) uny July fl, 1017 THE DAILY NI5WH Strength in Summer HELP THE FIGHTERS The Daily News comes to the man or woman of PC"P' Excellent Cake The thrlflinw Make THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH ,C UvIria whose daily diet consists of .i.i.i ivnnro In recover after You Can Pobti.hed Dally and Weekly 4 cereals md fruits. Ment n, t.'rimin.lrtislan war in Guaranteed Largeet Circulation and potatoes are n heavy load manner Hint astonished the world With Fewer Eggs on the digestive orenns. The n .i iiimaved t h c uern.nns HEAD OFFICE ideal Summer c'i t is Shred Thrift practised in Canada today lust use nn ndditionnl quantity of Dr. Price's ltlly News Ilulldlnir. 3rd Ave, Prince nupert. H.G. Telephone VK ded Wheat Biscuit, a food will Klvfl the peopio which me nnmo I-ranee ru Crcnm Bnking Powder, nbout n teaspoon, in n.,ornHvi. nower rilANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEHTISINO 50 lit pr inch oniraol that is 100 per cent, whole .ii.ntnvff.l Since August, 1014 place of each egp omitted. rates on application. . wheat and prepared in n Frnnpo has enjoyed the ndmirn This applies equally well to nearly nil bnked digestible form. For breakfast iiftn.nf the world. The Division foods. Try the following recipe according to the DAILY EDITION t rr((lny, 'July tgtOI7 with sliced bananas or of Canada have shown themselves snlondid In the field, I he new way: berries, with milk or cream. rinially' - . . . . ClfEAM UVYi-w tftiu. Dominion must no wormy oi New Way AND 8TILL RISING series of enquiries in which the ih.tsn Divisions. Conservation or Old Way- Ie r The moat aelf evident ar jurisdiction of the municipalities, industrial and human resources tee wear lie ralKnmcnt of the Dominion the provincial attorneys, is essential if they arc not lo be e" Dr.Prie Beklef I t..r tare Sear Dr, Prlee. Itekln general, and the federal authorities handicapped on the firing line 1t.r-OT, lMeeeln Government says the Vancou entangled hopelessly. In work H e hHle 1 1 ! are Practise economy your 1 1,..peoa pimi. I ttnn vcr Sun, In its complete failure Penalties are provided and In your play. Waste nothing MakM 1 Lari-a a-Layor Cat to cxerclseany control over In cases where proof Is adduced Extravagance today is n crime the cost of living is made by of abnormat price advances against tho country. Prove your the figures from the govern due to combines, price war spirit by Investment In War fixing by wholesalers, hoarding Savings Certificates. Every cent '"" one pattatHM menl'a publication, the ok. I. km Mt la twe Urate- own of supplies, or any other advancement you can spare should bo invested Htb wane let. Labor Gazette, which shows of prices by artificial Made in Canada. where It helps to win the war how the cost of the necessities means. Hut the machinery Tho man at the front is fighting of life has increased since the provided for proving these reputation to lose, at Verdun or for you. Help him to fight. Dr.Price's so-called regulations were put things Is so cumbersome and elsewhere. in force in November, 1916. difficult to operate that it Is, MINERAL ACT In July, 1914. just before the very difficult, if not Impossible. Uraiil has taken over the na- CREAM war began, the index figure of to obtain proof. Responsibility trolling of her coasts to ward offi .NOTICE TO DEU.IQt'EKT PABTflKH the labor department showing for instituting proceedings attacks by German submarines. ' BAKING POWDER cw c)boynt wholesale prices stood at 131.0. rests nnaiiy wun me govern- thus relieving the warships of Tlk, none, whereat I bar done and In November of 1916, when the ment. In those cases when, tne United Slates for duty else- cauted to be done atrinent wort on id government passed its control even in the event of proof be- where. Thus the scope of the war Midair" fraction mineral claim, tituated Made from Cream ofTarttr, bertrtd fincm Ortpei regulations the index figure .In complete!) e'MDHshed. it cn!argeS. The recent action of ,J'dV AI.W7. iB"V sini was 198.4. In February, 1917. is consiuereu puimcauy me-, Hrazil In taking over and using mininr diTifloa of gkeena dittrict. Made in Canada No Alum when the regulations had been pediont to press the prosecu- the forty interned German mer- merit worn for itn, im, aM mt. and in force four months it stood tfon, it is within the power of chant vessels will also be of great M "J?0 .fS.tSTS! at 217.3, and was moving up-ward the government to conceal the Qf,tance at this Juncture. Oer- i ,;m"0, ,or T, tt with more momentum proof, and dispense with Ihe many has not got a friend left. r the Mid attettmcnt wort. wreiner with than before. prosecution. ... phe roit of tni drertieinent. t suit. i In July, 1914, the estimated Tl. r.,ihll will hn rViroarl rt i Vnr Iho Oral limn inr tha ntr :tb fIDlrsUon Of ninety (10) day from S. S. PRINCE RUPERT cost of a weekly budget of conclude from the total lack of began, the weekly report of the corder ib dt tl hereof Prince apply Rupert,to ib B. C.nttatar to bete re food for an average Canadian results, from the regulations Imperial Dank of Germany shows your Interetu la Iho Midnlrbt rrtelk 4in family was $7.42. In November, embodied in (he order-in-coun- a decrease of the amount of gold mineral claim vetted la me. In puruoe PRINCE GEORGE 1916, when the new regulations cil passed in November, 1916, in band. This is the last admls-that or the prorlikii of tbe mineral set B. C. Iblt 1 1 lb Piled tl rrlnct Rupert, went into force, it was it was only a pretext at sion that would be expected from (day of April, hit. ir ii SOUTHBOUND (9.81. In February, 1917. after taking some action to deal with the authorities, and it can only h. c. rinixirs. Monday t a. m. for Bwanaon Bay. VaiK-iwr. Viert and bHm. four months' operation of tin tho high cost of living. be taken that the financial structure Satarday t a. m. f vr Ocean falla, Var--..er. Vveta and BeatUe. regulations it had risen to of Germany is beginning to MINERAL ACT NORTHBOUND $10.46 and was still going up. NOTES AND COMMENTS gel shaky. The value of the milrk i WEDNESDAY It noon for keKhikaa, Wranretl. Imm and Bkarway. In July of 1914 the weekly Is nway down, and before long, Certificate of Improvement. I Bin AY It noon for Anyoa. cost of living for a Canadian China's experiment with a Re the lack of silver bullets will play NOTICK TRAIN SERVICE family of average size was publican form of government is an important part In the collapse "iKmriili" "Doural! rratttooat," a pauenter for BMtbert. rrlor Oeorv. EttnaeoMi, and Wlnaipr Mrert $14.16, including coal, fuel, now going to be the cause of of the Central Empires Walerfroof Mineral aalma. ttluale In tiinUna far aU pwuiU Eatl and ln. rent, etc. In November, 1916, further trouble in the Celestial I be skeena Mlnlnr DitUIoo of Caiiiar DU Mltetl Taeaday I a.m. rr mlthr and tH Mterwa4ial pointa. when the government passed Empire. The republicans of the Salvation Army. Irlcl. All Ocaan Sleamahlp Unas. Wlaero located: On It weal aid Of Agency its new regulations, it was south do hot appear to be going bead or All re Arm. For Information and reservation apply t' $16.30. In February, 1917. to stand for the new emperor, and Public meetings, Tuesdays, TAKE KOTICE Uut I. Richard B. Me City Tlekat Omca, 528 Third A.anuo. PHONE 260 after four months of their op- are all lined up ready for battle. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Omnia. rre Miner's CertlOcale 5a. 1 1 101. eration, it bad increased to Chang Haun, the military dicta- m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. acttnr at arent for tbe Dolly Vardea Mine til Company, rree Mtnra CerUBcaie .lo. $16.78, and still climbing I.. a :Vi a4 i.n Inn 1 1 1 a nr. ' - was IUI, OTMU IIUI OV, U ItIV W C Intend, altly dar rron tbe daU bereoT. rapidly.' peror, is a soldier of some renown LAND ACT to apply to tbe Mintnr Recorder for a It is a striking indictment of in China, and hitherto has CerUOcat of Improtemeati, for I be par the government that while taken no cognizance of the Re-' po of obtaininr a Crown Oranl of Um SkEE-l USD DISTRICT DISTRICT or aburo claim. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY every other; nation taking part publican parliament. Whether a COAST, IU30L- nVE. And r Briber take Doll re I tut action, nn- "tin the mar. and many neutral parliament o'f his own appointing er aectloa SI. matt bo commenced be nations, have taken extreme whielr he promises, would have fore um luaanc of aucB CerUBcaie of Im. Lnwvat Ratea o all Laatern Pointa action to prevent undue advances more control over him may Tak notice uut we, Ouea HUlerd Pact-lor proeemeeta. via Steamer to Vancouver and the any Limited, of Vtncourer. occupation Company, Dated tola 1 1 lb day of April. A. D. HIT in the cost of living, the be. imagined. rin&errmen. inf-od la apply far If. t. RICHARD B. McOI.VMS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Dominion government has pcrmluloo to ItiM ttn foUowtnr do. Menl and BeilK Included on Steamer taken and maintained through The German Crown Prince, according tcribed landi; "WATER ACT, 1914." Commenctnr at a pott planted at tne Alice Arm 11 Prlnceaa May for Oranby Day and Friday pjn. the the surprising position to the of war testimony pris- toutbeatt corner of Lot tlT: tbeoee aoatb BErORC THE BOARD Of I3VEIT10ATIO?! thal'Wringing abnormal profits oners taksn by the French troops I cbaina to low water mart: tbeoee nor lb Prlnceaa May for Vanooutei U Ocean Fall. Sunday 6 p.m. out of the is the is bent revenge for nr to1" foWowwr low water recently, consumers upon In tbe Milter of aU Btreama la Um UateL Prlnceaa Sophia for the aouth Saturday, July 7th. sacred privilege of the friends the crushing defeats inflicted up- ce Tr?t-of'n ton and Fort rraaer Waur Dtiirtcu. of the government and that the on his last year at Verdun. He ,uteri? tt tbains roitowinr Mid rmt-middleman A MEETI.ia of tbe Board of InretUraUon dl be held at Um Cobm-bomm at Haidtoa must not be inter-'apparently has the Idea that he of-ay to tt place of urmmnr and eon-fe"d on Monday, um tint day of July, ItlT, at J. I. PETERS, Gcnernl Asent Wilh "n yet retrieve the reputation hoj'-'sg' 10 o'clock In Um forenoon. C nor Fourtk Street and Third Aevnue. Prlnco Rupoet. D.C The government s regula- lost, but, of course, some people j united. in tions provided for an intricate would say that he never had any April tod. hit. i. rred Ritcnie. arent In Um Matter of all Btreama In tbe Prince Rupert Water DUlrtcu A mretiar of tbe Board of loveiurtuoa will be beld at Me Conrt-bonao at frlnca Rupert oo Wedneaday, Um fltb day or July. ItlT, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon. Launch Alice B. NEW PEHECnOJS At tbet meeunn all eutementa of claim to waur prtrllerea under Acta patted mi 9ZQiLSTOVE before tbe Itw day or March. I to, on any of ibeao t Ire ami, all obJecUons thereto, roe Twt a alt uuiia and I be plana prepared for Um um of tbe TJalalaBBBBBBrhalZanaam I,aet ru Dar trm tald Board, wUI then bo open for Inipee-tlon. 10 a. av rruNi rant t. All pertooa Intereiled are toUUed to eiamiM tbete, and to Die objection rPM3HWa thereto In wrltlnr If they deem OL Call Objection wUI bo beard forthwlUi If W, 4. TnOMAt, rueoe l be party objected to baa received a undent aeeea 8t, a nonce or Um objection. Tbe Board at tho aald meetlnr will bear Um claimants, wtll dcurmlne tbe quanuty of water which may bo utod under each record and the further work which art neceatary for tuch dm, and wtu aet dalea for tbe mini of plana or tuch work FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and for tbe commencement and rumple U on ml Xr ty v5j 'TaPxTjH or tuch work. And whereat thero may be pertona wbo, FOR CANNERYMEN brfore Um It lb day or March. I tot, were We have added lo our a lock of valve and pipt-a a complete boldera or water record on lb aald ttreamt and yet bav not Bled atatementa line of llubbcr Ilrltuiv at right pricea. of their cliliue with Um Board of Inrettl FOR FISHERMEN vciiiiiaiiiiii iiirvrniK Mii'uiii rxjt. (tiion. tuch per torn ar required to Die, These dealer A complete lock of the beat a good that monry can buy for on or before tbe II m day of July, ItlT, This icientific oven should pUcetheNEW PERFECTION ell them: trolling Bprlnjr lira. atateoient, aa required by section ttt 8tlver and Ilronie. OIL COOK STOVE in your kitchen. The New Perfection or lb "Water Act. ItU." Tbe forma FOR THE takes up little room and doesn't overheat the kitchen. The (.No. to for IrrlftUoo and No. II for outer WATERFRONT Long Blue Chimney makes the fUme"atay put"with no tmokc. Thompson Hardware Co.. prince Rupert. purpoiei) may be obtained from any Oor The crlcbralrd Maple Leaf Painta and Vornlahea Special bout ernmeni Arent la tha Protlnce. paint "FLOnLAy.ir A complete line of Ship Chandlery. With RntM Ctal Oil tkt AVw PtrfittUn Kalen Hardware Co, M " The claim of riparian proprietor who FOR EVERYONE Slerk't Hardware Co., " " bare filed, at required by aectloo Oof the Howe MNulty, - "Water Act, 1114." tttlemeott of claim to A flno atock of Hardware, flurney a Oiford Htovct. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY A. t. Holland, - - alert of any of lb said tlretm wlU bo Wo Sell Nothing But The Best. Limited nrart at tbe time time and placea. Boyd Vovng A Co., Port lxpeon. St.a Dated at Victoria, B. C, tbia Tib day or BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES ItlT. June, For the BoerU or Inveitlratlon, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE i, f. ARMSTRONO, It. Chairnun. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F, O. DAWSON PRINCE rHJ-ERT. B. a