rlny July o. 1017 , till1. UA1L.T riKWn FELT LIKE A NEW '"T ,-.! . PERSON v After Taking Only One Box 01 "Fruil-a-lhes" Em Snir llAsaotrs, N. S. It li with f pi"" tn 1 wr,,a to tell )OH of lha wondtrful btntfilt 1 lute rwlfJ from Uklnf "fruity t.rr.". For yatrs, I .V lulTrrer from CtmiUiu and 1 1 tod. Me.you aim ttkti. sad 1 " rnUerabls la ere ry wsr. Ill IS rTZ ' K. t I mi ll IKI mJjm fBrnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr I r Noiliing In the way of tuedidnes seemed an Asset k to help m. Then I nosJIf Wed, Fruit 4lTrV' nd the effect u splendid. After Ullntf one box,I feel to Canada hae reUef from to tike a new person, Ukm sickenln; Headaches". JIm. MAUTIU DE WOLFE. or are You We. box. 0 for 12.30, trUI she, 25e. At all dealers or sent po'tp1,1 by Fruit-s Liability ? Urea Untiled, Ottawa. a rim uk rtTia. WIllUM rOK PROOUCTION m Hhtvw r.it at he Wet circuit no. i. iht. RE you helping to win the War ? Or could Canada put up a a it-ltk It tod ird am. better tight without you at IS -4i It tad Ird Am. Navigable Waters Protection Act. i M IB lib JuoMtoo 8t tnd or ird III.am.tod tad UK Mlr lit CLOSED TOWNS MUST Are you working saving- paying to back up the men at ird Ami. Tha Of iM4idlld BE OPENED TO PUBLIC the front? Or are you loafing wasting spending on selfish r 1B lit Am ketwets Itk Md tntt tad foaar Coasaaa UaMwa MiMar. indulgences the money that should be loaned to the Nation ? Ilk Sll. fkaoi llsUI). hrfbf rtaa aaMra uati M m. mart IT Alt. tad 7U St Ca- ftftlMi J r Ik MM Art. di lailW Mtk Tin- smt'-nci- of what are Man-power is at a premium 1 The time and strength of trtl Hotel). tka tHnHtr a PaW Wntti it otuaa. known aa rotitpany r riHiMi every man in Canada should be devoted whole-heartedly to really CIRCUIT NO. f. ,1" TrtJ,w: tMn in tire .mxirvre at aeveral useful work work that will help, directly or indhrectly, in si M -ird am tad Ird ft (Peal rrtara Nwl. tt the Struggle. one). anif Mau af iat mw wl pun at akirf ttprtie are being carried on haa tslrd AM. tad KcBrtda IL aad lumber m, tad atfcar aartt at- lag been a aourfe of aertoua ob-rwd Food is short the world over I .Every housewife in Canada Mi 14 in AM. and McSrtde St la fc kaM la Bi fad Am. tad tad St Ml mil ar Uraam tpraea litaad. Bir.UMir an SH tka i4(n. Tf1 nnthlnir .i should devote herself earnestly to the problem of conserving it of i 1-- tad A, tad Ilk 11 tnn doea by late Government t and feeding our people well, yet economically without waste. at tl -O. T. r. nt taic vtct uui rtfr tka at- (fleet the altaallon. CIRCUIT no. a. iMrtHaii r aa awaik rrm tka du el 8 1 ne r online Into office the Everyone should save and lend the savings to the nation 1 taa mi paawtaiiaa ar tat eiMa irv n..i . . , .... Ml Jl -life A. tad rIU St tfraaky caatiua mM(. raw ta f.7 01 ' aw" Canada dollar needs in veil in War Savings every you can tullo. haa taken this matter H aroa and TirW lu. IVaer oaaf Uav4 . ir Jur up. f iSiallj 7 ik Am. ratio It he Certificates, and for every $21.50 you loan now, she will repay you $25.00 S.i S4 aaa T T tka atid Att. tit H tka Mai an J a able to make recoin M III AM. aad Gmboi At, llar at rakMc Warfct at ktt alkea M tfc metMraliona l the Kxeeutive StftVKtJfSW at the end (A three year or you can get your money back at tiny time. a it IU At, aad Dadra PUca CMf af Otuaa far tfreil at a atM Certificates are issued in denominations of $25, $50 and $100, which may OhjhoII hieb will end a l M lk AM. aad Tkoanpaaa St im tnd ttm tad far kM la rucatrart put an to be purchased si $21.50, $43 and $86 respectively, at any Bank or Money Uie aud aarkt. the town ae "cloned town Order Post Office. 25 CINCUtT NO. 4. DATED at rrtea katrt BMk nakjai Under the laws which eall for the i at life A- aad Ejaeneraoe Ut. IfcM Itk dir at laty. A. 0. HIT. vetllntr of a one-fourth Intercut THE OHOBT Ol5Otlt4TO) MtIM. The National Service Board of Canada, la the prmiiir of any land uoed t.i at itk am. tad MrBrtd St mtTi am r-owta coarr a i tta am. and Oreae St UNIT CO. aa low n i tea the companies own m 44 4ik am aad Baail at. riuaora a fWtae. laBiiun. InR the Ureas such as Anyox. OTTAWA. Mi 4 Ilk Am. tad Lberu. nefM Falls. Powell (liver are be Mi 141 Ttk Am tad Tavsf St WATER NOTICE lac cade! upon to comply with the law hi this regard. DIVtnSrON ASO Ult II is not anticipated that any ARE BATHS m r .u, objections wtll be raited by the irtMr rr a Unmn la ula tad im ill nanpanios to this; in fact, the ckM fi rr bumu at attr eat af aw Is against them, and they NECESSARY? rA'..rVJrn'TJi:,cannot do anything but comply of them have nollfleil the WRIGLEYS rnaa tk N K tmntr af t l hi Tk. TkU tank l Ska t footttk oUoa la 01 aiur m U oJMrtad rnaa tka ttntai tt ralnlater that they have no objec at ittou-aed If, bat tWr kra nearly a cfcama fraaa 5.W t pjat akoat kra watt ikm Ut Vetlng the one-fourth re as .; Amrrtraat wko tat Tattktei at TIMBER SALE X 938. laiaraaf BiuUar a I yaart t aad ar ar tr to iury that Uwr ar rear drwtt4 at iat Tuakr Unit initiate that they nave not done so ftrticd laodrrt U1 ba racalMd by tka restial ta krtltk at Eiternal Bttka. ktM ibecauaa demand was eer Lsk. ta irwuea la no nT1 Wr liter tkta noon on R t partly Mtaral ararati at prtswrty Niuiiu at Ltadt not Tktt aatua ratd aa ika rrt I lnfrn to do so. t im water, tka "i. B. U CikiAi u,Mn tk lllk day ot Jaty. HIT. ror tka pur reaavtet All Ua pUmom wail from " .il,J There 1. no question that these rkiM af Ucaata XIII, to cut HS.aas tka taar rrt at iXUr. Sprare. MUam tnd Haa-lurk latMtia. kwk tkTtJctaat iwraatai tkarau aad u ik wtwr Art towns are well maintained, and ttm U tha (m ax it f an aa uti tituttod on Truer fteack. pr cat ism Kl ka eied la ika oop at tktiihat health and other conditions DIUrttt. Coeil kaaaa atterau. Rial 4, II laiuaUr rltMt caMUHUon. "Aur Parotr tt rrtivr kuiwrt ok are unexceptionable, but it it not on in yetr wtu ba allowed ror ra-moitl tro-wrtr k Bk4 la Ik trpOratiae our )rllttl rtraUtrt tka UoU aad trtrau alia thought good policy that large of tlmber. vlia tka aald Wilar nerdr ar lU tha Atti 4oan rurtkrr ptrtlealtrt ot U Cbief roretter. ftac aklck klHlaaiaaM lw ooBfHrar af Wiur Hittu. rtrut-oral communities should exist in the I. Dtiirtct fomter. Prince tad L r TroabWt Wioni. Cor tiji mil. BaUdtat. Wttartt, B. C. vttkta province which are virtual feudal K W Matbttt. M. 0. at 0aM, M. T. Rupert B. C rltaa tklrtj dtjt tflrr Ik trt trprtraara a( castles, into which no one is permitted tka aour is a loral arwiptpar. LAND ACT 1 :klkad tka doc tori ta tku to a Tm an at tk lri paMKtOoa at uui to penetrate unless the ImI ank la rrnrd to aktl I caa do afOi aUa It rtkratry Hit HIT. company Is willing. For Instance, rar IMI I CaKada. I ra tar tor t Iratfc OtORUE McKAE. ArtUraaL labor union officials may be kept SkEESA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or taow tka rttaoa far my taccaat COAST, ruses 4. alik and candidates of political mutt arrfawt Ultrnti ti M to MINERAL ACT out. katuc tha twattt ikd aat aatra tad parties have trouble getting Palp 4 Piper T.UE JOT1CE Ihlt Emplr auKMtuaat talca t dtf. I cot Uk I hearing unless Ihey receive the Mill. Limited, of VtnoouMr. BriUih Co-luiabu. roald mu u twopi, I. tTMrtt Uimm Certificate of Improvements la tkt tffltcaqr at a road bowtl Mkiar. content of the owners of the town orewptUoa pulp uuaurtcturuis lartrrlr mn." to their appearance there. In other nanpiny, lateod la apply tor permUttoo To N0T1CK la Wm tk rallowtnr described Undt. ' .m li. t.rmt. Druirui earaar ird Cartkaa xuwrti fUun wtuit la ik ,ways the companies are very nu-sirvat Beiinnlor tt t corner luctled tt tka Aa t irtnwndoat and tk itrMi rrtata Buprl ktt BUad maiat tntos f Ctuitr nwtmt ' tocratie in the management of inlerteeuon or tk wait Una r Lot .to. Somebody dnuad ror "J. B. U la iba Cti-adn' wira kKtiea:-Jtr b4 at ,ne)jr lowns. At Anyox. for in IT m ilk um Mtk a tier tin- on tba tontb pan fear jtut. u4 IU ikor ar kbuua Inlet; Utjr tlonr tka Somewhere at the Front how (b4 atpuia li t ya on rvqafiL A , , mirhi. stance, men have been refusel ffva tuutb tkure oT Ik Inlet In t nortkweilerly and laureiuar kookltt to laMrut rr MwaV cartinrai Ma. lint trtiat normistMin to land on the wharf, dlrecuoa lo a corner whirk betrt N. II" Bttkiat. trr at "Wky Lacteat"Man at ran Todax tlaa ta u akuiaad Oaly l at trrat rer W. A. wniuamt. rrra Mtotft anJ rven Nj,en have tecn a- Writ, from tk laitttl corner, aad It Every day boxes from home are going 4T chain dltlint tberc- Or ror tka tikia. if m .,u ZS.'TtSVZ into the townjhey rroni:tpprailmilely tkenca X ll"S' E. li rnalnti theoca ! to the boys in the trenches. And of 3Mt A TrrrflL 111 made to reel in tanous Cell, been iik.1 Ortisrua af In I have far t Uienca Mininr Bardr S. IT'01 E. ipprviimttrty IT (bttnt; T rool tot tana. pratrmaatt. far ik parpo af otuioiat 'Ways that they are interlopers. g. jaro' writ it cbtint ta tka point or the things they get, a great prize k Craa Oraal at tka akota cUiav Merchants cannot go in and do be rt amor. WMGLEVS the Gum with Lasting rartkrr Uk noUra UH trtioe. o-0r HIT. St. Aad iMminess. as the company Is the PiletJun IT. arcttoo ! aiail U ronunrtKfd krfora EMflHE Pl'LP A PAPER MILLS. LTD. Flavour. Prince Rupert Feed Co. tka txataca at "'k CarUBrtta af tm liHh Hah of the place. i. O. A. Jorrenaoo. A rent prarnatt. With the compliance with the It takes the place of food and drink fa o. mi ass. SOI TMK Si. Oiled tklt ITik dtr ef Marrk, A. D law bv these town-owners this LAND ACT HIT. ' state of things will cease to exist case of need which is often. It keeps RECEIVED OUR 1917 8EEDS 1. rtlED WTCHIC. Aiaat It will not imply any hardship on SKUW LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of spirits up gives vigour and vim. A WE HANDLE LAND LEASE NOTICE the companies to do o. but will COAST. nM0E i. packet in the pocket lasts a long time. give freedom of entry and all Steele A Brlggs, Rennles "l""H..ri"T.C!SiV!!r i merchants will be-enabled to do Mill,tale Ural notice Ird, or ihit YineouMr.Emslr Pulo Biiuth a piper Co-laniUt, The Flavour Lasts I Farry's and Wackenila'a . palp minuficlurloi UUIIII, a awa a orcuptUoa MtRM, If Chew It I I. Ororr TMt J10TICE tbll Okrden and Field rowptny. intendt lo apply Tor permlMlon A Seeds. Alio ?r"Vx farS'u .LNavlQabl. Water. Protection Act. lo Ifit tba rolloains oricnoaa unui: after every Fertilizers. tt the wuibweil corner; Beslnnlnr r rw .-N.tan m vv. wir yaarvfH snm HAY, GRAIN inii.iar fotfrib4 Uadit up- tbenM irue north is chain, tkenra N. meal AND FEED , , .nuMOrtor tl t pi pu ' ,h Tl chtlni; TT II' Etil iprruxUntUrly Cliickan Fe.4 a n..rbrtit wmr af T. I- tot III. Aliford Th 0rlnj Trunk I'triB nuiwty Com tTprcl nlty. Ihrnra lru nor Itk IS ChttDI 10 t COIiier Bjv. Skldtiata Inkt Ikrnr ! ixtur brrrby llMt notlrs tktt It bti. ua urili-d utwka Um touth bore of khuUI Ihrnr nortk I rktlnt. tkrnc t J,r Sertiuo T af tka ttkl Act drpotttrd We Take iruiat. Eail Ui Orders for Inlet which beir .1. SI" if from Nurssry tnd touiknr d" Workt tl Ot .luioi la ta tu-rlr wub lh minlur of tubUa noruiaait corner ot lot number 11. tnd ll Stock. rnlloainf tkora Una, Uwac wait I um. ,bj m tka ofnra af Iba Dlitrltl tppratlmitelr 'H rhtlna dituul Ikera-intia rommnriunt on- nrtitrtr af IM land RrtUiry ornca. Pit- iiirnr alone iba loutk tkora Of Ull OraM rrall Altr4S T. luiniar ar mora or leit. A I trlrl of Trior Rupert H Prtnca Hupart kbuU Inlet to In polul of be(tnnius, turn lllk. HIT. OkOROE MtKKi. It dftrrlptkin of lha til tnd pltn of brf betrtnt S. TT"4I' Wett tad ll tpproil-niauly tnd Bill rurtnr pbnl and olbr workt pro-inod Tl rhaioa. k i built lo rrlnca nuprrt btrboi S. Ml June IT. HIT. il rrmre Ruprrt Prf.iih Columbia, la EMPIRE PL'LP A PAPER MILLS, LTU. Ifrnnt of Wtirrfront Work "I," trcordim O. A. Jorrenton. Atvnt SMlaal TTajlit Kr MbM 15 ;tu riilrrrd plan Of Ika towntlla of tba MUI city ot I'rlnra Ituprrl rrtliMrrd la CANCELLATION OF RESERVE CANADIAN WOMEN ;ih ifornld land miilry offlr tt Ma. rMOULDKNOWTIlia-- .-Ill AND Sctlw TAKE T..NOTICE tktt lf.tr lb tl- NOTICE IS HEREBY 0IVE.1 tbll tk Don't merely smother your coufllt irtVAP FIRST"M"k lith flEST Milk mniun or uw muntb from tka dita of tba Mtrrva ilttint r a imtll litnd Is Um . .i Tha Uawnnwnl tlull.lla Brl pulituniou uf tan nuUca, tba Onnd ktrbor ot rrtnea Rupert known ai Lot sM.J tiL sthaiiwr " in.ii. trunk ilrlile Billaty Company will, under 1411, Haai I, Cokil Dlitrlct. by rtaaon rWiSrSsS SdSial Of nolle 'a the Brlllih Culuro- f URF IT Ian-lieu T of lha ttid Art tpply lo tka a appetrtnr lt MMr .-.,ktut Miniilrr or I'ublle YVorki tt bit imi In tk la oiniu at tba tut April. 1 1 10, tnd wudi baa vats sac i iiy of (Ula w a fur tpprtvtl of Iba ttld dated 1 1 to April. HIP. It cincrllcd tor tha cold snd thus effectt a penatnent eara. It U thia onthty Ifroa ! uk link u. ii- tnd plan tnd for Irivi lo ronilrucl lha purpoM of wi tint a til of tha ttld k Uts Urctat aaia ot any cough sad cold lmdy taaaua. jMay.MKW CON J ! . ii ttld workt. Lot la Ik Grand Trunk ptclfla lvlop. i U.vftS ll I'rlHf Huprrl, Brlllih Colum. limit Coniitny. LUulted. bit, Ihlt Itth dty or tun. A. D. HIT. QEO. a NADEK, Depuu Mlnltlvr or Land. X e. kiATHKU co, ram.tas saiaaassni. r. fllK OHAMD TRUAt: PACIHC RAILWAY (rptruneoi or Linda, Victoria, B, C lllk , :OMPANV. I'tUuore k ruluxi. Solllllon, Jun. HIT. M. Aus. 10.