;. July in ion TIIR DAILY NEWS t 7 : " i ,i in Kuvernrd or imsgov The Daily 'News n m il liy duly elected ropriotilit S. S. PRINCE RL7ERT t,w Hut. for the people? tlnv Rfi nir iAiMNG MEwaPAPta in nor. triiN bkmim ch umhia the n nmsnl of Hi people by peo Ski VI 'I PwhliihsJ airt! Deify in- i of little use unless Wo rc Guaranteed LnrtMi Circulation r.nn it PRINCE GEORGE , . . . i. ,: i ;, aJUs are for the people. de said truly that tho people of II HAL) nPHCh "QpEr H being governed for SOUTHBOUND fliiada are jl Vancmieer. Victoria and Seattle. Monday t a. m. ror Swanson By, nmw HiilMlitK. 3rd Ave, Prn.-e ftuperl, B.Cj Telephone 98 mm 'their own good wholly? Or can Saturday t a. m. ror Ocean Falls. VirWneer, Victoria and (eatH. said that some nro receiving it be fMMKWI IHsU'LAY AfVKHTl!tUs-rntwa 60 ruiHw-peP'iTich. Contract' NORTHBOUND benefits nl the oxponso of the re u application. niainder? Tho man who works WEDNESDAY If noon tor Kelchikan. Wnmrell. lumauand gkarwiy FninT It fton rer Anyot. for wages knows. And wag y lUlLY KDITION giuv Tuesday, July ip, to ?. .earners ore more numerous than TRAIN SERVICE iany other class. When house raneWeeV tut Smllheri, Prince Oeonre. I(lm-tnn arxl Winnipeg Direct eemnection fr all point East and SoJilb. bcen div'ud hold expenses are nuoui nouoio Vised Tuesday a, til for I ml tot r and all Intermedial tnl, MILITARY SERVICE by stating thai, it will fall very p,hln,a " dur,ngihe begins to wonder if the flov Although the Military Service llehtlv on Oub. Th. Mntr Ue luur yrnrs, sinco me rc eminent has extended that men Agency All Ocean Stoamthlp Lines. Dill slill in Parliament, has Mr. Meighen, solicilor.goueral, Public xva" flf8t Instituted. This sure of protection which it might tor iitfiirinntioii and reservations apply to passed its second rending, the has declared that the exemp- tetUng was so strong that each nnd Olty Ticket Omcs, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 2G0 '-cllon forgot its differences, lion clauses in the measure Salvatlon question ns to whether it will front Army. unbroken Canada have been drdwn umreaaiy for Presented on he enforced throughout of the lhe "Imposition by the. present Government or tho purpose of relieving the!03'"91 by Public meetings, Tuesdays represented whether tin appeal will be made farmers" sons of the French-janc,tnl Manchu.system,The awakening of Thursdays and Saturdays at H p to the country, as Indicated by Canadian province. Conserva- 'P00'1 of Hi. Sundays at 7 JO p. m. kVsM'ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 109 Ch,mV wllh. the negotiations regarding the tive organs, like tho Winnipeg, MINERAL ACT i formation of a coalition gov I 1 VlSahL 1.. ITI eminent, remains to be an lion. Hobert lloger speaks, are vi a T Lowest Rates n nil Easletrtt Fo nts already engaged, in hi in , UHSjllfc UO .SU icnaiucu uuuci in Certificate of Improvements. via Stoamer tu Vancouver ard th swered. The marked aversion UlUIIIUlg , Vill.l... UUlUliafc iiau tut? nuipn .1 ami mi, CVrVlAN r-TiriC RH.WAY air earn liugiics lor nou-en-iisttnent of Quebec of the .measure is 'but democratic China need not be in Quebec, and advise NOTICE Vteal. n ft. t- li.luJ,e e.f, tyflrm also a cause for anxiety. In feared in any quarter more than -fjowsatlj "Door!! Fractional," and this connection! the Vancouver caution and consideration before to Mineral tltutt Waterfront-' Claima, other republic. 14th. any Princess Alice) Southbounj SalurUay, July . Sun asks: attempting to enforce enlistment ib skeena Minlnr Ditlalon or Caseiar Dla ' .Vow that the bill has passed there. 1 In a really democratic country, irlcl. Prtneesc Oophla for Alasta Monday, July 16th. totaled: west ld f Where On th its second reading by a good lion, Mr. Hogers, it is true, the government of the people has held of Alice Ann. majority, "the next move on the is not at present in charge of been said to be by the people for TAkK JfOTICE that I, RIClMrd B. Mt P part of the government will be his department, but remains a the people. Where there is to Ginnlt, Tn Miorr't Oriinrtu Jia. IliOt J. I. PETLk6, Gelt era) Att-'t awaited with interest and anxiety. member of tho cabinet, and sits be found government of tha peo trunr Comjvinr, rrr rni Miner's for tht Ortlflnu Dolly Vtrdra So.Mim til Co nee riiil. Street .I TVl"l A,i.e lirre r.t. t.r Will an administration to the right of his leader. Ills section of the people for ple by a C Inland, iltty dr from ibr dt herrof, which has all along pandered opinions are Sir Robert Dor-den's, a certain small class f people, to apply to tb Mmior Rreordr for i to the Nationalist, anti-British or it might be more cor that is not democratic government. Oruflcato or lprofmDH, for ih pur rect to that Sir Hobert poe of pbuioinr a Crown Ortnl of Hue votc, make a complete volte say Canada is said to be a tlov cltim. face and declare war on Henri Borden's opiniotis-are supplied democratic country. She is al- And forllVer Uk oollra Uul arikm, so Hournsna and his Nationalist U; ?Urn ready-made by Mr. ilog-cVe. dr mcUoo It, mutt t ttnmtnrt4 b following? Will a government What more complete evi-, MINERAL ACT tort ttm iMutore ot uh Certiorate at lot. launch Alice B. which has effort dence of his persona! ascendancy prornwou. made no to Piled tan tiut dy or April. A. D. ill? repress the disloyal and seditious over his leader can bo SOTICE TO DEUSQl'EMT PARTNER Jjr. t. RICHARD P. XcOIM.MS. roa tmc salt utats utterances of the Dour. required than is afforded by the fact that his disgrace, Navlgabl Waters Protection Act. Steey riae, Day from assas and Lavergnes, who have despite To C. V. Calhoun: 10 a. v - been busy for years preaching he was able to force his Tike notice, whereas I bave don and it s, c ctupier til. RtTURsi raat tsi. 'disloyally and rebellion, not way to the king's table, and rauted ! bo done aiteiemenl work on the . , Midnlth! -Fraction mineral cliim. moated, TDe orand Trunk rarJde RaUway Com has been able to for only with its connivance, but arrange Can on the lUlanco rlrer. about fourteen milea btrrby tirea notice that It haa. ua with the moral backing and his retrial byjudges of bis own rmm the brad or Alice Arm. In the Skef, ,a?r seetkm T or ta aald Art; drpoaiied w t. Tteoaaa, raa financial assistance, take a choosing on evidence to be minlnr dirliioo or Skeena dutrlct, aarm- w1ln Minuter or rublie Work at ot r Bt, patriotic stand and suppress heard and considered in camera ment work for 1914. Mil, and titf. and uw. tnd in the cm re or lb Plttrtet I jj,iiinr,ffr kare paid ror aald work and rdinf Hnirir or tb Und Rettitry 0tn, Di Finally, it is understood these arch enemies of British lam the aura or I107.S0. Unleaa you par .met or Prince Rupert, at Prtnro Rupert. connection t Will a feeble administration that tin bill, although approved me tb sum or tiot.ta. for jour aharo . deaenpuon ot tb all and plan of wbarf which feared to by parliament, is not to come r tne im aiteaimeni wore, toreiner wiin 1Di n,h rurlor Mint and other work pro carry on a campaign of enlistment into force until Sir Robert Borden the cost or thl adrertitemrnt, I thill, atipu to b built In rnneo Rupert harbor the eiplratlon or ninety day rromtl mm Rupert, Briutb Columbia. I SPOKT SHOES chooses to have it In Quebec by peaceful proclaimed. the date hcreur apply t th minlnr re- irron( 0f Waterfront Block -I," accordtn means, adopt the policy of co When will that be? corder at Prlnc Rupert. B. C. to ha w retlilered Plan of the townlt or the ercion which the passage of Will the notoriously irresolute your Intereita In tb Midnirht rradlon ,Ml1 Clr of Princ Rupert reentered in WITH and invertebrate leader of a mineral ciaim eiea in me. in pursuance lh. .foretald land retiatrr ode a So the conscription bill makes r the provlalona or tb mineral act i secuon T. SPORT CLOTHES ppssible? It is one thing to moribund government, whose Dated at Prince Rupert, B. O. thia tllh A?(D TAKE NOTICE that after tb el carry a measure through parliament, career has bcen one of feeble aay or April, HIT. if II N niton or mm meotn rrom tb due ot Uw but quite another to vacillation in the face of even H. C. PIULUPS. jnrit puMicallon or thl nouce. th Orand That's the vogue, this trifling obstacles, measure 'up I Trunk I'arJSe Railway Company will, under put it into effect. mm LAND ACT SeclMM 7 or tb aald Act. apply to the year to have one's to th situation with which If we are capable of making Minuter or Public Work at bla offlc in the a fairly safe prediction based iiant'da is now faced t We take OMy r Ottawa ror approval of the sard shoes in harmony with upon political conditions, and let'---j to doubt it. SkEE.1 LAMO DIS.TRirr DISTRICT Of lte and plan and for tear to evfwtrucl tho sport suit, or outing COAST. RAJiGt HVE, tb aald works. the well known character of Sir IAmm skirt and .ater. DATED at Princ Rupert, BrtUsh Cotum. sv Robert Borden, and his equally ROTES AND COMMENTS bia. thl Itlh day of Jut A. D. HIT Take naUce that om Mlllerd Pack familiar methods, there will be we, THE CriA.D ItlVtii FACiriC RAILWAY Inr Ouupiny. limited, or Vancouver. occupation serious to enforce The short received COMPA.ir. Patmor k rulton. Sollilter. no attempts dispatch cannerymen. Intend to apply ror the provisions of the bill, so yesterday to the effect that the permission to teas tb follow lor d-cribed "WATER ACT, 1914." far, at least, as Quebec is concerned. Emperor of China has abdicated U.i'.- ComnceUr.r at a pi plaated at the Straws point the current, for a second time points to the iuU)easv -rbr of Xot II); tbenc soulh BEFORE THE BOARD Of LIVESTIOATtOTI but there have been much conclusion that the Dictator, i chain 14 low water marks tbenc north-1 more substantial indications of Chang I.'sun, was slightly out in westerly St chain roUowmr low witer , lb. Milter of all Stream la tb Hiiel. mark; thence north t chain to tb Orand ton and Fort Frater Waur DUtrtcu. the' direction 6f the tide. The his calculations, when he made TruLk Tactile rlrht-of-way; thence south MEETl.tO or tb Board or A InOriUon Hon. Mr. Sevigny, who until office his "coup d'etat." He apparently easterly ft rbatna followtnr aald rlabt-of-way wUl b beld at th Court-nous at llatelton came his way. was a red-eyed forgot that the republican and to the plac ot beainnlnr and con- ua Monday, the tlrd day or July, HIT, at Nationalist of the most democratic sentiment had taken taininr II acre. io ocioca in so lorcDJon. COSE VIUXRD PACklNO djMPAXY anli.British type, has hastened such a strong hold over the ma. LIMITED. JI4 to excuse his Vote for the bill, jority of the factions into which April tnd. hit. I. Fred Ritchie, arent. la tb Matter of all Streams in tb Prlnc Rupert Water District. SUMMER SHOES A meellnt or tb Board of IntestlrsUoo will Ut Held at in Coort-noua at Prlnc Rupert On Wednesday, tb tllh day or are the most complete line of July, HIT, at IS o'clock in lb forenoon. summer footwear ever made. NEW PEBKFECTION At tbes meetinr all sutementa or The Fleet Foot trademark goes on shoes for cuuu U water prtrilere under Acta passed Oil. CX7QJ&STOVE before tb If tb day or Marcs. ItOf. on every summer need for work and play forv any or tbes streama, all objection thereto, and tb plana prepared ror lb us of Ux men, women and children. said Board, wUl then b open ror Inspection. Athyour dealer to shout you the Fleet Foot line All Interetted are eotltled to prraun eiamin tnese, and so Bl ot J actions you'll find exactly what you want and the prices tberelo la wrlllnr II they deem nt. than arc a half, a third and even less, equally Objections wUl b beard forthwltii If tb party objected to baa received sufficient attractive leather boots would cost. notice or th objection. The Board at tb aald mtetlnss will bear tb claimant, will delennln tb assaaBSWgMMMaMMMpsgMisBSMsasMeMiBPMMMjwMwM .tl?? lUw&ttUUWKWM quanuty of wiier wblcb may b ud under rich record and lb further work wblcb are neceary ror auch us, and will set date ror tho flUnr or plan or sutb works and for tb eoinmencement and couiplellon WcjeTljOprV or ucn work. Follow the arrows and sec how fresh heated air, And where there may be person who, I used circulates around the bread before tho Itlh day or March, l0, wr only once, freely WmmmmFirFmT bolder or waur recorda on th ' said and bakes it from all sides at once. Proper oven atreatna and yst ba not Bled ttalcmenis or tlieir claim with or Inrrstl-tition. the Board ' ' J ventilation T iaf - prevents soggincss. These dealers W such person ar required Id 111, on or befor tb Itlh day or July, it IT. This scientific oven should place the NEW PERFECTION sell tbcm: a U lenient, is required by section It OIL COOK STOVE in your kitchen. The New Perfection f lite "Vtr Act. ISK." Tb rnu CiyVA 7 I I I f RMfl-e thad Uom wuh takes up little room and doesn't overhext the kitchen. The (.no. to for Irritation tnd Mo. II for Other Long Blue Chimney makes the flame''stay put 'with no smoke. Thompson HarSwar Co-, Prince Rupert. ' purpose)rwneatl Anl may b In th obutned Province.rrom any our KE llVff V?aL& Al 1 -ShlploShubcrt- I 1 With fjytliu Ctat Oil tki Sru PtrfictUu Kalan Hardwar Co., . ' ' The claiua or riparian proprietor wbo IKK Vvliflt M liKuikohiKwMiiiMh h. f wiU mk pur nual ftr frtm 5 tt Jj cikU. Ste'rk'a HarSwar Co., " " bare Died, a required by section I or tb ajt ljjk Hew A Mcrlulty, M " Wsisr Act, 1114," sutemeni or claim tc KiKikr, rS" THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY water or any or tha Mid stream will I . , li A- i. QsllanS, " " ' 1 ! ZU Limited rj.sri at tiw saut times and places. BiBaaaaK.aHaltfaWanITlliS wm, ft t lw .. l W- U Klllsnm ! Boyd Veunfl Co., Port Simpson. B.C. Dated at Victoria, B. C, this 7 th day of mM- flJRaJsRVsMU, tiM aiikrt ss BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES lune, 7. For th Board or Inrestli-sllon, A. B. SHUBERTt lnc.acy,AMtj I. F. AHMSTRO,a, ' -7TafaaBB l. Chairman. jfginmi.f EMP RESS COFFE Em WVHOLCiALE DISTRIBUTOR r a dawson PRINOK RUPERT. B. 0.