THE DAILY NEWS M -silny July ?3 101 The Daily News Lighten the Day's MAIL 80HEDULE Work by cnting food that THE LEADING NORTHERN BRITISH NEWSPAPER IN COLUMBIA docs all the vital not use up the East. Published Dally and Weekly For Guaranteed Largest Circulation powers in nn effort to digest Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri it. Every particle of days at 0:30 n. in. , HEAD OFFICE: Shredded Wheat Biscuit is Dally News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. digested and converted into From the East. healthy tissue and caloric Sundays, Tuesdays and I'rl- TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cents per Inch. Contract Rates on application. energy. In the present food day at o:30 p.m. crisis every housekeeper and For Vancouver. DAILY EDITION Monday, July 23, 1017. mother should demand bread Monday 7 o. m. that is 100 per cent, whole Tuesdays .5 p. m. wheat. Shredded Wheat Saturdays 7 a. in. & 4 p. in. 1 UNITY a spirit of compromise might Biscuit is made of the whole Lord Robert Cecil ha an grow out of such conferences. From Vancouver. nounced in the Drillsh Parlia This is without foundation. wheat grain prepared in a Sundays il p. m. ment that the Ministry has In-formed Republics and monarchies can digestible form. Better than Mondays .0 n. in. the Hussion Govern unite In a causfc that greatly meat, or eggs, or potatoes, Wednesdays 0:30 a. m. WOMEN who wont to he economical should ute ment of its willingness to en transcends all questions o f and costs much less. For Fridays 0 a. m. SOAP freely In the houte. ter into a discussion looking governmental forms or polill to a possible revision of the cal organizations tho cause of breakfast or any meal with For Anyoi. First, because St Is oil pure soap there tre no cheap war aims of the Entente Allies. Justice, sliced bananas, berries or Sundays 10 p. in. "fillers" o it etocs farther an J you get more real soap Readiness to consider every other fruit. Fridays .... 10 a. m. & 8 p. in. for the money. Second, because clothen last lonjjcr change in the situation cannot NOTES AND COMMENTS Made in Canada. when washed with SUNLIGHT. Im't this important? fail to strengthen the feeling of From Anyox. harm the chemicals finest unity, says the Toronto Globe, Ono of tho allies on the Entente Sundays, a. in.; Tuesdays, p. in. There are no Injurious to among nations fighting in a side, of whom .lilllo has been THE PRINCE RUPERT and Saturdays, n. in. cloths J5.000 guarantee of this. common cause. So long as it heard of lately, is Iiussain the SHIPBUILDING PLANT is made clear and emphatio First, "King of the Hejas," former For Port Simpson and Naat River, Made in Canada by that no proposal will be considered Grand Sherif of Mecca and tho v Continued From Page Otie.i Saturdays, a. in. At All LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED that would leave Germany most powerful Prince of Western Grocers In a position to again and Central Arabia. About a year socialion out of the calamity of For Queen Charlotte Islands. TORONTO assail the peace of the world, ago, the Turkish forces in Arabia war are considered natural be 10 p. m. July 18th, August 1st full and free discussion should were defeated by this Arab chief, 'cause Mother gets them, and In 5th and 29th. receive every encouragement. and the suzerainty of the Turk "Quebec it is no disgrace to speak Not only the situation of any decisively thrown olT. Germany's 'treason because the Government From Queun Charlotte Islands of the Allied Governments may hopes of a "Holy War" being is sympathetic of obedient July 22nd, August 5th. 10th change at any time, but the started by the Moslems against From such a combination the September 2nd. S. PRINCE outlook and the vision of a the Entente have come to nothing. 'ordinary citizens of Canada have S. RUPERT people may promote new aims. bven the hniperor wuiian turn-1 little to expect, and from me u Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp 4C1H New objective points may su-j ing Mohammedan failed lo appeal I P. It. the G. T. I', will get nothing Point. persede those once thought, to the true followers of the in the line of government work or For Wednesdays, 10 p. in. PRINCE GEORGE ultimate and final. Russia has Phophet. I war business. All money ex. From Saturdays, p. m. SOUTHBOUND herself undergone a sociologi- 'Dended by the Government of Munday 0 a. at for Sbboo Bay. Vtitfuver. Virtorlt and Betitl. cal, transformation that has! Tne peculiar situation of sol- Canada will so far as possible be Alaska and Yukon Territory. Saturday S a. m tor ocetn rUa. Vwntrr. VietorU and Seattte. given her people a broader d.iers lne trenches holding a diverted to the C. V. It. or niem-horizon." For Mondays, 7 a. m. NORTHBOUND meeting In the face of the bers of the Canadian Manufac-are National achievements enemy From Saturdays, p. m. WtDSFSDtY II ttmm for EeteMkan. WmM. Jnaetu and Sktmy. seen In altered perspective. 'lo discuss whether or not they ; turers' Association. FRIDtT tt noon for Aayut. The essentials of a few years iwi,l obe' orders, would be laugh- j . Arising out of the exigencies of MINERAL ACT TRAIN SERVICE ago may seem of little account aD'e wcre t no1 tragic. As a re- war and the requirements of the r4re foe SmHbert. Prloe Oery. CdwMCHMt, tnd Wt run per Direct apd new avenues of advancement suit of their deliberations, the Imperial Government an Imperial (R.S. B. C. Hill. wmuMbm fee all pot nit Fail d timnh. may be opened. enemy look the advantage to break Munitions Hoard for Canada had Holly FracUuo, Birth. Croetu rraelteo. Mlted Tsetday 4 a. Ml ror Bmllbrr tnd aH mtentMduw powu, Changes of a similar nature through, taking a few thousand to be appointed, of which Sir and riuni mineral claim annate la the Onen Charlotte Diatrtct. located at or Agtnoy All Ocoan SUamthlp Linos. prisoners. It is lo be hoped that of bacon fame, though less striking have ben Joseph Flavelle, ear Ikeda Bay. Queen Cbtrlolt liiaadt, For Informal in and reservations apply to taking place in the popular outlook the Extremists who wre con-and doubtless a- member of the rroetne of Brtttah Columbia, lawfully held Ticket B28 Third PHONE Avonuo. 260 City Offleo, of other allied nations. It fabulaling were amopg the pris-'Canadian Manufacturers' Asso-oners. by Iked Mine Limited (."ion Pertooal is essential to a proper under They will doubtless by elation, is chairman, and of course Liability).TAkK MOTICK tbat I. John A. Xatlnnea. standing that frequent discussions this time have learnt the advis- the C I. It. had to be considered, SaMeiior for Iked Ml net Limited (Son be held. The determination ibillty of obeying1 orders. jThe British Columbia represents- FvfMA! Lability) free Mraef Certificate to win the war must never 'lives of the ship building end of lo itutc intend, alter lb eiptriuoo of Ira lb date hereof to apply Mtiy day "The peace Germany desires to that board are Mr. Iluchart and change nor waver, and it will on Urtulf of IM M Company to lne be best sustained by a contin conclude is that of a victor and Captain Troup. Iloth of these men Mmwr Recorder of lb Mid DUirlel tot CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY uous interchange of views and it is the Allies who must here- are very closely associated with Cerutteai or Improfemcnit for each 'if after make overtures to end lhe!lhe P. Mr. Iluchart in u above claim for tbo purpose of ob opinions. The suggested policy C. It. a UUMi crown triBt thereof. Lowest Rates o all Laatarrt Point of frequent conferences cannot war." To this statement of the business way and Captain Troup A.t FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that trlloa via Steamer to Vancouver and tho be allowed lo interfere with new German Chancellor, there has been in its employ for many tinder Section tt of lb Mineral Art moil CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY military activity. In suppress can be but one answer. And the years. Consequently, all ship- be commetteed before Um itetanco of tuck Meal arul Deelh included cm Steemee ing the menace of civilization, overtures which the Allies can building contracts for the Itn- Gerliarate of Improvement. Dated ibit I tut day of inn A.D. HIT there is no room for discussion. only make are only to be found (Continued on page three) J. A. Matl.VMS. Princes Sophia for the north Friday, July 27th. The duty is clear, and the way in a continuance of their offen Soltrtior for Ikeda Mine Limited (Xo Princess Alice for the south Wednesday, July 2Slh. has been determined by outside sive. Germany's desires and those CANCELLATION OF RESERVE rertotul Liability I. SIS. aggression. But the nations of the Allies are still at variance, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE tbat tb "WATER ACT, 1914.' united by a common menace and apparently cannot be reconciled reaerve ejllt'.nt oer a mU laaod lo tb J. I. PETERS, Gencritl Acent and co-operating In a common until the Central Empires barber or Pride Rupert, knovn at Lot BtrORE THE BOARD Of I.IVESTtOATIO.t Street and Third Aienue. Trine Kuperl. D.C Fourth Co cause can best 'promote that are decisively and forever defeat ti, lUnrc t. Coot Dlttrlct. by reaaoa nr ed. r do tire apperlnr in U Brtutn Columbia cause by a perfect and continuous II and In tb Matter of all Stream la Um Uttel. 10. Caiette of U tilt April. ton and fort Frtaer Water Dittneta. understanding. There has dated tftb April. 1910. U cancelled roc been in some quarters a fear Salvation Army. tha purpo ot matinr telo or tb Mid A MEEII.IO of tbo Board of IneitlfUon of free discussion regarding Lot to th Ortnd Trunk Fictile Develop III b held at tb Court-bout at llaielioo men! Company, Limited. oo Monday, tb tird day of July, HIT, at the outlook and the aims of Public meetings, - Tuesdays, CEO. H. JlADE-t. Deputy Mtnliur of Land. euwi in um forenoon. the nations fighting in the Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Department of Landf. Victoria. B. C, I Sib FT i J; i cause of liberty. Some thought m. Sundays at 7:30 p. ni. une. tin M. Aur. tb Matter of til Itroam In tb Prtnc bunch Alice B. Rapert Water DUtrlcL ,i ki iJiBLarrrrHl A meellDf of tb Board ot ImeitiiaUoo laH will bo betd ai tb Court-bout at rrloe FOR TMf SALT LAttt Rupert on Wednetdty, tb tttb day of , j 1 1 JjfirtMaraWrrTySS Kfer Fla Dy fro July. ItlT. at 10 o'clock la tb fortnoca. 10 . Mk At tbeao mecunft all eutemenu ot arruft raas tee. claim la ater prtellere ucder Act paaaed befor lb I fib day of March. Itot, on m can any of tbeao itream. aU objection thereto W. J. THOMAS, rite. and lb plan prepared tar Um um of Um Or tea Set. Mid Board, III then b open for laipec Uon. All peraon Inlereited ar coUUed to eiamln tbeto, and lo ni objection l hereto in wrUiaf If they deem fit objeeUon will be beard forthwith If lb parly objected to bat received tum J cleat nolle of tb objection. Letterheads f Tbs Board t the laid meetlota will bear Uw claimant, Ul ttelcrmu lb Envelopes quantity of water bicb miy b um4 u oiler Statcmeot etrb record and tb further work which Card. Etc. are neeenary for tucb um, and will Ml rtaat 93 date for the fllinr of plan of tucb ork ml for tb comiueocemenl and completion Have that big, clumty moved cook the NEW PERFEC- iff of tucb work. ; ranee out; on neat And whereat tber may be perion wbo. TION OIL COOK STOVE. It doct all the work of a coal or wood J before the I lib day of March, ISO, er The News Job Press stove and takes up half the room. v bolder of wtter record on tbo taid No tmole, no dirt. The Lonf Blue Chimney gives perfect combustion. For j of treau their and claim yet wltb bv the not Board Bled of itttemenU InreU. Pruliai of AU DetcriptioaJ Dont tale by thete dealers: Vttion, turn prron are requirnl SU, c on of before tb llih diy of July, ItlT, Thompson Hardware Co., Prince. Rupert. Howe McNulty, " M a itateineni, a required ny aeciion ii P.O. Bet S9 Kalen Hardware Co., " a. J. Oalland, " " jK ot lb "Water Act, It II" Tb formt I'roKram Sterk'a Hardware Co., " " Bod Veung A Co., Port tlirpaon. B. C. DB Mo. to for Irrlttiion and Ma It for other Cats loir parpote) ny b obtind from any Oo-enuiienl Duilger Arenl In lb Provlnc. Uif Royalile Coot OS and the New Perfection W- Tba clalrut of riparian proprietor who loter,ete. it will cook your meal for from 5 to 10 cents. tm have nird, tt required by ttciion tof lb "Wtter Act, 1914," iiatemcntt of claim to THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited wtter of toy of tb Mid ttretmt will be heart tl tb (tin tliuei and place. BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES Dated tl Victoria, B. C, tbit 7lb day of June. HIT. 1 1. For tb Board J.ot F InveitirtUon.ARMSTRO.10,chairman. Advertise In The Daily News t ESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINOI RUPERT, B. O.