TUB DAILY NEWH Krulay. July 13. 1017 Is Breakfast Ready? in, .v i.i. n. y i" uired. I or llic The Daily News 1121.50 invested now hi a The answer is ensy In the sum War of Havings Certincale, In Hire, KJS S. S. PKLNCE RUPERT I THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN DRITISII COLUMBIA home where Shredded years" time it will be worth 25. fU .im Published Dailf and Weekly Wheat Biscuit is the regular This Is recoivlng Interest at inure - Guaranteed Largest Circulation every day breakfast cereal. than 5 per cent. Those who cannot PRINCE GEORGE ft' Being ready - cooked nnd go to the front, can at least SOUTHBOUND HEAD OFFICE: the Government 121.50. II ready -to-cat, Shredded lend Swnon Ray, Vanr-mer. VietoHa and Seallle. for I Monday t t. in. Daily News Dniidinfr, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, II.C, Tel. 93. Wheat Bisatit is the joy of is a paying Investment. saniriay a a.m. for ocean I alls, Van mer, Vieeerlt rw1 Seattle. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cents per inch. the housekeeper in Summer. The feeling that the distribution NORTHBOUND Contract Itates on application. Served with sliced bananas, of the burden of war has not wrintfltur It noon far Katcbikan, WranreH, Jtneatf and gkarway. berries, or other fruit, they been even over all classes of the FRIDAY II boon rr An rot. DAILY EDITION tt Friday, July 13, 1017. make a nourishing, satisfying community is one which Is be TRAIN StRVI-C meal at a cost of a few cents. coming general throughout Can rasaenrer for Smitber. Trine Oot . E.iiHoioit, and Wlnnlper Direct ada. It is to general that it can renncctmns for til polnta iai and Smith. Hiicl i vrtilty 4 t. m for Smlthcni and ail in termed iale point. A Minister of Reconstruction. nary times makesthe material not be ignored and tho issue tutiM WMIe every Valuable word losses of war 'less alarming, be faced. When it Is necessary Agency All Oootn Sttamthlp Lints. Of guidance for the great proD and tends to relieve gloomy that all the resources of the roun 1 or information ant) rr(rvatiotit apply to lem of reconstruction after the forecasts. try, both capital and labor, shouh City Tlcktt omea, 62C Third Avtnut. PHONE 260 war should receive every attention, Mr. Uarvin urgently demands be employed with nil their ener there Is no justification that consideration be given tho gies in the service of the nation for a pessimistic outlook, problem of "making work" for the protest of the Labor leader say, the Toronto Globe. In the vast army of discharged Mr. Watters, against the compul the London Observer, Mr. J. L soldiers. Daily needs inatu sion upon men to work for the Garvin makes an urgent plea work, and this will continue gain of the private profiteer i. A s&X CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY for the immediate appointment while man fullllls his destiny neither reckless nor unpatrlotir of a Minister of fleconstruc on the planet. Tho returned Made in Canada. I.owitt iTatt o all Lattrrn Point tlon, with authority to prepare men will continue consumers,! ' MINERAL AOT wj0 via Steamer to Vancouver and th for the many problems attend will cease to destroy, and will the prosecution of the war. Let Certificate of Improvement. CANADIAN IMCIFIC RAILWAY ant on the "outbreak of-peace.' become producers. In this him do so, nnd be will have the Meal rtr Berth tiwlutei e me Ills advice is sound, both for connection Mr. Gavin seems to country at his back. Let him not. flOTICI Britain and Canada, and while discern the economic paradox do so, but persist in the weak. "bovnitr "boutall Fractional," and Prlncest Alice Southbounj Saturday, July 14th. his brief sketches of the prob. of want through too many able kneed and slip-shod methods of lb'Waterfront"S arena Mtmof Mineral Bullion daunt,or Castier altuatt Dla la Prlncata Sophia for AlatVa menday, July 16lh. lems are in no case overdrawn, and willing hands ready to the past, then a stronger man will trltt Jk they may create an exaggerated produce all things wanted of take his place, Where totaled: On tlx meat Hd of and consequently a needlessly destitution through over.nrn. I bead of Alice Arm. J . I. I'ETEKS, General Abchi I Another part measure of the TAKE MOTICJC that 1. Menard B. Me alarming estimate of the ma. dneiion. Mnnv fM. pienriv nr Omnia, rree Miner Centrical .to. 1 1 tot. Co ntr rwrtti St T!iie A " refre i r'i. B.r terial loss to bo made good. In dimly, the paradoxical fear that Government Is the Issuing of the at tin r aa ateot for tb Dollr Varden Mine time of peace the world lives tho turnimr of a ereal armv VVar Savings Certificates. While Company. Free Miner a Ceruaeai Mo. til "from hand to mouth." There from destruction to production money could be taken from other C, Intend, alaly day from tne date hereof. o tbe amine Recorder for is not much room for slipping will cause widespread want. Mr. sources, this is a very easy n-iw lmprortrarDtl for ltM pr. backward, however long the Gavin's waminir mines nmm ner in which almost every citlxen bote of obtaining- a Crown Orant of the war may continue. Four years too soon. Men in authority can ne,P Canada and the AlIiesY above delta. estimated the winning me war. Money ami And farther take notice that action, tin production is as who think something should be Launch Alice B. der eeeMon It. meit be commenced be world's greatest accumulation done must be supplanted at Ifere tho Issaanre of luch CerlUcaM of Im. of wealth. We are now smashing once with men who know what MINERAL ACT Vrotrroesta. our enemies with metals must be done and have courage paled thU t(th day of April. A. D. Itl? roa thi tLT utna and minerals that were sleep to do it. There is a ray of 'tic to deusquem? pahtser if. t. RICHARD B. McQIMSIS. Ciaey Pi Day from ing in the ground when the hope in Uie resumption of coar caiboonl Navigable Water Protection Act. 18 a. an. To t w war broke out. We are provisioning mining In Alberta. In other, rut notice, whereas I tare don sod a. s. C Chapter lit. arruaai rant , our troops with last industries, too, tbJ attitude of eaused to he done asesnent work on th Can year's harvest, and clothing stupid helplessness must be llnln rraetion mineral claim, annate The Orand Trunk Paeine Railway CMn W i. THOatat, pa .r m) tn nuance rlrer, about fourteen miles paiu hereby tivea Botie mat It fcaa. us them with wool that was but ended. The needs of the men tteeeo K1 rrolD tbe of AIIf Arm In skttM der ScUe 7 of tbe aakl Act. drpaaitcil recently clipped. To do all in the trenches have been sup- miitnr diikn of Skeena district assee. with th Minuter of PubBe Worka at Ot this we are not going into debt plied by the men and women at n"t for i. . and lava, and la the office of tbe Oniric to the planet Mars, as some home. The return of these M ror IM! Rriittrar of the Land Reflitry omce. Dla ame the ion of I JOT.JO. Unleaa you pay IrK-t of rrlixe Rupert, at rrlnce Rupert, prophets o f despair would to Industries in which men they;, ,urn or ,10.,. for your share a derrpnn of tb die and plan of wharf mm seem to imagine, but to our own supply their own wants can be ot u atid umiimt work. tomber with and Din eurtaa; plant and other work pro more fortunate accumulators. made a calamity by governmental the roil of tbia adrertltemeot, I aaall, at poaed to be built in rnnce Rupert harbor SPOPJ SHOES The material waste and destruction stupidity or a great re. the eiplratlon or ninety 0 daya from at frwee Rupert. BriUta Columbia, is lb date hereof apply to the minlnf re- fraat of Waterfront Block "I." aceordlsi WITH of loses much of lief war by governmental capacity. eorder at Prince Rupert, B. C, to bare o rerutered plan of the lownalte of the its alarming aspect when it is Preparations for peace, have your mtereau tn tbe Mldnltbt Fraettonfaetf 6ty of rrutee Rupert rertaiered u in compared with the waste, destruction, certainly been delayed too long. mineral 'lalra vettrd in me. In rureoanee the aforetahl land reiiatry orflce a 5 &SPORJ CLOTHES loss ef tbe proTUkaia of the mineral act. tl. Section ?. parasitism and Paralyzing timidity regarding Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. tola lit AID TAkE MoT ICE that after the et through enforced idleness and the money of the profiteers and day of April, ltlT. If It atrattoB of eo caooUi tretn the dite of tb That's the vogue, this partial employment in time of the votes of those whom they II. C rHILUfi. ret pvMieallon of thii noUe. tbe Orami peace. An illustration that let work must be ended. A Trunk rticifie Railway Company will, under year to have one's LAND ACT Seetie V of the aaid Ack. apply to the could be multiplied to no end minister with a reconstruction shoes in harmony with MRwater f Pubuc Worka at tat tntm la the is afforded by the news of a policy is an immediate ned. SkEE.X LA.XD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of City of Ottawa for approtal of tbe aaid the sport suit, or outing number of man-servants enlisting COAST. RAKOE FIVE. aite And plan and for tear to eonitruei from a mansion in NOTES AMD COMMENTS the aaid worka. skirt and sn ..iter. Take mi Ice that we. 0e Mlllerd Pack-In DATED at Prince Rupert. Brituh Gotua. Britain. In their lives peace ComrMiny. Llmitetl, e Vancouver, oe bta, thi it lb day of Jane A. D. ltlT would have been economically Never since the time of Con cwatkn 'tanoerrroen int-nd to apply for THE GRJCtD TRLA PAOI1C RAILWAY wasted and they would have federation, has such a test of the penmaalon to traa thi foUowlnt de-aeiibed COMPANY. Patmer 4 rultan. tellUtor. consumed as much or more if !statesmanship of the leaders of linl; CoranMnclnr at a poat planted at the "WATER ACT, 1914." dancing attendance at home as the people of Canada bee'i made aoutheatl corner of Lot til: tbenc aoutb when serving in the trenches. 'as that which is in courso at the t chain to low water markt thence north-eterly BEfORE THE BOARD OF I.t VESTIOATIO.V Industries require a surplus of present time. Greater ajtion is tt ebalna f olio win tow water labor for normal nark; tltenre north I chain to the Orand In the Matter of all Stream tn the Huel. elasticity, and demanded of '.he times han the Trunk I'acine ntht-of-way; tlwoce aoutb ton and Fort Fraaer Water Diairtcu. this involves vast waste putting into force of the Military rattrriy rbaini followinr ald rlirht-ir-way A MECTt.NO of the Bord of InreaUnUon through Involuntary idleness. Service Dill. That is but. a.half-A to tbe place ef cttinainr and con-uminr will be held at the Coui-t-houM at Haacltoo glance at the destruction and measure. The Premier pave the It acre. on Monday, tbe tlrd diy of July, 117. at OOSE M1LLERD PACH.IO COMPACT iv o ewes la uie lorenn, the loss through suppressed assurance that all the fesources LIMITED, iH and misdirected effort in ordi- of Canada would be employed in April taJ. HIT. i. fred Ritchie, a rent. In the Matter of all Sir tarn la tbe Prince Rupert Water Dlatrtct. SUMMER SHOES A meeUnr of the Board of InteiUfaUon IU be held at tbe Coutt-bouae at Prlne Ruptrl on Wedneaday, the Itth day of are the most complete line of July, HIT. at 10 o'clock In the forenoca. summer footwear ever made. 13E? At tbeie meetlnr all tatemenl of The Fleet Foot trademark goes on shoes for under Act claim to water prtrtkre paaaed OIL. bervre tbe Itth day of March. UOf, on every summer need for work and play for .11. toy of tbete lire ami, all objecuon therato, and tbe I-Ian prepared for the uae ef tb men, women and children. IBSQ .aid Board, will then be open for inipee- !uca Ask your dealer to thoto you the Fleet Foot line i All person Intcreated are enUUed to etamlne Iheae, and to file objection! you'll find exactly what you want and the prices t thereto In wriuor If they deem Bt ii Objection will be beard forthwith if are a half, a third and even lets, than equally (the pany objected to baa received auffl attractive leather boots would cost. notlco of the objection. ietoM Board at the aaid meeUnrt will tbe elaimauta, will determino the quantity of water which may bo uaed under Q each reword and tbe further work which are oecetaary for tuch uae, and will ael date rr the Clint of plan or aucb workt and far tho eommenceineDl and completion FOR YOUR FAMILY of uch work. And whereaa there may be peraotu who, 2M There is a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove designed for your brrore bolder tbe or Itth water day record or March,on IMS.the war laid family whether it be a family of two, three, four, five or more tiream and yet hate not Sled itatemenu persons. And a New Perfection will do all that a wood or coal, or ration.thrlr claim uch persona with tb are Board recjulred or Inveail to Die, stove will do and do it the year around. Ask these dealers: on or before tb llth day of July, 1 1 7. Safety First ;a usieineni, a requirra VJ aeciion If of the "Water Act. ltS." The form ftutp.r tlx !UllMM w'1 1 Thompson Hardware Co-, Prince Rupert, How McNullf, " i (71. a for Irritation and No. St lor other elan Hardware Co., " " A. J. Oallant, " parpoae may be obtained from an Oov I tW I eruaami A reel to the Province. "Shin to Shubetrt" Stork'a Hardware co " " Boyd Your Co, Port tlmpaon. I.O. . TV otalma of riparian prvprletor wbc I ik Ureeet baa la IS World dealkaa bav Bled, required by section t of th ' selwieelr A- ' "W.e er.ee "Water Act. it U," ttaieiiueou of claim to JVttk RsyaEu Cil OilthtNrut PtrftctUn wiUeti waters of any of tb aaid it reams will be -ir.t ytur mtalftr frtm 5 t 10 Ctnti heart at tb same time and placea. Wrtie tr r i k' rf CM Dated tl Victoria, B. C tbi TUi of day kUllMt islMIMM MHt M THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY UmU.d June, ft 17. BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES For tb Board of Invatllrttlon. A. B. SHUBERTJnc.fS"VY.VA I, T. ARMITnonO. 1 1. Chairman. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, . 0.