IMS IIAILY NKW Woilnid.hy July tl 101 7 i ir nnd Mrs J. r. JMailiiesoil 1 1 Nature Says I nnd family, "f the Cnnadian Fiali Notes Local News FOR SALE nnd 0ild Slorago vu nrrlvoii' "I can remedy to most Ills, and hack ngnln In Hie city from th Fulfills Every Claim help you escape many ailments, if you give me timely Anniversary Sale Wallace's. aotilh this morning. Pino level lot, wilh a beautiful old." Naturally, Nature prefers Mr. I.. W. Patmore left this Mr. II. K. Mien and "Jack" went morning for Fort fleorge, where No furnaco can do more than satisfy-but murine view on Iiordcn BEECHAM'S lo llazelton today. ' he will net as counsel for the tho "Sunshine" furnaco absolutely Street, 8nndl for the kiddies at Hnlo Commission enquiring Into the and invariably does satisfy fully and for $750.00 PJLLS Price Wallace's. 102. the alleged last corrupt provincial practices election during there. completely when properly installed. LrMt Sale el AaM&ta U Hm Warli, Mr. 0. Hanson left for Lake. Ask our local dealer to show you this S.U Trrhr. la bMM,2S. Knthlyn till morning.' Mis Mary V. Hays, of Montrcnl good furnace, or write for freo booklet. ACT NOW arrived off the train from the Eas LAND REGISTRY ACT The Mi.ea Kilpatrick returned last night. Shn Is a sister of Mr Take full, advantage Of the from Siuillierit last evening. David II. Hays, of this city, with present depressed real (Sections St and 114.) whom she will stay during her he Application No. 91,111, Finos I.H4 Ml. Inn 8. I.ubhardt of Juneau visit to the coast. Miss Frances estate prices. TAkE NOTICE tbat application bas been arrived In the city yesterday. Hays, of Newark, N. J n cousin SUNSHINE FURNACE made to reklster John Bergman, or Print Rupert, B. C. as owner In fee under also arrived, and will tour the Mr l II. Mobley was a pas. London toionto wnnratit. WINMPIO VANCOUVXB Tat Sale Deed from tbe Collector of tbe coast before returning East. ST. lOUN. MB HAMILTON c. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD City of Prince Rupert, beaiinf date the senger on the train this morning, BAaKATOON k-UMONTON of September, Ittl, or ALL AND I01U day JI.NOt'LAn tbat certain parcel or trad ol Mr. Harold It. Jefferson, of Port The Presbyterian Sunday School For Sale by Steen J5c Longwill land and premises situate, lylnr, and be Kssington, arrived in the city last picnic will take place on Tliurs tnr In tbe Municipality or Prince Rupert, nfght. day. Iloats will leave the Prince inore particularly known as Lot Ten (10), Rupert lloathouse at ono o'clock Block Five Section Seven (7). Max til. Mr. Howard IHrnle went out on and at 2:30 p.m. Fpeclal arrangements "The News" 9 I Daily You are required to con ten tbe clalir the train this morning for the will be made to bring or tbe tax purchaser within tnlry-flv East. over Iho business men at 5:30. DENTISTRY days from tbe date or tbe service of thlt PACIFIC CARTAGE, LID CLASSIFIED ADS. Adults will be all charged 25c, notue (wblcb may be e free led by netit ercd Mail or as Directed, and your at There were three earn of fish funds going directly to the fled ONOWN o b)idc woi tention Is called to section tt of tne n the train this .morning for the Cross. a raoiALTr Land Ret-tttry Act" wub amendments, East. General Tcarnins WANTED. mrl to the folio ids- attract therefrom:- dr. j. s. onown ."and In default or caveat or f ertin- The sale of home-cooking held OtlTItT DOMESTIC Mr. nnd Mrs. Carruthers went WANTED Olrl ror housekeeper. Fbone ttt or lis pendens beinc filed before tbe ... last week in the returned soldiers' omssi mitk aieet, rne Blue 11T. rrflitrtllon as owner of the person en up the line on in is, morning rooms under the charge of the nLTXffllTH COAL titled under tBcb tat -sale, all persons so train. served with notice and those claimlni (.members. Of the Eastern... Star rea Cartful, Attention to Piano WANTEDDeUvery II. Mussallem Orocery Boy-for Co.,waron.Ltd..Pbooe Fifth tbrourh or under them, and all persons Mr. F. Parsons, of Juneau. has llitd the sum of 1227.00 for the ntl rjrrf.jrc TtemoValt, Ulmlnr any intereat In tbe land by virtut Rei Cross Society. The sale this AVeOUC. arrived In Prince llupert on n of any unreaiitered Instrument, and aC weak will take place in the lied PHOriB 93. elalmint any Interest In the land isit. 1 mFLUOE.1T PERSO.f MAY EARN persons Cross tent nnd will be taken In uy descent whose tlUe Is not reristered papers;1100 montbly 1 40 to corrtspondinf f 10 monthly for In news tpare under the provision of this Act, shall be Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Johnston hand by Mrs. Win. Millar and Mrs Stuart J. ftfartin ror ever estopped and debarred from set-tint; J. Q. Steen Friday. inuej experience unnecessary; no cm and family, of Inverness, are pay- on up any claim to or in respect of tbe vasstnr: tutljectt turretted. Send for ng a visit to the city. ASSAYLrs land so sold ror taies, and tbe Retistrar particulars. National Prese Bureau MINERAL ACT thall re ruter tbe person entlUed under room 1174. Buffalo, ft. Y. such tax sale as owner or tbe land k Floor Hugs in Axminlsters. HAZELTON B. C. J.L.HICKEY old ror taies " Tapestry, Krex, Congoleum, eto Certificate ef Imprevemeela. LOST AND WHEREAS application has beca made for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title at Sale Prices Wallace's. CONTRA OTOn A BUILDER tesTDouble-cased Elfin watch, on Bacon to tbe abovementioned lands. In tbe name SJOTICK The oldett ettabllthed Aatay Street between Ninth and Eleventh of John Bergman: , Mr. J. Jensen, of Seward, and WaJf." -wf Ne. f,M woir No. i Avenue Wednesday nltbL Initials, L, AND WHEREAS oo Inveatirallnc tbe Mr. O. Olson, of Cordova, are and "WeJrertne" Mineral Clslras, situate Offlce In the North, Store aini Offlce Fiiturrt, J. Finder plea, return to Dally News Utle it appears that prior to tbe tin dai In tbe Skeena Mtnlnr Division of Cattlsr Sath, Door and Moldinu. visitors to Prince Rupert. DIstrirL omce. if September, lilt, (tbe date on whlci. tbe aald lands were told tor overdue Where located: About tt mile up tbe fiat and Hard Wood or all FOUND taies) you were tbe assessed owner The Grand Trunk steamer will kiuauite River from Alice Arm. kind. thereof. sail on Saturday at 8 a. m. instead TAkE NOTICE that I. Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No. MlltC. areol LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS We Speclatlie In Hard-wood FOUND Lady's Vanity Bat. Apply DaUy riRTHEh TAkE NOTICE tbat at tbe of 9 a. m as advertised. news omce. tf. same tune I shall effect retistrallon It Tor Donald W. Cameron, Free Miners ter Boat Riot, Sath, pursuance or such appllcauon and Issue a tlnrale Ne. mi. intend titty dayt rrora HOTEL FOR SALE. Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tbe said Mr. F. W. Howling, superintendent ibe date beveet. lo apply to tbe Mining OPEN TO OUttTI ON JUNE BTM Doors, etc. lands in tbe name of John Berrman unless of the Government Tele Reeerder for' OrtlSrites of Improvements, Plate and Sheet Glate and FOB. SALE Baby CarrUre. Phone 1)4 rou take and prosecute the proper pro graphs, went East this morning. ror tbe purpose of obtaininr Crown Molor Stage will connect retain si to establish your claim, ir an) Orant or each or the above clairoa. with train at Terrace. Glazing. FOR SALE 1100 Piano. PracUcalty new. to the said lands, or to prevent such pro Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ilayward, of AND Fl'RTIIF-R TAkE NOTICE that at Corner Frater and Clh 8l. IMV under SertkM tl. must be posed action on my part. corn Mutt be told. Apply Daily News office. IttsllMt FleAta Troet LaSe DATED at tbe Land Reru try Offlcs Vancouver, arrived on the big mewed before tbe issuance f toch Or PHONE FR SALE Sllfbtly tued full tiled ma. Prince Rupert. B. c, this tth day o steamer from the south this Ultra lea of Imprevemente. Let. GREEN 269 boftny uprlrbt piano at barraln. Reru December, A. D. It It. morning. DATED this find day or June. AD. It IT Pftoee Oeeectlee ml Terras. P. O, BOX 448. lar $400 piano for only l!7. Piano IL F. MACLEOD, S.1I LEWIS W. PATMORE. Raes $3.00 per day an be seen at tbe office of Mr. E. II Apr. IT. District Retistrar or Titles. Mrs. McXichol and family, and Province of British Columbia tnr rnrther particulars, appfy l Mortimer, wno bat been autborlied to To Simon Peterson, Cavtsvtlle. California. dispose of same for tbe owners, Mason Miss Clark, went up to Terrace i. BltUCI MMNITOKC. SStosf e. a nisch. Ltd, Vancouver. US. NOTICE TO CREDITORS this morning for the summer DCPARTHENT OF LAND I holidays. AT HOWS PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF NOTICE WALDEMAR SYDNEY MARSHALL, DECEASED. Principal Itrady I s working Re Overdue Payments on ApplicaUotu to twlitttr WOULD YOU MARRY A YOt'NO LADY Purchase Crown Lands la Irtuih Colombia. SHEET METAL WORKS worth ffS.OOOT Write Mrs. w. K. overtime at the Cadets camp at JUL Hill. bavin TAkE NOTICE that all persona NOTICE Is hereby riven that, under tbe LVOlNtyMJtVLMLVJ Tk. atate tuslat Taata. CUII 14 E. tb Street. Jacksonville, Fla. Terrate cooking for twanty-slx claims aralnit tbe late Waldertnar Sydney provisions or the "Soldiers' Homestead !, tasete tuts a, Ca Tsr. Marshall, late or Prince Rupert, who died! hungry boys. Some conliactt Act Repeal Act,' any person who did not 4 all et la .f LAROE ROOMS All newly done over. Ue that asaeilr aleas on or about tbe 4th day of October, If It, apply under tbe "Soldiers" Homestead Act, Rates ressonable. All conveniences. Sit flNitltsair aaxwaie la ta OLD MIMIOftfD TIN tMOP, Third Avenue. ICS la France, are required to tend by post The launch "Seal Covo" arrived tit." to complete bis application to par- WITH ALL TMC LATtlT DOW SI. prepaid or deliver to tbe underlined solicitors rbate, either by payment in fuU or br the t Ofl 1-1 la. kr 7 la- 1-1 in the harbor last night. She will TOOATC WOftl trtCSALtltO, SMk for W. O. E. Boyd. Administrator selection or proportionate allotment. Heeee teee. 6 RAD LATE NURSE B. (CM London) Terms St taVLIOMT. COftDCCt, tU. or tbe their and addresses be used in connection with the Esute. names may, by provtnr bit Interest and parlor moderate, apply P. O. Boi III. or Oil. 3-4 ta. iVtkle la tke live fee tt'R, alias Phone 41. snd full particulars In wrltlnr of their Emerson Sawmill Company as a op In full the balance or tbe porcbase Meet teee. resteer IUim at p M4 m. claims and statements cf tbelr accounts price and uses before the list December. cruiser. oyL a LI la. kf sa, - asstea U kes ateerief ia ail FARM LANDS and tbe nature or tbe security. If any held 117. obtain Crown Orant If proof saus sloe ef BMlselet. stsjriea ef ail by them. factory to the Minister or Lands U furnished AND TAkE NOTICE tbat after the tilth Dry Goods, Shoes, Crockery. that such person It tuffertnr Injury its. rnicct rioht. tiavicc OREOON AND riMtT-CLAtt. CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. A SATttritO CJ-TO(M July. It IT, the Administrator will dis Wall-paper and many other lines tbrourh absence or notice or otherwise. RANT LANDS Title to same revested For Further, Information IS OUR AISS, tribute tbe asseU of the Esute anxmr the all going at specially low prices And further -that the Interest in un an United States by act of Coorress Apply to fMOUC 0. p. O. BOX 447, dated June , lilt. Two million, three persons entlUed thereto, havoc rerard this week. Anniversary Sale completed applications to purchase held by ratlaey 0le tU tM ataaes only to such claims or which be shall nave any person on Actlre Service may be pro. bundred thousand acres to be opened aat Sa4 tteset, tleee t Oe Bar Wallace's. 102. For homesteads and sale. Timber and then received notice. And that tbe Ad Ireted by noUoeaitoa to the Lands Department W. E. WILLISCnOKT aae Oeteraeveat Wtkeef ministrator will not be liable for tbe or the fact that toch person Is on best atrteultural land left Und,In United containing-Stales. soma Now of Is assets or any part thereof to any person The Prie Ot'.rs had a very Actlv Sergei and by the Bllnr of proof Prince Rupert, B. O, OR. ItROIR SUILDINO. of whose claim be shall not then bt list heY or tbe interest or such person. the opportune time; Larre map I howler heavy pa nger on arrival received notice. FurtLer Information wlU be lands by sections and description of this morning,, consisting rurnltbed on DATED at Hamilton ;h!s 14th June I1T request to tbe Deputy Minister or Lands sou, climate. rsUfali, elevation, etc. chiefly of through tourist for LEES, I10BSON A. CO. Victoria. B. C Postpaid one dollar Grant Lands Lo-eatlnr eoi Bank of Hamilton Chambers, Hamilton, Alaska. Publication or this notice without au Co., Boi 610, Portland. Oreron. Ontario; Solicitors for the Administrator. thority wlU not be paid for. Tu. Sep. It m J u. ! Miss M. S. Johnston, late of the Letterhead O. T. P. staff here, ha gone to CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Envelope STEEN & LONGWILL Smither to accept a position in StalemenU Harry Atkins NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVF.N that the the office of Superintendent Ki. reserve etlstinr over tmaU Isand In the Card, EU. SANITARY AND HEATING Family Butcnsr, Prince Rupert. Patrick there. harbor of Prince Rupert, known as Lei rt.9s tltt, ftanre I. Coast District, by reason ENGINEERS THE OLD COUNTRY Word has been received in town r a notice appearinr In the British Colum SAUSAGE MAKER that Mr. Gus Williams, of the G. bia Oaselle or the Slsl April. 1110, and osied I tth April, It It, Is cancelled ror The News Job Press Agent for has T. P. engineering staff, taken the purpose of maktnr s sale of tbe tald McCLARY FURNACES Tomato Sausage a Specialty. unto himself a wife away back in Lot to tbe Grand Trunk Pacine Develop' New Hampshire. menl Company. Limited. Priatuf ef AH Descriptions Disc i . e . OEO. a NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. PLUMBING Phone 674 P. O. Box Department of Mr. George McDonald and Miss Lands, Victoria. B. C. I lib and une. ItlT. M, Aur. 10. Genevieve, accompanied by Mrs P.O. Btx S9 SHEET METAL WORKS Mortimer and family, left for rrottram ties M. Manaoo, .. Don't another ratakr spend Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. w. K. Williams. B.A, L.L.B Terrace on this morning's train Dodger Night phones 576 WILLIAMS A MANSON for the summer. Night Coughing I'utcrt, f and Dlue ?70 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. The charge against Alice Hall The riant work, at the right Malhieu'a Syrup of Tar tJONIY TO LOAN of being an inmate of a bawdy and Cod Liver Oil Ukec M time, and at the right price. Bo illl bedtime ill chase the house, which was. adjourned from w cough N'ttrna Blnr more Rusert, B. C and givcyou and those around yesterday, was withdrawn at the too a good night's rest. police court this morning. Taken regularly it toon V dispels even the most ding, Iiessle Casey, or anyone know. log cough at its valuable FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ilrig of her whereabouts, please tonic tbe blood properties which strengthen will then A HOT BATH THE notify Miss Katherlne Cohen, 800 quickly restore the tnumoua FOR CANNERYMEN 21st Avenue, Seattle; who is tissues to their original MINUTE' YOU WANT IT anxious lo hear from her. 1C3 health. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete . He aur yon get Matbien't You aro accuitomed to line of Rubber Iiettlng at right prices. Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver 1 cold water in Word has been received In town Oil, the most popular cough Kt'ltiiiK FOR FI8HERMEN from Mr. O. G.,Emerson, who Is cure in Cana-U. ktanlly Think of the sat A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for an old timer of Prince Rupert and Sold everywhere. c large lafuctioii of getting Hot trolling Spring lirass, Bllver and Hronze. has many friends here. He left bottle. Wnlcr in the same way in FOR THE WATERFRONT here with the first contingent for J. L. MATH I r I! CO, rrop, abundance, regardleti of The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnlshet Special boat overseas, and was wounded n SknlHMht r.q. how much hat been uted paint "FLOflLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery.' both hands In France. He Is now f " W MA M W bo fore. FOR EVERYONE in London, where he Is employed, HOT WATER LIKE MAQIO A fine stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. and doing well. Hs younger We Sell Nothing But The Best, brother was killed at the front Harry Hanson recently. A high explosive shell made a direct hit on the parapet Hot Water Service brlug FRED STORK'S HARDVARE behind which he was standing, SUBSCRIBE FOR you till convenience. and many fine fellow met their jjjJjjj;;jjjjj PHONE 4S9 P.O.BOX 395 deulh at the same time. The Daily News