IKE DAH.T HE9H& mr BISHOP OF YUKON G. H. Arnold TENTS AM) HAJBWCKS Loca iVeiiu iVoej TW Br-t AMD Hi."PRINCE f lb RUPEflT rn-wly Fulfills Every Claim fear fl UmImJ iearai i !" ' a at j . your r-- - - NOTARY PUBLIC i Lam oarf for the IWferraed Sol- imri im He, rawer We kVd this i.- pnr tVMH fr Cariit. Oilcloth t aad faHee erf aad tea. tf. Hsjaana. has lof bee entl No furnace can do more thsn satisfy-but f tr 'iixi wfeteb mtJl Mr. Xe, af ftt toetaftet. I witt the Paia onai tho "Sunshine" furnace absolutely FOR RENT sib to arme airy day Lmb a rtorm la I'nnw vttiU Use ta taday r hk lb ry days of the city and Invariably does satisfy fully and I f. w. hart lM.tva " lrrhMl hk tea ie FVra ta 1601. in savole. completely when properly installed. tlx tun, ry 'tart th. Mil Crwd Tmt oa( ltiesritr-t of tajlbcrn France, tber tbts DrW e4Jy m Ask our local dealer to show you this Mnwj Kit Jrd lN,IXil. Ife Iml WK B ItfHWl lit ma n Mr. flee. Iitt,( AHee Arm baskf. uad. aed awpWed lilt aead good furnace, or write for free booklet. arrived ta tbe cMj far a day or rr-rvmir4 eanare. tfSj Mm, twe. Haaetly aI Ia IlMhe. Or.ltt t Hrvwi .ttt-rra Arres. PUBL10 ARC INVITED im., .ib 4iUatlan al the well WlH fit.. TO IRSPECT ROOMS OF Mr. aad Mr. F. G. Daarti kRh cmue at La IKMihe, he de RETURNED SOLDIERS far tbe east m Ibe trato tbUl.ii ,n amlm his studies for SUNSHINE FURNACE raerning. tkt ariestbcwd. lie entered tit rMf-mH4 kwi via bxb, sat Tb dab room of the Retstraed ma . t til-M. vialiaU- af tbe Oblate Order LoiDO!t Toaoirto MOrrsriL wihsttto vucotma. Soldier will be epea fa the pubtie He sre aad see tbe sailers ta L'Osier aad want to Heme for t7. juus. n a. JiAHitTO! caxoiai tbe Westbetise Theatre en Fri-day Iwr oupectwo from J:JJ te 6 p. biiooa aad tbeotegy. where m. Tuesday. Angus t 7 lb. The nfghL 181. be was ffrdateed priest In 1891. For Sale by Steen & Longwill H. G. HIUIfHON, LTD j reoras hate bees Sited ap very Mr. aad Mr. O. B. Smith, of His lrt mint km wat Ilritiab saKabfy for the purpote intended. Graaby, arrived in tbe aity today Polaailiit. where be arrived In tbe fall of 1891, aad began the study frees tbe south. The club room down u Ira ought of Cbiaook, to fit himself for his MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT u prove a great attraction, while upstairs, tbe bedrooms wfli be Mr. aad Mm. W. A. Ttnmion, miseioaary labors aatoflff tbe a The My News utIHied by tbe Returned Soldier '?r P" w re In tbe ey aaast Indiaat. Daring a ten years CertlState Of lataeetaaieaU. CertiSaet of taveete. aaltl they get settled dava. fr a few days. reM4aee ta soatbera II. CL, be-sides Tea will be aerred vIMUni? tbe Koatenay aad N0TICK ajortcc CLASSIFIED ADS. aflerBooo. Tbe ladies'on Tuesday Mr. IteejfL father af Mrs. R. A. east Indtaas. be was Supertor of taeii him, anoaw i WaUV Jta. ," -waef s eoramtttee Stalter, left an Ibis rnernlet-'n L Mary's MUttan City, paalor Mm Sateaa Mat pa iime at casaiar -Watetae- MMerU Oaaa have made all tkeewa arraayejenU fee to MHMar Dmatee A train far tbe eaiL aad Saperiar af SL Peters' Cbareb lu, large aaraber af a Tbitor. Tbey Wtwe ateawrd: ooe i New Westminster, and Vlea bead af aam Arm.' vebee seaid:Ab tt saw c WANTED. expect that this epportuHity will Tfekets llw. aw sale at OrmeV an of ttwisSn BSeee rroea AOr Arm Maaeral of Ibe Areb.Dioeese rut Mrrtcc uwi WAATCb be taken advaatajre ef by ma ay. ta Dra? Stare far tbe eencert at the itA. ... rre Miners Cartattie. .ia. HM-t ajOI T Alt Mrrtcc taait Lewta w u , Tmtr kJKAc wax w aul4. tt Mm aspn Ccaml H ti ee jast what tbe aceininodatia U'esiheJme a Friday. 181. M. Itansiaa. rtaa MWes OrStSrate rew Mara Caraaeat Re, fiin trett baa beeo provided. 192. In 1898, tbe Btisatastary dia Ma. SMI C. kMead. TUW dtM frvra tb Bar BxmM W. Caaaeraa. rrw Mfae ; . Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Jenninra. ef triet aver which Father Haaos aUie beeied. sa af4t ta lb Mawa - ssseaw ! , wimdr a ay sa. M WASTUt OorU Mtntl Afv'r Mrf. erected into tar s OHSsseats af Iwoienmenu stja da be reef, to apply to ae a , The Daily Sew delivered Cdmantan. have arrived In presided, was a by Prtaeej Ceuicte. Uttk ud TtOov, (tow It! ke pmai af sSHaawsr a Oen B'seedur Bar Catwatate af tanp- tlA rrier, 50 eeota per month. Rspert en a viilL separate perfeetare. and notne oeaat f ta abae ctabm. a tb paiT"a af tatataiat a WAJrTtX . i(J far mn cprt appointed him Its first eeclestaali- 4 ad Bartb taA sweM Ibal ailway an. aeaat ef ea af th ab rUiK CMacry. aplr Mfx C C Loop, Tttri Province of Britlab Columbia Mias Iteatly. who has beeo the eal Superior. wMb the title Perfect r i nam at. BhmI be nrmnnsnl be rOBTMIR TAIK JIOTK K x, s Awrmoe, poa KtuX lit. If. met of Mrs. Prinjtle. left this Apostolic. Seeatta "the tide in ne kxaaae of tae Ceraaeaia ef aw. der Seettaa It. aaoai i I befaee tb Utaaaca of . DCPAjmtrjrr o uutos DMfainiir fer Edmonton. the affairs of men." he moved to atol BBSs SeMWweatB day af sy. ajb. VrnMsTMiaM sT fMBaM7MBsrts. WT natt p-m Coml BMpUaL Prince fiurxrt in 1909 and Itlt B.t BA IBM tfad day af Ja. a 5 O TICK Don't foryet the concert by the the then not very promlita wl ait LEWI W. PATMoS)' LOT OS ri7H AVtSVt IX BLOCK t te Orerdoe ranaeau urn AscUcaOoo tailors of the visiting cruiaer onUf looklna- after the stvirMcial ta. MINERAL ACT th t mo Tor Tkird avcsm lot rrtttt crwwa Laada ta ifiuq OJair.bi. r nqay in the estholme Theatre.'teres ts of Prince Rupert's Catho MINERAL ACT rd Vi m rrQi Atcaae. cctiea I sot lit Iwily 5r OB. Cw -Utastr Hctantead CerUBaate ef topreeeU. Art Kepeal Art, mi. muq it. iippaiit ifft m Coruaia af bwaamita B-VTUJIAA. MUCH AWAY rOM HOME apply aader tt -Brs- Baealead Act. 1DTJ' "n P .Jl lWa handsome Churth witb lU NOTICC mi,- t cceeskto bia cciictuoa u ear- 1 ' - steamer irotn ine seuiri mis aad "Walcrfsaal rratu- NOTICE aau ruca bj nosia iui prti fu-' spacious residence, the eon By. sut itmi. B it cxtate. either by paytaeal la ran er by ta morning. OatoK, erHteie ta ta tkaeaa Betlettew .. ," -BeBeetew .If t luilj ,irt dious Catholic Club. Joseph' OB Mketsse af a proporttoeata anataest, .t. Muaar Btalataa af Osaater Mttriet. rraroow." " aat "1 Uke"' Mr. Fred Stork, the Liberal can. Convent and parochial sebool Wwiea bwaied: oa aarth side af AMc rmtkear MaerU sttsaa ap tte teUao af ta portt - ... witb a twenty-five thousand dol Arm. ta taeesa Mbw Dletaioa ef Caiei UITCLUGEIT rtAS05 MAT CAM prte aad late befora ta ttst DJBtr.'u,u"": icii. nun TAKE .OTtCE ibal L R. B. Meataait. IIM awaUly correiodnr for ar 1 1 1 1. aetata a Crvro Oraat If proof sans-: morning ior me convention at lar boarding school under construction, Pre Manors OewSeaf .W T C, afrat Where tacated Al the Va4 af nxata fit m lie aKtatai u tpu factory to t&e Mtaister ef Laada U far- Winnipeg. these apeak volume tar tbe MBy Vardra Mlaea Chaapaay. rre ABre Arm. aubed tbai saca peraca Is ssiTeMar tajmry fer the untiring teal ef Father cerwaeau M uite-c. tateadt TAAE XOTIiTE IKtl I wrm. T tutitt:nietor.iut,eu jrtOoMl MrireiM.rreu Send for tbrosra abaeae af tnUe or etbenrU. There will be a special war Ilunox, and 'are monuments to the uaty data fraca tb daw ttteeaf. to apply Peee Mtoers CerttBeaie S. tltt-C acta Banal Aad rartaer that amtac But fir tar a Certificate tar aeef aad tbe tairreat ta oa- my aa ami far Oeorr Bv 'it prayer servvfee in the IJaptUt generosity of bis Httle flock, who ef Ittwiimiu, sa tbe af eMBpleied appOcatkiM to porcttaj held by rpaaa v Speaaat rrt MtaeTa CerstSrai I say persca ca AcUte Serrle xaay be pro. Church tomorrow morning from rejoice In the well merited bosmr ii'assy a crawa eraas f tb abet eiaBM. tly day rrtaa the dau be - FOR SAUL teeted by aottSeatlca to ta Laada Drpart-aitai 7:15 to 8 o'clock. Alt are welcome. eonferred by Rome upon their AJo natHtn take xotick thai a appty to th Miatar Reorder r I r tb fact Utai ibcB pcrsoa Is ca beloved pastor ta making him tbe seed jcewaeie ef tmpra ta, far th t - rwa iau-cimim Lasack. t feci la Acile semee aad by tb filtar of proof first Tlishop of tbe newly-erected Crruaeai af af iatBf a Crww Srui t th f tbe xalerMt ef sack persoa. tit tkmi cieiat inrtfe. Mow, ma la rood eso&uco. Tbe Prince Rupert Cricket Club vlearale of Yukon and Prince Flu. tmt SBM tta of rAirUatA'Kone, fta-&d-brtt. es Tvnhrr lafortaallca 1U be raralibed on day Jaly. A. D lilt. aad rwrthrr tak atat thai tux aa V-t. M fcer-pwer aad rsraieea rteoeat to lb Depaly Minister of Laada have made arrangeinenta to play pert. WATER d-r aevtmw tt. meat b r - - t b. NOTICE AJl ati4 cp, paie4t ad re4r for ta- nctorta. a. C the team from the cruiser tomor af saca brrvatam al mau mtu. Xmchor, caata. mil ore Pabtieauoa af tbia aotlee witboal aa row. The game will commence at WOMEN rrTcrt, looU. Jaj price, f. Aly tbarlty win aot b paid for. Ta.Sep.lt REMAIN TO FIQHT WE A.D S TO RASE tnted tbta tth day f faJy. A. D. II s Odea, box lie. tr. 2 JO p. m. WHEN MEN RETREATED TA.E SOTtCE thai The Emptr rtr A Paper MSta, Ltd, whoa addrra U Van rt IA1X Ht-w CaaotlM B-&l 7aUa LAND ACT Dr. Quintan, of Ocean Falls, accompanied B C M appty for a ttrene to win r witaoai J bcrM-power tanae. by Miss Quintan, bis Petrograd. Aug i. Ten wound a aa the water aad to itore J.L.HICKEY '. 4( rl; Utaia. II ft l la.; Depta strrvA laxo district district or daughter, of San Jose. Cal arrived fd heroines of tbe Russian women's !. atr feel af wale t of nnniined I iL f la.; tfrsadtt. i tU keL tt ft.; COAST. RA.1CC 4. battalion arrived in Petrograd late, alao kaa aa Whale Uke. whieb afll bt I 1-4 U. from the south on this twwt and draiat tale Whale Channel aboal sr. wit yellow ccUr today, leaving their com COfiTRACTOR A BUILDER morning's steamer. taaw berth from Rttrra roe. CApadty I lout, aotl nay U BlatL lni4 at Maiieu. B. C Tot uk TAKZ 50TICK tbal Empire Palp 4 Paper manders. Vera Uutehkaref and The ttorar data wtl to lecsled al art I f aW (irica f tmtl aad eadae. MUU. Ltsxited. ef Vaamaeer. BrttUb Co- The football game between the Maria hltrydlofT. a daughter of ead af Uk al af lake. The capacity Store and Office Futures, It,e. Tot fartaer ialoraaOoa aply crui,M" larn and lhe Admiral SkrydlofT. former com resemtr to be ere tied it abet it.eee Door Sash, toieLda and Moldings. appir act feel aad wl I Bw Box ewnpaay. to for wraiMk- II Beod aboal t.SSe acres Office, itt. tf. manner of the to bat tb reuowiar deaenbed laada: Pn team win start tonight at Ilaltk fleet and of land Tb water sW be dlveried fnea Oak and Hard Woods of all Bfiaomr si tb soatiiwesi corner; 5:IS al tbe recreation grounds. A minister of marine, in a hospital stream tl a patal abewl . . Take by FOR RENT "T.-"!!?." '!M-.UW5. prompt start will be made on ac;al Vitebsk. taanel fnaa east ead of Lake thro mHre kinds. iJ ilT toVeSr of the concert later in thej Interviewed, the women said it neetberly dtfocuA from Let It. Raiedal. We Specialise In Hardwood TINTS. CAATAS GOODS A.1D CAMf u. rraier Reach tad Ht b a ted far ranuturc fcai a iai u4 to eaaipua located vpoa tb tooth tbore of tbau 'evening. ia" reported that of the 200 of power parpoae a poo the Uad deacrtbed Boat Ribs, Sash, t. W. HAMT- u Inlet, wbtea bears 5. "tr Cast frua tbi . . . (the command who had reached ta appHatie to leat al rati ead af Doors, ate. acrtheatt eoraer of lot aarnber tt. Aad is, The Returned Soldiers had ITflithe front only 50 remain!. Lake cat rraier Rears. approximately tl tt cnaina dittant liter- Tbta nour aa potted a lb rrwand Plats and Sheet Glass and FARM LANDS guests to tea In their rooms tps-!Tw enly were killed, eight were rrom; tbeora alonr tba m the tta south abora of day of Jane. hit. a mot of Kbaue Inlet to tb point of befioatar lerday. The sailors appreciated. taken prisoner and all tbe remainder re am aa tififeaUeei rmrtaaal Gluing. Oha05 A.1D CAUrOK51A RAILWAY CO. beartor I.TT"!!' Weal and U approxi their hospitality very greatly. were wounded. Wk aad to lb Water Art. Mil. m Corner Fraaer and 6th Si. 0BA5T LA.1D8. Tltl to (una revetted mately 71 chains. Contributions of cakes, pies, etc "Several times." said one a Bled ta tb osoc of the Viler Reewrder ' la tailed lutti Dal June t7. HIT. 8.S' ... ... . , l rrsar Raprrt, B C by t of CoorrtM ..til i a wounded Obfeeoaaa to th ; PHONE GREEN 2CS at4 J one t. me. Two mUUoo. tare EMPIRE PL'LP PAPER MILLS LTD i"" itititru hj iiio BOI- girl, "we attacked the appwrauu may be Bled with the tahj auadred taooMod acrea to tm opened O. A. Jorreaaoo, A rent. dlers. Germans. Especially inemorabl water recorder or with tb Caiaptratler P. O. BOX far bwnieU aad tile. Timber and was our attack at the Novotha f Wale lUfku, partuaieftl OmUtac. 5e itrlciiliunl Undt. eoauiaiiiv toot of LAND ACT j'le. JDDson, of Prince George, alky Wood, near Smorson. whr, vietoHa. B. C, wiibm thirty srt ,flf- liir Sett Uad left la Vmlt4 S 5sw tJ passeii through the city today. He 'the enemy soldiers, hearing the ral tppearaac ut ibli Mile la a fecal Um otponaD time, tarrc oup tbo-w-Mr aewtpaper. Tb dato of lb Bnl ptibHra Uadi by aectioaa and detertpttoa at SEE5A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or nas a pre-emption al Prince voice of Klrls. lost thr nan. tmoof tbia none is faly lata. isit. AT ROWE'S PLUMBING an, cJinute, rUirU, elertUoa. etc COAST, -ftA.IGE 4. George. He was at Vimy Ridge The rSlllt wan that mnnv nf IIiaiii reatpaid coe flolitr, Oraat Laada Le-eatinr and sufTered from shell shock, Ife 'were killed, wounded or taken ikihum co Box tie, ponuad. Ortroo. Tl k'f SOTIfr that rrrtrslM Dnln 1. B.-.. win nave to return to Ksqulmall prinoncr. Among the prisoner SHEET METAL WORKS DENTISTRY Mins. Umited. of Vancouver, Brtutb Co-,to ni hospital discharge .were a few women, from whom w ombia, occnpatloa pulp manafacturiaf learned for the first time that Thar mate BaaelM Tenia, Belle. rompaay, intends to apply for permUtlon . J In' ilelurned Soldiers ms German also caowa aao aruoac wont Plpea, Smeka Sleaka, calmnef Top. STEEN&LONCWILL leaae tb foiiowinr described Uods: on Third Avenue have been thrown in j women were fight A IPEOIALTT all tka work that la eoaJIt M the OLD MSKIORID TIN SHOP, laurtectloo of the weal line of Lo, So. . ,. 9 J. !l"JtUrJ elr ! "We did not feel the slightest OR. J. S. CROWN WITH ALL THE LATEST DOWN. SANITARY AND HEATING i mu ium uiiu water una on to aouia ",u"io our nerannnl Illir DIllTItT rO-OATE WORK BPICUUEEO, iwk SRIBiy. hare ..r tn,Bt,. l.l.t. tk-- .1 ,h- uii lit.i. I,. Ilr Mh. ..mil.. ,wr.,w aa tartiOHTS. Eta. ENGINEERS soolb tbore of tbe Inlet In a north...lerlr H a' r. ' 7 ' . " P'on Was to serve the Fnther- Oaiati tmtta tlak, T"ed A.aeae teartthlaf ha Ma llae ooasjicts.foe mill. Bllaa directk to a corner wbicb bears if. it- 7 J . . ! c,r": land. We advanced gaily again Pha 4S4 se rcle. Slate pot aa a r wast, from tb Initial corner, and l, , " '"f. ',ue inn.nl lhe foe wU!l iauBhler nn,, . ...,, aaatad to boiler. Nna In all Agents for . . ..... .... . - i.i. i 'inn miiimnr kins of McCLARY X' ..Tr " 1" . ."J i . . our only unpleasant sentBllons llnsa. PRICES malaelaL R.aolrlaf of all FURNACES RIONT, SERVICE Eirt'E SDDroxlmatelr IT chains thence I Durlnir IIia Rnnrinv vnin- I.. Le''1s' When We flrtt came to tin riRtr-CLASS. A RATI SPIED COS-TOMIR PLUMBING I, tt-r Watt it cbains to tb point of,August. Jllshoo I)u Vernet will , c.orp"8, "nce wne". replying to Harry Atkins It OUR AISL berinaior "... inc ruciuy o ruic an'i maciiine PM0RE S40. p. o. BOX day. 'give a course of addresses in gun St. BnUhaf, TialA MtittM .f III "j'r Prlaae Rupert. raclerf and fire, we discovered to a4 ot Bit fad Aiee empire pulp paper mills, ltd. Anurew s L-iiurcii on "Modern our amaze. t Ead Street, aloea to Ooa Bar SHEET METAL WORKS O. A. iorteoton. A rent. ; I'aycholotfV as related lo liellirlniia merit that nil our men comrade THE OLD COUNTRY avaromal Wharf Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. Truth," explaining the laws of the in the neighboring trenches had SAUSAGE MAKER DR. REROIN BUILDING. Night phones j70 human mind and showing the treacherously lied, leaving us. a Handful of women, to face tin Tomato Sausage a and lilue 270 power of suggestion. 181. Specialty. The right work, at tha right Prince Rupert Feed Co. enemy alone." "d at th rlBhl Pr,c' On account of the eitreniely low Phono S74 P. O. Bo I e, o. aea sis. BOS Thlr A i a. tide this morning, the lowest for PACIFIC LTD. the year, the bent of piles which weeeew -..P rrrreeeeeexej,re c j j CARTAGE, RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS held the gangway at the "Hazel. f WE HANDLE ton" in position, fell over on the "ftfffnutjjj. Steele A Brlgga. Rennlea' tow of two of the launches tied LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS General Teaming up there. The boats belonged to Stuart J. Martin Farry'a and Macksnxlo'a Douglas Htork and to J. .Myhlll. TE.lIltnB Will L received .1 thm r.m HOTEL DOMESTI0 Garden and Field Seeds, Jones, and fortunately practically i iiw ditinci ADriiMer. public Works De W'J T00UttT8 ON JUNI tTH BLACKSMITH COAL ASSAYCrl Also Fertilizers. iio damage was done, but it was paruneni, princ Rupert, B. c, tip to and Motor ntnpe will Oareful Attention to Piano """"""i rnai iota, tt it. for tb pur conned MAY, GRAIN AND a narrow escape. rbat of " FEED Ue Ooternineni nn-rf ""'i with traina al Terrace. and Furniture Removale. HAZELTON B. 0. Chicken Fsed A Specialty, Alet M. M Bon. B.A. PAIlMtR.- Tina horta la allabllr Inn. ... n. ...... Eitalltnl Trul ri.ftl W. E. Wlllleme, B.A, L.L.B fare fool, oiherwite , utalaa PHONE 93. We Take Ordera for Nuraery WILLIAMS A MANSON to fowl endiilon. u u aound, tentla and Lak. and win mua a tar Phon 0on(tl.a wim Tha oldest sstabllahsd Assay Tarrata. Stock. twaU fans Barristers, Solicitors. Eto. bM. Raes S3.00 per day Office In tha North. Tb animal can be teen u. n t... v... Oftfr to loan " Mall OrSee a.'s ranrb. Promatlr attended Ta. kliw.Bn, B. Boi lift Por furilier parueulara. ADVERTISE IN r ,luwr, apply to isii c 'u, 1 H.liertoo Blurt Mote Rotrt, B. C. rd. -"v eunnaivmi, Maaajar, A, t rmeeeeei The Daily News III