I'rMrtr July 20 loir TUB DAILY NEWS Af AH ARTILLERY OBSERVATION POST lly Aliircd F. O-taniH') . l llifl lmxl, duly In an nliscr-Blion il in a t)lon bunlnetit, t like- evrrythln rlie, it hits it rimp-nattiin. HnmellrriPfl .li f tnkt a cerlftin omount of fl iltntf, "ipr-flnlly on colli, wct Ji - v.hn whlz-lionu arc tcnA j. irrral iplnnlifn of liquid Trflid . n i rnnr face, when the tlrops'of 'rBitt arc tllpplntf dowrt the hack of your neck, and, so far at you ''an ie, fr all th- Kood you are ili'iiitr. you might jutt as well be mmmjm iy the fire In some nuK billet. However, I do not propone to dis-lhe compensation now; my purpose In rather to Rive a bripf deneripllon of what O. P fmtm ait i, il HIiowiriK at the Westholme Tfientru tonight. duty really U. Nowadays artillery work Is not what it used to be. There was Pay Your Debt To Your Defenders COAL NOTICES COAL NOTICES n time- when the guns ued to thunder into action behind the DISTItltT OV COAST, lUnr I. Tak nolle that I, llurb MeLeeo, Intend DISTRICT Of COAST. tlenr I. galloping teams o f foaming Turn Your Luxuries Into Comforts sppiy for a licence to prospect ror roei Tik nolle that I, llurb McLean Intend charger, when you saw your Ui apply fur licence lu prospect for tol For Those Who Have Sacrificed Mos. and petroleum on Um folluwior described target and your target saw you IU1 UUUUIMUCIU l VltUKV r the Junction or the cedar and Little lands:- C6iiiionclnr l pul planted Hut time change and that method r rivrr. on Um north side or it uiti mw mil totilh of Um Soutbmeit comer uf N MeLeene 0. I claim, belnr ebotl of fighting is now as t?itlnrl a -StIJmvalfiu, it nothing to that from all round have sacrificed dim and" hair inllri north of the Braver vou men you i throe burin rutin la lit point river and Hire) miles wed of Um Cedar the dodo. Your guns have to be telf.dental and IS home and salary, safety and life, to defend your home as well commencement; ronltlninr It teres. river', thence norm to chtlnis 1 Ik lie rati kept out of sight for if your tar seryice lie at the as their own ? be known II. McLesn'i No. t, claim. rbalnt, ihrnre tmiln It chains; tbenc art I t chains to Um point of commencement, get sees you. If anyone in the batls of the highest llt'UII MCLEAN, euoteininr HO acre. lo tM known skies above, or in the earth be personal and Is it nothing to you that their wives and families tremblingly ptr I'bUip chetler, A tent. a Located II. McLean Mar ttnd.Mo.HIT.t claim. nealhneath. save and except you national develop. scan each casualty list, and pale at the step of the postman or HtUII MCLEAN, circle of true and telegraph mesienger ? rr I'niiip cutler. Ar?nL own intimaje iiutwcr ur coast. Rnre s. 5cr 71om ik BoUc I till I, Hufb McLetn. Intend I. trusted friends, sees you, your Wlu, Can vou se others givin? their dearest,,without feeling that district or COAST, Raore applr tor a licence la protprcl for Co I battery, believe me, will .not sur HMmSmmfFbrnrnta. (wiroiruru oa in fuikiwinr orriia rL that f llu4i lrfn Intend you mutt ao something yourself ? Do'you wonder what to do ? l apprr ror a luetic to prtwpect (or coal vive many minutes. So you put er lb junctloa of Um emir toil UIH and pelrotrum on UN roUoini- defcnbed your guns at tne Doiiom or You can at Ieait save and lend your savings to like nation., uwr rivers, on in none via or ue uiu laitdi. Cixumeticlor at a pul planted Ceeiar river, thence north 10 cbeiuii mm tulle iUi or Um otbeit corner pit, or behind a wall, or in Canada needs every dollar her loyal sons and (laughters can spare, 11m rail 10 chalnti IbriK south fa McLean o f cUun, beinf atwut dense wood, or, if they have to be to meet the growing expenses of the struggle. chstitt; irwnce wen is chtmt to lb point wn and a half mile north of Um Braver of mfflrncceneni. conuintnr It act. liver, and uire mUet eil or Um Cedar in the open, you make them look Us be ko a 11. H(Uu'l No. t claim. river, Itirnr nor in to ctuin; tnencc et Every dollar you invest in Canadian War Savings Loe4(Mr 0Ui. 1117. to chain: tnenc touui to cnaint; tneoc an much like a bush or a patch Certificates helps the nation to deal generously with those who are IIVVII HII.KA.1, ' l rlMln to Um polot or comiurnc-larnl, of potatoes as possible. In any per rniiip cb(ijr aiul mnikimnt S acre, U im known defending you. ' it. MrLen' .to. claim. tane you will not be able to see Utrd Mar ftnd. ItlT. the target, so you work out your 9a& Certificates in denominations of $25, $50 and $100, II l.U II MCLLA.1, per fnlUp UMler, A tent poftlllon and the target's position M UvicrlfOT B repayable in three years, may be purchased at any Bank or Money !Uar I. on a map, and lay your guns w'tn Order Post Office at $21.50, $43 and $86 respectively. Thia UUThlCT or COAST, Tak twiic tnat I, Xormaii McLean Intend the aid of a compass. means over 5 interest making them a profitable as well as a mm uir tail tan or um northwest patriotic investment r of II. McLean MX t cUlmj UKOC 1 CfiJ loraiicew w psU!r Hut though you have been as K mtm I and jeiruieuoi tat Um rouowmr dtaenbed m ma kmM a a iri Mini cauiuteocinc at a pui punica careful and accurate as possible la ttM polal ex ciMiDitM tcieci L too- utt ml oita of um touuiwc! comer In the working out of your calcu The National Service Board of Canada, M .1. McLtmi a .. t cUun. teint aiwnl uim and a hair mi lei burin of Um Better lations it Is about a hundred dol rurr, and l!tre nutea wet I of Um Odar OTTAWA. mtu mmm w iiui, mi. a lars lo nuHMAX McLean. rirer: Uirnc wett It Cluinti Ifcenc too 111 a peanut against your pr rtdUp uhik;, ArenL It ctulti. tiaeac ! it chain. Umoc killing that target first shot. You nurin rhaina to ttM point of Cuuiuwoe UMt. euauintat (if acr, to Im known will have to make some mfrior Asa msTiucT or coast, itanr I. tt a. McLean' Ao. 4 vUita. corrections and to do this you Located Ma "nd. ItlT. Tak sour that t, Muh McLean to lead AUhMA.'V MCLEAN, muni see where your shells fall H'7 roc iirroi la tnwpl lur roai per I'hi Up Cbrtler, Ate&L So forward observation hi vrtrwraiu im to roihiwiat OeaCTUMa you. as wit xxilb of um tuomwrtt corner of DIstwct or coast, auar I officer, known as F. O. 0 go to a MINERAL ACT Mi'tan iti I eUlm. Ibrora orlb it Tak ftour that I, Hot McLeta. tataod place In the country from which clMiB uaroc l a cttain; uwr (u (fr rortbeene to protpeel for cotl Is a good view of the target, and ut in.'" uwv ww iiwu hi na Mireteuot on um lottuwiac acrioei Certificate f lmpeveMnt. . as that place will probably be StuartlL Martin ww t ' w ww mw aMwH mm p. wtm w nwm v i b m r nn,r M jm i ijrm.it m I taua. o 4 cltiiu. and ahuul om and a half about two miles away, you take NOTICC Bile fuela of Um Beaver rtvr; throe with you a telephone and a telephonist. "Silver Beir Mineral Claim, situate In Ill '.H IILM1, wrui t ctuiBt, throe weal it chain. the Skeena MInlnr Dlvlsloo or Casslar AMAYLrt per fhlltji Uteir. ArenL Uteac MMIB It chtioi, Ihrnco tail t If you are wise you take DltlrtrL main U um point of ruuubrncrcuenl. coo SALE TIMBER XM2. uiatiui tt acre, and to Im known aa 11. also a steel helmet and a thermos Where located: One mile from the HA3 ELTON B. C. dutwct r coast, rusrt t. McLeaa a claim. flask. This spot from which you hut lllra Im Taa ounce tnat i, aeroM) MCLeaa tntand Located Mar tint. lH. observe the target is called the Sealed tender will be received by ibe TAkE NOTICE that We. Mile Donald, j j itir tor a (irettc la for rul lUih MCLEAN, Miners SSOI-C and! proprl rrr Certlncate ?lo. 4 Minlder ot Land later than not noon on (wirnteuai Ml la lauowuii' otcru4 per rnllip Utealejr. ArenL Observation Post, "out there" it John M. Horrlson. Tree Miner's Certiflcatelz The oldest established Assay lb itth dr of Aoruil. ItlT. for the pur wtBwnctnr l tui tuanted UISTBJCT or COAST. Kaot I. is usually known as the "0. Pip.' cIum of Ucroe Xtlt. to cut l.tlt.000 No. Sill :. Intend, slity days from the Office In the North. Tak notice that t, llBfb McLnj tnund From it you direct the fire of your feel of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Bal date hereof, to apply to the Mintnr Recorder Mm fMli, Ml., f mimmtm mm ,k,U. to ptr foe liccnc to prut pre t for coal battery. When a gun is lo be aan ott an area limited on the wed inorc for a Certlncate of Improvements eatt tt chauiti Uaroc north it atwl ttr4iuB oa um fsitowiar dembd of EDenl'e Channel, rtanr , Coatt 0U ror tb purpose of obutninr Crown Ito-or wt it chauu u Um Point fired the battery telephones lo CaAimroreaieoti rMftLtiniii at mrrwi landt -iMumenriBr at a putt ptanted trlcL Oram or the above claim. at um northwe! corner of .n. Meleaa'a and all have to do Is And further take nolle that action. n known o a X. McLean .1. I C-ltUn. t. t and about tare and a half you, you Two t- rear will Im allowed for re UfllMl mtmV AOKNA.1 lh tt mile north etaiaa, of Um Beaver rtver. these to mark where the shell bunts movwl ot Umber. der section IS. mud be commenced before LAKELSE rWT SPRINGS McLean, wetl tt chain, theoco auuth tt chamtt further particular of the Chief Foreiter the Issuance of such Certificate of per I tulip Uarttvf, A lent and let the gunners know. It all throe north it ihriMw eatt it chain; Victoria. B. C. or Dutrlct Former, Prtnc Improvement!. HOTEL chain U Um Mini or racumeorenieai. eon- sounds very simple in theory, but Rupert. B. C. ITS. Dated this Seventeenth day of July, A.D. MSTHUT or COAST. lUnr I. uminf 4t acre I. to he. kouwo ai llurb little HIT. 8.10 OPEN TO UKSTS ON JUNS 1TM McLean .to. It claim. in practice there are a few Tak W'l nii-w fur a thai Itrroro L Hut to propecl McLean fur mlcnd coal Located Mar t'rd.Ilurh HIT.MCLEAN, things lo consider. The enemy Province of British Columbia Motor Stage will connect MINERAL ACT titrmi im w ux rauowu oecrtl4 pr rhlUp Chrtter. ArenL whom your guns are "strafing, with trains at Terrace. ntlk.MMtroctni'fth 'it Ut at uuliil a putt punted mm.r will stop it If they can. They DCoajrniENT OP LANDS II. MeLrtn a Xo. I cUim thrnea iuru DHTMCT or COAST. Itabr S. find it difficult to locate your guns NOTICE Certificate f lmpemnl. Vtcallwit Tree! FUhlt In Lak Mm rhain. thettr tail a ehim- iK.ru-. Tk noUco that I, llurb McLean Intend Lake. M aiflr fr Heme la pcuprl fr cu1 no they try ami do the next bet R Overdo Payment on Application to . NOTICC Phon CoaaMtwii with Tcerec. ulnl f MimtrnremrnL ruauinln fkl petrvtrum oa um ritowi inr decnbrd thing, and thai is to wipe out Purcha Crown Land In BrIUtb Columbia. o acre, to t atwwn a H. MtLr- Undt -Cnioroetiir at pud planted .NOTICE I hereby riven that, tinder th "Beeh" and "Waterfront Fraction" Raes' per day 4 claim. at Um uurthwetls corner of X McUan your O. P. For the O P. is the provttlon of Um "Soldier Home lead Mineral Claims, situate In the Skeena WU MmW IML HIT. .No. tbenc north It incnr noun mclean. writ lUtm;chain, thrac toulh chain;tt chain eyes of the battery way back; by Act Repeal Act," my peron who did not Minlnr Division or Casslar DIstrtcL . . re. rortVr particular, apply to Per I'blllp Cbettej. AttnL tbrnr nil it chain to lb potnl of cum its very nature It is not very hard app'T' under Um "Soldier' llomettead Act, Where located: On north side or Alice - V MttJCK MHNST0NE, tlae. utrtu-ribruL renuiniaf 141 tcret, to he IIS. to complete hit application to pur' Arm. hnwwn II MeUan'a u. II claim, to locate, and fortune is indeed a TAkE .NOTICE tbat 1. R. B. McGlnnls, DIsTHIi T Or COAST. Btnr S. rhate, either by payment in fuU or tj tb HIT. ' TA1S tknlftM lhal I .. Jm,. ... . m Loratrd Mar Ilrh rd. MCLEAN, hard on them if they do not man tciectioo of a proportional allotment. rrr Miner Certiorate .No. J571-C, trent lXtlT" lor. B V"IlTBrt lA aMtn tA4in.tw mm nwjaiu tnB uiiriHI twl per fhittp cheater. ArenL age at leatt lo cut the telephone miy, by provtnr nil uttered and ptytnr tor the Dolly Yarden Mines Company, rre wires with their shells. All this up la ruU lb balanco ot tb purchat Miner' Certlfleat No. IttJO-C Intends STEEN & LONGWILL lUl f iHTBlIlMrUltt k I mmmmt COAST. Ban I. days from the-date w PPUr tillTHliT or re excil price and taie before the Sid December, sixty htror. the O. P. too makes life in II. MrLeana . I Take nolle that I. HufH McLean Intend tIT. obtain a Crown On.nl if proof tU- to the Minlnr Recorder for a Certlncate rlutiw thrnc Kxith claim;tt chain;tbenc wed tbrnr tt to applr ttt i Heme to prwtpect for ul ing at times to be pleasant, so faclory to lb Minuter of Land U fur- of improvements, for Ibe purpo of ob- r.u, . rnain; inrnc Dorih 10 chain to and prtrutrom on lb foitowinr detmbrd planted the wise man takes care to con-strucla nlibed tbat tuch person I luffertor Injury talnlnr a Crown Orant of lb abov claims. SANITARY AND HEATING at Undt:--Cunirnr(wtor lb oorthwed corner at of poal N. McLean; deep trench and a deeper throurb tbtene of nolle or otherwise. AND FL'RTUER TAkE NOTICE lhal ac ENGINEERS .r. ; . " wwn ai a. MCLean ,o 4 rlaim, and about on and a bait And further that um Inured la un lion, under Section IJ mud be commenced t; Mar tliLtmf mile nortb of Beaver rtver; tbenc wed dug ii t near by. completed application to purchase held by before tb isiuanc of such Certificate of NUIt MAN MCLEAN, io rhtln. tbenc touta tt chain; l be or I honestly thing that observa anr person on Activ Service may be pro. Improvements. SIT Agents for per Philip Cbrtler. ArenL rail th point ro chain;or ctMiunrocemroL tbrnr north conlalnlnr it cnain III to tlon duty is the best test of cour letted by noilOcailon to tb Lands Depart DATED this tin day of July, A. D. ItlT McCLARY FURNACES . .to. It m. no the fact that such Is on arret. u h known a IL McLean age. ll is marvellous io see now ment of person b:S"l T Or COAST. Banr. S. claim; Acilr Service and by the ntlnr of proof LAND LEASE NOTICE Located Mar hit. young boys, fresh out from home, PLUMBING TtkC holl? Ih.l .I lln.h U.I ..r. I.l.r..! nielli mclean. of lb Interest of such persoc per I'blllp Chetler. ArenL (continued on Page J-our. ' runner information will be furnished on SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or and ' ' - m,u w iu ioinidi urecriuru re(fuel t to the Deputy Minister of Lands( QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. victoria, n. u SHEET METAL WORKS NOTICE " MHiin or UM soulhwrai rnrner or PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT WATER Publication of this notice without au TAkE NOTICE that I. Oeorre McJU. of Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. nain tbenc km. .hMM LEASES. thority will not be paid for. To. Sep. It Sklderate. B. C, occopation enrtner, intend 'th It 'rhaina ih. ..... '.k.,-. ... USE AND STORAOEL Night phones 576 lo arply for permlsalon to leas UM Healed lender for lb purchat of TAKE NOTICE tbat Tb Emplrs Pulp k Navigable Waters Protection Act, foitowinr decrlbed- lands: and Blue 270, i ,la.,nil. airUHn II. im i I4.H Iratea of loll Ou (I). Two t and n Paper Mill. Ltd.. who addreit li Van- ft. s. C Chapter ut. commrnclnr at pod planted at in The right work, at the right mi iiil laiiT it, HLmrk r in th Cltr of Frtne Ruixrr. roavrr. B.C. will applr ror Uctns to uortheait corner of TV I. Lot SSI. Allford HI Oil MCLEAN. will Im rocelved br Ihe Minuter of Land. tak and ut aU Um water and lo ttort Bay. Sklderate Inlet, thence west tl time, and at the right price. Per Philip Chetler, ArenL feel or wtler out of unnamed The Oranbr Consolidated Mintnr. thence tl ai Victoria, B. 0 up to It o'clock, noon, io.ooo acr main, thence north 3 chains, , M.iixtty. Aurutt tTib, HIT. like, alto known ai Whalen Lake, which Snielllnr and Tower Company Limited chains In an easterly and southerly direc p:stiuit or coast, rtanr i Tender mr rover on or mor mi. Mow and drain Into Wbal Channel about berebr lives nolle that It bi i, under tion foitowinr shore lln. tbenc well I Section T of the said Act, deposited wltb ii.i1..,M)i'e ,h J Kortnan McUan Intend Terra or leat. II year. on mile nortb from htvirt BirbL rhain lo point ot commencement, conlalnlnr i,.J '. v- a iirruc 10 proeiieci iwr cvai i.erllfled rbequ rovrrlnr all month' Th dorar dam will Im located ll wed tb Minister of public Works it Ottawa, 10 tcret mor or less. A SO. -' i v ir-utuni on lb end of Lake al ouUel or lak. Tb capacltr and la tb office of Ut District RerUtrar 0EOR0E McRAt. itd i:imm.n,i. , rehltl niutl arroniany each lender, June Itth. ItlT. Prince Rupert Feed Co. pod planted tb Land neristry Omee. District of lb of tiniucreatful tenderer to b uf retervolr lo be created It about 10,006 noribtl of 11. McLean' cheque rornrr chain; tbenc acr reel and II will flood about t.000 acre Priors ItuperL al I'rlnc Rupert, a de IN THE ESTATE OT CHRISTIE 0IBS0N eturnrd luunedialeir. p. o. aa ssa. OS Third A. ruib io rhalnai . will diverted from scription or th Hit and plan ot wharf tbenr vail . , The hirbed ur any lender not neret of land. Th water Im (DECEASED) thru norm io chain to Um point of lb dream al point about Taken by aod lumber mill, and other works proposed. e ' ii'inrtireinriu,N rontalolnr NtLean'i 49 I claim.acr, W arllr Tenderer arrepted.mud ti wntt buiinett I untie I mm etit end of Lak three mile to be built In Sprue Bay, on th NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVFN that all RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS i "kled Mar lUl. HIT. o, tbry are enrtred In and mud detimti northerly direction from Lot tt. Buudale. est coast or Larcom itiana. lattiar persons havlnr claim upon the Estate ot NOItMAN MCLEAN, learlr )"" n1 UM xtw IXH-nd to intt o I rater Uracil and will Im uted ror trlct th late Chrtatie Oibson who died on or WE HANDLE per I'blllp Cbrtler, ArenL ir the loi or lot applied rori now mum power purpote upon lb land deaerioed AND TAKE .N0TICK that after tb et- about the lib day ot November, A. D. Steals Brlggs, Ronnie' they intend lo eipri.il in ImprovinienU, In a In application to leatt it eatt end of plrattui of on month from the ditt of I til, while on teUve service oversets, UISTIUCT Of COAST. Itanr I. what -tutuner Ind la wlul Um, lak on Frtter Ketch. lb first public Hon of tbii notice, th are required lo tend to i. II. McMuJUn. Ferry' and Mackenzie's Th rolbiwinr. aiuonrd other, tonditlon Tru nolle wn ported on tb (round Ortnby Contolldaled Mintnr, Snielllnr and oractal Administrator for tb county of Qardsn and Field Seeds, Tak Intend notlc thai I. Iluih McUan will l inipoMHl under lb ! n ih lib day of June, HIT. A copy of Power Company Limited will, tinder 'Section AtUn, on or before the lOln day of Septetn. 'id ri'"j petroleum lorancenc on th to followlnr tropct 0eerilMd ir -. Hi Th front tin of nr wliarf Ibi nolle and an application purtutnt T of th said Act, apply to ibe Mln- ber. ItlT, a full statement ot their clatme, Also Peirtllliors. land Coriuiienrlnr tt po plnld rrrliHl tm any of Ibe lot'mud ibrrcto aod lo tb Vir Act, IIM, will ite of Public AVorks at bis omc In the or any security held by them, duly verified. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED mil aoutb of tb nouthv.tl cornj-r one or etKifonn to plant lo tM aren al t nicd In th umo of in Water Recorder City of Oitawa for approval or the laid and after that date Ut unJerilrned will N Mi:Len,a half tuilei No. nortb f rltun;of th beliir Bar about river, the ofllr of lb Oovernmenl at I'Mnrt Rupert, B, C Objection! to tb site and plan and for leavt Id construct proceed to distribute th assets of lb Chicken Feed A Spatially. 'id three utile wetl of II Ceda rlveri Arenl d I'rlnc Kuperl r In lHllelloit roty b Bled with lb 114 lb laid work. deceased anion r th parties entitled lbre- llirnr tout It 10 rhalhti Ihenc ? lb pepartiuent of 1-andi it Vie-larla, water recorder or with tb Comptroller HVTKU it prince Rupert. British Colum to. havlnr retard only to in claims ot Wo Taka Orders for Nursory rhaiut, tbue norib 0 chini; B, C uf Water ruibu, parliament BuiUinra. bia, this 4th day of July, A. D. ItlT, wblrb nolle ha been Bled with him. Stock. ineiil,tl 10 ronlainliiff chain Io Um I0 point crt. of o b knwu lb Bent fhall im p j tbl in quarterly virtorla. B. C. wlihlu thirty day after lb TIIK On A.N BY CONSOLIDATED MINI.NU. DATED al Prince Rupert. B. t, this Ittb aa II. MrLran'a No. I claim, Intlalmenl In idvanc. tin I aprwaraur of tbl nolle In local 8MELTIMQ AND POWER COMPANY day of July. A. D. ItlT. ll4d T. Ml Oe)e PewmtUf luraied Mtr ttnd, II IT 0. R. NADt.M. newtpaper. Tb da I of th Crtt public LIMITED, j. H. McMULLIN, IIUOII NrllAN. A.I0 Itrpuly Mliiltier of Land. nun of tbla nolle t July toih. hit ratmor k rulton. Bouillon. Si i Official Admiiuiraior. jur I'blllp ChetleT, Ateui.