The Daily News n, tin. PRINCE RUPERT, 1J. C, MONDAY. JULY 23, 1917. PRICEFIVE CENTP E U a T7 T7 BOMB FQ V7 C7 E GERMAN AERODROMES OVERNMENT WILL MAKE ENOUIRY INTO QUESTION OF COLD STORAGE PROFITS TA N HAS CHANCELLOR'S KERENSKY IN l m. i piik SPEECH A SHAM COMMAND AT ANOTHER YEAR SAYS PRE1ER PETROGRAD Problem Now la Only Price Michaells Will Soon Sing Another Calls Upon the Regiments and the Tune Mia Deliverance Battleships In Disgrace to Compulsory Rationing Shows MilitarHta Arrest Leaders of Revolt fc Hi-hum now. In Ascendent. for Trial. -ScUI M Tbe Dil .tewM ifpreUI to Tl tHy .lews.I (SpeeUt to Tbe Dallr Htwi. ImuIiiii. July 23. Supplied lor London, July 23. Tha maiden Pctrograd, July 23. Kerensky,, u yir are now assured. Great speech of Dr. Michaells, the new the new Premier, Is grappling DritalH will tart the cereal year Herman Chancellor, shows that with the latest revolt. He calls with Bearly seven month' slock without doubt, the militarists in upon the disgraced regiments and In bd. The huge potato crop Germany are still in the ascendent. battleships to arrest the ring la mm coming to market. The Premier Lloyd George iays leaders of the revolt, and send in itr resolves itself Into that the Chancellor dellverence them to Petrograj for trial. He trice and distribution. The of his dexterous facing all ways declares that vigorous measures ly taught the people by the speech is hut a sham. Europe has will follow a refusal of his request'. III be permanent till the not sacrificed millions of her gal He appeals to all true sons the war. The Government lant sons lo set up a sanctuary of democracy to rally round the there is no need now of the for sham. Belgium shall not bo Government in its time of need. 'iic into force of the com. a scabbard for the German sword. General KornilofT has been appointed Miry rationing acheme which Michaells will soon sing another commander-in-chief of Food Controller had ready, tune. the forces in Galicia. A further whole country Is now self retreat was necessarily made by iportlntr to a degree unknown WILL INVESTIGATE j the Russians in Eastern Galicia, the nast hundred year, livery INTO COLD STORAGE because the troops did not show h of ground that it haa been the necessary stability, and at tible to cultivate is now bear- tmi u Tb DiHy .ii.i points did not fulfil commands. ercna of somethinK or other Ottawa, July 23. After eon- Roumanian Front. id the fear of famine haa been suiting with llanna, (he Food PREMIER LLOYD GEORGE AND HIS ENLARGED FAMILY. i i m ( fi i. right. Premier Lloyd Fighting began yesterday on oved. Controller, the Government has George, Captain T. J. Carey Evans. M. . son-in-law; Mrs. T.J. Carey Evans, daughter; Mrs.Lloyd the Roumanian front. The Aus-tro.German decided to make further cnqulrie Ororge;"Major Lloyd George, son; Mi Major Lloyd George, daughter-in-law. The two little girls troops were repulsed :iDENT TO ONE OF into the cold storage question, as are Miss Gwendy Armstrong, niei -. ami Miss Megan Lloyd Georg.-. daughter. by the Roumanians. THE TILLAMOOK'S CREW a result of the report of the cost British Front. of living Commissioner O'Connor. SOCIALIST CAUSES . THE PRINCE RUPERT 'GERMANY IS LACKING London, July 23, The enemy )nc of the crew of the O. T. P. artillery as shown great-activity lllainuok. which plica between RIOTS IN SPAIN TUMULT IN REICHSTAG SHIPBUILDING PLANT1 SUPPLIES TILL HARVEST during the day at Lombaertzde. re and Kelrhikan district, met Four enemy aerodromes were suc lilt an unfortunate accident this (Stwcul to Tbc Dsily Sews.) cessfully bombed yesterday by our (fprcUl lo TtM Dllj Ktwt). The greatest immediate demand (Specul to The Dtltj Jltwi.) uning His name Is Hlchard Madrid. July 23. Soldiers, policemen I air planes. Bombs were also Amsterdam. July 23. Hcrr of the llrilisb Umpire and its Washington, July 23. Reports lusen and hile he wan engaged and civilians were wound. dropped upon important railway swabbing down the decks, he ed, when shots were exchanged llaase, a radical Socialist mem. ;allies is ships. The largest and reaching the Slate Department junction, causing a great explo best shipbuilding plant from out of Ger equipped coming II ever n his ankle, fracturing by strikers and police in Valencia. of the lleichstag, attacked the I persons sion. the British Paciflo coast was regarding the food xrondi on many leg between the ankle and the Government's home and foreign The nritish government intends for when the war broke tions the outlook in the Cen-out. ready use and lee. The chief engineer of the JAPAN'S SHIPS to adopt a policy of reprisals for pal ley. He demanded immediate Doth steel and wooden ibips Ural Empires say that Germany oat, Mr H. J. Kurney. was on the German air raids. peace negotiations, atonement for can be built at this plant more lacks six hundred thousand tons t r-ck at the time and picked the spnl to Tho DtHj ew.t the committed and the cheaply than anywhere elie injof wheat to carry the population njurrj man up. Dr. McNeill was Toklo, July 23. In Japan, wrongs HE KIDNAPPED HIS Hritish Columbia. The large through lo the middle of August, establishment of a Socialist rc-publtc. 30(-e railed and after attention. eleven shipbuilding yards have VERY OWN CHILDREN floating drydock in connection!when the new harvest will be llaase also demanded the in taken to the general hospital. under construction at the present release of Dr. Leftiknecht and vuln this plant the best on the gathered. The harvest is poor in icre he Is progressing as well time one hundred and ninety-eight Prince George, July 21. Judge can be eipected. steamers exceeding a thou, cried from the floor of the house Paciflo coast with a lifting ca- East Prussia, which is the great Robertson, In the county court parity of 20,000 tons haa been agricultural area. The tension sand tons. that the prison authorities were here, granted extradition pa'pers MANSLAUGHTER starving Liebknecht. Ills speech r-ady for operation for the past between Austria and Germany is to the Slate of California in the caused a tumult in the house. two years, but no ships have been declared to have grown so great case of Henry Uyttenhove, a Bel built and very little has been done that suspected Austrians are now On Friday at Anyox, two men, THE KAISER ' gian, who is charged with child in Loloff and Marengo Carlo, VILLA AT HIS USUAL in the drydock and that little was being interned in Germany. stealing. Uyttenhove was divorced Ire committed for trial by I)r, Upeeu: to Tim DtUy news.) TRICKS IN MEXICO when the Admiralty requisitioned in Arizona and is alleged to have 'II Hyde, stipendiary inagls. London, July 23. The Kaiser it. This plant has cost 2,109,-ooo. completing the plant at the suggestion stolen his, two little daughters ite . n a charge of manslaugh. had a conference with the mem J oarer, Mexico. July 21. Lead- It was designed by William of the government and for from the custody of his former pr It seems that after- a blast bers of the lleichstag on Saturday tag his men in person, Francisco T. Donnelly and constructed by fear of alienating the sympathy wife. He came to Vanderhoof, II. ten minutes to twelve, some and thereafter left for the eastern j Villa yesterday took possession the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway of the government from whom it C a town on the G. T. P. 70 miles nulders had rolled down onto the front. of Jlrnimu. an important junction Co. After the completion of the is beircinsr. Until the Dlant is west of here, arriving about June track Ihese men were supposed point on the Mexiean Central plant and acceptance, interest oa,.nini.i..i n. T. P. cannot well 10th. The alleged theft took 1i clear me track, ami makn it Mr II. O. Dell Irving, president Railroad, 131 miles south of Chi. the bonds at 3H is guaranteed lop,rale ,t and lne government place June 3rd. Ex-judge P. E. by the Dominion government. At lafc instead of which they went of the A. II. C. Packing Co- ar- City. Passengers who will accept no responsibility. In Wilson is aoting for Uyttenhove dinner. Rcfore they got back rived from Vancouver on the Ven. raclud her today from the south the present time, there is a ques any case the plant is kept idle to and has been given leave to bring 11 ir l a n tame along and hit the lure and will be here a short lime report the massaere of the small tion of tools and equipment the detriment of the Empire. Such habeas corpus proceedings. W. '"jidr a whereby one man was before leaving for the Naa river government garrison anu me valued at 13,138 before the gov conduct lo the ordinary man looks P. Ogilvie is appearing for the killed The accused were taken and Ketchikan. Mr. Irving has looting of the town by Villa. The ernment will accept the plant as like a conspiracy to defraud the State of California. lo New Vriminter by Constable nix sons in khaki, which la a capture of Jiminez cuts oft both complete the merest trifle in a bondholders, and a gross indif Escaped From California. from plant of this magnitude. Pending ference to the Empire's call for Considerable amusement Is fur ortf n, f Alice Arm. to await rreord for Hritlsh Columbia. Torreon and Parral communication Inai Chief (lanmftm Was nt An. with Chihuahua City. tho acceptance of the plant as ships. nished by a report of Uyttenhove' complete, the 0. T. P. either will There is also a widely recognized from California, which appeared x n pr secution dutlca, Mr. P. Campbell and Mr. T. 8.1 escape 'DROWNED AT PORT SIMPSON not, or cannot, operate It, and contention that the present in the Los Angeles Times, the from in city llalrd arrived N have refused to grant leases to government owes its existence to which stales that he got off the OTI 0 E Claxton on last night's' train Mr.cannery Campbell returned I' Ui Investigation is heing con-earlv'thls substantial people, who are anx the efforts of the C. P. R, the train at Prince George, then went The Rnya) CoinmUalim nnnnlnt- morning, but Mr. Dalrd ducted into the drowning of Alex. ious to use this plant for shipbuilding Canadian Manufacturers Asso by a logging road into the wilderness M ly the Dmuinimi will be hero for some time, as he Bwein. a fisherman Qf Port Simp-is purposes. ciation and the Nationalists. That a hundred miles north, wheu ruliev'ies DcMlnrlmnnl will til nt looking for mert for the can- son. The accident happened on In as much as the liability of these three Godmothers have ten he was caught by the Canadian I"" ( llV Hall Dpinr. Ilim.rl nil ; Friday night. The drowned man the Government of Canada to the derly guided the Dominion government police. As a matter of fact, he P' ."Oih and 27th of July for the ncryt (was getting rook ballast for his bond holders does ml become in ways to their liking got off at Vanderhoof on the main until the plant is nc and that this government is re lino of the T. P. and was operative G. I'urpi e of lakinir vl.lnii nn tlm Mr. J. C Drady, of the high boat, and on going ashore, ho felF ap PI nheriM of this district. Pro- school, left this morning for!overboard. The body was not re-,cepted by the inspector as com-Jjurning their maternal desires lo prehended there. edings to commence at 10 a. in. Swanson Hay on a holiday. Mr. covered until the next morning at plete, it is apparent that the gov their utmost satisfaction; that earh day All fishermen nro In- Hrady will spend tho rest of the low tide by dragging operations. ernment may be desirous of deferring these three organizations are the THE PROGRESS OF VILLA this acceptance, thereby real bosses of Canada today and v'tfd to attend. 31. summer vacation there enjoying, tne investigation is oemg con life with Raymond Fisher, who Inducted by coroner Dr. Large deferring its liability to Hi bondholders. that tho Dominion government (Special to TtM DtUr newt.) no lavorito household ooai la also down there to spend the On f2.l09.000 this would exists only to do them service; Juarez, July 23. Francisco Ladysmlth Wellington. Phona 15, holidays. WHOOPING COUGH be 170,005 per annum. that little matters such as haul Villa with six thousand followers Prince Hupert Coal Co. if It is also well known that the ing war explosives from Vancou is reported to be moving upon Fifteen empty refrigerator cars NOTICE 18 HHHIIDY GIVEN that O, T. P. is in financial difficulties ver to Montreal en route to the Torreon. arrived In Prince Ruport yesterday it is the duty of parents to report and has lo appeal to the Dominion old country and from Montreal to for the flsh trafllo. A special to the Medical Health Ofllcer. Government for tlnancial assistance. Vancouver en route to the Orient WESTHOLME train with ten full carload of flsh jor at tho City Hall,,every. case of Consequently' tho railway are quite proper, as thereby the LONDON CAFE TONIGHT ONLY - left for the Hast on Saturday whooping cough within 21 hours company while begging for millions, C. P. R. has a profit; that the morning. after its occurence. Failing to is not in a strong position millions of war profits reaped by AND ORILL MARIE DORO do Ihls renders the offender liable to complete the drydock against the Canadian Manufacturers' As Third Avenue lit iuMard Corst'l demonstration to severe penalties, for which the will of the government, thereby (Continued on Page Two' Prompt Service or the Best "LOST AND WON" Tuesday afternoon Wnllace's. prosfcutiou will bo brought In fixing a liability on the gov there Is to eat at ail hour. TOPICAL BUDGET every case. y ernment. Henc the situation Just arrived, 260 ton of lump For dressed lumber of all kinds Hy order, arouses the suspicion that the coal. Phono 116 Albert A Mo BOXES FOR LADIES timlillu 10 n4 IS ! Albert A McCafTery, Phone 116. MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER. railway company is desisted from CafTery.