July 10. 1017 THF WONDERFUL Dft!tr.f,ri(IN TUP "(,,,,abJr. ''Imi vcr oh lier aide, Save the Food and NAAj RIVER ""lited lierwir attain, and llieu herself up to the merciless Serve the HURT EDICIfl Mynimh. Nairn Hivir, . c. Julr PP"tnt of tlie tyrant detiientJ Empire ! 8. YHlr-t-.lnv II.. 7 ' Nulwwlw .... I......a i. n..i- 11 alr, Laiijriiil HI (III. -vj utl uuiiu lust muir ueuu winksiiim, wan the BCPno of B iw une squealed, "mercy kuma The Average Canadian Family Wastes jdoiisands Owe Health And ; iionr ihliiR" in u,e iraKMl in,. tBl,r Mrs. lan eat In the cabiti . Enough to Feed a Soldier The mail uimtnr hont I lia, iJant I111' ll,o water above bef waist- SiOTlh To "Frnlt-a-lim" U. Ilr.rwn, on ll usual weekly trlpi-"01 a wbimner out of her. After up-rhfr, had as paasanxtrs Mr I'1"' Ko1 out of the cabin alio wa" Tilt"IT A TiVES", tbe msrrellout and Mrs. Dan Harlliulorflew, Mr. pt "n her fect entirely and m ;0 msde from fruit Juices lias I'rank lliwlt nnd tin. ii.u nr-.,. outtWe the boat, i.nt l.nr int.. r m r ttMotStot4k, Uixr, den fir Ilia upper Naas. Mr. and,!M1H,J " "lrwo "' hand grabbed Trcuiits 14 J Siii 3 A .'m r Mm. Dan wir on their bunay.!" aM "M hcrvwuile be clung , el- tt rtnlifine. In severe LuroUgo,rsap iiioun trip, and were beading!w,u' the "' band to a rail on Sciatica, II . umUin, c Wood, Keu. pruUeworihlly for their Jiew ""'-biiuse. Three llmea the lain in U Bek,Headaches,Impure Chronle hom and th(mpl lift at Hoef.'. 1 ftl u"(''' In the course of , s, f'hronie rnrlull nn Ilia, U I. . . .lllfllf 11 lllila n.i.l ll a. ... c , !ion and ladlfestloa, "Fruit, a i bss t'' nBUSuslljr effectire h;barlrl Drown inni i0 takeikw etm l the rencue, liiin. r - Jii I)y U eletnilo, bralla; mem up inun uranny for IhU reu-"u ,n "'eir canoe. Thia "The Kitchen mutt help as tacit at purpote. 6uini.M was really fine. . s oa tin elimlnitlnc orfsjis, rthe and the , i i.r ' tones up and lurljor i lie enm ! the boat contlitod w fc u w"r paaenger Workshop Trenchet" , .lBlten. of lliree men ami twu youths, all aved. but all the freight, with the Lloyd George, ... , 0 for SJO, tril sle, 3e. ludiani, bikI ho dlffleullr !axpti.,t. of Dan s plough and a 4 t rormvtTiti'ibyVwlU aulleipatfd in navigating the ean-yon. imna. all got ashore. They .t.OtUwa. Hut the water was rltinir even tri-d I., Uw thn ilurllal j rapidly fit the river at the rale of ami, indeed, they dkl inaniin INTELLIGENT economy in Dont Send Money two liielie per hour or more, and 10 ihiiiii ik f the dlreetion of her can do much 'when this is the ea the best drifting that when she dkl sink. to prevent the threatened in Letter ."reader" finds his ronoiuoioii she went to rest In a place where a world famine can counteract the effect of high prices frequently falsified. In the tne receding waUirs will leave her can. you send yon there l a neutral streak of dry In the fall; and so Itrown mav and can replace growing debt with systematic saving. WHIiN to magazines, water, if one has the ye of faith1 recevar jus engines. goods out of 'to see It, between Ctiarvbdii and, Tbe party are mow tMnJer eover Careful investigations show that before the war the average town, or pay small iHrylla, which u navigable wHb at awinoba in an Indian hui. British family wasted 25 f of their food and we Canadians were even accounts at a distance, do not Ilia aid of a level.Iieadnd steersman awn ll la iimhI affterely hopeJ by more extravagant, place the actual cash in the an in tne valley that this sirri lone. Thousands ofdolurs when and the a water Kom1 towing is roue: hut ee will not throw a wet blanket This waste is not in a few big things,but in many little ones, each, ristag rapidly we used to think, too small to bother about such as careless peeling tetiXiESfSSSi .".: r1"" w,t- of vegetables and fruit failure to make good use of dripping and "leftovers" 111 la ? and such others as will to thrifty housekeeper. issued by this bank. I hey arc Tbe was dowg well In Ibis occur every tayablc in Canada and the neutral water and taklna no no LAKO LEASE NOTICE For the Empire's sake as well as your own, hunt up and cut out Of (he tlee ordinary boils, r r. . ill Stales in any sum up l tin water artuaiiv rieatetl m ben an these leaks ! You'll be helping to relieve the food shortage saving to TKir till)' eroltcoVa uouari. It wtll worth Uwb iTlfmiH. II. 1, siini -I a-vrrm . un.... llllll I .... DMTRICT. IiHTRICT t your own money and putting yourself in a position to buy Canadian nail cotl. .... . L V-SK UISMATTC ISLANDS. Wax Savings Certificates and help win the war. .. THE BANK OF us.t i lie MfwiHK rone imdm . . . War Savings Certificates are issued in denominations o( $25, like tiirmd llu, iviMi , . a , as him k u. . British IVorlfo America secure It to a Ire,w and away weat- i.BnlMw. v ' iii ft,i m m wm tnrTsrrr,u ktw it irv $50 and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face value. They it . the plueky little boat into lli'!,,yf,M tu cost $21;50, $43 and $86 respectively, at all Money Order Post-Offices curitAt Asn i v . artless, i)..,.,( ...i r.. ..f it., iii... I r 1 1 ,Mf " and Banks, thus yielding over 5 Interest Should you need Tbe bottom was torn away by the liny. tiatsir lakH. livtx wttt ts it, you can get your money back at any time. prince Ruratr mxficn roeks like old oauer fniin tbe wlll- " rtutm. tit tt AV.J.S.MITIir:RS,Manaflcr of a room, leaving only the 1 X.T'JlT, I ssiuss u toi r rommatiiini. sea- WATEft NOTICE lliwsss is in., mure or !. a Is. iStk. Ii: 0COR0E MrRAC. The National Service-Board of Canada, ie A.vti aruanac. 1 CANCELLATION OF. RESERVE OTTAWA. TUE .vitice Dm I 1m lntn Psip k l'u HM. tM, mint iUxM M Vw- ft n.C. iU t:it tar s Hum to I JMiiice Is HLM8T uut Um Ufc snt n Um ttor ftAd ! nw nwwi iiua wr s saatt tuna In Um !. fn ft f ilr Ml r sssinwd 1 fctra of I'fittt Mprrt, iMH m Ut The Iktily News delivered by Uk. tUn u Whiles Ukf. kcSS4S. Hr . Oostl DUlrKI. 67 reston (W. m4 4rski is to W'tui dtssnrl stHMll ' s wwi seersrtsf 10 Um Brtiub Celsn .arner, 50 cents per month. a nrfl swrui taaa Mtsrs MtM. I"" tstt at um SIM AprU. lit. Md tb tiartf dun w tm si mI(4 isss sent. in, t ul lot rJ Mkl (I Mlwl ST lb rSTSMtf IBM fSMTM f SMkMt S MM St UM MM FIRE ALARSI ST STEM. Guaranteed To Satisfy t rpMfTutr to i rrtstod u ssmii ii,M m ortM Trues rsM iH'nt- JyX it the c&eni of ri ud mssm casMsay. ubhh. srr ii mui aw imi i.sss sctm I CIRCUIT no. 1. Mne. in tsns tb viirr u tw dirM4 Trm UtA- H, .AbiX. txrvlr Jlislsisr M Lsaas. pure aoap 11 lib SL sad Srd Are. Ik iim at t Mat stMsl Ttkra tu I tertnna T Uad. KtorU, B. C. tlta m The " Sunshine"Furnace gives healthful, flakes and at is 4 u sl sod Ird Arc. poascasea labH lrSH itt 4 mt Lis tbrss nUI tlf. M. ABf. fl. Ml IS Itk SL sod Ird ATS. warm air heatand plenty of it. marvelous cleantinf wirtarH dtfrrtMsi from Lst tt. kutoAtw, at is fsaruoa of I iL- tod sod nd preserving rtswr Mrft St4 tN fc Ut4 tot LAND ACT ird A?. When installed, according to plans proper. ! HirMMs mvm Um Uad Atrnbr4 Ues. Bar 1 It! Ae.. betarrn lib tad furnished by, our heating engineers, It keeps all loosely st to sn4l-iMi to ls si rstl HtA of tm 8U. (knot Hotl. it is guaranteed to give absolute UU um ftr rVsrfe. SirEKA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or satisfaction. woven fabrics from at II III A vs. tad 7 lb SL (Oo- ltd eut tl u4 oa Um r round COAST. HA.V6C 4. trtl Howl). Write for free illustrated shrinking and thicken-lag i isw Ilk Atf of !, ttlT. A fy of booklet. In the wash. Hate tMt smire sad sa srtJKtttoo Mrssi CIRCUIT MO. E. tlxrrw sa4 U tfcs Wsur Atl. I til. tf) TAkE TIC Uut Emplrs Tttlp s. fspsr you tried LUX? M b4 M in offirs ut Um Walr lusardrr I . UailUd, of Vtaeoaivr. BrlUia Q- a i Z2Srd AT sod Ird SL (Pott Sl I'rWK Rwrt. S C OtitorUaM to UM ". oecaptttMl p nuBsftctun&r lTCIarys (nMrsitoa mty U -Bb4 vita um fH"I. latMUi to srplj rr pcnnususi t ss ird ATs. sod McBhds SL Bt 14 lit ATS. sod McBrtd SL ttor rtM,r or IU UM CismpteaKrr Um rUo Ins an!4 U1: f Wsur liirbu rrbuat Ikmmii.I nsfSMMsf si s serner Mtsita si u aoi ra tod at, sod tod sl Sua IS tod At, tad lib SI . SUNSHINE FURNACE !. . C. IUU UUN dfs Sftof ttw Issnwr-rttoB sf UM el Ut t Ut fla am smsrtsc of IMS SIr Is s Um W Hi aswr lias on lbs sonU bm rr o. t. p. a(tr. Tb atu at tar am put at Sksus Iskl; taracs slocr Um LOKDOI ST.TORONTO JOUH. K B.MOJCTMAL UAAIILTON WXXSB'tO CALGAJtX VAJICOUTXa I IKI of Ikll aollr tsut. mr hsm sttors sf lb lakl la s norUiastUrly circuit no. a. saskatooii EOkioirron srvctksi to s sarorr abkti br . It' a i ll tb at, sod ration SL MINERAL AOT r Vt, rrxsa lbs uuusl eoraer, sad it aUa aaRordea sod Tsjlor 8U. For Sale by Steen Cc Longwill MveMimsifti IT rJuias diiual Otrt at as Tib at, sou rulton SL i A. a. a. & itnt rrams Umam V It f t. it cbslns; Uieac Bat lib Ats. snd Comoi Ats. JjUX breaks Into a a. ! c sreraiuaiMtr it cbtiosi umb Bat T IU At. tod Dodra rite foamy cream-like Hoiix a. ss-e wtst is tiulnt to Um fotai r Bt Sa -4 lb At, sod Tbomptoo SL mrtion. Mrtb. craeat rufttoo. lather that cannot Injure s4 nm Marrsl rltimt sHusl M Um brtMtatSr Bsto ea St. IS It. CIRCUIT NO. 4. the Vm Cnirtotla IHllrlct, fecsd St Of filmiest fabrics Mr HkU at). QiMan CBSrtMl lUaa. KMHStte pvu a PAtta mills, ltd. Bt 41 lib at, sod Emmersoa or the most delicate ' a. a. jrrM. Ara r-'tr. anna QuIUBOMt, UraMjr bM hands. It softens the b Itsos Mlwt Umllrd Mk rtrMUl Bt 41 lib AT, tod MrBftd Sl. You Can Make Excellent Cake I IWIU1JI. LAND ACT at 43 lib at, snd Orrn SL hardest water, thus TAkE NOTICE Uut I. lalia A UirtaaM. Boa 44 lib AV. tad Batlt SL s-iwiur far ikds Bt 48 7 lb at, aad Etwrts. With Fewer preserving tho orfjrinal Miot Uniid l.ias Eggs "r"frtl UtblUly, rr NUwrt Ostuaetl. SkMv.VA LAStl MSTRICT DISTRICT OF at 141 Ttb at, and Youna iu elasticity of fabrics and wirtw. trt,r th siflrtUmi af COAST. HA.VS 4. adding to their life. "" rrusn tas dtU brr WU Just use an additional quantity oT Dr. Price's tJH Dflklll nr III a.1 m .a. Try LUX In the bath. llis twrortW of Um uT...ril Z T"K ?u" "-, r Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each omitted. n 0l egg h. .f ,' . . llaaMS. atSWMUMi pa msasfsmriaf uTulB7re; " '7. w " -r. wss t. iy fs ta0j " Prince Rupert Feed Co. ' This applies equally well to nearly all bfdeed LUX ADTIMTIIER TASK oT. IS,. .-. .- foods. Try the following recipe according to the '! mdw toii .I. afssemr si ia sbwmi er. P. O. Bt 333. SCS Tklr At; kriak tlMors new way: mt; RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS CREAM LAYER CAKE - -r i, a .... aitr.v p Old Way New Way ,t."i2.r.-.. lst.1. wssrt tr IS. si" tr tl from tt WS HANDLE I r to sutinior UhIi miim ".- Hiir tp ( arliMai corner t Ml nonber tl. snd it S auk I ca aula fsrwxitl Usbiuiy). Sit. easint OltUnl tlwrs Steals A Brlgga, Rennlaa' I tart aar t cap Soar tftrailAMMl)' I iHirraii Dr.Pric'l B.ktn PowdM 4ta.pooet D.PrirVl Btkbu Train: IbNM aMt UM soiiin tour tr Ferry'a and MacKenzla'a 3ca lr Mda In Cm.,1. . .. . Navigable Walsra Protection Act. Lbs lis isstt to Um rwiat of txtiaoinr, Garden and Field Seeds. S'a alMrtmla- 1 lablMpoena thctala I iMipeea a.rta4- I Imhhi Sa.eriaa H. a c Uupwr 1 1 1. brsrfttf S. TT" II' Vi tiki u trproU- Umltswl, Toronto ImtMy T4 chtlni Also Fertilizers. Maksa 1 Lara S-Laysr Cake T ha n..K- !..., uini P4W JUIM IT. HIT.. S.t HAY, GRAIN AND FEED BISECTIONS Craaat tk Mir aa4 hartaalnt teth,thM tali la tb mtwwMmwm "1 f anu... .... 't. v... I lmli.il I lrmi..1 u.n l"V-i a. i la.l.ru m. .III-i"-i I LTU. ASw tiftlnc tkBoar aa4 Dt. rrlct't B.klo Vwmit toMbw.la.w Ikr O. A. Jorrfuson. Armi Ciilcben Fead A fcnecn'iy tlowa,a44 it .11 1 tb nlrtar. QradaaUr 44 th milk aad kaat with taaaa arrrliir fltrt uotlrs Ibal It lis), uolr aatll r.a h a tmoeth paar battar. A44tha.rlB( Ptaf lata iimhI S9tT ftJETAL snlkm T of Um ttlil Att. drrxMlli-d alia larar t.k tlaa aad bk la a awdwatalr bat v.n foe twrntr mlaatM. Tata ,'0RK MINEnAL.ACT We Take Ordsra for Nursery cat It Scat hakad la tat larara. rat taffttbar with tratai BUlag aad tra4 I lb Mmitlrr of Public Work I tt Olltst. with wail, tclsav tint la ll omr of Iba DUlrlrt R(lttrr Stock. k3 l um tad Rrtttiry omr. bittrtrt or Certificate of Improvements 1 ... i. (,u j ! ,ay rmir HuprrL tl Trlnr Rupsrl. s o- SSall OrS.M rra,i, r. o ' m( aoiu.mt,, Wllh t , i M-nnikMi of lb til tivi pita f abtrt waieihutfanf outfllJn,t(t.io,n, tml lumbtr inlll imt albtr wurkt pro' NOTICE Dr.Price's mmiI In U bull! la Sprue Bty, oa lb Caribou Miocril Cltiin tliutls la Uis MusHbyfastoroahopa, ! rtittl of Lsrrom Ultud, Csttltr Dli Ikrrnt Mlnlnff DIlilon of i.'toitr Dlilrlct irirl W'bvr Ucslli Wrsr Iwsil of Allrs Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-nttltigT AM TAkE MOTH'S thai sftor UM ft triu. tt. C. A. Harry (ttrtlfc.il ut oil ttuHtlb .fruui lb iltt uf T.kt NOTICE tbsl 1. i. rni fUlflii. HarUfti uiul Plumbing, lb am iuibMrst.ua of libit noun, lb lira .Mtnrr't Oruoctit .No. atttC sctini (Lsl LssSoa, .(K..Crawlr. J BAKING POWDER ond till iinea Gf Sheet irfsnln i:M.'tlttiHl Mlntnr. titirliina tiwJln trrni tor V. A. WlUitiut. trr Minnr't al.MMtit) i Puapr cuuipaiu' Limiint aill. undur asc- lortuirai .Ho. tone, lotend, sixty dtyt roru or lansoowns cottcil 2 " i Metal Work : lion 7 or tb tiki Art. tpply la lbs Mtn- frin Um dits bcreof, la tpply la th I'romDt :: i.i.t or public Works si bit orncs is Uwlwnum liordr for s Ctriinctu of tui- rut lit Ttk n fer Made from Cream of Tartar,ttsrirad Attntitin and Skilled iiy of otuwa for approiil af Um tld pruvciunli, tor Um parpot of obltininr VIOUX riA.N0. VIOUM ULU. tm Workmanship ii tml pun and for Itsr to maiiruri t-rown ortni or lb sbov clitin. IIAJlMO.MY. Made in Canada No Alum Um ttld works. And further Itk nniir ihtt truoa un CXAMI.1ATIO.VS H. LETOURNEAU UATkO st I'rlnc liuporl. Prilith Coluui 4r tltv& tl mutt lis rouiiur-arvd bffors Psalla rrtptrtd It . Cttmlsailent bis. lint lib Uty of Julr. A. I). 19 IT. tb iMUtur of tu'b Ctrliarti f Ibi- Attsclatsd Basra. Vaasutr, 0lr 1 SIXTH AVF.NUK Tils oua.vbt- CO.HaOIJtlATEU .MI.M.V0. prmail. Wtial Oallts sf My tit, La4iyls. I hons HUck 8M1.LTIMU AMD I'OWtH CtlMPANY iMlri Iblt ITlb day of kltrca. A. D. a P.O. Ioi US LIMITED. HIT. It TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 Advertise Iii The Datily News I'suuor k rulton. SollUtori. i. I MED RITCHIE, AftnL