'PI 4 iHE Daily News v if Vlir. NO. 167. PIIINCK FlUPKflT, D. C, WIDNKSDAY, JULY 18, 1917. PHICE F1VR CKNTtf mumo N ELECTION FXP DTHS PAll II u li ii aii m LOCAL RAIDS CONTINUE ON WESTERN FRONT ... VIGOROUS RUSSIAN OFPRNCIVF I hi.II1I1HIIBI I ii in rai LK I M w REICHSTAG REVOLT THE REPORT OF THE RNCCIA CTII I GOES ON UNCHECKED H.C.L COMMISSIONER t .. SAID TO BE A ilru: i., ti D(tjr xcw. ON OFFENSIVE Ottawa, July 17, The report! London, July I8- The Herllner CERTAINTY Tagrblatt comment bitterly on of Commissioner O'Connor on; IN G ALICIA the method of appointing the new storage plants of the Dominion Chancellor. and "expresses bitter was one of the chief sources of disappointment with the result f dicuitjn in the corridors of Germany's struggle for parliamentary parliament today. That portion On An Eight Hundred Mile Front Reached a CrUla and an reform. The peace protagonist of the report dealing with the high Everything la Running 'Election This Fall la Smoothly and Vast will present tbelr proposal margin upon bacon especially by ' Very Probable. on Tliursday and will demand the: William Davies Co, of which Forces Ready. their acceptance by Ir. Sir Joseph Klavelle, chairman of to Tbe Dllly fltwi. the (SpetUl to Tb Dtlly Xcwr.) Michaeliji. the new Chancellor, bp. Imperial Munitions Hoard, I fore agreeing to co-operate with head, has come in for some pretty Petrograd, July 18. The Rus him. Count von Uernstorff ha strong comment. sians are continuing a vigorous - -I.I. n.l n I l.iffttln i.in c.ljlmvi.. ,171191), aiaia u ........aw. v-w v been appointed Herman minister The Ottawa Journal, the gov- offensive in Galicia. All the other probably coming In October, is a eminent at the has to Copenhagen In place of Count organ capital, of lhe Einplre. vast force9 certainly, according to reliable llrockdorff Kantiau. The latter a strong editorial on the report; or information, itom me -At are aPP"ently ready to spring ft tonight. it may replace Zimmerman as For. a lime," says, lie and the Conservatives elgn Secretary. Ucunt von Hoe-dern, when high prices are compelling into activity at the various points luxuriant caucuses yesler- the finance minister, replace many people to go practically!on-their eight hundred-mile front. iut without attaining and meatless, and when the food cori-j Hvcrything to be running t. . ... a rvt i i f i...i. na llelfferlch a Secretary of appears i in rriuiia i na hliiiuub ui lhe Interior. Herr WahnchalTe, troller is appealing to Canadians smoothly. Wilfrid Laurler, MacDonald; a -i i . m m a a. i.i to cut down their consumption of Kaluax Evacuated. other Liberal Indicate that! , ' ti,. nJ A RELIC OF VERDUN bacon by one-third, everybody The army under General Korni-loiT liniinli Ihrr have a different! "J" : ' An ombulanre car wrecked by she (ire at Verdun has been on will want to know how It comes have evacuated the town of of the method of Introducing ",. . exhibition in Trafalgar Square. Lady Wolfe Murray l shown that any Arm in this country is Kalusz in Eastern Galicia, but tin...Military. .Kni-vic..... II 111. the LID. T:Vatican' tor reace. collecting mney for war charities ..utside the car. being enabled to take such a have secured the crossing of lhe Ima im. Jn v IN Ttio Vf. heavy toll of profit out of this ar river Lomnica. The enemy were lean backs Krtberger In his de- THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR DEMANDS REMOVAL tide of food. The report reveals driven from the village of Noviea. The conscription bill will likely mand for peac proposals. The' '8 NEW ROYAL NAME OF DUTIES ON FOOD a stale of things thai seems in British Front. e. passcu i UJ.i.l lie. uuuic.. a una 1.1 a..cr-. hi tnnvefiii.nl I nhakinir the whole creditable and that certainly calls London. July 18. We gained ! :c.ill, auu tun When new these iraucti.Be bills uiii fabric ot the German KmplreJ Tlx " ! Ottawa. July 17. In the Senate for Prompt and sharp investiga ground slightly during the night oiimrrow. are the Knberger is a famous diplomat, London. July I8-Al a meeting Senator Oilmore called the alien- Hn." to the northwest of Wirenemon. the resolution for hrough,.a II. II ..I ti-li and I responsible for the aval- 0f the Irivy Council held today. Hon t the government to the re- w"1 Not Stand fr IL In the Nieuport sector, our raiding .... 1 1 . .a anche of nubile resentment Klntr iiMirc mnnnnrJ thai th onet ..r the Canadian food con. lat people ol Uanada are party encountered a large auainsl PrussJanUm. He was the new name of tht Hmnl llm and !trnJI.-r that Canadians should eat neither Socialis force of the enemy in front of the nat mere a- aft...win.i a.umcirni 4 .ft. - ipw-. confidential adviser nf Hollweg. family will be "the House of a third less wheaL beef and bacon. th'y do not bHeve in penalizing German positions. After a shart HIOII to mis l mc gru- and he easily established close re- Ulnrfmr " Th nnmn iiii.i w m that a srpater nuantitv of enterprise, nor interfering with fight the enemy were driven in. tl election possible. lallona with the Vatican in Itorne. wlneli thpr worn nr-tintnlr Vnnn ttir articles would be available legitimate profit. Neither, how- German Ships Sunk, Coalition. II- t.. v .l i .ltr..ll.- ...I . . M . ' . .. w ' a i ail.a .. a Vff. ftrn thv In a mnrui inaf 'at Four German shins have bee Kl J..hn Wm fi.ii tiiiian Jitt ru ,rr " were OI ate loourg ana ouiaa r epurv wra unmiore rnou ui - - - - J- - " - Coallt.oVoovenfn forfrl ibm KaUrr ,nto P"'to and these will mm- be dn.pped. perishable nature should be present to be robbed or to have sunk by British destroyers in 11? ii. . a. vw . a aa II Pitt In ta H has aIKaS Oi-iKKa K .Vorth Sea. Four were capture . . w a . si a re-a. t . nere coniiir nue wis ws omr ncn?umfu in ianaaa 10 save me j wa)r oul- Jtwef. bacon and wheat. Ule "piouation or rood, and trie three stranded and three wep RUSSIAN RESIGNATIONS t has been enlarge.1 and the He said the government would ooner the food controller or the forced to return to Rotlerdanc ...Ann ifollos-n are.-ni.ll.-.efually distributed f It.- Alt DEPORTED BELGIANS tsp-tut t Tt Daily a.wt). ,make 11 easier for the people if gov ernmem gives me puwic some The captured range from, t,49tV definite information in regard to to 1,088 tons gross. . INHUMANLY TREATED I'etroitrad July 18 Three they removed the tai on food, rent parties. most extraordinary report, French Front. Itussian ministersof Finance tuT'1 nlrln this country from Havre. July 17. The Helgian Paris, July 18. The Germans IPPINQ BOARD TO 'Oovernment has received from cffort'tl"' government could charge to coiwernwi. made a strong attack on the SFEND I7M.000.000 ' ariou source evidence which slgnl Ukraine as lhe result to of an feeding of trotps at the front' Mr- 0 Connor says: In my French positions in the vicinity ... . .a. l .il t of Telon. Their attack arroru in every uciau provuiK IS :ltSU loss of revenue that would SiSSLrZ was re Washington. July 17. The ij,at deported Helgian civilians result from the removal of duty k pulsed, and a great number were i. boldmg a eecrel session, trying left dead. to averl a crisis. ,nn rMxi enierintr uanaaa. t-.v. vv"" - -r iiiiBti ratlin ilk au ii iiik a i :a s au senator Landry said that the companies nave Increased more an executive order of President f.rri labor for the German armr proposal involved a change In the lhan twelve-fold since 1913. The HOUSEHOLD WASTE RED CROSS NOTES ilson today placing with II le A fnrm nf rrtmttv rirarlirnl n...i,vt. r it. Tnvi.rnm.nlr that tremendous increase in "turnover iled Slates l shipping. board the. upon D,e deported. lo force them Tk. -.1- f ...,. nV r. rw r.t- anv reply to it should be well con- ,ouPht to have resulted, notwith Those of Great Britain are not a A aft. x ft a-a am h I 1 m iJ? vaiv Ul laum.; vuvaiiift aft and in Canada there is less "Ppl airfreil standing In creased costs in do even f .?flbt lhe Hed Cross Friday next will on - a a a aa a i n C7 HllallnAatal Ifl Ca aArlllil tjT Wt household economy than in Great i. roii.i.irtA.) Ik Mra. A C.ra. and. I Mriames laiiugneea siaiea mat - i appropriation. th Turkuh hnih rnl wit- i l trrrwt tint t naiiAH nr an inrrn Britain. It is estimated that the . . .. Mri. K. S Clements. Tha hearty t0- u11 CB, lnc "ention oi tne - V." ' ' " T tin Pmflll illittn. Ilanmnn. - and I venture to predict average English family spent 25 mmm an ex iftPawBx naaA aii i ii ruin i iiiih iuil. "rnmenl to lhe question. Umvi, who announced receipt amonr lhem lhe on of tt manu. co-operation of all is invited both 'animation of the books of the per cent too much on foodstuffs he orde. indicated thai it Ma fai.nra nf Itia f-otrlMti nt A n I u air l by way of donations and patron- I companies whose names I shall before the war. The percentage CZAR'S INVESTMENT iclory for the wooden ship pro- who with-several of his comrades gZ supply for the purpose, will so was certainly not lower in the . . . The amount realixed by the iiiiiii f nrxi i mnpirsi ivi is k a a a k-stablish." Dominion. Since August, 1911, tl hnnak.t f i. I. .1 .1 .l .l ..t. V aIO I'etrtigrad. July 17. Fprmer has O'Connor's have that waste in expenditure Mr. figures e,l to temperalure high a very I'miviivvi- VtnKnl aa Ii A a O nnAtt 1 Ail f Hh(nls over the spending of the fop lhj Cwm 65 The both the largely declined a British challenged by .but Thf only ,n m : . . rc Wk, ronm uir ,,aCe 0 ., ,i v n.. .n.i to the Provisional Government to b,ee,J unri iiii a iii una raniipaiiir rn .a .a a a " r r writer was forced to eighteen 'r of the allow him and the members of .T say oppntTed charge arded " t la months after the of " beginning V crowded they were scarcely able . . , lhnifl thA ,n ,nv mv hi. fnmll. n n.ni,ir. lit In tha '"i" coiiiiiuuy. UC" P. Burna Limited. hostilities that "the amount of twen "C": They were l?ft y- Li an of Freedom." ronrbljM or aistfd in roaklnJf ..... . I m- r...i i i i waste which most English households iaBBBftaaaB. four hours. Then they were led .... THE iniSH CONVENTION In the neighborhood the day a success. IIU ...V. ...'V.'ft M.I.IV. V had n7 "marks to make. still tolefate is at once the lo a factory Fri that the amoUnl of their invest- The articles rallied at last wonder and of all visitors asked if they 1 ""ery conuaenco in ...r. despair where they were ment in lhe loan depends sale donated and won upon day's were i to Tba D4lljr ?ira.r whq come to us from thriftier umthl en in work, tiion their re- w i.uimui, naj ui9 irfi. Dull , i in iti .ii.. .-a'i a . . . . .. . by the following: A chicken given whether the Ilussian state intends Some countries," of the further disclosures " ' I nvfnl ;wV;:,.Vl .... , ru"' ,hpy.. by Mr. O. ull.erl.na.wa won by support his family of the commissioner are interesting. England is on rations now. Ask th titiiior itiiiiiary escort, uxrucu m Mr. C J. Graham; the fancy- He adds that or his own prop- Canadian who has just come in 'he lhe Urgent House of t..... . f ,lu ha rii-.iackuttAat nnw nlft' OOO OOO P. Burns, Ltd., of Calgary. work bag given by Mrs. what he thinks back from England Ilege. The Chief Sec- hat or and exposed In a wife,"1'""" s caps his about fary f Smith went to Mrs. J. Venables; roubles, 8130.000. market of living conditions in the Dominion ... Ireland. Mr. II. H. Duke. tu-afiiPlii... An Mil llrM il.-iv. and in,.. I.I., nn i v.;, t,-.- -cents a doxen under the - - -- li Dreaiiifl until...... il.- .ril'l. . ..w...... . a. .i.i..w the Indian basket contributed by lHi- aiiiiiii'ii a imnH i, iiu uia urn , ;price on the date purchased. The as compared with the ...ii t in riiiiiiu Wltn IlOtniHK to cut r ui ma. IIIKIll his daughter. f i II-mww un- ft.nr.plml a-ilT lift. l p Mexisf... 1.500,000. wTH fanners lost on that deal. The United Kingdom. The answer "W i-iiairiiiuii. nnd under lhe absolute prohibl- tea'l'lga 3.000,000 nnd his other . Alkins; tho litres pounds of a a a I a i that there still millions II iianft iiii i ri a antrvcvtai arm ari a a u w iitTi t'n prove are for dressed tiuu ... mu ...... furnuhedby Mrs. Corwas wonby.iiaugtuers between i.ooo.mMi ana ' thfm that could be saved in table economies M lumber tnea kinds of all movement. Some of them lost iarii'-ooo.ofli) roubles. .an(J ',0,J len,cenl lbrt A McCaffery. Phone 11C. consclousnes. after a few hours 'J"! V fjf?; Vf nnli or i a doen advance on tho price here. Those millions must of this exposure and all of lhem I1'- f 2. ?! u,run, r -rtirarnr.. !,h dAX of purehate. . The eggs be saved. They are needed for " , - - investment In War Savings Cer-, pllnl the .were sold, however, at only one Plied by Mrs. John Mcltae was runt mtvnnea nn Ihfl market nrifn tmcates. Do yourbit and econo-mite. WESTHOLME following A number day.of witnesses ;call attention won by Mr. Uarnsley; the coffee Tonight a( tbo ostholme on the day of aclua, gale nul to the fact that frequently put given by .Mr. F. Stork went lo Theatre there will be displayed the urng &rm made 16 C(jnU a OPERA HOUSE Mr. U. C. Gibbons; the great drama entitled the am- of deported men have been sugar pre. a AQien on t,,e tgm Tne COnunier Everything in the store reduced TONIOMT a air. rnaanBBniai groups of a simulated execution, settled by J. C Steen was won by Pire." , This is one of the Metro.SIJ,Teml( and Mr conno,. n,aje to rock bottom prices Jabour -- S-aiBaV W ITS W lilt SaaV Ww (he subject Mm. F. 8. Wright; the tea con-tributed productions, and Is one ofgreat t renmrk' Hros. 168. sometimes by a firing squad ly Mr, MoMeekin went power. This is a very strong; notN,Utgali PETRO Presenta and sometimes by machine guns, ..,t u bul u ,9 nol tu C. J. Graham; the Aluminum play and one that holds lhe in- i feHppctabjaj Tho favorite household Coal Is The Grent Actress order to overcome 'their resistance ' in and their comrade. pot donated by F. Stork was won tereslof lhe audience right from; Ladjfsmlth Wellington. Phon 15, Petrova impress by L. Parry; tho plant given by tho start till the last picture. The, SUN AND TIDE Prince Rupert Coal Co. If. Although there is no definite Mr. Humble was won by 0. J. star actor is Petrova, who needs! - I.N new or me setiieiiieni or me Graham; the pair of pullets given no Introduction,... bite is already. .Thursday. July 10tu. A Il' .111. I i.. - - strike of the deckhand on the - Sutherland was won by II. famous ana ui tne miq roie I" Mm rises .,3:38 a. nt. LONDONCAFE 'The Vampire miasiiiitr vesse s. It vva noticed wefceou, wnuo me cnicen iy this play ho fully tmitnlns her pun ,ets 8:54 p. m. Hint there were more men at work t'10 ,am(J ner. was won by Mis:greal reputation. This Is a pro- hjb, water ...t.tOa.ni. lit. 20.1 AND ORILL An intense drama in live acts mi l ho noais on their arrival this nur.i... irraiumo mat no one hould miss. 'f..,u- uniH i-inn m ?. Third Avenue morning, A splendid comedy will be showtf'niglt waUr . . . .21 P. m. HI. 18.7 Prompt Ssrvlc or the Bst COMEDY K shirt walats and middies also Low waler ...7:13 p. in. III. 7.0 then la to sat at all hour. Just arrived, 250 ton of lump grew tin tree, they could not ba T Admission 10 and 25 cents. coal. Phone 11tt Albsrt A Mo Mid. fr than oura Jubour: Tlfreo ilayaisule Thursday, Krl- Our Sale start tomorrow morn- BOXES FOR LADIES. .Caffery. Hros. 108. day and Saturday ' -Jabour Hros. jng Bfg o'clock.- Jabour Hros,