Turgor July 2 1917 THE DAILT NEWS HUNS LOSE COMMAND EONLYMEDICINE OK LAKE TANGANYIKA $25t0flraR$21,5D HAT HELPED HER I,onduii, Jyy IV. Tli first Jmj despatch of the lllgli Uiiiunlsiion er for Kouth Africa to tie gazetted, covering the operation in lltio iil-a-tires Again Proves lis deiia since August, till, tells for 'Extraordinary Powers the first, time the ntirrlng story of how, through enlcrprlze, cour- lUicHOtf. Qcs., March 2nd, 1013. age and bulldog pertinacity, Oer Ilutre rreeired the most wonderful man command of Iike Tangauy Int from Uklnp ' Frult-atl.es M. ika was overthrown. rrtd for rears from f!kumtittn The scheme was approved in rhioca of lift, and 1 took eicry April, 1 VIS, of sendiug from ling W "jfiyMzo I ,m 7?)'"w niur Idy obtalnsM without rwulu. I land lu Cape Town, and thence by "Fruit tires" and It wu the rail; road and river to the lake, ledlclne that rttlijr did tntgocd. two molorboals, designed to out entirely well the Hbeu-liaa am class trie thr,eo enemy snips on aod the ter disappeared, Tanganyika. The two molorboals, la body are all I palm rnjr rone. named the Minn and the Toutou, that other, who suffer from such arrived at Cape Town, uuder.com will "Fruit ilng- diseases, try a mand of Commander Himpson on Msosifi lSAlH itocno.v. i box, 0 for $2.50, trUl site, 25o, June, 1015, and were launched on balers sent Krait Lake Tanganyika on the 25th of or postpaid by Canada lUmltcil, Ottawa. December. The Germans were Help Maintain probably acquainted with the COAL NOTICES scheme, but dismissed it as a harebrained venture. The Jour Her Financial Freedom ! ITRJlT OP COAST, Rani I. ney up country included ISO miles nilr rorsUreor thai I Hurt,to prospect MrLean for Intend col of haulage over atroeioua roads Do Your Share towards Financing the War with 4eura oa D rouuwinf aeeermeo at altitudes rauging from 2,000 JUDClitM)euiuencini-uf Um at Odar a pusi tud punted Llltle to 0.000 eel, and thence on railroad A JERSEY MODEL Canadian Savings Rather than with Outside Capital. in, on id nono sio 01 um uuii trucks to the Lualaba Itiver, fn dark grey, with beetroot gou- iirr Unc west si cbatnsi lib 10 ChilM: UMQM essl SS where they were floated through Itache braid. The collar is lined problem of meeting the enormous cos! of this war is enc ifoeni.north eootaininr so chain to si lb arret.point ,. . .. . j. I with Iteelroot Georgette. From THE Not only must Canada get the money most of it, a II. McLean's Wo. I. rtaim. coal notices J"Woman's Wear." course a loans but she mull get as much of it as lltUII Nl-Mi possible here in Canada. a. a a. .a I per I'bilip uwy, Areas, msTiucT us' coast, haots s. flnoai auounutng in oangerous We can carry the war-debt if the bulk of the interest goes to Take iwuce Uui I. .nuo McLrsn inieno l rocks. Ko shallow. Indeed, was I or COAST, Rant t. la noil iwrsoceuco to prvepcci lur cuaii,, .... , , . , , , . Canadians, and so is used again in the country's development PITrnlw 1 that I llurti Mi-f.rin lalend auu immvicuui oai to rouawttis ueeo-UMui me river mat uarrris nan m ue But it will be a serious matter for us if a large proportion of the Tsk iMUMvtouu. ai vua. ,i in ih mnlnrtinnla In nnlcrl r aliccoc to tiriMptct far coal at um uuriuwtai corner of M. McCcans ?- - interest has to be sent outside the Dominion. on Um follow US' OcscrtlMd ,w. i tiauii, tacuc weet so cMioai tueBcaiio reuuee tfietr uraugni. iclor t a puit planted ewuui so ttttiiu. lur wee esst so cuaiiu, Great of Water. For the sake of our own and our children's future this drain near tb or Um cedar and Uttl ummjt uutw so caatne so tn pouii oi Shortage be avoided 1 Canada's financial freedom must cadar i um norm sio or um liiim rtnri - . cwuiaimaf Sis acrea, w The expedition was hampered I on our resources Cedar throe norm ss chaini; um tavas aa ft. MCCten'e Rv. S CIS 4U. can and must be maintained 1 An average saving of 15 cents a ctuinst tbenc south ss waM aiay siel, lU. by tropical beat, by dust and by invested each and child in Canada in War out ss dam to Um point day by man, woman of f shortage water. The latter ai; cuouininr i acrvs. iK rump CBaawy, Arrul. Savings Certificates, would enable us to carry the whole cost of the H. XCUU I AO. I deficiency wan so serious that at sots, 1H7. UislhlcT t. war. To approach this average, hard work, uSriftself-denial and II UUII MtLtAH. Z unVnEZZn. the water for washing, and Mr fnlliii UiuUr. A lent. iMttC .oseod sacrifice are required of every citizen. h efiH MimtiM so pfoaprci iwr cuaiieven me arioKing water, was vot- m jKarftwaftrtii va im iu.kj mg utKium I For each $21.50 you lend the Government now,you will ict or coast, fuss i. w we at wsissui a Owal cotoer iMaowdl oil traction engines All competent receive $25.00 in three years or you can get your money back 4lc Ul I, Mormao McLean Intend time. Certificates issued denominations of $25, $50 at are in wilMttc to roe coal oi'um judges vetoed the sheer I any preepecl aw (mw suiM swru a,r nr, journey as ruin on Um foUuwinf deecrcbed w.at w in ceoav nn mnilnoaa. V.v.rll.l-.. II - , and $100, and may be purchased at any Bank or Money Order lumencio at a put I planted lu .u.i. hU rh.1.1- h.nra A 1 Mta I " -- ....vu0 cuw Post Office. 22 naif (dim tail or Um northwest dMiua, toestoe sxrta so cnauui umoc I ceeded. II. McLcsa's No, t claim Uwuce j mnt mw cawuM au mm pwuii wi cvuuurucu- r ik. 1 1. , ., .. , Dalai. IheBC ll SS CtUlOl: tueui. euouMMOf arrea. so Im aswwal w" ' noru uay mrr tauncii- The National Service Board of Canada, Ihiiu ss cuait, UMoca weal SO aa it. McLaas A, s eiaou. ng the molorboals on Lake Tan. Um IhMOI ut cuamrocemeol. eun- OTTAWA. SIS acres, to Im known as Jl. Mc- IIIOJI KCLU., . iaau;ia tun ucrmaii Kuuuuai mil. Msy. s ruuo.SSUl, ISIT. frjruup Lneeiey, pn gans was attacked, and surrend- tWBSWBBBBnaaaaaaBjaaaaaaa Aumman McLean, oistkilt or coast, nant t. ered, whereupon she was repair- lump a not per umsmjt, T""i. r H Capl" "1 renamed the IITRIlT or COAST. Kaon s. mi tawuu vu um fotwwukc deacruwd riu. i ne second German gun cuouMenruif si S puel pUoll I K,.-, rn,i ii.. fin , k Botic that 1, Hush McLean, Intend MUUI oc ir 47 Ivr a lima to ptvlm lor cmi l It. IHCL4M1 U. cuiiaviMwf ajwwiiihe 9lh of Februarr. It was a nr iuui oa um feifcjwiaf (WcrUxd M WI MU IWKI BWU VI UM I aft.. . , . . . . , , THE BANK OF juwwui si a Ml planted um tarea bum wi ut um uMUrlrre uours running lift in, uui oy lie acuta ut um Southwell corner or . lwte iwcut a caaia. Umc all .hillfnl minunrrlfiir Ih. Ilrili.h eaa e t cuuDj uwwca Bonn so BRITISH NOHTH AMERICA uki weal aa castas) Um-bc M UHUIM tH UM IMMBI uuaie pui wiiaiu rane. acoreu IS .'bams. Utrar esil ss chains to aMi, cuauauaf so eciet, la im anowa many hits, and finally sank the it X aimieaceaarnl) cuwuuaiaf ii. Mcaaa nm 7 cuiui. r lo bm knew a a II. McLean's wxeua Mi) fttnu. HIT. German vessel. The third gun Statement to the Dominion relet m. lliOH MCUJI.t, May Slit HIT. per l-nilip caretey, Areat. boat was thereupon scuttled by Government (Condensed) Ill(ill MclXAX. her crew, after she Lad been 30th April, 1917. per l-klbp Uwtkr. A recti. MSTMCT OF COAST. haa I. ItA BuUoe Utal L llailt McLean tnuod bomhfd by a llelgian airplane. istwct or coast, run re s. atiMi leaucea la trvocl lor cuai thus ending German supremacy uabiutics to the public ad (wtrwteiua oa UM fouewins dcecrUied ' !lr Utal L. !onoaa McLean UUand rocuif si a puei ptaaieo on Lake Tanganyika, which bad Note la Clrcnlatwa . f gtt,7 Hr for a Ucvara la pnwprcl fur eual x.rr.1: ISLW tabllshed for many years. Deposits M.7S3.0SS The Password to MM in lewn oa Um foiNWisr drruied Other Llaklllllee 47,11l jMWBClr si a pott pUated and a tuui nuies nuru ut um tr The despatch draws attention for the tf jaacuoa uT um cedar and Ulua pleasure, IE: tZJr:: .Ilr'urc.;I to nhodesia-s remarkable achieve. StO.SAO,! ttrt. e um awrUi aid or Um Crdr ner. Ursce awau ss cbalni; v caaia. uieiic aotiia ss cnam. u mrnL wltn ner territory or 50. lighters abroad eatl tsauu. Uwaca svorUi so WP WW . . W, .III II I ASSETS tii meat kwi Is eaatas lo Um pUl uirai, cueiiuuiac Sis acre. Id Im aauwn 000 square miles, a native population uunnmi; cwtuuninv sis n. stUMi no. a ciauu. of I.G0O.O0O, and barely CaaN KanS and la and workers at iKovvB u n. aciaa t no, I kwraird Mejr ttnd. ISIT. Baake 11040,110 MtJ SOU. ISIT. takoM MU-I-A.1. 30.000 Europeans, in securing her Deaoalt ail IS OaeaeMMiaat home is itUkMa.1 McLaaa, per ramp caesiey, A rent. borders against attack within nine a a Note ClrculaUoa 1,38,084 per rtulip Uietler, AreaL OlSThlLT of COAST. lUar . months after the outbreak of the tMiaraaiaat, Municipal 1 Tk aoltc Uvtt I, AoriBaa McLean tnleod sad ataae SecurHIa 1S.O04.47S TK1CT or war. and. in addition, furnishing COAST. Haars I. lu woir lor a ucca to pruaoetl lor eual Cell and Sheet Loans 7,71 0,460 nolle thai I. Hut fa McLean tnund ad t-rtrvteou on UM ftmowins dcecrioed several overseas regiment. Cure! Leans and Die- WRIGLEYS roraurrar la pewepetl far cuel mumU. SI a puel plaaied tAauiueBUBf ta kali and ether Aaeels SS,SSS07 i Um failawtne umi utx bum aMita l Um awoUiaMl cwrner that by the middle of 4016 10 per CMUIornciBa el a mt .i ft. McLean s ."o. s cialia, Iwint aouol rent, of the male white, of the Bank Premleee ZOSed lie etulB ot Um SouUiweel run,. i and naif nuies BMCta of Um Sealer Clean's Ka I claim lOrace nortb ner. and uu-o tBUea wael or um laosr Protectorate were in active ser- 17030,110 Uienca rul so cb&lne: ifwiw. tier, laent wetl ciainsi umbo u I v I The name of th famous roauu. urnca weei sa rhaim ia ft. .Kail... IW.MM a,I an rKllDK IIWtkM I . r'uamriwcBMlil. CuaUiniar nurta ss tftaiu to um puui ot oaitiueBca Chewing Gum lat has saAB , tm n. acLaans iumh. aweuiiuai Sis acres, to Im kuown Provlnce of British Columbia rrUun. t a. McLean s ftu. ciaun, till. IIT. LwrSled May Had. ISIT. won its way everywhe Hl'OII MCLEA5, NUKMO MCLCAX, DEPARTMENT Or LANDS per I-tulip Cbesle, A rent pM rnqip Clwitey. A sent JIOTICE Three PltTHlLT or COAST. Users I. its Orerdu rsyaieau on ArpUcaUons to fine IIUJTWtT Or COAST, runre I Take BuUr UmI t, lluf 6 McLeaa Inland rurrbtte Crown Lsnds ta BrIUtb Columbia, 1 noikw last L .Mormsa McLean inuod la ainiir lur a linaoa to nrwepext lur coal KOTICE is bertby sum ibst. under Um flavours vm i", a 111 rut ta nrutrwri rn, m. awl peiroMuui oa Um rouuwini deecrUMd proeuions of lbs "Soldiers' Homestead . If lrrvlora cm Um fallow ins- deernikMl C1BI St a raial Mini. si da Um- Buruweil cauoiettClBf corner at a or (iwai n. aiccean Art Krpesl Act," sny person wbo did not TIMBER SALE X 842. i aoain of um sppty under lbs "Soldiers' Homestead Act, uiiuiti corner of Au a cuuu. end atMol on and a bair -11 cuum; weor west St bums uueui or UM wester rner, mean lilt." to complete nis sppticsllon to pur oow ss cbaint; tbenc ovrUt SS cnatnii tltecwi weal sa cuauu. rbaMu either by payment la full or by Um Sealed tenders will be received by Um :alae Ibrnra north as rk,i. SO Uwnc sail ss Minister of Lsnds later Ibaa ukbcw aouia castas. selection of a proportionate allotment. I not noon on rbixua tu uw tiutnt of cuiiiucticeiuenl. con- " " HIT. ror lb by nts Interest and psytnf Autust pur-op aoawB as n. McUaa's laiiuur si seres, and to im m u n. nay. prorinr led laiav McLean's fta. 0 cUua. in ruu tb btlsnc of lb purcbas h" .of Uc"lf x 4' w .oU Mty Hit, tOIT. Lrstrd Msy tlrd. HIT. orlca and Utes before lb list December. ' epniw. war. nomwt aaa o SmoH a.A! McLKAN, sam on sa sre situated on lb west tbor ssus obtain Crown Orsnl If HIT, s proof per fblUp Chester. AlenL per ffcllip COeetry. AyenL cost of Ellersll Coast Dts Cbannel, lucre S, racsorr to tba M lull ter nf Lands Is fur HiiT or coast, nsars tliSTMCT Of COAST. IUD nlitvil that aiirh twrann la inftHnf InlnnrltTlcL AV Big lit v.k- ,k.i iiu.h Url Mxn Intanil tbrouth sbsenca of boll fa or otberwlis. 1 ' silowed for re ikn IP' t t. l I. Ilsrn McUsn tatrud in aiuilr fur a ll crura tu proapecl for eual And further that Um Intereit In tin- I awnai t umuer. benefit s umn to far eual prospect od ltrweun. on "MfiUWWio tMScrU .nnllrallnn. ta nnrrhaa. held b ruruaer parucuisrs or to uuer roresier - a IM rolkiwhir dearrlbed Una.: wiuucucior at a . hmi .."."I "' 7. . ' . " lvirti.rla. B r. nutrlrt rnrr.lrr Prlnr or . . .... .... . ., Stimulant and -' : tor at a puel ptaoud M.r... ..r Hri.in anr Drraoa an ariira Brrwira dit im Dm. - - -. - It is a Sweetmeat a 1 ' ITS. r Um aoolbweil corner of .i e rlniu. and aoout um ana a uaii I twf..1 h nntinrallmi ta Ilia I iw! nrnarl. I " I claim t Uieore iouih so tneoc . It benefits uiiea oril U tn Hester rlrerj Imrnt ' that' aHealth-helpallinone. ' eait so coalosi tbenea , to ctums. inenc south so chains) "2? rJ !n? lJS Nal9bl Waters Protection Act. ' Mini, tbrnc west so chains to ilieuc i can so ciuioi, um-oc norih sr"s servic ey or proor and digestion. .31 t ewuiiMtrretoenl, conuinlns rbame lu Um point uf cunuuenccmenl, coo-1 of I be Interest of such person. n. o. uupier ne. teeth, breath, appetite to t known si II. McLean's uiuuis sis seres, to im known as uufui rurther InformsUoo wtu be furnlsbed on It steadies stomach and rtr-i leira.Mar a.,, ,ii MrLraa's .u. 10 claim. rrqueil to tb Deputy Mlnliler of Lands, Ths Orsnby Consolidated Mlnlor, Lorslcd Msy tlrd. ISIT. Smeiuni snd rower Company Limited HtOII MCLEATI. ,irwria, o. u. It is ever-ready refreshment MCLEAN, HUSO nerves Jer rhlllp Chealefo ArePt. per I'hllip Cheiley, AyenL rubilcstlon of tkls notice without su hereby fives nolle tbst It bss. under Iborlty win not b paid for. Tu. Sep. II section T ot tb said Act, deposited wttb when you're fagged MINERAL ACT UISTWCT Or COAST. Hsnt I. lb Minister of Public Works st 0 turn a. Take tiotlr that I. lluib McLean. InUnd snd in tb oinc or tb District nerutrsr TTICI TO tu ii'i'ly furslicenc to proipecl for eual of tb Lsnd Hertitry Office. District ot Made In Canada PABTfltR DCUMOUCtT and Miruleuw on lb rullowiur described rrluc nupert, st rrlnc rtuperl. a da W Cslboun: laud. Cusuiuettriaf si a puel' planted I Tile notice, wneresi I bssdons sad il um nuribwcil earner of ,1. McLean's THE tNOI.NEyKLf INLMtN crip lion of tb sits snd pisn of wharf luted 10 Im. don sttcsnMM woik oa I be ftu. claim; ibroc north 10 chains) tbenc I fkiM rav snd lumber mill, and other works pro $e99aKeMa? Tn9w99 MfmfJlti aril si' fftaine; meiie a..jm sg ccsias. b tb posod lo built in Sprue Bsy, on duiibi rrsctton miners! clslrn. slinsied lu-nra eait So chslus tu Um oolut or com- ma llllsne rler, sbout fourteen tulles uirlirroirnl, cuoUUUnt S40 acres. 10 be I riSHBRMAfl-S ENSMNI west coin of Larcotn liluid, Csiiisr District from Um beM of Alk-a arm, In UM SSeena known as 11. McLeans No. II claim. Lasts Lursled May tlrd. ISIT. 0L AND TAKE sfter tbe el vour simtnr douton of Ikeena district, usees-Swni HUfh MCLEAN, t 1-1 In. kr T la 1I-1S N0TICK tbtl Hess Pewar, I pin lion of one monib from lb dale of snd work and lilt, for 19 1 1, till, per Philip Cbrilry, Agent tits piiij for Mid work snd rtcordinr 0l. S S-4 la. bf 1J hv, s tb Srsl pubttrstlon of toll nolle. In una um DISTRICT Of COAST, lUnS I. Orsnby Consolidsted Mininr. Smeltlnr and smother cough sum of IIIT.lt, 1'nwss you psy Meess rwse. Don't merely your i' lb shsr Tike nolle Ibsl I, lluib McLean Inlredl rower Compsny Limited wtu, under See-Hun for sum rr your 1 111.10, will) lo spply furslicenc lo praapect for coal S Cl. S 1a la. li i la. T of lbs said Act, apply to lb Min f the said ssseiunesl work, lofeiuer tiitl iwlrulruui on tb fulfciwuif descrUied Im coil of Ihls sdrerltsrtaent, I sbstL si laotl Conuuemloo SI a puel piloted! Mees Pewar. uter of Public Works si bis offlc In lb rLrdc0 lb sipirstlon of ninety (It) days from ti Um nuruiweii corner of I. McLean's oily or Ottawa for approval or tb said f ure it rhS,.sn.p lb dtte lb mlnlsr re-Torder .u. 4 clinu, aud about on snd a half lie snd pisn snd fur Usv to construct itreoKthenlnc tcoprrtlee il helps tbi7eta to U f hereof apply 10 ml lei iwrth of ocsver river) tbencs weal For Further Information It Is thU quality wWdi baa ssast tb ssld , works, rflecU cw, si rrlnrt Hupert. B. t, W Apply to the cold and thai a permanent four InureiU la lb Mldnlsbl rrsrllon i.l so cltainsj ibemw nortb ao cbstas to DATID st Prints nupert. brltiia Colum- tt UM largtat sal of an cuub and cold remedy im Csnsda. winersl rlslm vesid.lams, In pursusncs Um !-iul i't ruuuuencciueaL contslulnr tiol bls. ibis lib day of July, A. D. HIT. of to provliluus or iha mlnersl set. crea, iw vw uwae it. stct-esns HQ. Ill W. E. WILLISCROFT I THE OIU.NBr C0NS0UDATCD MI.M.M0. DsUd si rrtne Rupert. B. C. UU Ills runu Locsled May llrd. HIT. Prince Itupart, B.C. SMELTING AND POWin COMPANY A K. MATUIEU CO, lwav, SUBBatOOaBT. T. iy of April, HIT iiuuil NCI.EAN, LIMITED, ii, c riuuirs. 1 Pr fbllip Cbesley, A rent. p.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rktmor k rulton. Soil ti tors.