4 Saturday, July 21. 10(7 THE DAIL1 NEWS EALTfllEST ONE U CartlUcata MINERAL at IntpratamanU.ACT STEEN & LONGWILL ft m Ml ll.U ''""! i:i Tiir ruEciiu NOTICt" SANITARY AND HEATING -nt Bar- Mineral Oaim, sitoate in in nx rimiLi mm -keena Mttrtar Dlelalon of Caiilar ENGINEERS Matrirl. TIMBER SALE X 942. Wheea loealed -one mile from ibe Sif Of Drep Ami KJdney TrotiUs head of A lire Arm. Agents for ,. Taklnc "FRUIT-A-TIVES- 'i 'i irndrrt will be received by the TAKE NOTICE thai We. Mile Donald. McCLARY FURNACES 1'innf.f of nd not later than noon on Free Mtnee-a irtinral So. IIOI-C, and Ibe lath dar m Aueual HIT for tha bar, Mm M. Ilomaon. rreo Miner Certlflfat ' '1mm ul Ueenra X III, lO'COt f.tfl.eSO n. till c. mtend, Uly day from Um PLUMBING reel i4 sproec. CnJar, llernlnek' and Bat data hereof, to apply lo the Mlntnr Ra and aam m an area Mlsiled nn tlM welt a bore wder for a Cefiinraie of Improvement! f i;ileeaia annH, Kanr t. Coatl til- for the piirpoee of obtalnlnf t Crown SHEET METAL WORKS rtrt ii am or me above etalm. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. . n i (t, rn ih Im aiarweil for ra- AM rartbrr lake notice that action, un. U 'tal h tlrijLel'. Sr aarilon si, moat be commenced be Night phones 576 mHher partteatirf of tbe Chief romier rate lie Uaaanee of aurh CcrllOeate of and Ulrjc 270 vii tfH-ta, B. i. or Diatrlcl Fofealrr. frinee Hr.cjfownwnta. The right work, at the right HBpeM. B.C. 7J nated IM Sevrnteentb day of July, A.D HIT. S.IO time, and at the right price. Province of British Columbia 7 .u - U jtKT " I MINERAL ACT DCFAftTMCNT OP LANDS Tllli i:YI.NH NKIil). Would-be-pill l vimi know of any Cartlfltata af Improvements. lu rui' a liealUiy appetite?' I'a- Re overdar. Payment noticE on AppHcaUoo lo NOTICE Prince Ropert Feed Co. HATTIC WARRCN CateiuM Crown Land la Brltlib Colombia. SOTIcg is hereby tlTen.thal. under the "Beich" and "Witerfront rraeUcn" P. O. Baa S33. SOS Third Ata V I "Fruit-a-tiTes" In GERMAN TORPEDO COAL NOTICES prilos of tb "Soldier Hotneilead Mineral Oalma. iltuate In the Skeena Ik.:, ilirv tod lute Acl Repeal Act," any perion woo did not MMar IMTieimi or Caiilar DlitrtcL RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS js r cr yean. i.ithict or coast, luara f. apyty aader tna "Soldier' Horoeitrad Act, Where located: on north aide of Allen i i i 1 1-j SUPPLY WEAKENING Tike miuof iba I I, Xorteao MeLean Intend HI a." to complete nl application lo per Arm. WE HANDLE liltlt girl, Iattit, was ttxmbltd uitk la app for a Heaeca lo protpect for coal rhaae, either by payment In fall or by the TAiE NOTICE that 1, R. B. McOlnnU, , A --I t -1- and uti.-iiloeia on Um (oOowmi dearribO leiecuon or a proporUonaM allotment, rr Miner cerufieate No. II7I-C, arent Steele & Brlggs, Rennlea aw yiwriu' iu A.'Wfrvi m spasv I Washington. July I tf. There uau iaMuaecinr at a paal planted bit t'ir the Dolly Varden Mines Company, Free buy, by protlnc latere! and Ferry's Mackenzle'a paytnc and TiirpAirnra wiwi wroniv. iirriimua at um auruiaMSi corner or ii. M cian Us reason to believe that the Uer ."Vo. I rMHn: Hmhw M IS cbatoa, Ibenca ap la fan the balance of Ibe purchase Miner certiorate No. III10-C. Intend inti r crii i i ihimmb inn wn nn&n inian torpedo supply is weakening, batik s cfeaoM: tbenea tail so cnaioi: prtea and lair before Um tilt December, aiay day from the date hereof, to apply Garden and Field 8eeds. aurtS as ctuHu lo UM M point ii um Mtarar Recorder for a Certincate tan, 'uu a crown Oram it proor latla Also Fertilizers. statement issued nl the aoeuimat sis acre, to of Aii ii irv w" i nii.a.nM" jmat says a faelor) to the Mlnliter of Land I for- ImpRTementt, for the porpoa of ob l taowii a ft. Mtiaa'a no. I ciaiaa. taihcu hnfraxrmrr.lafUrv kid I headquarters of the Navy League Imt.HM May flit. 117. natbed that eh penon I (afferlnr Injury Uiniar a crown Grant of the abo data. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED ksr fablrti. In short here. .10HNA MclXA.1. twrosrh abaene of notice or tberwi. AID FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ae- Chicken Feed A Specialty. arw a time, per 1-hlUp Cbealey, AcenL aun ander Section it, mult be commenced And farther that the ratereat in rclling-lnd sJi rone down sod her J The increasing frequency with nn awfora the laanca of och Certincate of ruaipieied application to parcbaie held by W7e Take Orders for DMTHILT or 00 AST. Ranya t. Nursery report t look natural. Now which dispatches lapfuiwwmi. lxai more i press any prraoa on Artlre Srrtlce may be pro. g(7 Ibe hra :hitU nt in tktfamtty I merchant ships as successfully Take DoHaa Iba I I, llufb McLean for In lend coal treten by nouaratlon to the Land Depart DATED tM lib day of inly, A. D. HIT. Stock. M) appay tar a iM:ra.ie lu propet ku no in of tlo old ilonfiU i dodging German torpedoes, says and jmivMiiia sa lb MMiiif deacrUMd aval ,t um ract that inch person l on emnotwr too much for"Fruit-. (ie statement, suggests to the mm, - cimMSeJcr at a Dual oUnled ArUer vrrtee and by Um Hilar of proof LAND LEASE NOTICE Stall Oraee Pramatly AUfMad To. utw iMte aaeih of toe aoaUmeai corner of r ib' late real or aura penon. H and would neinr to without technically trained mind that the ,v Metaa a o. t cjauoi belli r abooi ona ruribrr lafarmatton will be rnrnlabed on IKEENA DISTRICV LAND DISTRICT OF and a hair ml lea norm or um aener ner, 'German torpedo Is deteriorating ...- u.r, U4 time Lull rtief. rrquf! to uk Deputy Mlnliter of Una, OVEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, WILLIAM WATWB.Y. ! In speed, and hence in accuracy Uieaice aootb SI chalDi; ibenca call SS VleVina. B. C SOe. a hoi, C for f t-'fi, trial site, Ke. iof lire at long range. cbaiM;oaai as roam ttviic lo norta the point SO cnaini;of cvixwoca tnenca rubiiraUAn of thl bailee withoat ao-than TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorr McRae. of LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS 1 1 w not be paid far. Ta. Sep. II At aiioWlor or sent postpaid on I the statement mml. auotMSMi llu acrea, to Im knao Made rate. B r. . nrrapatlon enrlneer. In At the outset, price by Fruit a lire Limited, la 11. McLtaafa No a claim. artal to apply for pennlaalon to leaae tha HOTEL continues, the Germans were ex-ilremely Lor a led May I lad. J. Naylgable Waters Protection AcL KjMowtar deeerlbed land. . iiuun mclla... open to ouirrs on junk tm careful to conserve their per I'bliip Cbealey. Ayent R.S. C Chapter ill. rommenetsr at a pott planted at th torpedoes. Merchant ships were ftortheail corner or T. L. Lot lit, Altford Motor Stage will connect COAL NOTICES DI8IHJCT or co A IT, Ran re . Bay. SklderiM Inlet, tnenca west IS sunk hy gunfire whenever pos- The Oranby Centotidated Minior. with trains at Terrace. lata nallaa lAul I. Iluih McLean Inland rbawa. thence norm 3 chain!, thence tt Smetiiof and Power Limited M amir rer a uceaKe lo proapeel for coal Compoy rnata la an easterly and soothe riy dlree-tom i ..... It..-k. u.. i.iti.li.til attln. .nil f Im Ann.lanl I ni an4 pMrafeeni on Um raMeviar dCacrUMd herrb) me notice that It ha, under fonowur ibore line, tbrnce well t Eacalleet Troat Flahlae la Lakalee MaJ caaMoaiariar at a pml planted 6ati : of Um aatd Act, depoalted wttb Uka. fur a Ucrnte to proaped fur coat .., i cm - ..r :aun to pout of commencement, con- line a tania or um aoulburit corner Um Mm tier of rubHc Work at Ottawa, Phaaa Cornaclloaa with Tarraca. Melaa Mo uttelar IS acre more or lot. A 10. al V a t claim, twine atwut Puat planted ilrnpr nnalnal atilimarln fit. DiOMMIOr and hi the oOce of the Dtitrirt Rerutrar Raea $3.00 junction of IM CXtaaO-i UlUe . . . . ..,..,..., 4 a baU an Ira osKib of lb Beater lane ttlh.lll7. 0E0R0E McRAE. per day nr, mi im norm Md r um uiiia tas- as or i veil a7 vuuiiiui a tit; nrr anal oarer iwlea cil of iba Cedar or U laad Rerl try Office. Dlitnet of Klter Lbrnce weal S Chain i ,,,,, ih klr an.l Ih.v hn tuf river, Uiata anrta is cbaiiu: UMnce rait rrlnee Rupert, at Prince Rapert, s de- IN THE ESTATE OF CHRISTIE GIBSON For further particular, aprly t x l ti ( ctttiiu, Ittrtw mi ;" ' ' o raM; thaaKe aoatb IS ciiaina; tnencc aerip'i of Um lite and plan or wharf (DLlEASED) J. BRUCE eOHNSTONE, forced touse in almost a a rawaa w um P4MDI or cunune Manafar. uroc Dona mo cMio to um puiot torpetloes aaaei, raaumiaf eiu acre, lo tM knoa and lumber nul. and other work proposed km,,, a, II MiLuo'i Ao. I cUlm. CUri 1 iid llltlco lit mc- aa ii. MrLa' no. 7 cuun. i" be bent in Spruce Biy, on the NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that all number of submarines baa fur. utd May Itnd, HIT. wt-tt rout of Larcom liUad, Caiilar Dli-trtct person hatinr claun upon um Eilate of Ill OH NCIXA.. Km late Chrlitlc Ctbaon who died on or thtr added to the strain upon per fUMp Cbealey, AyenL fr rtnap cbMty, Aiot AJlti TAKE 50T1CE that after the ei- about the lib day of Nortmber. A. D the German stock of torpedoes. MSTtUCT or COAST. Hants I. piran4i t ana moatn from the data cr ISIS, while on actlre servteo overseaa. l)UTW T or COAST, luois I. U-Hoat Warfare Weakens. ttaa Brat BabHcaUoa of thu notice, ibe are mj aired to tend to t. H. McMnllln. rai. aulaea Ikal L liua-h MeLean Intend Stuart J.Martin Oraaa i:iaalMaied Mutinr. Smetuar and omeiii AdBrinittrator for the of An analysis of reports on sub lu apvy fur a UcaeMe tu proaprei for coat county aa e imaenia aw um rolMwuia- deacruMa rower laanpaay Ualted win, under See-noai una, on or before tha SOtb day of Septem irrje um fiiaiBf orritj uiarlno attacks now indicates that laaMa. i.ieaaaaaitai ai a poal ptaatad 7 f Um aald Act. apply to tha MId- ber. HIT. a fall itatement of their claim. mmacur i piani ... . . , ,., im auiar aouta ul Um aoutbvril ASSAYCn rwrner bi offlca In the thm inacLka mt um udu uti Lttiia lore uuurrceuriiieu eaieuuuure ui u( MrUfta e. I claun, belor about uirr ! rabalc Work at aay aerunty betd by them, duly TerUled, 1 a.ir. .UT." torpedors is beginning to tell uaw and a balf BiMaa norta of Iba Beater uy ,.r iHuna for approtal of the said aMt arter that date the nnderalrned wilt mer, and Ikra mitaa ai vt um cedar aiie and staa and for Irate to eomtrnet proceed to dldrlbata th aaaet of UM HAZELTCF1 3. C. oi 13 imm. uwoc mmui is uuon the effectiveness of the V mar; nVinca no lb ss abate; Uarace the saM work. deeeajej amoor the parties en tilled there-fo. boat warfare. The Hermans are SO rbaaaa; UliTi aaaUi SS cbaiOJ, UMnce' Brtllib Colum tiATKD at PHftra Rupert. kimi retard only lo tha claims of aaai ta cniaai o um pmi or oacunMnea- kua a ii. xcuui s cuim. ureaaine iheir aubiuarine cam aBrat, i ililaiiiia; SIS aaree, la Im koun bia, tata it day of July. A. D. HIT. mharb notice ha been Bled wlib him. The oldest established Assay a M. McLean a An. taaua. THE eRIJBT CONSOLIDATED MIMlXa. DATED at prince Ropert. B. C. thl I lib in M(ixA, psign with all posnible vigor and LucaMd May fled. HIT. SMECTIMO A.1D POWER COMPA.1T day of July. A. D. HIT. Office In the North. prr rp anaiv the number of attacks ou rner IIOOII MclXAX. LIMITED, 1. H. McMULUN, per tump Cbealey. AytnL chant ships appears to be in ratmore 4 fMlton. SoUUIor.'Stl Official Administrator. I 'creasing. Also the sone of sub IirSTtUCT ur COAST, Maura . m ftwil IKil Vamuh I aui4 Tak DoOca Uull. 5nnan McLean Intend I tu uiptir ror a licence lo proapeel lor coal I r-r.SX.SSSJ ;"' l " le.J fury aad pel roaeaun ao ina Fotnmiac oeaciioeai m bir nui tut r tT aottaotit with which the U.boal warfare is i.4iuuarlB at puat planted I lb of um aooumeal corner I ( H. McLraas .to. s tuua: uvoca . . cfcaitM uxra tl is taauui oeiii wat.ru uaa lauru tu in at X. MrLean'a o. I claun, bcinf about ooa and a bait luilet oorU of Iba Beater rtter, and Uirea ultra wall of UM Cedar i w pun m ounawncvnrBi. coa . . Hter. Utenca taeat SI cbaloa, Ibenca xtulb SS coaUM. Ibcac rail aa cbaloa; Ibenca .v SIAUH. I parent ly are being forced to oon aurta rbaim la Iba puinl rf ouoimenca- (tOHMA.1 HCLMO, ttanlly greater efforts to main maan. tuauiainr lie acrea, lo be known I u .1. McLeaa a .". i claim. tr I biUp Utllll, AltAL Inln thnr avcracn of alnkinaa and Luc a ted May ttnd. HIT. !n im lifinins' linnk aliclitlv OHMV MCLEAX. per I'blllp Cbealey, AlenL rrt r V.1. notir. ik.i i u.k w.t ...... A lie enuaiiaiiuii ui tins uucivu DISTRICT OF COAST, Han re t. ij i :rurbr u pfvMi far mi iiy certain naval eiperis nere Take swUre umi I. IUb McLean toUnd aTmr.'i ri,rSSS that the Germans are being ao tu appajr far a Ueeaca to proapeel for coal aud peWataaun on the foiiuwior draenbed rr IUI HIIIB III l"C MV hhuI 7i i clam. Burtb taawla Ciniimeaaia t at a puat planted UMOC ttl IS ttxlni: Utntrm lion of torpedoes luat tney can no al UM auriawaai comer of N. McLean a it chain , lUruca tu to tbain tu and ' rleitu. and abuut ona and a their longer maintain speed satkr auru of tha Bearer rlfcr: tnenca their accuracy of fire. It is esti nsru so cnauu: Ibenca well ts chaina. cuua. I Sanaa south IS cbaini, tbenca rail u w mmi III,. mated that the German torpedo raaiaa U te Dura I ul oaauaieticeBMBt. con HLJII MtLCA.1, has lost nearly ten knots in speed aaiaaak sis acrea. and lo ba known a U pr l Uiip cniy. Artnt. McLeaa Na. S elalio. from the standard torpedo used LocaMd May f Ird. HIT. DISTRICT or COAST, lunrt S. at the outset f the war-. per Iluib ramp McLEAN,Cbealey, ArebL ii ooUt umi t, unsan HcLna uun4 Short of Materials. It'- iur a inrroca la broiprcl tar cvl MSTRICT Of COAST, Rao I t. . -4rum an ttie roUuwinr iVtrrilii It takes, normally, six months Tak nvwca thai I. lUih McLean, intend I Ii t. 4IUurlKlBr At Dual tUnLrd'li rnntlriiil t,irn,1.i and tsoits u. aali fur a II rail ra as DeoaDecl fur coal I lb iuactma ut Um ldr and uimi.. - and iMUMlaoni on the faUamuir deecrtbedl in t.n .....i ..... . ... i iniiianiii r iiitnara. i iipre mo asMa --caauuMciaf ai a poai piaoteui " al Mia aaMlbmaal corner or .1. McLean at Mil rrtisaasssiMiksi7ii'T.T-naTj """l Is a chance of Germany running Nu t claim, aad about three ana a naui OTwe v cuius to um poiai short of some material essential aallea Hurt a of lha beaver river; thence I -at SS chain; tbenca aouin is cnauu; their manufacture. Whether In ace aait ss chaifui tbenca norm an i in, hit, this has ccurred Is not known, laauu hi Iba tMtai of eonuoenccnient. con- Where You Cannot Prophesy MUHMAJV McLaao, been uuatar SIS acrea, to ba kowu a llufbl frr rtu.p CbMtay, ArtBt. but the conclusion has McLean a No. I claim. reached that the individual Ger Located May flrd. HIT. DIITIMCT Of COAST. Mora I. man torpedo is losing in efllciency per man I biup aiu.wi,Cbvalcy, A rent. . PREPARE ! w c:r lh.l I. Hum MtUtn mund - vrwm i vr nut DISTRICT or COAST. Rants S. PRINCE nUPERT WATERFRONT T.l. h.iiM thai f llueh llrljian Intend I ..... l ft trVtl LI4UUU LEASES. lu iitf'tr fur a liceoca to proapeel for coal I even the best-informed man in government or a ltd peiruieuin on ina loiwaina oeacnueu NOT prophecy of land: ConiUHbcinr l a puat planted I circbs dares to attempt a uat itiriica aiti .a la... . of at the nurinweei corner of N. McLean a I the We hope for the best-meantime after 2 I li LhrikCAa aa.i ta a,. Saalati trndrri far Iba purfban Nu. t claim, ibenca north to chain; tbenca i conditions war. r U IliriarsneiMSil Mil a In In sr kaa tt Mt One (II, Tito It) abd me waai ao cbaini; thence aoulb to chain; wise men are preparing now for anything. .i11 k,xa II, McLttn't Hi, niurk r la Um City of frloe nupcrt. I amice eaal chatira lo Um point of com- UI Im rwlirj liy Iba Mlnlilar of Laodi murnienl, euouininr SIO acrea, to ba I knuwn aa II. McLean'a Nu. It culuv. How? lo It o'clock, noon. B.C. t vi-krla. up Located May ttrd. HIT. t I'blUp CtMlWj, AffBl. ui akuwlay. Austul I J lb. lilt. Iluth McLEAN, By regulating their expenditures according to their rmtlori may rr 1 ona or mors lot. per I'bllip Cbealey, ArenL HI -TRi T Or rmif n..M Term or ! to yrari. actual needs rather than by their prosperity-by husbanding irrliSrd cbrqua rmrrmr Ml month' DISTIili-T or COAST. Ranr I. the surplus and by investing to the limit in Canadian War uiuil arewiuitoy earb trader, Take no ilea that I. Iluth McLean. Intend I -. v i.ir iicrnra"ii ina in luiwiaiov nnunu uccriufi rur coal m rtf.M ul ur unaoeaaairui irnarrvr u aw lo and apply iHriruleuiu Tor a licence on tha to follow proapeel lor deerrtbedl for coal I Loans that help so much to maintain present prosperity. nH,wun, mm m mill IIIBnim ,,l,.rlM-d UMIMMUIriy. tana: - ixxnnirDiina at a puat planted I J!I T 'ul? r toriwr of Thi bibol ur any Irmlrr not Dwtl I tha nortbaeal corner of N. McLean I Money saved and loaned to Canada by Canadians Is a two-fold unit arfrll No. I claun. and about una and a half I safeguard for the future. The lenders will benefit directly sierurw quid if! bAin: innr nvlle norlti of Heaver riven thence weal I Tradrrrra rnuii imis nl Duiina u enaiua: inenco aoulb SO cbalna; twer i from the excellent interest return and absolute security and w I- tHI DI eiifliliMneainanI itn lainitl tt ilarv an faU In and niuil dralrnal ail S chain; tbenca north 10 chatna to I the thus kept In Canada will help to arrfi, to lias tv riiav a W Us sin'l indirectly because interest rlrarly jud bal uta tbvf Intend to Una a Hie H.ml ur ewaiuieiicrinenL ountalnlnr 101 I . a at la Uit r M appllrd fori how murb arrea. lu ba kaewn ai II. McLean's No. Ill keep business good after the war. .lOIIMAK Mrl.EAM, thry Intantl ! rnl In liiiprormrnt, In i.orated unu May IJrd. HIT. issued in denorona-tiona t-rt riilllp Chralrjr, Airnl. vibal manuar aua m hi uoir Iiunil Mfl.EAN, Canadian War Savings Certificates are Th tJIm. amunril ethrr, ondltloni Ir I'hillP Cbealey, Atant. of $25, $50 and $100, repayable in three years. At the niSTplCT or COAST. IUP s. will ba HnpuMMt unillrr ha laaarit . Salvation purchase prices of $21.50, $43 and $86 respecUvelv, theyyield Ttk UutlM lh,l I llu,h Urlaan lnlnd (a i Th rrni una or any aaarf Army, them Bank or Money Order ai'pljr fartllNora lu trutnel for aual ararlMl on my of inria tola niual over SJ4 interest. Buy at any iiid itlnlttm on tu rvIiuMinf &rftit$ eMirna to plan to te artn at Public iiit'i'tiiiKs. Tuesdays, Poft Office. , land, mmiMKlnr si . Il ! lha oftlr of Iba Oavernmriil n mil. auuth ,r iim souihwttl ernr ol hum Jays and Knturdays at 8 I it Tlinra p. Canada. I Mi Uin .lu rliliui Utrnra Aieal Duperl or In The National Service Board of liAJnt Ihrnira rail i clittni) I"0? tim Hfpartiurni of l.tnda a Via- hutidays at 7:30 p. in. r rib SO rliama; ibrnra wral ,uln, '? una. a, a OTTAWA. I lnim of r,mmM-urrnwut. r"'4'"1". luiil tliall Im payable In quarterly j '10 art. iu u ,Mn II. NWtta SUBSCRIBE FOR iiwiainiriii in auveiira. t rlalm. ia Mty int. ttiT 0. lt. NADKN, The Daily News i HUdll Hrl.EAN. rn A 10 prpuiy Minuter or Linda, far I'blllp CbaaMy. Al01'