THIS DAILY NKWS I rlila July 20 lot The Daily News In These War Times LAND AOT you wont rcnl food that THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA skttu win DSTnicTMstnii t or the contains greatest coast, rusor I. Published Dally nd Weekly amount of body - building Circulation itoTICK that Smplr rlp Paper Guaranteed Largest xkT. material nt lowest cost. The Mill. Mmlled, ft Vancouver. lirllUb Co ' OFFICE: whole wheat Rraln Is nil food. InmMa, eepsn po'P manuranurins; HEAD Intends M apply for petmiaion Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, Il.C. Tel. 98. 1 Shredded Wheat Biscuit rompany.irate I h roiKiwint aeiencea urvu USE is the whole wheat in a nrrttwinr at the southwest -omtr TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per (Inch digestible form. Two or thenr tru north IS chains; tbrnro it rail spprotlmstety ft chains r t; Contract Rates on application. .;" three of these little loaves of Itirnr tre north 10 chains to rimer BBSBBBBBBSSBIb . BikaTofeTofeTofeTofeTofeTofeTofeTsT' baked whole wheat with milk Kx-atttl upon I fx" south short or Khutte Inlet whlrti ars H. SI" ft' Kail frrm lb DAILY EDITION i Friday, July 20, lot?. and n little fruit make n nourishing, iKirihranl corner of lui number 11, and Is strengthening meal. aipruilniatr!y IIH chains distant thrc frmn. thence alonr in south show or A UNITED PARTY porters think that those Lib ahull Inlet to th point of berlnnlnr bnrlns- S. It" 41' WmI am is approtl j drifting nut of the situation erals who may vole- fur Hit- hill niately 71 chains. oMIie parties in the Dominion have any Intention whatever Of Date Jan ST. MIT. S Parliament and the altitude u deserting their party, or re rvrinE r-ULr rrtn milis. itd. members of each party towards pudlating the leadership of Sir O. A. Jortenson, A rent the Military Service Hill, Wilfrid, they are certain to deal is belli? said in the Tory meet with disappointment LAND AOT s OAP preen regarding the alleged There is no thought, no movement, SkEEftA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTllILT or Liberal .split. Being incapable no desire in the Liberal COAST, RAIOL 4. o f understanding Liberalism party lo supplant Hie great TAkE NOTICE that tmptr Pulp Taper I and what it stands for, and be French-Canadian in the leadership, Mills. Urollrd, of Vanrourrr, BrttUh co cause some of the Liberal lie remains now as for Made in Canada. umbit, occupation pulp manuracturtnt I Mejhutedjoafi war company. Intends lo apply for permission I members voted with the Gov the pasl thirty years the great o lew ib toUowlnr described lands ernment on the Military Service e.t living political general and corrupt administration when, ' Hrrinnlnr at t corner located at Uiel Dill, lo and behold I the the most eloquent orator of his ever a contest is declared. The intersection of trie esl tin of Lot No Liberal party is disrupted! His keen intellect has 17 with the turh water line on the south I can country. Juy day of the conflict will find no sbor of khoti Intel; thenr alonr the Ttuntey 1 'Several members of the Con not been dulled by age and his division in the Liberal party south shor of the Inlet In a northwesterly servativo party also voted physical health is better now Of that let all be assured. II direction to a corner which bears 71. II against the Government on this than' it was for many years should also not be forgotten 9' West, from the Initial corner, and Is I HsSsVHHHsaHHHnHsa measure, but of course, such during the tenure of his premiership. approtimateljr 47 chains distant there thai the werciso of individual from: tttene X !"'. It chains; thence I action does not cause any such He gave unity, judgment, the following of the S. IS' O'E. appresimauijr 4T chains, thenc I condition. strength and final victory to dictates 'of the individual conscience S. Jl-O' West II chains to lb point of I The lion. Geo. P. Graham the oft defeated fragments of are the very essence of beainnlnr.Date Ism 17, 1117. S has actually been named as the the Liberal party. For fifteen Liberalism." EMPIHE PULP k PAfER MILLS, LTD. S. PRINCE RUPERT new Header of the Liberals, years he brilliantly led a4gov-ernment 0. A. Icrrensoo, A tent . seeing as the Tories" say, Sir which commercially. WESTHOLME THEATRE MINERAL ACT Wilfrid has no followers left Industrially and in many other PRINCE GEORGE outside Quebec. It is of interest ways re-created Canada and the (ft I. B. C 111). lied" is Uluo Mood and to see just what Mr. instituted a regime of development Crocus I SOUTHBOUND Ileily Friction, Birch. Friction, Graham himself says in bis which made this country title of the play to be screened and Plum mineral claims sltsate In the I Mnda I n. m. for Swsnson Bay. Van. .ur Virion and testtl. newspaper, the llrockvillo lie. the marvel of the world. His the Westholme Theatre to Queen Charlotte District, located at or I S ainrttsy tarn, for ocean rails. VsaocwTer. Vietoel iM Seattle corder: ,1"nl 1,1,9 ' a "e8eru urnuin ear Ikeda Bay. Queen Cbarlolt Islands. defeat in 1911 was brought Proline or Brlllsb Celumblt, li fully held I NORTHBOUND "The Conservative press of about by a combination of mat is uiuereni. u contains some by Ikeda Mines Limited (Moo rersorall WtOMESOAY II ivmsi for ketrhikiB, WrsateN. iwwaai and Skatway Canada would feign to rejoice agencies, the most bigoted, unscrupulous of the most exciting and realistic llablHtj). lltlDT II nana tor Anyus over the conscription bill. The and corrupt ever scenes ever Aimed. It is a typically TAkE NOTICE that I, Ittm x. Machines. Western play, one which SoUMior for Ikeda Mines Limited (.ton TRAIN SERVICE measure is not receiving morel known in western democracy. a abounds with thrills is rernal Uiblllty) Free Miner's Certificate I PaHefe far lumber, frtnc Oerr. Mnetnteet. and W lam pet. Hrci and., than a passing support from! That defeat in nowise diminished u. Ilistc Intend, afur U eipirattoo of ncwtiMu for ail point rM d vrithin the Tory party. The the lustre of his achievements fraught' with the atmosphere of silly days from tb dau hereof to apply I Mlted Tuedsy 4 s. in. tr SmlUxre nd H niernedut points, measure is repugnant to the or reflected upon his the plains. The plot centres on behalf of the said Company to the I around a rancher's pretty daugh Mwtnt ftecorder of the said District fori Agency All Ocsan Steamship Lines. rank and file of the and statesman parly reputation as a or a Certificate of for each of I unprotements For Information and reservations apply to ter, an Eastern college athlete, was designed more for the pur political tactician.' The forces the above claims for the purpos of ob- City Tlcktt omco, 628 Third Avenu. PHONE 260 pose of putting Laurier in the which worked against him and nd a Jloui ranch foreman. Ulnlnr crown tranl thereof hole than inese are me makings oi some AMD FL'RTIIER TAkE MOTICE that action for any other object. proved for the time irresistible under Section It of tb Mineral Act must round-up of business. A In other words the political were the forces that have worked pretty be commenced before the issuane of sorb I objective is everything and the for reaction and disunion. five thousand long-horned, shaggy Certiorate of Imprvvements, patriotic end of little 'or no and the most careful and hate range cattle forms the back. Dated thla lllh day of June. A.D. HIT importance. The has all i ....!.. ...! Kround. Excitement and thrills J. A MariMMES. game SuHeltor for Ikeda Mines Limited M.oo I the ear marks of flogerian tactics. to show up anything irregular abound, w hi e the tender element Personal LUWUty). SIS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY The Tories hold the belief or dishonorable In the record ab19en,1- fln """ w, that the Liberal party is broken of his long administration.1a, displayed. -WATEn ACT, 1914.' up because a number of promt Canadian Liberalism honors Lowest Rates o all Eastern Point BEFORE THE BOARD Of IMVII flOATIOM I via Steamer to Vancouver and th nenl Liberals have decided to its great leader now aS ever, Salvation Army, support the Government on and the party in power will ere In Ibe Matter of all Strtams In Um Haiti.I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY conscription, while Sir Wilfrid long find that those Liberals Publtr meetings, Tuesdays. too and Fort Eraser Water Districts. Meal end Rrrlh Include mn ?eWf Laurier holds Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 A MEETIMO of Um Board of lavtsUfslioa the view that the who are voting for the govern, p. b he 14 at lb Court-bous st ilaieltonl 21tU Princess Sophia for the South Saturday, July people of Canada should rn. Sundays at 7:30 in. be p. ment bill are as strong and m Monday, the tlrd day of July, HIT. all conMulted before such a measure strenuous opponents of the iv o cracs in u rortnooo. Princess Alice for Alaska Friday, July 20th. is crystallized into law. present administration as ever. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE t'J 11P:iu I . 1 ,i In lb Matter of alt Streams la tlx rrtncel air oiuriu tias taaen me oig-i Let there be no mistake in this : - ger view. He has allowed his I matter. The Borden Govern- !rertr SOTICE eiUUBf IS HEREBY Wfr , tmlU 0IVE.1,0(1 that, th,lb A meetinr Roperl of th Water Board DutrlcL or lavtetiraUon I J. I. PETERS, Ccnernl Atrent followers in parliament i j ment is not to be tried by any narbnr nf rnne Rupert, known as Lot mil b beld at tb cotiri boas tt rrtn Co nar Fourth Slreel rd Third Aienue, Peine Kupeet. H.C. privilege of exercising free one particular piece of legisla. 146. funis t. cu District, by raoo Huperi on Wednesday. Um I Ilk day of I ! Mi, HIT. at 10 o'cloct ta um foreoocn.1 will, and no greater boon could Hon, but by its whole record, ',fM n V,?,.?1: bt Casetu of th tlsl be granted a democratic people and the members of the oppo- AtUll Apra ,m u Mceiied for At tbee meeUnrs all sutemeou oil from a magnanimous leader. J sition who have exercised their it porpoae f makinr a sal or th said claim to water prtrUeres under Acts passed lie did not seek tu Grand Trunk Pselfle Develop- before tb tltb day of March. ISf. on I lo impose his t Tight to vote for the one gov- Lot to any of Umm streams, all objections tbertlo,! own views on those who are ! ernment measure will be found SS'HtMm cf Und,. and tb plans prepared for Um nao of lb I hi followers in parliament. In the very forefront or the iM.piruDni or Lands, Victoria. B. a, lita said Board. lll then b open for Uupc- If the iovernment and its sup- battle against the inept and une. ton. m. Anr. to. tlua. Launch Alice B. All persona Interested ar entitled to eiamlo tbeae. and to BU objections I thereto In mrlUnr If Uiey deem nt. sToksjjiwaBilaH FOS) TH SALT UUIS ObJeeUoos lll b beard forUmlth If I ibe party objected to baa melted suffi Kieey Flee ty frwm cient nolle of tb objection. 10 a. m. NEW PERFECT! cm' vm Tb Board st lb said meeuats will I iataffMaimLasVv. .. - . . awLja'" SICTUS) fssii as. -1 Oi V 4ZQKATOVE hear the claimants, will determine i quantity of water which may be nsed under I PJavswawswawswawswawswjHvswawsw . arD record and lb further works which BJkWSWaawawawppBjpSo. "ZSSJSSvaPjK w. t. THOMAS, "are necessary for such uae, and will act Ml. dates for tb nuor of plana of audi workt and for tb cummeneemeni and compleilon if such works. And whereas tber may be persons w!w, befor lb llth day of March, I SOS, were I Holders of water records on tb said treama and yet ba not Bled statements if tbelr claims with lb Board Of Investl. ration, such persons ar required to Gle, Letterheads nssnsaaannnnnnsaMsl' m or befor lb lllh day of July IS 17. Envelope naB' u f ' aiaieinrot, aa requirea By section till .if the -Wster Act. 1911." Tb forms Statements (So I for Irritation and .lo. tt for other I CarU. Ktc rbsat9S purposesi may be obtained from any Oot IS YOUR KITCHEN CROWDED? rrnmenl A sent In the Proeinr. Tb claims of riparian proprietors who Hsve that bie, clumsy ranee moved out; cook on the neat NEW PERFECTION bat Sled, as required by section sof tb OIL COOK STOVE It does all the work of a coal or wood "Water Act, I8MV" statements of claim to The News Job Press stove and takes up half the room. waters of any of the aald slresms will be bean si tb same times and places. No smoke, no dirt The Long Blue Chimney gives perfect combustion. For Dated at Victoria, B. C , thla Tin day of I Prialiaj of All Oetcriplioat Done sale by these dealers: June. 117. For th Board of Investigation, Thorn paoa Hardware C., Prise "apart, How ak McNultr, -a. I. f. AltMSTnO.IO, II. Chairman. P.O. Bst 89 alen Hardware Co, " " 4. Oalland, " Proirrsms Stork's Hardware Co., " " Bojrd Tousg A Co, Pert Slmpn. Cstslogs m iKoIirwrs DENTISTRY Vtt Royalitt Coal Oil and ike New Perfection rosters,etc. will cook your meal for from S lo 10 cents. woas THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited a srsotALTv i BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES Dn. J. 8. BROWN OtNTIST Omaei Smltn Phee Bleek.S4 TSIe ae Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESS C 0FFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F Q. OAVVSON PRINCE ItUPERT. . O. '"a isffr -