Wednesday July 18, 1917. THK DAILY NEWS "t (lydraulic mining. I v r THE BANK OF : tin ruxli nf OH a strpfiru ! kij lifi alnadlly flowed out of Hi-Atlin BBITiSH N0RTIF1 AMERICA iM.atrlcl, hut the invariable cry is Just paying expenses." piGLEYSr When 1 first visited Atlin Iwelv. tlstsmsnt to ths Dominion yenrn ago there wns talk of a Government (Condensed) railway to bo built from Atlio t 30th April, 1017. the sea near Juneau to save Ihc long Journey round by 8kagway LIABILITIES THE UBLIO IVotliing has been done in the way sale. In Clrealallen . . . MMT of a railway but a beginning has Other Dtpailt Lleblllllee ,7M.Oie 4T,11t been made on n wagon mad to The Password to the Canadian boundary ri the tCO,S4S,7S Talu river, only about -tlAly mile) pfeasure, for the ASSETS more is required In complete this lighters abroad 1 In road. Motor boats can make their Oaah an Hans' aad ant 11040,110 way up from the sea to th and workers at with Oottfinnl boundary. Perhaps after the ss n a Nate Olreulatlea i,SSS,t4 our American ally would con home is Oefarnmtal, Municipal and other Seawrnl,, 1,O04,4TS wider for an fxrhangc. i.r a sum Cell end Shot Loan. 7,71 MM of money, the ceding of a ciarmw Current Loin and Die- strip of a few square mile ut t ta eeunle and other HiHU SS.II2.I07 head of Taku Inlet nnd en a.vo n-a WRIGLEYS 1 ok Premlte MOt,BC4 Canadian port for tin- At m S70,S3,110 Diatrict. but even without thin coiioaniori the Atlin people are The name of the famous jimUy enlitleit to a wagon road to thr- Imiindary. One who has been Chewing Gum that has MINERAL ACT i.ver this route assures me that won its way everywhere. a road could be easily made and Ceetlftcall ( ljirnla. that il would mean new life l Three the whole Atlin region. fine Jfk NOTICE I spent nearly a fortnight recently flavours ; 'Bcaih arid "Waterfront fraction in this fascinating dixlrirt tiluale la lb Skeena p ' Mnnitertng to the spiritual needs nr canter Duirfti. Where located - 4n north ide of A Ilea h jof the I'rnleatant community in (St. Martln'n Church. Atlin, on the j TAk'C NOTICE that I. h. B. McOIddH, GOOD 8H0OTINQ FOR FOOD CONTROLLER iSundays. July 1st and fUh. Many I Miner 'lerUflraw .la. HIIC arml lion. V. J. llanna: "I don't Hfr?in to be running short of aoine- Arrwrican tourists Joined in our ; the Dolly Vardcn Mine, Conipanjr,' rrca IhlnR to shoot at." Shield In the Toronto Telegram. religious celebration of Dominion l rlava fnaB thai At Im karMt. la a DO If Day. singing lustily "Our Loved the Mininr Recorder fur a Certificate COAL NOTICES Dominion Mess with Peace and laiprotroM-nii. for the ptirpo. of ob Happiness." LAKE ATLIN a :rown orant or im doy ciaim tilSTHICT or COAST. Ranr f. One who has AIM) riHTHi.n TAIE NOTICE that ac seen the midnight tinder Section SI, mutt be commenced Takr iwillra thai I. Gorman McLran Intend sun ..n. June 21st al Fort Yukon Um. to anilr for a lirrtiro to rrtMtwcl for roal Bitting on the deck of a steam I fur tlx lituanr of ,uca Certificate of told me that he would have been It is a Sweetmeat, a Stimulant and la rot, BIT lamia - ocunn-ormr i a rt planted er on Lake Atlin under the shadow ai im nennweai rornrr or M. acuini disappointed with his trip if it Health-help all in title tut day of inly. A. 0. 1(17 OI nallmdral .Miuinlnln an Amen a one. It benefits So. I rlalin; Ibrnrai ! la rbalnt; inrar had not been for Lake Atlin. in rhalnt: tlwora rail 19 rtaltu: call who ha1 travpllpil iitpnalvfI' COAL NOTICES ibrnra nr.rtb to rhajia to um douii of which was worth it all F. H. Du teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. exclaimed to me: "Iiiibop. I did amnivaarBl. roaiainioff Sta arret, to I Urated kiwwa Mar at .1. MtLran'a 117. Xo. S claim. not think that I should ever live Vernrt. It steadies stomach and SORlHl NrL.EA.1, to see such a cenery as this." Of nerves. It is ever-ready refreshment notice that I. Hat McLean Intend pr nuiip cbrtter. aitbl MINERAL ACT courne the conditions were favor- ttlroJeuia oa IM foOowtar decrlLd when you're fagged. DISTRICT Or COAST. Kaofa I able. Fleecy clouds were floating iiaiaiurnciar ai a poi piauieo TO OT1:e DEUXQLENT PARTNER Iba Juocltuo r um Cedar end Utile Takr nollra thai I. Hum McLraa Intend round the mountain tops; the t applj for a MmM-a to for coal a. h i tar infaai kmi a rniinii and i ,trt.irtiiu um rjk.uir omtMdWi,lr ua8 tinted with various TO C W. Calhoan: land Cumnrndnr at a mat rlanid fiAurm ranvntr rnm ika iii.i.. Take notice, wnerea I bare done and ..e -" dm WK IMIt at lb. Mtlm.n af axnioenrr me d i, cuauuuof ti a acree, it Mriaa t no. r nana, trnnr aixrai on Birru in me ueepesi Diue. ine canard to be dona actment work on lha aSaWaTafasa? i ifjttfKBftt Rifffrf lx known II, McLean .fa I. claim. and a naif ntllra north of Um Bratrr rtr. , reflecliona in ualor Mldwrht Fraction mineral claim, (Itnated ' v ine were m ataj aula, 111. a i htw miira m or im da.- nrr. per- an the ttuaac rlrer, about foarteen milea ' awailh IS rhalnt; thrnco rati to ieci, anu an oomDinea lo make ' from the brad or Alice Arm. In tba Skeena per Philip Cheater, ArrnL cnanu. Ibrfca ao'lb IS chain: Ibrnra KfThe Flavour Lmst at IS rhaiB to iha point of caniiBro-mrat, i a scene never to be forgotten. attniiit dirtalon of Skeena dlttrtct, ue-Btml cMUiaiar Sts arm, to Pa known Lake Atlin is about eighty miles work for lltt. ISIS, aad llll. and DISTRICT or COAST, Rene, I. a M MrUaa o s claim. kara paM for Mid work and recordlnr fake nouee Uul I. Ilncta MtLeaa. lateo4 Located Mt tlnd. 1117. long and from two to six miles tame the turn of 117.10. I'nle rou pay Don't smother mfv'f wir-l.ura luriunan oa um to ioOowibi pruaiwci ototcrtbed for coal prr iron PhlUp MfLrA.Chrtlrr. ArrnL Wide. While the level of this lake bm the lam of USt.tS, for your (hare merely your coagh .ij 2,200 feet above the sea the of lb tald atemrnt work, torrtber with UISIRICT or COAST. Kanro S. (mountains which almost encircle ibe mat of thl adrertltement, I thtJL II invfTIT1 W UaiLicu'a Sjrnp of Tar and Cod Urrt Oil not oolr r jt -, um out i a ia or um uiue Til. hatlM .k . I aa.a - the expiration of ninety (SO) dart from I IIhK II prompUy arreaU coaarbing, bat thanks to ita tonic and lar nifi aaaraaav bvihi v iwiiii, to uc4t foraiiranc to mmwci for iiine lake. riae from one to five tha date hrrrof apply to lha mininr re-rardrr wVa.aU M.M. f.renjjtheniag propertiea tt help, tbeayatem to throw cat UMOC KMilb 10 Mil blB. 14 Mirmltm eo tha fIiot dcrUMd thnuaand f.l hiirhor Ih.n il. at Prloce Rapert. B. C, to hare the cold and thus effect, a permanent cttrw. It ta thia qnality which haa waa for laattiiwortac at .Miaanmimi, cuauuaiar eta acre. r aoalh of tha a pot piaaicO,:anar IlCr. whila i,, at iho hoarf nf..7.iho lsk ranr latereau In Um Mldnlrbl FracUon It tba largest aaia ri any cough and cold remedy in Cavnada. 4 '-4 La k. ma a u McLean a I of S MrLraa'a So .. , . t claim, briar about a i-. a mtnertl claim eeated In me. In panuancc Urjr botCet, tvttywJktri. oaa and a half mitr north of tbr ivaraf iuero Kcirr wiree mne wiae ef the proTlOoru of tba mineral acL ! jje. tflull McLEAN, mrr. aad thrro nrilrt vrl of the Cadar and stretching back to the borl r rtuMJp Uwatof. AtaL nrrr. thrnr noru is chain, tbrnca rail Dated al Prince Rupert. B. C thl tlth, X L. MATVIEU CO, rewav. raj. cbama. tbrnco aooih is cbauu; tbrnca ion. From the summit it flows iij of April. ISIT. frllj , . at chain lo tha Mini of ruenmror- a C PHILLIPS. t.t f. Lir . a.a a,iia a in the opponie direction towards w u, aM,v nirnt, cnauiniBr l acrra, to ba known nolle thai I. ftortnaa MtUaa Intend aa ii. MtLaaaa no. 7 claim. the sea, making a river of ice tfpiy roe a Ucvwca to prveprcl for roal Larated Ntf ttnd,IIL'Ull HIT.MCLEAN. about seventy miles long. latiainrncinc al a Dual DUnlrd prr ThlUp Cbralrr. ArrpL The many creeks which have A..I ,.ta .1 a IL. 1-1.- I I r of M MtLaaa'a No. I claim, uvixa Mtkict or cniiT .. a iu uvti J uuii it iu mac $25.00 $21.50 a cfiaiu, umki aaai aa ccirm: aiul ,he Hh Ihelr m aca autittt ctemai Uxaca ta Takr twucc that I. Ilaih McUan latend h ina tMJit of cubOMotaiBroL cuo to an4r forattcrnca to Mortwct for roal reooiin streaks are rich in mtn ' - I. i i.. i.i i i n i ii in is in is in j i suit ara. to ta kaoa at .1. mc and itflntiruui oo Um fUkioior draciibrd eraU, and ui a I claun. i uaninrnciar at a Dual DUB led placer quarti gold, W4 Mar fU. IttT. tnitr aouth of Iba aotiLhural corarr silver and lead, iron" and copper pr AOHMAA ritiup McUaa.uvtattr, ArtnL mm and a half mite north of tba Brrr;nlx)und. but on account of the mrf, and tart ml Ira t( of tha Cadar high of tout transportation, ntrr; thmra north IS chain) tbrnca ! cap. MSTMCT Or COAIT. fuaia I. S cnaioa: tbrnca) auulh SS chain: thrara ital hesitates except in the case rati ss rhaint to tha point of ccanmriYra-Bient, Takffl aouco Ual I. Il.'ia UcUaa. Utetsd Raataininc acrra, to Im known WJ loraucoaca to lruatl far tual a U. Mclaa'a .So. i cUua, LAND ACT Drir-4Ulia im Uwa rAik..i.n A Located Max ttnd. ISI7. IIUUII KCUJI.V W.rV Praia ni LU IUUina.II MrBf Mixfana u I claim: unn awvih aa par ruip Chralcr, ArrnL klCA ULID CISTRICT DialnJCT VF COAST, RA.1GE 4. 'lri in IDIIBI I rw trm .in aat .k.iH. f DISTRICT or COAST, luara . 1 puiui .1 rutniutoceaicBt; aooutniat aaanaT , afr w bo knoan at It. McLaaoa Take Duller that L Xoreuaa McLran Intend TAkC NOTICE that Emptra Pulp 4 Paper " :iaiiu. to apply for a ncraea to proiprcl fur coal MUla. Limited. f Vmcooirr. Briiuh kj aad prirotrua on Iba fwUowlni- dracrtbrd IllUH MCLKA.'V, landa:--Ocauurnctar at a pot planted iHBbU. uccaipiuoo pulp manufactartsf prr i bilip Uatater. ArmL mil aoalh of Ow aouthwail cornrr cunipanr. latcoda to applr for pcrmlttioo nf .V MtLraa Mo S ctatm, brlnt about letta tba rellowinr drtcrtbed Undi: aod a half mite north f tba brairr arrmnini at corner located at tba DMTIUCT Of COAST. lUDf S. rltrr. and Ibrra tuiwa wal or tha Crdar Mrr; thrnra wral IS chain, tbrnca aouih fatcrrrtku of Um wrtl Una of Lot No Ttko butira thai L .turatao MtUaa....touod. IS chain: tbrnro rail is chain: Uwura ST with the hiin water Una on the aouia allI r tar a lirnr la riM.iM norm 10 r balsa to um petal or ruouncoca thorn of kavue Inlet, tbrnca alonr Um narnu ruauioiar SIS acre, la ba known aouth tbore of iba laJei In a norUtweturlr t a puat DiaauMl ,.:M"tu"Kla la .1. MrUaa .to. I claim. - .w lamiiuu u, lui utur a IV 1 ijitui Located Mr ttnd. HIT. direct lua io a eornrr which tear X. It '-ur rttrra. un iha twink ih. .tUHMA.-t XIUJUI, Weau from tba inlUal corner, and 1 prr I'tuUp Cbrtter, AranL appreiimatetr 47 ctuln dittant there iHt l Ivor tral so ctuisa to Um polal fromj tbrnca .1. Jl"0' E. tl cbalnti tbrnca . wwarrmrni, raataituor 4 acraa. MSTIUCT or COAST. Ranr S. s. Sf'S'E. apprwAimatclj 4T chain; thence .1,1 M . .."J " I cuim. Yak tanllM that t Ifnrh MrLaB lotmd s " Wed IS chain to tba point or a la. I . to tiivlv far a llrrnro to rrolcl for coal bertnnlnr. MUHMA. MtUan. lrr follip ana petroleum on um loitawuir orxnuru Daw June IT, HIT. SS. Utrtlcjr. Acrnt. land: cunuurncinr ai a poai piaoira tha northwrtl corner or W. McLran' CMPIRC II Lr & rArER MILLS, LTD. WSTWi T . 4 claim, and about ooa and a half 0. A, Jorreaton. ArenL Of COAST. Btota S. mite nuria of Um Bearer rlrr: tbrnca c ." Muh tLn tatrnd nurlb chain. Ihaoro (! 19 chain LAND ACT "r,or Piwprel (or ratal loenca aouta iv chain, tacnea can aa Partner ptiriWam so Um folio id t dfacnM nam to Um rnlnl of cuBarnrorrmenL con Axe You Your Country's laiaiaaT a is arm. and la be known a II. "kEEAA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP , I."" J 1 ,u" awuionrat cwwr MrLean' Xo. S cuuu. COAST. HANOE 4. II u . Lorated Mar lira.iiuca HIT tci.i.A.-. T.UK NOTICE thtl Empirs Pulp Paper Save and Invest in "Canada Unlimited" ...ik. t U KUaBlIlB I aLOarilt. rr I'hi tip Chlcr. ArrnL Mill. Limited, of Vancouver. Brltith Co- lumbia. occupation pulp nianufacturuif "A great struggle still lies before us." DISTRICT OF COAST. Baora S. r.auiaiur. Intend to apply for permlitlon f J -i vMajfaTIlI taa.. . . I V Taka iwiiim that f Ifn.h alrtan Intrnd lo tea, tha follow tpr dacrtbed land: Sir Robert Borden. HtOH to aplr for a Urrnra lo proaprcl for coal Prrtnnlnr al tba aoutbwe! corner; Mrl.EA.N, and priroleuiu on lha follow lur tteaeruwd right to live freedom family lr I'blltp ctMater, A tent landa.- Ctaiunrnrlnc at a pott planted Utruca true north 10 chain i tbrnca N. defend your your your Um nnriaartl corner or .V McLean' 7" 41" tail niproiuuately II chain i TO secure from intolerable Prussian despotism Canada is OlSTRJi T or COAST. I. No S rlaim, and about tnrea and a nail iheoc lrue north 10 cnalna to a corner tr Banrt ii.iU north of tba Heater mrr: tbeoce waled upon the aouth ahore of kbutia paying a heavy price in blood and treasure. IU)r thai I. Nnrman Urlaan Inlxiul etl SO rhalnt; tbrnca aouth 10 chain: I lie lira rati 10 chain tbrnco north SO Inlet, which bear, li, S4" tl' Lai I from lha Are-you paying your share ? i.,.- 11 ,,,uw h la fulloalur drarrlbrd rhalu lo tha point of comiDcnccmeuL enn nortlaail corner of lot number tl, and I w miu jUlIkaaalilnaw rz;v. v a ..."- w..S rr'- Ihi iiioinr ta arrra, to ba known I II urn pprotunlrly II Va chain dlltanl Ibrra Are you a real and active partner in Canada's tremendous effort ? mm. vi o aouuiwcii cornrr ui M. l.ran' Mo. 10 claim. fnaB; Ihenca aloof lha aouth ahore of thousands have devoted their lives? Mi'Lran'a a .i.. .. - u n .iK-atrd Mr ISrd. ISIT. An you devoting your money as freely as 'ol In ,?nc iii,mi ou,n uvrau chainii rw i imiiii thrnra t. par Iluth I'hllip MrLEAN.Lbrtlrr, AltnL btariar kbulie liilel S.77"4f to the Weil point and of I berlnnlnr.irproil-mairlr This is no time for careless indulgence, but for earnest thrift and um poioi of coaiiurorcmrnt, tonlainlns Tl chalna. systematic saving. Invest every dollar you can spare in Canadian War a. uaioi,to ba known at ti. McUau'a MSTHICT or COAST, hanra I. Dale June ST. ISIT. S.S Savings Certificates. Take an adive interest in Canada's stern Struggle tied Mr lltt. ISIT. Taka notlra thai I. Ilurh McLean Intend EMPIRE PULP PATE ft MILLS, LTD. now, and thus become a worthy partner in her unlimited future after the MlRMA.I Wfl.IAM, . at-nlr for a Urrnra to broaMCI for coal O. A. Jorrcnton, A tent. per I'hllip Chetler, AtrnL aiul iwlruleum on the follow inr dearnbed victory is won. id: uuiimruciua oi a puai pianieu DISTHICT or COAST. Rang, . issued denominations of $50 at the nurinrtt rorrirr or .t. McLean' War Savings Certificates are in $25, MSTIUCT OP COAST. Ilanra I. u. $ rlalin; Ibeara north SO chalna) ttirnee Taka nollra I ha I 1, limb McLean Inteud and $100, to be repaid in three at full face value. They cost Tika nuiirai that i ii.,.h Intend avai aa chalnt: Ibeora aouth 10 rhalna: allly fur a Urrnra In nnianeet Ine e.1 years " I'I'lr forallrrnra lo prutlwct for coal (Iwnrr eaat til chain to tha oliil of rtau- nd IMlrolruiu on lha fohowliiv dearriba-J $21.50, $43 and $86 respectively, at all Money Order Post Offices and f nd. pelrolrum on Iba folkiwlnr deacrlhed ronitininr 40 acre, to Pa iinK - C.wiiinenclnr at a Doal nlanied Should need get thus Interest it, can land .laiiiiirnrlar at a poal plaolrd Kiirriiirni.11. MrLaan'a No. II claim. the norihweil corner of ti. McLean' Banks, yielding over 5J& you you mm inlla uih of lha toulhwetl twnrr sf Iratrd Mar titd, ISIT. 4 Claim, and about una and a hair your money back at any time. iiiili north of Braver It Mi Utn'a No. claim i ihenro ulb SQ Ilurh Mrl.EAM. rleri thane wel halii. ilwma rail IS chain; lueiwa per t'hlllp Cbetler. Arrnl. u iMuia. win suuin aa chain! thrnra OF CANADA, BOARD n irm 10 liaina. tUtnrt waal IS chalna la atl 10 chain: thrnra north an rhan.a t. THE NATIONAL SERVICE IIm Um loint or ruuiDtenre unt. eootalnlnr SIO ulnl Vf roiruiirlicrli.rfll. r'ala'nj OTTAWA. 30 IS arrr. la ba kliottu ' McU"T SUBSCRIBE FOR laUik "" .mowu a h. MCLeaua lie If lur S led rltliu.Mar lal HIT. oraird Mar tlrd, HIT IILOII UMAX, I The Daily News IIUilll Mrl.CAN, per Philip Mr rWllp tbaaler, ArnL Cbetler. ArtuL