iu u4 lr4 At. Swan. of a oottre apprarfac U Uw knua: Col am Cos. Stilaey White. Sigfrid ei i eie sl ae ire Art. bu OAMtle or Um (til April. Illl. and ti 1 ia sl e4 ird Ave. aa. Carrie Kean. tfttM ittb April. HIS. I cancelled tor "A Dollar 1Jrue f III. rn4 e4 Honor Liat: Proaereney Jamee Uw rptt r aukiar sale of tae laid InTime, led A. K. larker: iNrportroent Mary A. bel la Um oruad Traak pactfle Xtekp- J THE PERFECT GUM 1 .(t At.. Urlrr UJ hl CMupaar, Laalled. Ikrwther; PuaOtisality and Hepu- Saves Nine" MttUUr Of UBdA. tie lu. i(mi iuu. ano. K SADE.1. Drptltr i 17 itl Ate. AM TUi St. lCa-ml lanty-otan Hlrgwaa. Sperial OfrUursI of ,UndJ. Victoria. C, tlu hi TIm: Iknk o Hll. inihrenee a net MAtfmd lro;res. ItWM. HIT. M AUI, to Let us make you acquainted AMSIT North America cmcuiT no. L Julia Note.TWima.Tliie ttei. rtiatainiaf; WATER NOTICE with the new. luscious the ol tir4 aw km ire ax tri purpose Ui HomVu 84ni,MHl Seal 've list .VXD S TO RACE flavour dcpoiitinji part o( your 11-lnt At a4 MtBrlde St Sclmola will Ih aBttaiel tomorrow T.UE KOTICE Uul Artitof E. Hajmt. carninii, becomcf a pleasant 14 lei Ate. end MtSrvde SL . aboe addmi u Til rort StreeL VletorU, n 14 Ate. ko4 fwt SL a. C. am applr ror a licence to Uk and and profitable habit,when once S44 3 iod At, lid IU II . Mitr catle feet per second end to you have acquired iu 7a t. r. Tae Haily New delivered by tor abeat lee acn-teet et vater out r arrier. So eeat per month. imnaat Crr-k. a kick Sowa outbritertj The dollar you uc to open CfUCWIT HO. S. lad Snfci Into Qraabr r about al or an account in the Savintfe si Mk At. AM Pettta 9L Navigable Waters Protection Act. near Lt tTI. Catiur DlnrltL al Tb ft dim a ill be Ivcaied Hit Si -IM4MI IB4 Ttjtor StA. Department In Curn avc Cl S4 life At. nriUrfl SL r,T"C Cfer lis. aUt 1 H mik from moqik of creek. Tbe of Um rcwrrotr to be created omen, as uic liabit ol saia Ml SS lb At. Aa4 Oaowt Ate. ftrttj end It U1 Oood about le acr-feL Ml S? eta At. ai tei ru Ttm oeiad Traak rtr RUr On ia trows. of land. Tbe water will Awut te arret Ml SI lk At. d Tkouipton SL pmtf kwtT lkt Umi II km. ae- be directed from Um itrcatn at a point THE rr Sectue T or MM iam am. ortMMiea BANK OF UM tUm. and wUI b aboai al or near 4 Work H Ol CIMUIT NO. It k MMMMM' af reedle Brillsh l 41 lie At, ind UDinere iiti. ari bi uw erne of Uir tmtrtri d W.- rower rw mlotnr tbe purpo purmlran upoo North Um eortbed at Awcrlca m(m Midas, orae. n arttrar or tar laad netittnr IM lOl oroupi, llMl mm It's all that Cl 41 IM A AMI MtBHOe SL Irtrt .4 rw RaMTL At PHe af. cmt r VCAIIS IS KVlStSi. 41 tit At. nJ Orrro SL efiiUlM uf te H aa piaa of vbarf aUr vt RoBaua Um (round Tkat aoltr wai putted on the name CAritAL and aiani. irjieiee. m 44- em At, end Bud sl a rartae v4M and otaar work pro ,a tke tt-ml dy of Mix HIT. Mi 4 ?lb At ab4 Ctwru. kultl at PrtfM Keren awvir & . - .. .hi. iwiMm mnA mn ArtnMrmttAli . PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Mi 141- TUi At, end Yeeoc SL it rraar narorL m -I."wni, pttrteiai A tbenlo wvm..and to Um "Water ACL f suggests 1 rrual o WetrrTraee IHok AfoartHiif tin.- wui be filed in Um omc or Um l-a h. mislrmd atM of 111 laaaMI of lh t lee rwrorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. , cut at rrtmt luam.il rdt4e Ob)etku to tbe appllcUon may be tar rtraie mm rHtrr n a fHed wltb Um tld Water Recorder or wttb Wrigley quality-Bade 4eOmi : tti. 0m ewnrtreller of Wlr Rlfnu. ParUa Mi TAkE soTlte th kfier ta tl where FRED STORK'S HARDWARE wraiioa of mm lueMtl frm lh dit of in went latldlMl Virion. B.C. wllbla Uilrlr data artr tb flrtl appearance of tbls chewing sua ant aaatteeHaa of tttf mom. t orina Traak lev luHaar Oxcpear n.ir eiice la Weal iMatpaper. is making a ARTHUR E. UAYMES. AppUeanL t W IU uM AM. Tfr t in FOR CANNERYMEN M. P. 0LSE.1. AirnL Utilli Wridrm 15' tmFT.m Miaktirr af PaaMr Warki hM atnee hi lb deace. We have added and a complete Tb.Ut of tbe Bnt FekUcaUon of tbi 1j vMpeKFECT gum riuim to our el.wit of vahes pipe Aur of oh i far irpretel of Hm mm Jom Ind. HIT. iMtke U line of Uubber Helling at right prices. FOR FISHERMEN tae BATIK)MkJ ti rnaee nerwrL Brliun Oolara. WATER NOTICE Now three flavours A complete slack of the beil ?oodi that money can buy for bit. um uik dir of iuoe. a. p. m. trolling Spring Urais. Sihcr ntl l,ron,e-FOR IHK DHAM TnWMC PAClnC RAILWAY I'SE AMD ST0RA0K atMPAMr. PiUMtre a milnn. SaUtllar. TAkC .KOTICE UMt Mimul P. OUen. Chew It after THE WATERrRONT wlMt addre I Alice Ann. B. C wtu The celebrated Maple Leaf Paint and Varnishes Special boot WATER NOTICE ai4 for a llrence to take and ue I mwry meal paint H.OGLAZir A complete line of Ship Chandlery. cable Irrl per eecond and to itore ee arre fell et water oul of Clearwater Creek FOR EVERYONE DIVtltSION AND USK wbicb fl eoutbwetterUr and drain Into Get It wherever A flno itock of Hardware, uurney' Oxford Stove. TAIK R0TICK lhal Oeorr MtRa the kllHll alter about ir muea rrom coniectiooa are aold ho addrrt If Skldeat. o. C. mil the fead of tbe Inlet of Alice Arm. We Sell Nothlr.fl Bat The Beet. rt4r for a liernc to take and u III Tbe aiorare-diuu wl! be located al tbe Sealed Rightl " tuU t"A per miaul or watrr oul ot WMtrrir outlet of Cleirwiter Lake. The Tight-Kept Prninur Cretk, anlcb now nertberlr nd capacity of the ntenrolr to be created I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE drtiiii into Atiford Sir. about II rbatni about lee acre reel, etvl II will Oood about MADE IN CANADA trvta tbe .V. e. corner of T. U 111. Tb le acre of land. Tbe Water will be di 1 itrr will be diverted rroni tbe iirram al verted front ibe ttmra at a point about The Flavour Lasts PMDt about tea cbaim l from R.W at lb dim. and will be ued for power rVnirr or Let 4, 0. C. rtthtrlr, and all' tot mister purpoie upon tbe mine dee- be uid for power purpoie upon Um land crtbrd a Ibe Matilda, foi, Monarch and drM-ribed at i,tJoiuin Timber limit 111 iiber mineral claim, located en ktuaull jru ajvliratloa to I. Mountain. TUit notice ai polled on tbe rrounc Tbi notice wit polled on tbe (round THIS tbe II lb dr of ianoiry. HIT. ti on Um Hth day of May. HIT. ( SHOULD KNOW lr of Ibli notice and an appllcatlot A epy of Ibii notice and aa implication Don't smolher merely your coapli .r4WADFmST,,MI'klilhe IHCST Mnk urtuant then lo and to tbe Wiier Act puriuant thereto and to the "Water Act, I vii wiU be "Died In Ibe omre of till." will be Died in tbe ofuce of tbe! 52?SSil" iVolTCOSTSTHUSAME. Mler peordr (I rrlnce ItuperL Ob water recorder at prluce Rupert. B. C. ! mta-wn im Vtathlcu'a gyrop o( Tar end Cod Lfr O".80 oair iriiin te in appitrition nur p nire Objr- U'iu to Um appllritlon may be 1 procupUy erreete eooghlnf. but lhanke to rutoeicead ti the uld Water Recorder Or wltb filed wiib the laid Water tieeorder or wttb 'wvwawM so rrrtD(lbtnitif propertiee It help tbe iyem w uinrw , .ii fc ihr i:uinptrollr of water Riibt. rariia- lb Cvroiti-ller at Water lUfkl. Parlia-meul the cold and thne etlecti a inunent cum. It U thM quality wbJca nee woa mm 1 1 j;k". i i. iu.iit ruiidinr. Victoria. R. c. wltbia Uulldtnr Victoria, B.C. within thirty at tie Urgeet eale U aay couak and cold remedy la Ceae-U. Tm AYLMKR CONDCN KDHI LK CO..L,.. thirty flaji irter tbe oral appcerance ol Um after lb tfrtt ineiiance of ibii mmBX bii bure in a local nwtparr. notice in 4 local pewtpaper. .'i Tb due of tbe om pubiieaUon of tbti Mr p? OLSEX Applicant. . -er- a. l. ktATHisu cev. rrev, Mraaaodraa. rA A.7 aouce It lebruirr 1 1 it. HIT. Tb date orhbe am publicatioa of ibU rsyjaS a i imm 1 ei a 1 ! a -J- - a i a. -.-. oeoiiuk McRAK, AppUeanL notice li JuneXtnd, till