Tuesday. July 10 101? HIE IlAILY NKWH LAND REGISTRY AOT 'OFOUT AGRICULTURE Province of British Columbia CocaL NeiOs Notes IN TELKWA DISTRICT DtrAATMINT OP LANDS Harry Atkins FOR SALE (Sertlons It and ill.) He Application Nd. t,ill( Finns S.I 1 1, I Most f Ihe farmers report Family BUhtr, Print Rupert TAkE NOTICE that application has been this allhougt NOTICE made to resister John Bertman, of Princ Mr. II. II. Welch, of Vancouver, itfint.1 liny cmp year, Re Oierdun t'arment on Applications lo THE OLD COUNTHY Rupert, B. c, as owner In fee Under a omo of the old meaiiows nro no Purchite Crown Lands In British Columbia Find level let, with a hcaull-ful Tat Sale Deed from tbe Collector of the Is n visitor to 1'rlnco llupcrt. as (rood n expected. Haying will NOTICE I hereby given that, under the SAUSAGE MAKER Cliy or Prince Rupert, bearinr date the likely start much bdforo the provisions of I be "Soldier Homestead marine view on Horden 10 in day of September, If It, of ALL AND Mr. O. ii. Jefferson, of Tclkwa, not Acl Repeal Act," any person who did not Tomato Sausage a Specialty. month. SINUULAR that reruin parcel or tract of left for the south yesterday morn. etui of the apply under the "Soldiers' Homestead Ad, Street. land and premises situate, lytnr, and be- In?. 1016." to complete bi application to purchase, mr in the MuUcipaluy of Prince Rupert, Win, Thompson eipocls his either by payment In full or by tbe Phone S74 P. O, Box for $750.00 more particularly known as Lot Ten (10) family' here In a few days. lie selection of a proportional allotment, Mr. I), G. Scott, representing Block Five t.. Section Seven l I. Mv may, by proving hi Interest and paying ft. Ganong'sVls in the city for a few also expects his father nnd brali up In rull the balance cf tbe purchase tun are required t'J contest lite clain days.' er here about the sarno lime to price and late before the list December, ACT NOW ' of the tax purchaser within thlr'y-llvf tnke up land if they can. get located. 1117, obtain Crown Orant If proof satisfactory days from the date of the service of thlt to the Minister or Lands I fur PACIFIC Li have CARTAGE, Mr, V. J. Jefferson of Shus- They n lot of catllo, Take full advantage of the noUce (which may be e dec led by Iteris Aihel thai such person Is suffering Injury lered, Mail ur at Directed, and your at hartc, is in tliocity for a few horses nnd a complete farming through absence or notice or otherwise. MxswjsaajsaaBjSfi -JJUJi I in&r m "present depressed real tention Is called to section St of tne days. outfit. And further thsl tbe Interest In un Land Retlstry Act" with amendments, compltted application to purchase held by General Teaming estate pricos. mrf to tbe following txtraet therefrom: Mr. It. J. Woods has returned Waller Wllliscrofl Completed any person on Active Service may be pro. "and In default of caveat or certifi lecied by notification to tbe Lands Depart cate of lis peadens beint filed before the to the city after a (rip to Rivers (he new bridge over the creek at ment or Ihe fact that such person It on DOMESTIO retistratlon as owner or tbe person en inlet. Thirty-nine Mile on Wednesday, Active Service ind by the filing of proof BLACKSMITH COAL H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD titled nnder such tax sale, all persons so and it is understood that he is to of the Interest or such person. served with notice and those cUlmloa Mr. Gordon I Jessun came in Further information will be furnished on Careful Attention to Plan.) tbrcurh or under them, and all persons from the Queen Charlotto Islands move his gang onto the Jefferson request Ui the Deputy Minister or Lands, rurnllure Removals. elauulnf any Interest In tbe land by vlrtut Dockrill road where a couple of Victoria, B. C. and or any unrerlstcred Instrument, and all yesterday.. . . bridges are lo be put in. The Puilirstien or this novice without au persons claiming any Interest In the lanf thority will not be paid Tor. Tu. Sep. II PHONE 03. construction of the road Is lo be by descent whose title Is not registered Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Johnson, of "The Daily News" Ltnltr the provisions or this Act, shall be Naas Iliver, are in the city for a undertaken at an early date, ae fr e'vtr estopped and debarred from set day or two. cording to local reports. ting up any claim to or In respect of the DENTISTRY land so sold for tttea, and tbe Registrar CLASSIFIED ADS. kball register tbe person entitled under Mr. Percy Klsey, of the a.T,P John Itoberts came but from such tax sale as owcer of the land sc Vancouver, is registered at the Habine Lake this week and in DROWN An tMtro v : Prince Rupert Dairy old for taxes " Hotel Prince Rupert. tends to take a team in with him Sf BOIALTV UNDIS) NIW MANAOIMgNT AND WHEREAS application has been when he returns. He lives there j. s. rstciVis WANTED. made for a Certificate or fndefeaslble Title to tbe aboveuieotioned lands. In tbe name Miss K. M. Lander, of Queen alone and is endeavoring lo cut a oiNTiar PURE HOLSTIEN MILK WANTED cook, male or female. Apply of John Bergman: Charlotte City, arrived off the farm out of. the yirgln forjest. a 0l nn SUfk, Tee 1,1 CREAM Hotel Central. lit. AND WHEREAS on Investigating the Prince John yesterday. pood deal ot success has peen title It appear that prior to tbe th day i rz,4i tit BUTTERMILK achieved as he now has thjitf WANTED Olrl for housekeeper, rbone of September, 1914, (tbe date on wblci , Mr. M. M. Kelley, of Vancouver! under - . . -A t i n Hue SIT. tbe said lands were sold for overdue acres crop. p. O. BOX l9 taxes) you were tbe assessed owner arrived from tne soutn yesterday WANTEDDellvery Boy for waron. Pbone thereof. on a visit to the city. It Is estimated that the potato All Oee FURTHER TAkE NOTICE that at the t II. MussaUem Orocery Co, Ltd., Fifth of (ho willhe province avenue. same time I aball effect registration' 11 Mrs. X. Ferguson and son of acreage Stuart J. Martin pursuance of such application and Issue a increase! ho per cent, Ml year. R. McKay, Proprietor. Walla Walla, Wash., have arrived INTrLUOE.1T rERSU.N MAY EARN Certificate of Indefeasible Title to tbe salt Last year tho production was 1100 monthly correspondlnr .for new lands In tbe name of John Bergman unless in the city on a visit. rt5,000 tons. ASSAYLri papers; 40 to tiO monthly In apart you lake and prosecute tbe proper pro time: experience unnecessary! no can ceeding to establish your claim. If anj Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Adkins, of vasslnr; subject lutrested. . Send for to the said lands, or to prevent such pre Swanson Hay, arrived in the city Geb. J. Hess, of Jackfish Lake. HAZELTON B. O. J.L.HICKfc.Y srlieuur. national Press Bureau pol action on my part visit. Sask was In town the first of DATED at the Land Registry Offln yesterday morning on a reom 3174, Buffalo, N. T. the week. He waft looking for CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Prince Rupert, B. C., this tth day o LOST December, A. D. tf IB. The Grand Trunk, steamer will land on which to locate with his The oldest established Atuy II. F. MACLEOD, family. Like all others seeking Offlee) In the North. sail on Saturday at 8 a. ni. in Bloro and Oillce Plitures, Apr. IT. District Registrar of Titles land lie found all the desirable taST Double-eased Elfin match, on Bacon stead of O advertised. To Simon Peterson, DavtsvlUe, California a. ni, as Sash, Door and Moldings. Street between Ninth and Eleventh land in the hands of unknown Avenue Wednesday nlfhtr' Initials, L. Halt and Hard Wwxlt of all fJOTICE TO CREDITORS 25c Strawberry Tea will be held speculators. He was forced to I. Finder please return to Dally News nice. v in the Methodist Church Parlors return lo the prairie. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS kinds. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Wednesday, July 11th, from 3 to Wi Speclallxa In Hard-wood WALDEMAR SYDNEY MARSHALL, DECEASED. FOUND 7 160. Frexl Heal was in town last HOTEL p. m. Boat Ribs, Sash, TAkE NOTICE that AU person having Saturday. He and his sons have OPl TO OUISTS ON 4UNC STSt. tie. rau.ND Lady's Vanity Bar. Apply Dally claims against tbe late Waldermar Sydney Hesflio Casey, know. over fifteen hundred acres on Doors, News omce. tf. Marshall, late of Prince Rupert, who died or anyone Tyee lake that Is equal to the Motor Rage will connect Plate and Sheet Glass and or her about tbe 4th day or October, ttlt. ing whereabouts, please with trains at Terrace. on or i a FOR SALE. postkiotify Miss Katheriiie best in the north and in time will Gluing. in France, are required to send by Oohen.JiOo prepaid or deliver to tbe undersigned so 21st Avenue, Seattle: who Is 1)0 one of the show places In the Ctcelleet Tree! Flit; ia Lstslte Corner Frasar and Clh 6l. ran SALE Baby Carrlare. Phone JJI licitor for W. O. E. Boyd, Administrator anxious lo hear from her. 1GS Hulkley Valley. This year the Lata. rIl SALE Slltbtly used full alied ma. ur the Estate, their names and addresses Heals have 250 acres in grain and Pfteee Ooactle villi Tsee. PHONE GREEN 2C9 and rull In writing or tbelr particulars borsny upright piano at a barraln. Rea-u claims and statements or tbelr account At the meeting of the city hay and the crops are very prom. - Raet'S3.00 per day P. O, BOX 448. J Ur MOO for 1171. Piano piano only and tbe nature of tbe security. If any held sing. This spring they also ad council held last evening, it was can be aeen at the office of Mr. E, II ror htrtner rutlettlars, apply to Mortimer, who baa been authorised to by them. decided that steps bv taken to ded fifty head of good-grade beef 4. mnvct jOMNSTOsic. . AND TAkE NOTICE thai after tbe J Oth aispose of same for tbe owners. Mason complete the title of certain lots animals to their herd, mostly July, 117, the Administrator will distribute k nisch, Ltd.,. Vancouver. Its, the assets or tbe Estate among the which fell to the city under the heiferd and this will give them AT ROWK PLUMBINC MISCELLANEOUS persons entitled thereto, having regard 1915 (ax sale. Two lots which an excellent foundation on which only to such claim or which be shall have lo build up a herd in keeping with had belonged lo soldiers were excepted. tben received notice. And that the Ad WOULD YOU MARRY A YOUNO LADY tht-ir acreage. Omineca Herald. SHEET METAL WORKS ministrator will not be liable Tor tbe Tilt LVCLMRtn.VLMLfT I worth fSS.OOOT Write Mrs. W. K. Hill, asset or any part tbereor to any person Tr wake OaMllae Teaks, Oallef 14 E. ttb Street. Jacksonville, Fl. or whose claim- be shall not tben be An afternoon held er, Bateke Suets, Cll Teee, tea was at Baby's Own Soap received notice. i4 all tke week Ifcel s dmII ee NI LAROE riOOM3 All newly done over. the home of Mrs. ft. II. Smith. Rates reasonable. All conveniences. Sit DATED at Hamilton this ttth June 1117. mHtaaa- tiseMNt In Ike OLD MSMIONCO TIN SHOP, Sixth Avenue, Seal Cove, WtTM ALL TNI LATIST DOWfa. Third Avenue. ICS LEES MOB tN It CO. , yesterday. Or 1. i-i ia. kr 1 it-s '01 Bank ur Hamilton Chambers, Hamilton, A- leather pillow presented Meese ee. TO-DATx? WOmt apiCtSLIXIO, tmitt RADUATE NURSE (CM B.London) Terms inliHn: Solicitors Tor tbe Administrator. by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Iteltoux S SaVLMMTS, COHNICaS, It. moderate, apply P. O. Box S4(, or Frc J II e oil. s s-4 1. r t -i 1. tty erUtlas t Itoe fee SSUI, Mies Pbooe 41. - ,was rallied. It was won by Mr. J. Nim ee. e ratteer, Slesse aet eae ea Don't enpnii annthpr Judg0 wilh No 289 The um nU 4 CL 1- hi. kf ' la. etee te fMMee. Meeriae fat all FARM LANDS kke ef malseteL f DytllU t0Bether realized was 135.50 in Mi Reaaietof ell klae. rICIS aid of the French lied Cross. SIIOHT, SCNVICC OREOON AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. Night Coughing riMST-CLSSS. A SATISrtCO ova- HANT LANDS. Till to same revested For Further Information Toaaisi is ousi Ana. J United States by act of Ccntress Mathieq's Syrup of Tar The liresbyterian Sunday School Apply to tMOMt SSO. p. O. BO 447, dated June . 191ft. Two million, three and Cod Liver Oil taken at picnic will take place on Thursday. ratleer 4 ome IU tee At hundred thousand teres to be opened bedtime w ill chase the cough Doals will leave the Prince aa tea Street, cteee U 0m SUf V.. S. AILLUCnOi T for homesteads and sale. Timber and and gireyou and those Around 4 OtiMinMl Waarf arrlcultural lands, eontalntnr some of you good night's rest. Ilupert Doalhouse at one o'clock Prince Itupsrt, B. 0. OR. Btaoisi auiLDiao. best had left In United States. Now Is Taken' regularly it soon and at 2:30 p.m. Special arrangements tbe opportune time. Larre map s bow- dispels even the most ding-leg will be made to bring In r lands by sections and description of tonic cough a it valuable over the business men at- 5:30. I Leaves the skin a. mtrterhow 9 soil., climate, rtllfill, elevation, etc propertir strengthen I tender aofs '1 arotuat- 11 the blood which will then Adults will be Postpaid one dollar. Orant Lands Lo charged 25c, all I lied. Per led fr u.trj and '3 cating- Co., Box A 10, Portland. Oregon. quickly restore the tnucuous funds going directly to the. Iled I toilet. M-u l titsue to their original health. Cross. H AOMrt Smpi LialW. . UmItmL M Letterheads H sore you get Msthleu'a Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Envelope STEEN&LONCWILL Oil, the most popular cough WESTHOLME THEATRE Statements cure in Canada. Etc. . Cards, Sold every where. 35c large At the Weslholme Theatre last M NERVJNE POWDERS Pi?M 93 SANITARY AND HEATINO bottles. night there was a fine display ENGINEERS J. U MATH I III CO, Prwiv. "The Girl Like That" was certainly liH iiH eV eteterslii'Ssptea -.m$ Skerbrook I.Q. H a comedy-drama of great interest. frtfMtMksMi mm - Agents for The same thing will be The News Job Press ftk,mm m i MIMk m McCLARY FURNACES KtaXM repeated tonight. Irene Penwick and Owen Moore, the stars, came Prists! of AU Description! Djte PLUMBING) up to the occasion in a fine stylo. A comedy-drama is always one and that attracts the greatest number. P.O. Bu &9 Programs SHEET WORKS m ii uj umn nimiasini i METAL, and another full house is expected 1 B. C. UNDERTAKERS One trial vol convince thai Catalogs J you Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. t tonight. A Topical Iludget if lis sure tod sale remedy lor any l)lgcrs Night phones 570 'LftllAL DIRaCTOR Af.'D KB. very great interest will also be It Ua4h Is at yoer servlee la I'oetcr,etc. and Blue 270 rA!.irn SATISFACTION OUAR-AATCCD shown, of events all over the y MATHIELTS The right work, at the right ' OPtK UAV ANO NIOHT world right up to date. I Nervine Powders I time, and at tho right price. MT MO OTKtET PHCM 41 les Mausoo, . m ISkitkn.2U. eoMiwi fcre,M M w.wKtrw a ar njaaasarogwraaasssa m rw4MUcdeMMialllMMiBll W. Ii. William. II, Lis teaoarMatieof prfc.3e. WILLIAMS A SANSON j-LMATrnxucarKSM. Barrl iters. Solicitors, Tie Bv oi. e.. BB FRED STORK'S HARDWARE I asoNtv B01 to flit tost B-faiaxr A HOT BATH THE t , 4jj-s.rsaraz.!!, 1. jv. ,r. ,jt..,.,. .w I s a. Hirerwi ainrk t"nr Rnrl H 1 MINUTE YOU WANT IT FOR CANNERYMEN A a4i Lt SlautoUva J We have added lo our slock of valves and pipes a complete Yon aro accustomed lo lino or Ilubber Helling at right prices. SUBSCRIBE FOR COLD WATGIi FREE. getting cold water In-xtantly. FOR FI8HERMEN Mn'rUfmr 1 in Think of (ha sat. A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for The Daily News WiIiSm I lll.inh 4 uluctum ot, gettiriK Hot trolling Spring I Iran, Silver and Hronze. WIS Water in the same way lit M FOR THE WATERFRONT , abundance, regardless of t tm SB Ttie celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat ISI'FREE how much has heen used paint PLOGLAZK" --A complete line of Ship Chandlery. lip m.1, 9m mi mm hefore. FOR EVERYONE AlWru.UwK tmA m HOT WATER LIKE MAQI0 A flno stock of Hardware. Ounu-y's Oxford Stoves. HI m iW tnm We Sell Nothing But The Best. Tm BEST Harry Hanson Hot Water Hervlco brings Via TW A It i7 v you this convenience. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE IrULUtft,.T1MfT0 win Bxa Skeasswaiei - v ixuvi a 1 7 PHONE 459 P, O. BOX 395 (