The Daily News ' ut VIII. NO. Ifl. PfllKCK RUPF.R7. li. C FliriiAY. JULY 20, 1917. pmg F fVR fUtTH ATTACK OH FEEMCIliE FAILS-BKLES rHE MASSED FORMATION OF GERMAN TROOPS CAUSES VERY GREAT SLAUGHTER iRMANS MAKE A MASSED (THE CABINET CHANCES IN GREAT BRITAIN . ATTACKNEAR ST. QUENTIN 3 ?tca: m Tut Diiy Ixindon, July 20. Few papers rCR VIOLENT BOMBARDMENT, HUOE WAVES OF INFANTRY here express any enthusiastic FELL UPON FRENCH FRONT LINE TRENCHES COUN support of the cabinet ehanges. TER ATTACK BY THE FRENCH EJECTED THE The Prens makes it plain that the ENEMY WITH TERRIBLE LOSSES new Ministers are on trial. The iSicui to Tb Dnij ei. rnce there. The Rulan have question now being asked is "will aris, July 20. After violently sunk a German submarine In the tho changes steady the Govern, warding the French positions Halllc. ,,. rnent?" The new First Lord of ill of St Oueutln, the German. ; ftJiiu will the Admiralty will soon be tested. London has a feeling that a naval maised formation McWd Mi ln'emenre from u,e new "disorder crisis is rapidly approaching. sttcoessivc wavei on an eight .tronger and more united. The "Gross Injustice. fronL The Fifth'riots prompted by the de-Uuard hundred metre were Mr. Hal four declines to permit Divlsiou obtained a fooling spairlng follower of Lenlne. The "gross injustice" against Lord l line trenche.. but ilardinge, and would not force his gelled for the greater part. ' colleague to resign, as a result of le lullicted the report on the first Mesopotamia losses were up OENERAL NEWS ITEMS campaign. "Are we to enemy, llbcluis uu again say eleven hundred hells' forget it all?" asks Mr. Dillon in irded, Tbs Pttty 5rv.l iSpeeUI the debate. The House of Commons l in the city. the: Feng Quo Hang accept upholds the Ministry in 4'1 At Verdun. !pout of Acting President of China, j LONDON EXCITED ABOUT A -ROMNEY." Mr llutjiiugi .n. an American c ollector, brought the Under Foreign Secretary. retaining ie Crown l'rluce sunered a, ...,. .hi... ovr soil a?a a art dealer for the r f t0o.oi paid f-f an ahegd R-inney supposed to be a hock, when the French ' ... .nArmA .nk : portrait r Ms SV-ll Siddonn and sinter. The trial i -atMl unusual tutetest. particularly There will be no further judicial enquiry into the Mesopotamia ps attacked.. and.....recaptured.. V-all al week I the fart -,sitmii f Mr. Justice Da i his. The picture is I)-re bung in the court. campaign. positions wituiich u The Hungarian iron WOrk at I in, rive nunureo prisoner were ..,.fM i,j.n.i . mm I if ATIirn nirtl riiin III PEACE RESOLUTION GERMANS NOT READY , ROPING STEERS BY CAR I.o taken IN THE REICHSTAG burned Sunday, factory, was on ON UP-TO-DATE RANGES British Front, The entire stock wa ruined. ALICE ARM DISTRICT FOR A REVOLUTION London, July 20. Drills- to The (Wily illt' Damage exceeds a million crown. The North American Indian ups recaplurrd the positions ft.- C-nal ( Finl.n.4 -II r- Aiu.uv-dam. July 20. The ' AW " h uhkhib. juij i-ine time wr with his quaint and primitive customs the east of Monchy.Ie-Preux, .Urn -n.l I,.. the country wHh. I lsttt ..v, that lb cm- ihich they were forced to leave out a KovemmenL If the Social to Iowa and tell. f . ..f the majority of the an opri-iiug ior!ermany which is disappearing. The buffalo which roamed and galloped judex the uerman attack on Wednesday lnl. r'u.h IbrouBh the Pinmt d,eoery unich he p.,,,... in the Ileiebtag have, will wwl away the autocracy the plains of the west in our , of the " " ')nHmuHmr uecioeu to move till U far -according to third reading Independent "l . ditant, father's day is also becoming ex In SWIgl-m. i iif -t iii i fw n as 1-s.a? r a laini.iaa - 'i-nvs wt iiauir-mn Hill tomorrow. views of the afternoon papers tinct. These pioneer creatures tLnJe; cover vl heavy, boiu- -rThey hav fwiod Jedge JJik(jr Ipjm twsijMio,depuUea wttt JlghtiX srdai v-;. the Oernian forces suc- forty feet in width. earrytBg big ik nrar- rvnolutionn. ,-r. e4tmineiff!n'gro'u this sllua" are'ra'sndsffig-IheTr Idelitltywilh rded tu reaching the liritisb TO COMBAT SUBMARINES values in btaek silver sulphide., S toa created by Oermany's s,w1tch the influx of the white man's new rea; he swuth of Lomertiyde, (They had an assay made f!cfls SR JOSEPH A of Chancellors. The Pall Mall customs. Railroads are carrying (SpMMI V Tbt DUjr . , - a.; a. a m I man's comforts and implements 1.1 :u a counter atlaek following, saiHis u GREAT BIG HYPROCRITE i OaieMes ..pinion typical. New York. July SO. Chas. II. iniherand.0o. in gold. Willi! toward the sunset, and automo i y were compelled to retir. ,:.rma ,Vui. Orasty. the New York Times cor- biles are cutting down the dis Naval Driva. l.r.1 I- f nn.l..r. n,.V. a slher arHiHd H0 an vwim, thlsj a (Htawa. July l. J. C. Watters, new c pa per asserts, "has ended, as tances they have brought an entirely A great natal drive against . ' . - . sltould prote to be a very jr-kenW.f the Dwtainmn Trades uual, in a practical reminder PirwtfK i m iui new atmosphere. lutu:riiie u predicted by Hrit- American ship being sent to Kuro-pean thing. Hd Ibur (jsgress. in a speeeh that the Kaiser and the army are Now, with almost a Jolting sur ih naval expert and critic. Ar I hp property is ioeaira uniy. bii,.i,i iinhAPi .i,. in ik. nn waters in order" to combat prise comes the realization that il Pollen, to follow the ap- He atiout three miles from the IHU who. he dlared, had trol of Germany Germany will the submarine menace. says the picturesque cow-boy, or "cow- ir.lmeiit of Ueddes, First Varden mines, andls right on tlie brreh of falUl as ()f attitude of trucu- a nUnue ner a sharp revision of public opin- 11.... .. rTi. nAnin.n. ... .... ... puncher" is losing bis usefulness M tj the Admiralty. raiiruuu. ur miij "tniM; ,. -,j r ratnMiltine nreaniiMl lalw.r Tli i. nhnnilant vninio The capture oi the German "J 'mf IKS. have mfR " the KroUBd al br.inging in conscription, ferment among her population, on being the replaced big cattle by ranches,"Ford-boys.and is P. on the North Sc. is ro. f,'1!"0" J!JJllm mmvni nPting the;H(. a(M. atirtd lliat oriraoized hut Hi ilnttrwirati acnnv that alnne idea ludi -.f. At first this very seems irded by the Admiralty as being new nod. Mr. w . ix I ureeii. oi ;,iKr tlir..ugDot Canada would begets courage for a revolution States armies but let remind that ... Convoying United crous, us you hr I It.... 1. -m. the Canadian Consolidated, is in measure even by a still is far distant " this is that has not suggestion ana a,' w mI"'D'e a r.l;uction of . certain number town and went to Telkwa this i.im4om-wide strike if necessary -This is the third famous from easterner unfamiliar enemy nierchantnienL It has morning, but on his return to the showed its come an ,,,,1,, t14. government junker victory sine the war the with the lore of plains: It out of gear an lmnurtauL THE ROAD TO VICTORY city will proced to Alloe Arm l y tatlng over the indus- started," declares the Manchester it of from js a piece news our inch of the German supply ar. Inspect the ground also. Abler- lriM -r ti.. ountrv and devotinir RiuMUn. "Th nl wa the western brothers, to what they as mi ge men Is. "1ctory. sure, tlnal and eom- man caiey will remain in town, th.m to lbt ueciis of the Empire. German decision to wage war, actually doing. The Ford is Russian FronL plete will lie with the side which UB he gets back from Telkwa. To Proleot Profiteers. and u,e second was the Institu- are substitute not only good I'elrograd, July ro. After an stay the longest; in other An Inspection will also be made -if he mivernment will mw iion nf unlimited submarine on- proving a for the but tremendous horse, a tli rrillfurcilig aluiig thd 1- wrdi with the side of tne power by one af the aginer of the u, plainly that the future of the erations. iuipruvemeut. e mm. the Auslro-German which can numoer uie !" Mima .Mining ana -inn , .ury is at stake, Mr. Watters "Again the Kaiser has allowed A "Ford-boy," of course, is a rces in Galiria started a tro- (financial rurOs ami mooiiue ho is expeeteo to arrive in iowu Mid, Te will go and go willingly. Lis own judgment to be overborne cowboy who drives a Ford car instead neudous offensive against theUhem with the most deadly eliee- today. With a thorough xatfn- but w and shall refuse to by the Crown Prince and the jun- of riding on horseback. Ilussians from llrodr to behiw theness." Such is the declaration ation of the property by I iee ex- b. eet tne fronL to protect trs. who must now attemnt to ridden Those who have ever a vttiunx t Messrs. Thomas Farrow and pfri. Alderman ay has grt uotllfars: We would not need to Operations ro in full .. m iL.i. 1. i- . justify their faith in the sword horse all day will appreciate with wing now ,W. Waller urown in meir nopes. :b oaflscripied if we knew we were and themselves by a supreme ef- loud acclaim the. Joy, of the cowboys Bsrlln Report. , "How to Win the War tne nnan- lg..ig U flght fur the people irv- fort on land arid on sea." themselves in welcoming the 1( Kin, July 20. Heavy artll- cial solution." whioli has been u s. CITIZENS IN BRITAIN tead f th& Interests. - i Chancellor von Bethmann.ilolL change. T nahtinir xit.iini... i k. nubllihed in Great uriiain and ARE EAGER TO TRANSFER Mr. Walleifs also referred to weg's downfall was generally re "Roping cattle can be handled n end of the Itusso.Gali. carries a foreword by lit. Hon. his visit to Washington, where he yarded here today as a junker vic- much better in a Ford car than on fia - near Iiii an,I S Umdoa. July 17. In acoord. aal he bad been toiu by a High tory. Whether the militarists a horse," says B. F. Pankey, a pi if1tr U araa n t vl it fh.l Is Canada ants victory. ure. aiwe wiin ma muiiary registra- military authority and by Myron oup will be able to do more than large western cattle rancher, who by:: a, northwest of Lusk final and complete. It must mou- llon Jaw 0f the United stoles. T. Hi'rrick, former United Mates ,merely retard the progress of s uing Fords regularly, lie adds: Troublt In Pstrograd. lUie its financial resources If that .inerlcans in the Hritih Iles ambassador to France, that the'dmocrary in the empire is one "When we find it necessary to ' 1'c grad, July 20. Following victory Is to be secured. The war rtKi8tered today by the hundred need of the allivs was food and on which observers differ. The rope a steer, one man drives the !: :"strai..ns which .fini expenditures of the Dominion are al lne various consulates. Those not men, that it was no use send- Crown Prince and his group now car Detiina tne sieer, anomer in fts .rdr has boon acam increasing every day. The neces- rcgutered will receive later cards . ing a big army to France for it mhmii to have triumphed. stands up in the car with one foot ff V red in 1'elrairrad. Linin has slty ior national saui i"; similar to me ones usea in luejwoum starve, as rranoe anu ureai. on the running board and gets the 'J p: veil have been mi auent Increases. Kvery cent toat can ijjtpj state. Britain were taxd to the limit of THE SESSION AT OTTAWA steer, the rope being tied to tha he Orrtnan government, and be economically spared Is re- Tuw American consul-general their endurance in taking care of car so that the cteer cannot pos I day a fugitive. The govern- quired for war purpoiei. Money l$ iWamped with applications the preHt armies'. (tptriil tc Tb Pally .trwt.) sibly get away after being '-J is taking'Into custody all invested in War Savings iniu- f,,, Americans in the Hrltish Mr. Walters also attacked Sir Ottawa. July !0. The session caught." Fxchange. rates will help the Government to nriny wjl0 wih io j0jn the United J.weph Flavelle. who he alluded will continue well into September. rw ttdnun,tralion i u.w.uviv moved t. finance the man In the firing line. Flaleil tUTcv. heveral thousand.u as wa great big hyproerile and Many important measures, several Mr. R. J. Woods, general man Uc ,w fro , PeTrograd as H - ery dollar ha. a real war value. ,tt u,e.e have akedxfor transfer, said that if the profits were taken 0f which are controversial, must ager of the A. II, C Packing Co, at-hl that Uierc will be le.. try dollar Invested In Govern- .,,ul Mr.. .Hkiimrr has, been unable!. . from the shell manufacturer be dealt with. The use of the came in from the Naa river yes danger of Irresponsible inlerfer- meiit certificates is a .Inll.l In iu duvisu I. i ,1 iucm woeiuer.11 i.n ...ill win u Ihere would not be a shell made closure may be necessary. It is terday and left by the Prince John ward victory. permitted. In Canada. 'said that plans are still going for Rivers Inlet. j large number of olllcers may A resolution opiHtsing eonserip-'aheadfor the formation of a WHOOPING COUGH be transferred. Many of them al- lion wn adopted by the audience, coalition government. Tha favorite household Coal Is WESTHOLME ready hnve been informed that which numbered over three thou L&dyamlth Wellington. Phone 15, NOTICK 18 11KRK1IY OlVliN that they may Join Major General sand. Mr. F. W. Howling, superin Prlncs Rupert CoalCo. if. TONiOHT ONLY it i the duty of parents to re- Pershing, and those who do ho tendent of the Government Tele Fox presents port to the Medical Health Ofllcer, will assist In training American Mr. llamer flrnwood. of thot jfraph Service, and his son Phil. GEORGE WALSH or at the Cily Hall, every case of troops in France. Request for Royal Fiihwiwi Commission, ac-went Kat on today's train. LONDON CAFE -"MIDORIS 'whooping cough within 21 hours transfers have come mostly from oompauied by In daughUr, ar-i , JC PAWN- 'after its occurence. Failing t Americans with the Canadian rivwl from tlis smith today, Hej Special, sale of ladies' corsets AND GRILL "BLUE BLOOD AND RED" do tht renders the offender liable j forces, but many have been r-lo will visit 1 1 ay port. He is a j'roHi H5o Real good value. Third Anua ns im severe penalties, for which csiwd from men in Knglish regi-prosecullon brother of Sir llamer Grawood. Jnbour Bros. 170. Prompt Smlco of the Bt will be brought in'ments. uiembor of the Hritish Parliament OOMEDY thsra Is to sat at all hours. every case. v i 1 jusi arrived, zoo ions or lump ASmlla 10 saS IS !. Hy order. nur sain win iatt uuiny and to. For dressed lumbsr of all kinds'coal. Phona 110 Albert A Mc OOXC3 FOR LADIES I MHDICAL IIKALTll OFFI0HR. 'morrow-Jabour Hro. 170.J Albert A McCsfTery. Phone 110. Caffsry.