The Daily News )f, VIII. NO. 172. I'lUKCB RUPERT, IL C, Tt'HSDAY. JULY 24, 1917. PRICE FIVE GENT8 XOWN PRINCE CKKirit ATTACI RUSSIANS BREAK THROUGH GERMAN LINES-ANOTHER AIR RAID ON ENGLAND ERMANS MAKE MILITARY SERVICE ADVANCE BY THE ELECTION WHAT MICHIGAN THINKS CONDITIONS BILL THIRD READING OF PRINCE RUPERT ANOTHER RAID itrlal to Tb Dlly THE BRITISH ENQUIRY AT The following appeared recently ARE CHAOTIC ON ENGLAND Service Ottawa.Hill July in to 21 come The up Military fur its NEAR MONCHY t rvnorv i in of a interest Michigan i nastnuch newspaper,as and it IN RUSSIA lliinl reading today. The food shows the impression carried problem has also to be solved be- L away by a visitor from the East. it Bombs Were Dropped on fore the Government goes to the Canadians Make Successful Raid System Pursued by Publio Works The article reads: Wholesale .Desertions From the rwlch and Felix Stowe country.. The collective. eiperl- Near Avion German Artil Department Under the Old "A letter from Prince Hupert - a. I I a Army Many Military Units Kill Eleven Persons ence or me nonunion win ne em lery Very Active, But Government Comes Out tells roe that a certain Toronto Much Disorganized , Before Retiring. ployed in this work. Firing Blindly. In the Evidence. girl is there, having the busiest Crisis at Hand. Special interest now attaches gay social time. Did you ever see BH 'tSprrLI to Tb Duly ,ewM to the biff Liberal Convention to Prince l Special J-MTbe ttll7 .lw.) Prince George. July 19. rtath- Itupertf Of all the humorous (Special to Tbe Lwnlon, July 21. Another be held in Winnipeg-, whose pur-pone London, July 21, The British towns (l is the king I The Dally .lews. P qtMdron of German aeroplanes is to brin? about a united er startling disclosures as to the rocks and the sea said to all and Pe,trograd, July 21, Premier rarriveduver the English coast Canada for the winning of the troops have made in important j system or perhaps lack of tern, sundry. 'We dare you to build a Kerensky has been given full that they were seek. war. advance......near Mnnchy Le.. 1'reux..i pursued by the provincial depart- city on us.' And the settlers who Kpower to throttle the revolution ing dterU London and look the tmum oi i,ens and norinwesl ornfnt of public works prior to the are not afraid, and the way-makers ists. The crisis in Russia is Hit route by me norm as WATER ARREARS St. Ouenlln. oatrol encounters re.)election of last September were who will never be denied, rapidly approaching the climax. successfully the pre- said nothing in answer. For they suited In favor. Hostile our artillery brought out today in the investi ..... Ministers are discussing the advisability wne, Iloinli were dropped A report from the city treasurer Knew mey were going to Duild a rich in Hssex, and In Felix to the public works committee of has been very active during gation into the alleged irregular!- hy there So they hauled great of proclaiming a democratic In Huffonu Eleven persons the city couneil regarding- the ar the night in the neighborhood ties in Fort George riding wherejmountains of timber and boarded republic. 'killed, but the air raiders rears of water rates was passed of Lens and Armentieres. The W. It. Iloss. then minister of Prince Rupert's foundations The Soldiers and Workmen's soon compelled to beat a on to the couneil lat evening German gunners are very nervous lands, was elected by a narrow f rock and sea, and built wide Council i a apprehensive of a retreat. The defensive This report showed that of a ana arc nring their big guns majority over John Mclnnis. streets, and bridged chasms, and total or f 1.725.91 in arrears. 12 blindly. They fear that General I The chief witness heard during blasted out avenues from solid counter revolution, and have "wlth the Invaders, and they 099.13 had been collected. Va !aig Is planning some big coup,the day was Georire Snell. madlroek, and reared mansions and a rallied the local organizations to kept out of London. The cancy declarations had been made lnd are doing their best to learn superintendent in this district un-Manly c'ub house and a dinky support the authorities. for the 'amount of (302.10. and wuai it is. roriy Herman aero- der ih nl.l rrim hi.,. loieiuresaue little hotel f which hn Conditions throughout the is omimv aaiiu uiuin h sir its 1162.98 was owing by citizens on planes have been brought down mond. a Salmon Itiver rancher. Just been burned, more'a the pity) whole country are chaotic. The in an easterly direction, out active service. Supply was cut uuring me past nve days. A sue-'had given evidence Just after and there you are. with a fire wholesale desertions from the l mo iuiiu rrn. inn rruil off to those owing 1218.95. For cessful raid was made by the'luncheon and testified that he had station, and a police station and army necessitates the strongest the attack by the Ilritiih tna. the balance under adjustment it Canadians near Avion. It was a rereived a lime check for 120.25 a post ofllce. I have yearned for preventive measures. Tbe commander-in-chief ines is not yet known. was agreed that an extension of very bold piece of work and came'for work done about a year be- certain cabin built on stills orders deserters time be made till August 1st " without mishap. Lnemy. dug- 'ftre for which he had asked 125.lover a surging little slit of sea; and runaways to be shot. Many i i .... ... i . . . .. ... units ouis were Domoea anu many lie said that Mr. Snrll had aaiH a crazy utile caDin with a very military are in complete OF FUEL SUPPLIES prisoners were taken. 126.25 would "look belter in the Breen door on which stares my disorganization. LI It msslinit r t I la A Alia AAtm French FronL .books lucky number, nine. I suppose if held last evening In the roun Paris. July 24 The Ocruianf Promised to "Fli It up." I ludOhat Mtle.cabfn, I'd regret RESULTS OF THE HIGH ... chamber at the rily hall, the i.rown JTince made one of the i L. W. Patmore. counsel for the it untlTl'Trozeitor death. Wcti SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS most violent and costly attacks of commissioner. Judge F. McB. very probably wouldn't be long, 1 S 1 a ,.il a bbbbbbbbbI the entire campaign to the north Young. followed this up and Prince Rupert appealed very Prince Rupert High School lit the increased price of of the Aisne on Sunday, but suc- brought out several instances of strongly to me. I never saw sueh Advanced course, junior grade. it I he rinaaihl III v iKal it mtiw ceeded in winning only n feeble ,what Mr. Snell characterized asa town, and I can only congratu- Maximum marks, 1000. Number footbold on the trench lines at 'errors in the books where men I'ate that Toronto girl, who is al- of candidates, 13; passed, 10. one point. The battle continues had been paid in one month for tending all the smart functions, Margaret D. McColl. 735; Arthur liiirii irciiii iiih rmiiirii in i ri.. with extreme violence in the region work done some time afterward, and ask her to go to the cute little Dramley, 729; Richard W. Pills-bury, of Ilurtebise and Craonne. According to the official docu- theatre once for me. Prince Ru-ments 609; Thomas U. Black, 582; under a bombardment of unheard which were produced as perl is one of the very few places Kathleen L. Grant, 582; Frederick svi uiniii nsii amiiu iiirn lis s of Intensity. On the Verdun front exhibits. Mr. Hammond said he should like to see again, of all II. Stephens, 580; Raymond A. a i n a m nv laaTiiiiiw r s there has been sharp artillery and had widened a road and the de-tbe dozens I looked at last sum.;Fisher, 516; Alexander G. Rix, miner rnniFAl nw iha fnai Infantry fighting throughout the parlment at Victoria bad refused mer. Away off at tbe end of 511; Grace N. Tovey, 505; George BBBBfmBMBBBBBbBBBBBm day to pay him for it. Jle bad told things, watting for its railway to O. Shaw, 500. bV.' i4XSBBBBBBBBBflBBBl Russian FronL i Mr. Ross he had always support- I'ink it up to the past, and its Full course, junior grade. Max. Pelrograd, July 21. The Rus ed the Tory party and unless he ships to tie it firm in place be-was iihum marks, 12,00. Number of " " iwi 1 1 - llUaia Ihf COL I" i.r rrnilnrtinn isBSBBlB sians yesterday attacked the Ger- paid this amount be would tween the coast of Japan, the candidates. It passed, 1. Doris T Uif mine and lake all iw ans near Krevo and Vilna, north, ote for Mclnnis. Mr. Ross about!saucy little timber and rWk little,M. A. Dowling, 684. of the Pinsk marshes and pene- a month before the election prom, thing makes me laugh at it; even; Intermediate grade. Maximum (rated the Teuton lines for a dis- ised to "fix it tip" the night before while I'm loving it." 'marks, 1100. Number vol candi- respecting unwarranted in- tanre of two miles. The Russians jthe election. Mr. Ross said he dates, 2; passed, 2. Henry M. raptured more than a thousand didn't have time to bother with it Sn'l,' "Ply charged to the Shockley, 7t2; John W. Currle, t was moved by Aid. Mont FLIGHT-LT. DON WATKINS prisoners. then, but would right it after ttae"roernmni" account. 59 Another Ontario aviator has In East Africa. election. Witness told him ill PrecedenL Senior grade. Maximum marks. .a aii m n, . ....W a Bf been decorated for destroying London, July 21. Keen fighting would be all righL but too late to " J- ,MW,er- ex-premier, who 1 too. Number of candidates, 1; till - f i -f salln I.a sstfiiw .ii a liar German Zeppelin. Flight- Lieut is in progress in Fast Africa. do Ross any good. Thereupon" aPPing for Mr. Ross, ob- passed. 1. Katherine H. Pillsburr. ni'l'llil nj iti I Walkin shot dowti a Zeppelin on The German troops suffer heavily Mr. Snell told him to call at hisMef,ed to Mr- Patmore's examina. 709t The results of their researche the Hnglish coast on June iSlh and in the recent operations were olllce next morning (election day) "" 01 a witness on trie ground( Senior academic grade. Maxl-he mtj for which deed he has been forced to retreat. went to the ofllce in the morn- l,,al ne was V'"R hearsay evi-!,um marks, 300. Number of caning anuuru wiiu inierei uy awnrded the Military Gross. He is and dence and Mr- Patmore was lead, jdidates, ma tit irilffUlllllM r it IIIILJI s.1 IfT 2 . Another Ally. Snell had a bottle- of 1; passed, 0. n Toronto boy. Londn. July 21. Siam declares whisky which he nassed around, i" The enquiry, said Mr. Private Study Third 'class, The favorite household Co. I war against the Huns. The little witness taking three drinks. Bowser, was for the sole purpose non - professional; full course. """i wviiingvon. rnons ib. PUBLIC MEETING southern Asian monarchy joins Vouchers O.K.'d. Pr S"ting evidence against Mr. Maximum marks, 1100. Number A General Meeting will be held the Allies. German ships have Mr. Snell when called said he ,,oss- ,le "J ai -Mr. uougias ;of candidates, I; passed, 0. . at the City Hall on Friday, the been seized and the alien crews knew of no case where he had Aro"f " Vancouver tnvesti- Intermediate: grade. Maximum 27th instant, at 8 p.m. to make lave been interned. 11 wm f.- .. ,,.1- ,n t..I gallon nad gone Tar afield on tnn.L. uno vimh nr mmii. arrangement for the proper com A Supreme Effort. done after the time checks were hU "amlnation of witnesses. Mr. dates. 1: passed, 1. Louise J. ATTENTION EAGLES emoration of the 3rd anniversary New lork, July 21. Kaiser issued. Then Mr. Patmore pro- 1 aunor saia ,ne Vancouver m. Tallander. 674. m of the great war. Wilhelm plans for a supreme effort .in.v v 1 ..v.rni v. . i a ti.n tittiw vtit ri...v.v Hiiu.. I nesiigaiion.. . was. a precedent ior All are requested tq be All.are invited to attend. to obtain victory. He Is said vouchers which showed different. uu one; mat mis was no more Just arrived, 250 tons of lump Present at the regular Dated 2tih July Fred. Peters, to have two million men of the .Mr. ineii said tbe only reason anti-Ross than the Vancouver one coal. Phone 116 Albert A Mo-Caffery. meeting o n Wednesday, City Clerk. 175 iOlrclass already trained, who he knew"why officials would fabri had been anti-M. A. MacDonald. July 25th, 1817. will endeavor to stem the Allied cate the accounts in this way was Mr. Patmore was upheld in his For dressed lumber of all kinds lrive. Washington hears that in anvn u-nrr Th trnvprnnipnt method of examination by the e 'Albert A McCaffery. Phone 116. the food situation in Germany did not pay for Mr. Snell's auto """'iiissloner, LONDON CAFE nnd the Central Umpires is very but paid for the upkeep, he said, SUN AND TIDE bad. but the records showed he had AND GRILL Done IL ordered an electric starter costing Wednesday, July 25th. Third Avenue Theatre Washington, July 21, The 9100 for a Ford car immediately Sun rises 3:26 a. m. Prompt Service of the Beat Westholme Sun sets 8:42 has after authorized to p. m. Reichstag majority of parties being ...4:51 there la to eat at all hour. High water a.m. lit. i 6.9 forced the the the Germnn Government charge upkeep to govern Low water ..10:50a.m. lit. 6.6 TONIGHT AND TOMORROW declare their renunciation of ment. BOXES FOR LADIES the annexation and indemnities Witness said he had not can. High water ...5:18p.m. lit. 18.3 Low water . . 1 1 :38 lit, p. 111. 7.5 JF.SSI5 L. LA8KY Presents policy, according to advices received vassed with Mr. Ross but just here. happened to go with him in his Geraldim Farrar as "La Pucelle car to several places where there IN NOTIOE were voters. Asked if he ever CANADIAN BORN! happened to do that with other The Royal Commission appoint candidates, he answered no, amid "Joan the Woman ed by the Dominion Government laughter of the crowded room. Your presence is requested at r'isiteries Department will sit at Mr. Patmore produced a copy of IN KLKVEN AGTH the City Hall, Prince llupert. on the Ford Times showing a picture the K.of P.Hall on Thursday, July Founded o nthe story of Joan of Arc. the 2flth and 27th of July for the of Mr. Snell and Mr. Ross stump. purpose of Inking evidence on the ing the Vanderhonf country. A 26, at 8 Election of Officers. ReservVd 60o. Gallery, 35o. Children 25 cents. Fisheries of this district. Pro wire was also put in from.Ross to p.m. Seats, ceedings to commence'at 10 a. m, Snell at Lucerne, asking the lat at Orme'a Drug Store. A attendance is requested. large Bookings minti ilnv All OftltAt.iAi. in. ter to j ..-.iv,uivii uiw in arrange for a car to visit I-..vited to attend, 31, Muiish valley and Duustcr. Mr.