i he Daily News ytlt. NO. HC "i.M.k 1),qT, 28Tigl7. r Utpr.lt;, BATIIIIKVV. JILV PHICB FIVE CEflT NIENSE IEMT0 DOW FR0RT BVERITY OF BIG GUN FIGHTING IS GROWING-WAR CONFERENCE IN PARIS END? RTILLERY 17 VERY ACTIVE FEARS RETURN . SlMwlfir se-ffe ikhis Jrr'i '' IN FLANDERS TO MONARCHY III Along Western Front Intensity Extraordinary National Body la Oun Fire is increasing of Big Convoked to Save the Country Conference From Disaster No Hat Concluded. I Discipline. .-. Ill Tl (SpeeUI so The DHy News). I ndon. July .S8-The. i-...art . T j Petrograd. July 28, The fear fLUUiig along uie .of a return to the monarchy In ntinues to grow spare partic ftussia is uppermost in the mind . Tl,- ll.4l.-ll of Kerensky. He will oppose any roups occupy !--'" ' ISEIriluuPHH!&vHp iK98?u sfr'SB - ' ""! such effort with all available tr IIIHBliHliHPlDKHV;uHcjiH' - .'aHfe H-'iiRH force. Lenine was at liberty m it i ,, a,,.. but iequru y 'the day following the pitched ,n the face oi a euong ! battle in the streets of Petrogradi fmiian renter at la A, which 1 Traitors and cowards will be. weeded out and executed. Only' fore. made in Russian Front. ONE LCOGEO WAR VETERANS ON THE RUN, BUT NpT FIlOSI THE GERMANS, I .tic g aph, returned Canadian sol. the strongest measures by the uier at c a ! national leaders can save the men The Kg-d and the j.r : 7.ft p ' winning team was , g ad, July 28, Tbe Hu presented w ti a country from utter ruin. M. pujr in. ( iaaa !& grea f the p." )gs held for their benefit. i a'ai;y threw baek the Aua. The lack of discipline Is almost ,1 past belief. Petrograd has be- ! .SJHE 1NYSETIGATI0N RE WAR ANNIVERSARY TO mAfiK THE THIRD exhausted by the continued 'a Oalicia. IWMa the IN GREAT BRITAIN WAR ANNIVERSARY I'come strife, and, tbe people FISHING REGULATIONS :cr aud the Carpathians, the for stability. Kerensky convokes Uiodosi, Jab St. Tbe begin-run A public meeting was held in i in .iiLiiiu to relircr-in an an extraordinary national y lrvruoa. The AuslreJ T""" iUn f the Royal Com-."" ' the f-nirlb year of the war the city ball last evening to make body to save tbe country from ara x-upied the lallianralsk lofUg into tb. .!. i iKnaiu-l irt treat Mritain arrangements for the proper disaster. - ? fi t,., and Gutylor on - rweraing the almu by miMrtant uniin, oo4abty a oinmemoration of the third anniversary Government Strengthened, , iflahlHf ih Ibis district resumed j Londn, July 28, The United .j, fT'-al reltgtou iiilrrc.isKi tx-r-irt of the war. Mayor Mc-Caffery The Conference. an,J tmelfini their sitting's here States ambassador reports that in ItBdun l u hu'li Knia was in tha chair, lie JrTt4f!,V the Galician reverses have enormously a 1. July aHr-,Thecnfc8 kuumr eeneludrd A lniii frH the rtd (ieorre astf Qsevn Mary wflf H9t briefly staled the object of the strengthened tbe Russian yealerday. The r w r. n. t. pr'oat. asvd a big meeting in meeting, and invited suggestions. Government's bands. The ex. i.ioa waa to en. CrrW- regardiHir the eeiatog' U- London ii Aisaust 4th. when Pre The vent is to take place on Saturday. tremists organized a revolt in u. nlil thft eblMt far c"" hlh had been BVfl to wtri Li yd tieurge will inauuralt August 4th. The Itev. Petrograd. There was violent A bai. I..n fflcrtit- "W W He was foWowwd bjr Mr. tb w..rk if the National War Canon iiix thought that patriotic fighting in the streets for days, ,0M.g the Ualkam, are 0. 11. Nelsea, mesiber mt the Pish. Aim Committee in au important ong, pictures and a patriotic but tbe Government troops sup. speerh. .addres would be suitable. Mr. a. j. Tbe Alflea are flrmly" wiu. pressed the disturbances finally. Tbe bjet of the war aims Joe Hutebinon, representing the bjai Us Prussian evil. The one wf ln dejUtoii sent by iruu ; oKres mu.t be duo. ITtwe nupert t (HUa U have eoiiisnitlee m to keep before the returned soldiers, suggested that PEACE RIVER AND libea ..r .iuaUair the wrld lh "WtaUeis amdeL The nation the causae of tbe war and it might be possible to secure tbe KITIMAT RAILWAY a . withes U see ismc wto eneet. the neCfMlljr of OWHtiuuous bo-tihlien services of the band of a certain ' uf warfare. .irui Submarine Sunk for tu VtS P f Ihe bteeew. until the forces whieh (vessel whieh might be here on Winnipeg, July 26-Lloyd subsnariae'waa do- Mr- v brought about the eoflAicl are de- Hon. A. T. Arsenault. 'that date. Owen, personal representative of r. u, wouW eu Jevlalioa free) stroyed. ons- rvauve Premier of Prince A committee consisting of the Lord Ilbonnda, left Winnipeg last t j reach eoasl to the W A t - ult oo Thwsday. lne necy rwuiiRe ai ine pre- The romsnitlee has four presi. FUlward Island. In the by-elections Mayor, Mr. Fred Peters. Dr. Mc- evening for Vancouver, where he etit. as the consumer wuwtd not joVnU. Prwiier Uoyd George. Her- h.U this wek. both tnserova-rush Aeiii and Airs. Melntosn was appointed is going on business in connection I ICpW4 ilo tit lHisiess. He show-brl H. Asouitb, Andrew Bonar ur members were elected. Pre- to arrange the details of with Lord Rhonnda's Peace , ik., .Jl'li ed that the hepvdiit Ushersnan Law. ChaeIIer of the Kaehequer. mier Arseuault was returned by the meeting. This was moved by River enterprises. He states that prlkaa etas? Ull.T! Lad workMi halibut Jaad Mr. Ilariies. Mlatstsr of Pen- a majority of 99. Catfoo Ru and seconded by Mr. field parlieanow engaged In ex. llr- t- mbi tiMiM.! ..... . boats. Mure fawili of Ssbsr W.K. Fisher. plorlng wos In the hinterland It-.i! k". utnauiaa mn haJ 't,,s, dWB m ,r,no According to iafonmtlon from THE FEDERATION OF A suggestion was made by Dr. will be kept intact In order to proceed aari HsUa sol-' LOCAL TRADES UNIONS McNeill that all work be the stopped H s TUt.-r thosa4 P1 14,1 y"1- Um,b er he-fore. Parliansealary tobbr sources, with actual development t ef will eutllM ! at a certain time throughout the Mi .n4 died THi- nMllon ' 'nted I'reuiivr speeeh operations immediately after the -a f January. dunag the Ihrdogbout lne rlver dsuiur. precisely as possible the war aims! At the meeting of the Mine, city for the space of, say, Ave war. a mSrnr Tie oivlliaa w,lh 'wiruved hMWhw for the Wf Clreat Ilritaia and her allies. JMj aHi gmeUemien's Union last minutes, in honor of the men who Lord Hhonnda'a projects in. from hunger had volunteered and fallen at the id. iraiu uf shrmn- tll wW get j night, the question of the federation elude a railway from Prince Albert prevision TONNAGE SHORTAGE front. A period of absolute silence to Peace River, then to the '-fa U the be,,, th,y Bd are looted br the of the various trades unions wvuld perhaps bring the r people. Mr. Oeorge Morrow neil gave war more Pacific coast by way of Peace Berlin " '" Mr- Morrw mt for- LonsJoit, July to The shortage district was considered etoseiy to many who pssibly might Hiver Pass, reaching, tidewater at Rsport. serious The objeal in view of this not attend the meeting. Tbe feasibility IL July 18. warJ hu M,e a $uh a clmr of tonnage is far mare pro. Kitimat Arm, south of Terrace, w ng down thousands Our trwps and ul iiiaBRer that was most than. has. been M admitted... 4 Lord S I posed consolidation was the send also of having a procession was 0. C. Uianea uereeiora qaoiee swus- mentioned. Lord Rhonnda is also opening - u".-' f Iluisians We ,w,,lf- 1 owsuuiaeion paid ,)t dlecate or .lelecatnii to fcmeien and t'ho cap- T real hfd lo whal h t,e. pruvusg ate w '" Trades Congress and Conven silver mines in the vicinity of Sereth ' HOSPITAL BOARD MEET I ft.- ,uua fa I- bh SQIl.I Terrace. r'Jing. aUo Tremhowla and ?u,d but bo mPM- h nkml lUm Ooverii. I o be h?Jd in Ottawa on Sept. ,t evjjt thct We kae quU) WM - m- rociL 'a rN,t dl ,HOf akoul h a,Ml mnt to alter their retwrta. and 17th. Delegates were also elected A meeting of the Prince Hupert PAYS BETTER THAN WaUhlno the Huns. f allege that tonange is omilled to the Trade and Labor Counoil General Hospital Hoard was held FISHING HALIBUT . nh,l'K l'"1 t,kl lb tweanbers ington. July "8, The notwtUietanding vfthtch is really the erux of the 'of Prince Hupert. These were. last evening in the city hall. The. ,,,e nrnUsl. Stales Oovcrmiieul Is tak. Vihole situation. Starraiiofl is '.Messrs. U, 1). Casey, Grossley and house committee were authorized San Diego, CaU July 28. Local , f.,r the walchlng of 11.4 ,ln "J"""" watiti,,,,Llld luiiK.-mble, as tbe U-boats ean. im hurst, to make improvements to the exits fishermen are meeting with such ,,eard- ' '' Utin America, and are Knowing not win. hut live problem of addi to the fire escapes. An axe for a heavy run of tuna that today 21 8 C rhn. .. ii,. oughly, Nr. Norruwa evweeee tional tonnage must be solved.. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS breaking through should occasion for the first time the three cup-arise t their rnviii- tr..,,.:" valuable. will also be provided, as well ueries were unable to handle all I be warned that all wire-! The commission wa thwi ad- LAND SETTLEMENT fwclsl So TfeW tUUjr .X.) as a length of rope as an emer- the fish brought to this port, -J DlSnla.... IOO.I . ..n.l... II,- uresseu ny .iiayor .moushn?. A call for tenders in SW UtIUVt IMV BOARD APPOINTED Iiublin The Irish Convention geucy escape. j The fish are running un-for f Uie Government. speaking fur the pole of Prince takes an adjournment and will Hie paiuting of the present precedentcd numbers Into the Hupert. This cimUshHi appeared : fire will also be made. short distance off Point Victoria, July 28. -The various resume ill Dublin on August 8th. escapes harbor a CONSCRIPTION to him to be very ir much,ul itHwt like a member of the Und Settlement Ouebeo The big centre span of The matron was authorized to Loma and tftna boats, averaging of court rlattontlw. a'oto11 a '' Quebec Uridge will b engage another graduate nurse, three men to a crew, arc making spii ia Tlx btiir nws. had kot Hie. ,n nn Mti w. Maxwell place on September 12th. Miss Wriglit. daughter of the fr0in $120 (o IftSO a day. It" Is T !-ontok July 28. A confer. then along; come a lloyal Com-1 mTT! . ... liyuAiiii II. ' l!onikiihnirtn Thfru are ner. Rev. Knox Wright, of Vancouver, estimated the catch since July I cnairmaH, .nr. u.vum.(cu - - Kinim, " (i i i.i ti..... was held of a section of the mission to tVHJUiro- - IIIMI IM- tl. f!,..u ll.e. al,a,,l rnnw.r. f n hnlra vni who is a graduate nurse, took up approximated 116,000 a day : ft and publishers of toins of amendnients. He wamod the cm- rjr'jr v,T,- 'V"v;::T:r"o-o ,u : her duties this week and a second jn value Local canneries are ex-graduate iimmiv.rm, 1 J ' aru, Ontario Liberal newspapers. mission that should the rKula-,''bourne lUlltl Henry N'elems. vanoou- liuenos A)res i;blle has Dee4i is also required. nerienclng a shortage of tins. -9olulton lions be rescinded the agitation m waa poised that they i. ....i i.Jib A. Ms Dona d. .a. shaken by a ureal earthquake. 1 atond (iuarcly for conacrip- Prince Huport would become a ,,.,. Alarm was felt in Santiago. Val- For dressed lumber of all kinds The favorite household Coal la propaganda . Tbeso atuetvdments tiih Arst lHisiNs session ofiparaisu has been the severest -Albert A McCaffery, Phone 116. Ladysmlth Wellington, Phone 15, were vital to the nsliermen. and no- new board will be held on sufferer. Prince Rupert Coal Co. tf. tti the auoeees of this northern nf August. the tret day WESTHOLMF. country. y ALIENS TO FIGHT The coiiiiiiUslOn adiourued at FOR SALE is being made at ti I progress LONDON CAFE TONIGHT ONLY noon, ami In the afternoon paid 1 1- .ite of the new sawmill nt (SpeMtl W Tt Dally Xtws.) visit to tho Cold Btorapo Cm ( of. Lumber is still bUg Washington. July 2 Th Boiler, engine, machinery AND GRILL LENORE ULRICH pony's plant at Heal Oeve (0 ' .1,.. h.iiui'd for tin- oonstruatlon Senate Military Committee voted and stock of the Prince Third Avenue l.t for themselves how thta won . . j j i. 1 Rupert Sash and Door to recommend to "HER I in- luilliliiiKS ami prrpuraiivu. unanimously Prompt Service of the Bast OWN done. PEOPLE" foi Hi foundation are well un-.the euato on Monday the passage Factory. Apply W. Angus,. all hours.. there la to eat at Actual building oou.'of the Chamberlain resolution Prince Rupert Hotel. J? rla' Comedy Just arrived, 250 torn of lump der coal. Phons 110 Albert A Mc- -n ,i. Hon is expseted to start next permitting the drafting of aliens BOXCS FOR LADIES USI, 10 4 is -ts. CafTery. linto the National army. a