Monday, July 23, 1017 THE DAILT NEWB COAL NOTICES THE PRINCE RUPERT EALTHIEST ONE Mttni r r coast. Renfe i. SHIPBUILDING PLANT Take notlrp I Ml I. Merman MtUm inlcod lo apply fur a licence to proipeci fur toil (Continued from Page two.. nd petroleum on the fnllowinr described Utidi i.mimteiMnr kmI planted IN THE FAMILY l IM horlliweat corner or II. MeLean'a ito I clum, ibence writ la cutlnt; thence tIiiI Munition). Hoard liavo been, UUIII I CluHIll) Uwuce l SO find prubabiy jtt Van. a thence north id ehiini to the point of TIMBER SALE X 842. Ami Trouble Miuneiternient, eontiiainr tlo acrae, to ruer, Victoria arid New VoU (fen Of Drepty Kkfnjr tie known a It. McLean's No. I claim, tho . Tain "FRUIT.A-TIVE3" Mtctlrd May lltt. It IT. liiinaler, l'acillc headquartem Sealed tender win be received by toe ftOUMA.X McLEAX, or Iho U. 1'. It., and all freight Minuter of Landi not later than noon on per Philip tbetley, Atcnt. LuslnesB cohntcted with this Industry tne Mlb da nt luenii aiT. ror the nnr district or COAST. Ran re l( logically nhould go to tho rhaie of Licence XIII, to cut f.ttMOO Tike notice thai I, llufh McLean intend 0. i. It., a its rightful pcmuliillc. reel or sprnee. Cedar, Hemlock and Ba) The Password to lo apply for licence to prof prel for coal am en an are aitaated on tbe well ihore nd petroleum on the follow itif dcieribed Although the 1'rlnce Hupert ililp' of Ellenite Channel, Ranre t, Coait Dl Dleasure. for the UtMl AtuloeOClKf at M planted 1oildliiY plant could turn out trlef. mm mile aouth of tne aouttiweil corner of f Mt'l-ean'e (to. t rUUOi belnr about one hair a doipn ships a year, yet that Two II 1 year win be allowed tit re fighters abroad ana nan nince norm or tne Beaver river, is a inwre triile and will not win moeil ef timber. i.i uiiv. mile mi of the Cedar rlferj rariher partKnurt ef lb Chief roreiier llvnre aoulh 10 cbelni; Uwnee tail tv or loee the war any way, but if Vfrtena, b. r... or DUtrlct rortiter. Prinee and workers at mini, thence norm (0 chain; thence all the bun 1 ne as i confined to the Rspert, B. r,. it j, wcit to chain lo the point of commence home is mmt, inuiniof tie acre, to be known outh it will help very materially a il Mcieane .to. i claim. Located Majr find, II l. t build up Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia fltOII MeLEA. C. I. It. at the expense of Prlnee-llupert per Philip cbciey. AreuL and the U. T. 1'. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS WRIGLEYS DISTKICT Or COAST, Ranre I. 'I'heee public spirited, all pow. NOTICE TiLa nnllra lhl I. Ifnrh Url,n lnlml erful organizatioirs if ealletl Re Overdue riymenu on Application! to HATTIC WARRCN lo attlr for a licence u preDal fer eoal upon PnrtBiie Crown Land in Biiuih Colombia. and on the folMwior deaeritied could promptly hold their left pelroleom ItoSinnon, Oat ,July 6th, 1915. up 50TICC I bertby riven that, tinder the una: cotnuiencinr at a poi pianiea hands (I believe The of the famous ,o iu3 uita "r mu- iiTc" in une mile aoutb or the aoulhweil corner Ulr Joseph il now prenitae ef tbe "Soldlerr Homeitead name iiouo trover tnree years ana lure or It. McLran'a !to. t cJalm, belnr aboul doing Mi and avow thai their Act Repeal Act," any peraon who did not Gum that has one and a half mile north ef the Better Chewing apply under the "Soldlerr Homeitead Act, ri found them a rood medicine ntrr and three mile wet of the Cedar dealings are clean, fur they are iinurtri, ii tut, ma j troHDita wilt riter, thence north 10 chain: thence rail careful not to let their left hand Ills." to complete bli application to por won its way everywhere. l chain, thence outh IV cbaini; thence cbaie, eHber by payment In roll or by the y Divan. The Doctor Mid she writ l rhaina to the point of commence know what their right hand doeth. lelecMon of a proportionate allotment, Three irralened with Dropsy. Ilerlirnbs inent, conuininr 0 acrea, to be known Tho visible is very nicely polished may, by provinr hi tntereit and payint a 11. McLean no. 7 ciaim, fine ljr wrresll swollen and we begin Located Miy find. 1117. over with patriotic whitewash and p la fen tbe balance or the parebate pnee and laiei before tbe Hit December. IIL'UII MCLCA5. flavours Ink sho could not lire. Finally,we ostensible public service to be per I'nlllp Cheilcy, A rent HIT, attain a Crown Oram If proof ieti to try "FruIt-..UvesM. Ski seen of men and the bad spots ractery to the Minuter of Land I for r ttlhonr imfnnvmrnt aUr nv ki biSThlcr or COAST, runre S. are plastereu up wllti excuse Mined that ach peraon I a sfferlnr Injory htr frw tablttt. In n short time, Take notice that I, llurh McLean InleDd putty. They tell us that il costs throw rh abeence of notice or otberwlie. 10 aiDlr rer a licence to proiecl for coal And feriber that tbe inureit tn nn-eomoVted hd ud her ll down veiling rone and on Uie foUowmc dcrtbed much steel petroleum too to send to 1'rlnce appHcaUena to pnrchaie held by tTao to look more natural. Now uiKi. oouiiuenctnv at a poi pianiea one mile aovtn ef the ouihwei corner Hupert. being eo far from the any preon nn Acme Service may be pro. the htatlkitit out in tkt family of .1. McLean Ko. t claim, beinr about source or supply. Hut Ituperl has lected by nouflcatlon to the Land Department u no eifm of the old Ailment. e and a half mllea north of the Bearer of the fact that inch peraon I on river, and three nil lei wait of the Cedar tho same terminal rale an Van. Active Service and i ee-o not My too much for"Fruit. rltrr. I lie oca north so cbalhJi tnence wetl by the CUnr of proof iM and would neter be without e chain, thence aoulh so chain; thence couwr. iue only uluerence being of the tntereit or lach peraon. In cost rbeH can u cbaim lo the point or commence-Dim that the U. T. 1'. would .get the runner Is form lion will be farnlined on I, coniaimua S4 acrea, lo be known fffjf fluff rrqeeti 10 the Deputy Mtnliter of Land instead of the C. P. II freight WILLIAM WARRE.V. aa 11. MrLean'a .to. claim. Victoria. B. C SOc box, C for $2.40, trUl eiic, Zs. Located May tlnd.IIUUII 1117.JBCL1.A.-I, which is horrible to contemplate. rubhi-ittan ef tnii notice wiuwat aa- benefit At ai dewlcri or tent poitnaid on per I'hlllp Lhealcy. AleoL They also tell us, that Is the I in Iheniv will not be paid for. Tn. Sep. II It is a Sweetmeat a Stimulant and Munitions perial Hoard, that we by Fruit a-Uvea Limited, bISThlcT or COAST, Ranre S. Take notice that I, ftomian McLean Intend have no fir here and that the cx Navloabte Waters Protection Act. a Health-help all in one. It benefits to applj fur a licence to proeprct for coellocnue misht be a little creator. R.S. C. dupur ill. teeth, breath, and digestion. N Ml UM IVIW.W IKHIUWIII' . appetite fCOAL NOTICES und. -crfuuwnctnf at pot punted " reply that we have much beU tr"?., H Si1. l ' " n yellow cedar, and T a Ortnbr Conaolidiled Miuinr. It steadies stomach and KICT or COAST, Ranre I. Smeliinr and fewer Company Limited one and a half milei norUi ef the Beaterllhal the Cost of producing the nerves. It is ever-ready refreshment nerebj notice that under alien thai I. Ilnth McLmb Intend mer, ana tnree uuies wen or the waar aire il bat. for a licence lo pruapeel for coal rier, ineore wen ss chja, tnence aouu a"'e snip in Prince Ituperl, even Becttoo " or the aald Act, depodted with when picura vn iue louowinr oecriei ae chain, tbeore et ie chain; thence though we have to bring in the tbe Mm iter or tuttht Work at otuwa. you're fagged. encinr at pot pianiea norm se chain 10 toe pu.t or cusiseace Junction of the Cedar and Ultle mrnt. conuininr SIS acrej, to be known "r ' about 10 per Ceul. lees) than tad ic '.h- oQce of Ue Dutrtct rtcrtrxr tvere. on the norm aide of the Ultle ef the Land Rerlitry Office. DUtrtct of Made ha Canada rover tnence weal so chain vAJi'mFiAZ UT"- ? Vancouver plant. Then rrlnre hepert. at Prince Rspert, n de- aoulh la chain; thence eal so nunnA.-i Mcuta3, t"ej are urtven 10 argue mat tne iertpitua or the tlte and plan of wharf thence north le chain lo the point umeacemeoli conuininr 149 acre. ' '- -,.1 0f jD,pllon wouu be greaU and I'jmher mill, and other work pro anvwn a u. McLean .in, . claua. UliTWCT or coast. Ranre . er. The erectors of such vital posed tn be bnlli in Spruce Bay. on the V ar leu. ifir. welt rout of Larcom laland. Caiilar DU IILull MCLCA.X, Taka nutlca that L liueh UrI ,b laiend I arKUIlientn atirlv 1arM l-nlirhl Per I'hlBp Lhler, AfenL Hi'Izn VZX'JlZrtZl 1 1 or a nlghucap. To the trtct A.M TAKE !(0TICE Uut aTter the et- Flavour lasts I,riDM ,lup,,rt ptralion of one moo in from the dau of iritvnSsSw )JTMLT Or I00"' COASV. haute I, the Sri pubtvcation T toll notice, the u. 4 (uub. and about one aad a nail I ridiculous and perv erse, but w e ke notice that L llurh HiLtu Inund Oranby r.taeftdated Mlnlnr. Smeltlnr and Don't smother cough I'plr f;r a licence lo pruetwei for coil Power i:uopaay U ml led will, under See merely your plr learn mi the foiiowiac dexrtbed . . A. . - I. 1 1 ... . - a a M a a I r a , ti Loaarociav ai put I puni4 laewce aeoin ae cnain. tnence eaat ll"iu waae up 10 iue IBCI tuai II IS 1 7 or the aald Act. apply to tbe Min the luacuon v( lite cedar and Ultle hhih i,i iwai oanrKtaieoi, ne- ,,, Tll- urin-m ii .... uter or rabalc Works at hi office In tbe iHf TTkri TTY1 UathleVs Sjrup of Tar sad Cod Liver OQ sot oadr r .', jo ue norm atoe or tne utue uwtna- eie acrea.1 ana to be known aa u.I .' city of Ottawa rer approval of the aald I I I K r, I 1 promptly arreata cooehin;, bat thanks to ten tonic and McLeaaa no. Uaun. triet lias recruited r w thence north it tha upwards of and VrfllaU atrengtbenlna; propertka h helps the eyatein to throw cat Leeaied May tlrd. HIT. arte aad plan fer leave to conitrnct II eatt thcace 1 weal cheia.ctiaina Ueua lo aouth the pels!Is Hum MCLU5, Z.000 men and her population now tbe aald works. (he cold and tho effect a permanent core. It U thi Quality which has worn lot acetoraii. cuouibibc ate acrea. per I'hUip UMley, AfenL is small. We have been loyal. SATED at Prince Rupert Bntiah Colum St thai largest aaJe of any cough and cold remedy ia Canada. w a aa ii. MCLeea a .10. 1 bia, let tut day of inly, A. D. HIT. " nave oome snameiui Uis- Utft botiltt. Majr 10 in. hit. district or coast. Ranee i. GRA-IBT CONSOLIDATED M1.M30. THE Mtoll McUU.1. Take noUca that I. Much Vrliin Inlendlcriininallon ami laien.l i.nln SXELTLia AJID POWER COMPACT & L. kCATfnxo co. Ptwav. sMatnniinsi S. PaV per I'hUip Chraley, Avmt lo at til v ror a llcMra aa tieuaneei tor exial I . ... end petroleum c tne fouowur deambed ,ou wu" patience, out we are LIMITED. ItVISTMCT or COAIT, lucre I. irT??f?. LJL1. It K wrrt' I now allned that patience is no Patmore ft niton, SoUtltors. ke notice that I. .lotuia McLean laiend o. s claim, and about three and a nan longer a virtue ana tual true H'tjr roraureoc to Mvawet ror coal milea hutU of the Beaver mer: thence I via!pint im mav il,nnf n . n ..I r..,1 1 l.rJum the wail SO ehatai: thence aoulh aa thilni: I ..t8 on IoUowim OeacrUd - ueuuecMUOf at a poet planted ibeace eatt so chainai uwnce norm Isword. one azainst l'russlanism I xte halt mile eaal a the nutlhweal rnaiiu to ue point 01 cuumencemeat, coo-1 ....1 .- other against dictator I r 4 II. McLean' . I claia thence uiBtov ate acrea. to no aaown aa liuf a 1 iwac eaat at chain: McLeaaa .No. 10 claim. rule and graft at home. They are! evtn I ehauui thence wen ae Located Miy tlrd, 7. equally ugly, frightful and merci te tne pout or cuauuencemeat. eon iiutn WCLI.A.1. of ie acrea. te he known aa H. Mc per PblUp Chealcy, AfenL less and should bo met with the I l a .ic k claim. aied Mar lew. 1117. DISTRICT or COAST. Ranre I. same weapons. atiHMA McLean, Taka nolle, tint 1. Hath McLean Inland I There ran h no oniur tn thai per I'hUip Lhealer, AfML 'oTlS.XKZn 1 'act,. The British Empire need, JlITIUCT or COAST, ftanre I. Muiaencinr at a poet punted ships, wood or steel. The Prince ke noUce that L Umh McLean. Intend w s cUun; thence north ss chain. toenc Hupert plant could have turned k-ij iot a ucrara to proaprtt for rael wet so cbuat. tnence aouth SO ctulni.I..,,i, . 1 1.. ..... . ..1...1 riroleum en the (olio ma- deacrthed ihenc ! aa tnatna to tna mint nr com. "" i.ic j- jounencuif at a Dual ubimi menrrrneat. contajunf 040 acrea, to belli has been idle. This fact has mi. wi im Nuumiii mrke a. aaoa a 11. uui b II Claim. I 1 ...... I.. 11... n... ..f I IcU-en- o 1 claim; thesice north aa Located May tlrd. HIT. B.TWW.M UWn It IUV MO W A tAASSaiOe V I weore weal ae ttuini ikm IIBfn NCU.A.1. Canada and in tho last analysis chain; thence eti to cbama AfenL to per fhlUp Chraley, uinl tit cutiuuenctmentt coniainina that government must be held I into,w urn aaoa aa 11. mclmii'i DISTRICT or COAST. Ranre I. responsible. Let the Government Ma Hit, HIT. Take notice that t. Hsth McLean intend I exnlaui whv the Kmoire's work JUUII McLEAX, U apply forebrenre to pro pec I for coal , per fnlbp Chealcr. A rent. mo peinueuu on iue iwwaur oeacnueo 1 uai nut ureii uune. uy 11119 iu- ."rnVrecorner .rVLe lh plant stands a great empty MSTHICT or COAST. Ranre I. o. 4 claim, and about one and a half I monument In ila i-enknsa andl rake notice that LXmui uri..n in.. roTiuSurtir.onW or to its treason. apply for a licence 10 pruiivct tor cual TJ!tJL.hi'u' i5focJ2!uL!:!..c.ll?!.i'2 able indilTerence. In times when u petroleum on the follow uir deacrtbed point of , I ,i,KMnf," a pot planted arrea, to be knuwn 11 11. McLean no. If I ever)- snip means so mucii. i ruij . CUIm. Ipiiiarnmalili lil-a lk.liiiM lh ifft. , Iilar riler. on the norih r ik. Lnraled Mir. llrd HIT. ip---- ,w ..x ... . -j----- . . .1 , . 1 11 1 u 11 cu.i, inpair 01 iue people, tv e uu not ... " " uieuce norm IB rvjuupT. renL beey , t,Brmanv.s government. ' "-.tcw eg cnain to the point ' .-msncemenii eunuimnf tia acrea. LAND LEASE NOTICE and we are not satisfied with our " "e 1IT. own. Surely the honest. serious- nictx utD district district or thlnglng people of Canada will Where You Cannot Prophesy v " see that this condition tif aiTairs MSTHKT Or COAST. ti.DAT. t take otici thatVoeorre McRae. of not merely a local calamity, but PREPARE ! Skiderite, B. C occupation rnrinecr, in-la matter of the utmoht importance -.-e-. V leum riicOC cm Um to folium Diwr-t.inr dftrrUMl far ronI lend to arply fer permiiiion lo leaae thel(0 U9 aj uow can xvc ue optj. oii.ina iaiiu.1 I ...l.l I A I.I..H. I or Ullat- - th .r K- .....aaCr..n Commenclar at s poll planted at tbe ,w "" r t'.". even the best-informed man in government vn awts iunvii cvrnwr H Ik-,Ml -l-i' ft Men ftalm eaei . Mere.jT M....aevri - northeaii corner of T. L. Lot III. AUfordlour country unuer such treat. NOT circles dares to attempt a prophecy of Hit. 1 . tr tut er w n f. aav .-.-ee,4, Bay. Skidrriie inlet, thence wen tolment and conditions, while this for the best-meantime ktUl Jtt-fj IhanM a.A.I ! atatleial conditions after the war. We hope cna ni. tnence norw cnatna tnence I M.ffiifun1iiunf'nllil great empty sllip-ehed nlttlld a I j T ea--aai enay IB, rWVtfTaja) ' '"onumenl to dead and wise men are preparing now for anything. w 4i I in lion roiiowinr ihore line, thenco weit I patriotism llrd Mi, .... chain 10 point of commencement, con I the waves lisp aud tho breezes How? IIUUII MCLCAM, taininr 10 acre more or leia. A 10. whlnper ,'shame." W. U. WIL- Per I'blUp Uiealey, AfenL their to lune it in, hit. okonoE mchae. U,.Mg, By regulating their expenditures according DISTRICT OP COAST. Ranee S. MINERAL ACT actual needs rather than by their prosperityby husbanding Tike UOllea Ih.l I Dm... U.I ..n lni.n.1 the surplus and by investing to the limit in Canadian War coal forscsesm to proipect ror a. a O.O a S - l mu. vi iiiv loiioviiua uriEiiwru MOTICE TO rARTKER Loans that help so much to maintain preseni prosperity. I, L,. -"ieucin at a pt planted To C. W Calhoun: '1,..' .""'J"!1"Lein'ou,h.o. f I the rlatuii aoutbwril thence corner wet SO or Take notice, whereat I bare done and I THE LVGKryfcmXLMUal Money saved and loaned to Canada by Canadian ia a twofold Mini thence aoulh SO chalm; thence rauied to ba done siaeteiuenl work on tbe tM fj tefot J safeguard for the future. The lenders will benefit directly ! SO rhainii thrncw north SO rhaina lo MiUnifht Fraction mineral claim, iltuated and 7 ioini of eommencemeul, ronuinint en the llliance river, about fourteen mllea from the excellent interest return and absolute security ItC I arrea,t'lalm 10 be known aa N. McLean from the bead of Alice Arm, In the Sktena ris bdirectly; because the interest thus kept in Canada will help to . caieo May lit. I0IT. mkilne dlvliluO of Skeani dlilelel aiMii. t Cvl- t-t in. by 7 la. tl-H keep business good alter the war. rohm am Mclean, rnenl work for 1(11, till, and 111, and Herae fewer. Per I'hlllp Cheiley, AfenL Save paid for aaM work and recordlnt Canadian War Savings Certificates are issued In denominations I. S S-4 or In. kr 1t la 2 itue Ihe im of I J 07.10. t'nlen you par Meete Power, J.setvKtJJy of $25, $50 and $100. repayable in three years. At the DISTRICT Or COAST, Rtnrc nie ibe um of 1101.10, for your ahare Tike noUce that I. Hugh McUin Intend of Ihe aald aucitment work, lOfelher with 0L Lf la, hi la, f- purchase prices 01 ?i.ou, -o ana oowpwuny,M7ii Ui apply for a licence to rroapeel for coa lb coil or tall advertisement, I aball, at Heee Power, over 5 interest ouy incm 01 any uaiis. ur muiw nd petroleum on the rollowlnf deirrlbed Ihe etplrailon of ninety (to) daya from Pot 0( ace. land twiunenrlnf at a pl planted lie mile aouth of the aonthwetl corner of the date nereor apply to the mlnlnr re Tor Furthnr II. McLean'. So, I clalmi thence aoulh so corilcr at rrinre nuperi, B. C, 0 bare Information Service Board of Canada. National rliilm, thence eail u clialuii tnence your inlereiti In the Mldnlfht fraction Apply to The horlli SO chainai Ibence well 10 chalui W mineral claim veiled in me, in vuriutnre I the iMilnt of rominencenieul, conuininr OTTAWA. II. McLean of tne proviiton or the mineral act W. E. 40 acrea, 10 be kuov.u aa IVILLJSCROFT No. I claim. naiea 11 i nnce iiuperL B. c tnii nib Located May Hit, HIT. day or apw, hit. ir 11 Prince Rupert, Q. 0. II U(J II MclEAM, I II. C PHILLIPS. , .............. per I'nlllp Cbeiliy, Aienw nrrerrfffiiuj.