H1R IJAILY NEWS ! uln July (1, 101 WESTHOLME THEATRE SUN AND TIDE Tonight there i 1 1 bo Local News Notes Saturday, July I Hit. The Tide is Low xv shown Fulfills Every Claim (lial grrnt old ulngo fnvorllc, 1'hhI w.r.e.erc 8un rises. . , ...3:18 n. m. Lynnr. nl llio Weilholtno Theatre. Sun sels . 9:1 p. in. I (I rami Ilnlly to-day and to This Is one of the plays Hint High water , . 0:5 a. in. III. Ift.O , morrow Wallace's Snip.. ,.3:10 a. in. III. rj.fi The prlf0 r Prince Rupert real ec-iiis perennial. Although many Low waler .No furnaco can do moro than satisfy estate hs reached It lomeet mark, yearn slnco Us first production. It) Mr. W. 8. Sargent urrlved in Hi High water .5:00 p. m. III. 18.0 "Sunshine" furnaco absolutely .3:31 m. lit. 0.7 hot tho but this house and lot mull be otd. can command inigo audiences !City from Clio south today, Low waler p. rrtee, ik I he tide, r never wherever ft in staged. This old! and Invariably docs satisfy fully and lationary. They hare be" fallln. drama of English country life Three cars of flsh went out on The run of sockeye on the completely when properly Installed. for three year. They hare now loses nolhirig of its charm In llioitho Iraln today for the Kast. Skrona has started fairly well this show this Ask local dealer to me uoain are oringing our you reached Hark" maier. Soon lhey 'pictures. All the dramatic and season, mill commence to Ne. Therefor. I literary force of the play is retained 'Mrs. Walter flruliam and child In from 300 to 350 each, which good furnace, or writo for free booklet. THIS It THK TIMt TO BUY and the scope of the story went up the line this morning, makes a good average for this j Is increased along lines only lime of the year. that reldenre tht you lure been pos. Mrs. Win. Uevrridge came in on niblo in moving pictures. TlieJa MXIarys lntrnunr to bur before price advance. ; the steamer today from the South His Honor Judge Young, ac Kara, the great actress, is the have II ror aale, and at We companied by Mr. W. 11, Ilurrill. ejireme low tide price, too. Ask star, ne is an actress io nor Mrs. Arthur Halley of Inverness left today for Prince Oeorge l SUNSHINE FURNACE and all those finger tips, who havo 11 about It. went out on the train this morn hqld an enquiry into the allega seen, her previously, will want to ing. LOADOlf TOSOirTO MORTMAt WIRWIPIO VAMCOVYSB regarding the recent lions parlla sec her enact her part of the ... H. O. HELGERSON, LTD mentary election there. vampire in this play. Mrs. Klllas was among the ar A Oaietle and a comedy are rivals on the Prince fleorge to MINERAL ACT For Sale by Steen & Lo; gwill also included in the programme. day. ... CerllScate of Impeevtment. Anniversary Sale ends to-mor- Mr. Tom Sprout returned to the News" city today after n trip down the NOTICC 'Ilk Daily irow night Wallace s. coast. Welf." "Wolf Mo. f," "Wolf Ma I. and "Wolverine" Mineral Claims, situate DENTISTRY ilea M. Hanson. B.A. Skerna cassiar PACIHC'CARTAGE, LTD CLASSIFIED ADS. In the Mlnlnr pulsion of W. r. Wllltama. B.A. L.L.B Mrs. I). It; Kennedy returned to. District. WILLIAMS A MANSON day from a visit to the southern Where located: Arwut 10 miles up the CROWN amo Bsnasn wr.es cities. kltsanlle Rlrer frtn AIK Arm. a tesouLTv Barristers, Solicitors, Etc Central Teaming TAKE NOTICE that I. lewis V. Pstroore dr. j. s. mow WANTED. onir TO LOAN Mr. Peter Mack was among the rree Miner's Certinrsie No. UtltC. aaenl Boa till ror lKnald W.'Cameron. Tree Miners Cer OCSlTIST DOMESTIC the train for the WANTED Younr woman at kllrhenmald. Helfereon Block Prince RuterL B, C passengers on tiflrate No. net. Intend amy day from tsSSeel Smtth ), T nL$CKCITH COAL Ware at month with board and East today. the date hereof, to apply to the Mlrrint room. Apply to Matron, Prince Rupert Recorder for OrrtlRrat,' f Improvemenls, Carsful Attention to Plane General hospital. It. Province of British Columbia Alderman W. II. Montgomery for the purple of or.iaininr a Crown Orant of each of the atxie claim. f a..J rumlturo tnioii. returned from a visit to the south N i.NTf LUQE.NT PEBSO.1 MAT EARN AND FIRTIIER TALE TIUTICE that ae $I AO monthly eorreapondinr for new-papera; DEPARTMENT OP LANDS this, morning. lion, ander Setttuo II. must be eom- fit to 10 monthly In aparc ntetieed before the issoance of sch Cer-IMIrale time; experience unnecesssryj no tan NOTICE Mrs. A. 11. Hume and children, ef Improvemrnls. ... tsistnrs aubjecta (urrtsted. Send for of Cassiar, arrived from the south DATED Iht find day ef June. AD. If IT. Stuart J. Martin Re Orerdue Payment on Application to national Pre Bureau partlculari. It LT.Vn W. FATMORE. room JS74, buffalo, R. T. Purchase Crown Land In British Columbia. this morning. NOTICE la hereby riven that, under the WATER NOTICE ASSAVLrt FOR SALE. proTlslona of the "Soldiers' Homestead Some articles are being sold at Act Repeal Act," any person who did not J.L.HICKEY less than present wholesale rust USE A.1D STORAGE. HAZELTON B. C. apply under the "Soldier' Homestead Act, l FOR SALE $too Piano. Practically new. Wallace's Sale.' TAIE MOTICE that Th Empire Pulp Itll," to complete his application to pur-. Mutt be aold. Apply Dally Rem omce. chase, either by payment In full or by the Patr MUte. Ltd, wlMe address Is Van- CONTRACTOR at BUILDER FAR SALE Sllrhtly naed full alaed ma. selection or a proportionate allotment, Mrs. J. Dai ley, who has been nmrr. a. C. still applj rer Ueense la The oldest established Astsy horany uptlrht piano at a barraln. Reseller may. by proTine hi Interest and paying visiting here with Mrs. White, in take and all the rier and to store Hnr athl OtHer Fiiturr feet of u f unturned ones In Ins North. .see wjt aesje 1100 piano for only 1171. Piano up In full the balance of the purchase' can be aeen at the omce of Mr. E. H. price and taiea berora tbe.t December, having for Anyox today. lake, also kmn as WdilfO Lake, mate Fast, tKmr and Moldlnga. 1917. obtain Crown Orant If aaUa-1 . . Sows and drams lata VVtialt Gbannrl abosl a Mortimer, who baa been authorited to proor diipoae of aame for the owner. Mason factory to the Minister of Lands Is fur-J Mrs. G. fieddes and family, ao. one mile north from IUm BltbL Hak sikI Hard Woods of all k nisbed that such I lufferint Tbe iterate dam wlH U aerated al est kind. Risen. LtL, Vancouver, til.' person Injury companied by Mrs. Captain, left through absence of notice or otherwise. en.1 of Late al oetlel f like. Tbe ejr-erttjr MISCELLANEOUS nd further that the Interest in - '" morning for llaytport. reerotr te be created la abcwl la.ee LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS Ws Speclallis In Hard-wood completed applications to purchase held by arte feet and it wMI Baud a Unit l.eee aerea Boat Ribs, Sash, Service be pro.! wall. of land. Tbe atei il be dlsrrted rmta HOTEL on Acute Shoes, WOULD YOU MARRY A YOL'NO mpylany person may crockery, dry-god, Doors, etc. tbe st mm al a palm about Taken bj worth 115,000? Write Mra. W. K. lull, KTieo oy noimciuon im udqi uepan-,paper, ready-to-wear and endless OP i si TO OUISTS ot JUMC STM ment of the fact that such person Is on, tmnel rrum eatl eed f Lake three mHee Plats and Sheet Olats and H eth E. Street, JacksonrUle, Fla. a,i. e.rvir. ., h. i mm. .f' other good things at Wallaces nrtherlr drreetton from IM it. Bstedaie. Motor Stage will connect of the Interest or such I Sale. on rter neaeS and WHI be used for Glailng, RISC LARGE ROOMS All newly done over. person. with trains at Terrace. Ratea reasonable. All conreniencea. IK Further Information will be furnished on poster petrpotee upoa tre land deseetbed Corner Pester snd Clh Stt. request to the Deputy Minister of Land M appMeaMon ao les at east end f Third Avenue. 161 Miss Kmma Sullivan arrived in Caeelleel Treat flshUtf t Lete'ee Lake na rraser Keaeb. Victoria. B. C the city from the south today, and Uke. PKONE ORCEN 269 Titt rwttee a potted tbe round GRADUATE NURSE (CM B. London! Terms Publication of this notice without authority on r moderate, apply P. O. Boi til, or will not be paid for. To. Sep. IS will be a guest of Miss flleeson the lib day of Jne, It IT. A eepy ot eectkMie mrui Tereeaa. P. O. BOX 44S. Pbone 41. while here. tbH Halle and an appMeaUea nurtuaM Raes $3.00 per day Utrrelo and to the Water Alt. Itll. mm NOTICE TO CREDITORS FARM LANDS be DM In the n(7V of Use Water IWoftW Per farther particular. rtir building Mr. E. K. Duby, who is Prtaee FtuperL B. C Objeetlan to the i. BRUCC iOHXITOMC. asaeete. OREOON AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. IN THE MATTER Of THE ESTATE Of tbe new sawmill at Seal Cove, arrived appMeatsen may b Bird mlib I he said BRANT LANDS. Title to same revested WALDEMAR SYDNEY MARSHALL, DECEASED. in the city front the soulji maler recorder or mills the CutBMroUer AT ROWE'S PLUMBING in United State by act of Coorre this morning. Water Rlfhti. rarHnateoi B:l4tar AND. scVh-U. B. C ml thin Ibjrtr dajra after fbe dated June t, 1116. Two million, three TALE NOTICE that all persona having hundred tbouiand acres to be opened claim against the late Waldermar Sydney Mrs. I. IN Leighlon, wife of thei nrst apearanre ef Ibis iwrlee hs kM-al SHEET METAL WORKS mspaprr. Tbe date of the flrtl pubis's for homesteads and sale. and 1111 LNGINEKimLMLVT Timber Maraball. late or Prince Rupert, who died nrt omc(;r of the Tillamook, ar- isoo of tbt notlee is July lath. HIT Yr mat. sWeeliee Taala, SaMtf agricultural lands, containing some of . on or about tbe 4th day of October, tll. d trom ll,e SOUtt today. She etSM, Satel Steele. cmiMter Ter. best land lert In United States. Now la in France, are required to aend by po.l the opportune time. Large map showing prepaid or deliver to the underigned o- .will make Prince ftupert her home Navigable Waters Protection Act. x sad all le meea tKat le oHf Seea ' H.S. C Chapter til. riaHaxMans ia)i M the OlO MIMIOMtO T1l SHOP, lands by sections and description of lidtor for W. U. E. Boyd. Administrator now i. WITH ALL THt LATtIT MW soil, climate, ralHalL elevation, etc. of the Estate, tbelr Dunes tnd addresses CfU-S 1t l. Af m. IJ.t. Pestpald one dollar. Orant Lands Lo-eaUng The Granby Coasodated Mlninc. TO-OATK WOPI SPIOMLIttO, set and full particular In wriung of tbelr X tteese Pe.e. The hall- Co., Box 610. Portland. Oregon. ..1.1m. r l.t.m.r.l, .MAnnl, llaysport is the only issieiuac and Pomer Compam' United SSTLMHTS, .CONSIICSS, tl. and the nature of tbe ecurliy. if any beld,Dul Ashing boat in the harbor this brrebjr ies no urc th-. it has, under ; ci i. I M It. If I 1-3 H. t Cteefthief la l Ha far (still, a let by them. morning. mi nas zi.ouu ids. SectkM) T of the (aid Ao, depoelted with Neeee P Pactaey, Statse set as aad aa Jote'The Ibe Minis ler of PubM Works at Oltama. I Ol 1- l. k, S tm-Sst aeeied ta baH, Baeras la all and tale notice that after the readied rrice yesterday was hand In Ibe offlre ef the Milrirt Rertslrar Meese 9 lie af ataleelal. Nirlet af all STEEN & LONGWILL ""'. "f. lt"' 'around 12V. cents. the Land Realslrv orace. Dltlrlel of SIM. PMICtS ttlOMT, SIRVICK .1 iuui. kj v, lin aiuvn, turn entitled regard Prince Ruprrt, al Vrtnet Rupert. de-crtptiua rintT-ClAtS. A SATIMIS3 CVS persons thereto, having only to such claim of which he shell have Itassie Casey, or anyone know. of the tile and plan of mbarf For Further Information TOSttSI IS OUt AIM. SANITARY AND HEATING and lumber mill, and other mrorka pro-Ped Apply to PHONI S40. p. o. BOS AST, then received notice. And that tbe Ad-1 tng of her whereabouts, please ENGINEERS to be built in Ipruce Baj. on tbe racteey 4 OlSs IM tad Ateaae or.nr,There;fr;ny,0p;rln Ml.. Katherine Cohen, 80 eel euasl ef Larrurn UJrM, CassUr Lls- sat fad SteeM. aieee U Oea Bar . W. E. WILLISCnOvr i A t of whose claim ha ahall not then ba -'"i is trlcl ill aad Oeteeeoieat Wharf Agents for received notice. i anxious to hear from her. 163 A.U TAkC SOTICE that after the ex Prince Rupert, B. C. OR. SlStOlt BUILOINO, McCLARY FURNACES DATED at Hamilton this tth June HIT.! . pirttiun of one tnooth from tbe date of ibe nrst publication of this notice, the LEES, I OBS0N k CO. . Messrs. Huseell and Cliisholni. Oranby Conaolidaied Mtnln. SmelUnr and 01 pnk of Ham!:ton Uun.ber. HtmiJton, PLUMBING who represent the Imperial Munitions Pomer Uxopany Limited mill, undrr See Ontario: S.l.dior for the Adminiatrator. lion T of the said Act, apply to the Ilia arrived in the and Frl. J tl. Hoard, city later of Public Works st bis office In tbe THEET METAL WORKS by the Prince Oeorge today. They r.lljr of Oltama for approval of the said were received at the wharf by the lie and plan and for leare to coot true I Lt tterheada Phone 5y834 Second Avenue. mayor and Mr. fl. A. Mc.Nichol, of the said work. raveioH' Night phones 576 Prince Rupert Feed Co. the O.T. P.. and other ofTlcials. DATED at Prior pupeM, British Coluiu SUtrrcenl and niue 270 ble. this lib day of Klj. A. D. HIT. They will innpect the facilities THE GrU.tBV COM SOUOATED Ml.Mp. . (jarvl. Etc P. O. Bes S3S. BOS Ttllre The right work, at the right available at the drydock plant BXtXTl.tQ AD POWER COMPACT time, and at the right price. i! RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS !tere iii connection with the contracts LIMITED. Patmore k rullon. SoliUtera. which the .Munition Board WE HANDLE have to let on this coast. Mr. MINERAL ACT The News Job Press Steele A Brlggs, Rennies' Jan. Stirratt, whose firm did a (H. S. B. C Itll). great deal of the construction of Ferry's and Mackenzie's Harry Atkins of tiu Pfiatbi All the drydock, also arrived in town. Holly rracUon, Birth, Crocua fraction. Dcri?lioo$ Garden and Field Seeds, and Plum mineral claims situate In tbe Family Butcher, Frlnce Rupert. Accompanied by Mr. IMlUbury. Alto Fertilizers. Vueen Charlotte District, located al or Mayor McCaffery and Mr. Me-Nlchol, near Ikeda Bay, Oueen Charlotte Islaud, P.O. Cat 89 THE OLD COUNTRY HAY, GRAIN AND FEED Mr. Itusgell and Mr. C.hls. Protluee of BrlUsh Columbia, Ism fully held Srrottrama I SAUSAGE MAKER Chicken Feed A Specialty. holm took a launch to the drydock by Ikeda M lite a Limited (Ron Personal I at noon and returned in time lei Liability). Si Dodders I Tomato Sausage a Specialty. We, Take Orders for Nursery take the train for the Kast at 1 30 Solid TAKE lur NOTICE for Ikeda that Minos I, John Limited A. Madnnes.(Ron I Coaler,etc. I 12 Stook. p. m. Personal Liability) Yrvm matt Certificate Phone 574 P. O.tBox Se. uiitc Intend, after ibe aspiration of atslf Orr epomptlf ttee4 T. Yesterday, the Presbyterian amy daya rrom the data hereof lo apply on behalf or the aald Company lo Hie Hhurch held its annual to picnic Mlulnr Iteeorder of the aa.d District ror the Quarantine Hospital, Digby a CeriiDcate of Improveibcnia for each of Inland. An early start was made the above claim for Ibe purpose of ob in the afternoon and the whole tainiut- trumn rranl thereof. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE time over there was upent in rollicking under ARD Section EL'IITIIEH tl TALE of tbe RUTICE Mineral thai Act action must A HOT BATH THE fr' and amusement for both be ronmieured before I he Issuance of such I . I 1 - . ' 1 s ' - - !young and old. TJicre was racing orlincaie ut Impruveiuenia MINUTE YOU WANT IT FOR CANNERYMEN Dated this If tn day of June, A.D. HIT. ', for all ages and such competition Wo have added lo our stock of valves, and pipes it complete i. A. Mad.IX is, Yon are accustomed to throwing the as stone ware solicitor for ikeda Mines Limited (R,on line of Hubber lulling at right prices. ; indulged in by the boys. An ex Personal Liability). siO. i.; UliiK cold water In--inntly. FOR FISHERMEN Think of tho sat. turned tremely large crowd up at A complete stock of the best goods that money ?an buy for the boat.hpuse and two or three LAND LEASE NOTICE laiuL'tiun of KetlliiK Hot trolling Spring Urass, Bilver and Uroiue. launches were necessary in order SkEfcRA LARD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Wati-r in the saino way In FOR THE WATERFRONT to bring all over and many (hanks QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLARDS. abundance, reirardlets of The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat are owing to thoso gentlemen who TAkE ROTICE that 1, Ocorre McRa. of how much has been used paint MFI.QOLA5JK"-A complete line of Skideyate, B. C. occupation enrlneer, In-lend he fore. Bhip Chandlery. were good enough to give their la apply ror perrutosion to lease lb FOR EVERYONE boats for the occasion. A spi4:lal follemlHi- deacrlbed Units: HOT WATER LIKE MAOI0 A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves. trip was niadn about half-past five CouiiHehclur al post planted at ibe We Sell Nothing But The Best. for tho business men and others ueriheesi Bay. Skhlcrste eorner Intel,f T. L.tbenca Lot ill,mel Allford 10 Harry Hanson who were unable to come over in atialna, Uwart norm I ctulos, ihente II Hut Water Service, brings the afternoon. cMHta in Nearly 'overyone an easirely six sveuthcrly dlres-'" FRED STORK'S HARDWARE returned between nine and ten. '"llowinr shore line, ibence men t you this convenience. all satisfied to be home after such wtn- t.. psiiiu ,r .iMMateiMDt, con-uiniiir PHONE 489 P. O. BOX 39S ai'rc- murt o, i-. a It. A strenuous day. . 4uue Itlh. HIT. OEUIIQJ MdlAE.