TI1K DAILY NEWS M LONG YEARS THE GOVERNMENT AND LOWER TARIFFS IHE BANK OF HE SUFFERED Ollnwn. Augum ,. wi.n,, ,,,e people nre Winn PXj.erUx. to km-n their ryM'flim on thai iritangiM, Statement to the Dominion "Fiuit-a-Iiyes" Made Him Feel mid nebulous irioUu Wm-lh. Government (Condensed) Wop" nml lo forego politics and 30th April, 1917. As If Walking On Air pnrties, Inileattoim are multiply lug thai politics am party are the LIABILITICS TO THK rUBLIO Odiijji, 0t., Nor. 28th. 1914. chief concern of llioe who are Nam In Circulation S S)7 ToroTrr two years, I m troubled doliiK Iho advising. Mere am Dipoilll 64,703,019 Othar Llablllllaa 047,110 Ullll L"i7 u""l more It Is becoming evident thai . totittandlltadathti, One day I saw tho chief object of Ihe preeni t0,S4S.7S 1.1.1. ....I " 1'rult.a.lLaa...... i -Ur nnfv. v cntnpnlRn ngnlnsl Hlr Wilfrid n iko you feel like walking on air." I.aurier, In favor of n so-rolli l ASSETS appealed to mo, so I decided to Cain an Hand and In T ..s uiiioii government before an elation. Bmkl 11040,110 i hut. In a very hort lime, I a Is fostered by Iho f..l l.altar m(llMlw. name de-aim Dipoilt with Oarirnmafit - I ..III .lit.nrrw4lilM by which force were rum. ta a Nala Clreulitlen MSB,e04 a 1 1 flf I.-1... . . . . blued In 1011 lo wreck the Liberal Oevirnment, Manlalpal I Cm lOU HJ . ... . a.aw and othar Sacurltlaa IS,004470 .. T uainni'lli till ItaMld chief. ! Call ind Short Loans. 7,716,460 Scared Ontario. WaJ Cwfft Laana and Ola DAN McLEAN. It Is n matter of general know, eeunte and,othar Aiaeti S8,IIM07 U)c a boi, 6 for $2.50, trhd slie, 23e. ledge thai In 1911 Kir WHOM Iitni IiiMevrootn (thirty Bank r rim lira SVSOOM Its no uncommon thini for the taleslsdy to, Lnurier went nut of power on an iflinul. - late : 'Imn't tell me th 170,130,110 f mention LUX to help her make a sale. So widespread thing is oer. Ixindon Ootnlon. is the reputation of these dainty, little sstiny PRINCE I1UPERT WATERFRONT! soap wsfers that almost every Canadian woman COAL NOTICES LEASES. iaaue of lo.r uriffs and wider LAND ACT V knows about LUX. If you don'tjust get a pack-ae '. 'itmrkeu. Kince then the lirtl man i!".day " shows the modern way to perfectly Bl4 UiMter for UM prUi f p.stwi T or coast, ton - ut of mi on (i), two (t ia4 n lw , , Pm IU feel hi favor of washed silks, woollens, laces, lawns, crepe-de-chines, kalaan Intend SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or .1... .t iititfh V L ilia ipply nuun for licence la i.rupt- 7 for rol ). niork f, la lb city r Princ fiopert.'frM wheat and oilier lower UrllT COAST. RANGE I. etc., without rubbing. tj petroleum on UM folwwios d"1" will l rfied tr MiMitor or Un4i. TAKE NOTICE that Mm Grind Trunk CTjt C 4IUJKOCI0I at pool I'Vf.Vfi it vmmtu, .c. op to it oefetk. dohh. 'utU brought down hy the I'snne RtHwiy Cempiny of winniprr, Car boar the juocuoo u lbs of north um Udo iur - odr. " . . 'Lrtal position has been Sir Minttcbi, IntrndJ to apply for pennliiton mers. Tdrt tnt rotr on or rr ku. ... .. Lur Mler. Ibeocs wen tb.al lo true the foMowtnr deierlbrd Undi tore aotilb cbaini. tbeoea ," Term f !. t iiri. " rM, and tits iixmI solid sup- CwniwtMhii it s pott planted si tbe moil Eaiiu: thencs aortb 10 cbelns to oriiorit thw anrnnr bmmt p,,rt which the W estern men have nertbrrty polal of Lot 1ST si or about rUUIUCDCrllMDI. CUD I mi U I II. II. XcUtii'i No. I. cUUo. Utb-witer mark, tbrnes northerly, enter MUX be known ecurtaj has bn from the teadm l t pruv belled Ml? .HIT. ly. somberly sod wtiterly. foikiwinr tba IlljOII rrMnted Unnw,lUIr. nice of Quebec, l'robably the iMHKXltlri or tbe inorc-tlne lo a point of per rump unr tim MriMtii r kr lMtf bm ms. eMtunrarrtnrat, Indsdlor ill tail fore llflly lfrpll KD-aletl acare which the prolec thore betwera blrb-witer and low water IjISTRKT Of COAST. Rnr I. Trndemi hhuI lUla what tNutacii iioiiiai interest oi uniario nave Mtrd July ttlb HIT. Sail ikrjr art round la kM mmH OMlnMl THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Aiply for lico u prwpeci fr wJ ilraHy Ml wail lary NMrM la mk l.ad ainee 1011 has been created CO.. H. II. Hiniird. Solicitor. I Miruleum. oo. li fUouif Uefrilel. i,r tt fax of lu ppit4 for. in mm through Ihe OlrTer.Carvell resolution Won't Shrink Woollens I r.1 n Ian .a a .u .aniiiwnriUaT a a"a a"" tttrf Ifilru4 U tlprtMt hi Hapeou BwaU. U Navigable Waters Protection AcL JlriHlk 1 lunrllcA a.f Uil Odir MM UIU moved in the house this f UUt. hy tMl nuoarr ao4 In wtut 1Kb. n. s. c. Cbipter lit. r rltrrl UO UM Durlb lld Of UM UIIM K LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO Her. umdcc Borw h"i TtM rattowmr. imori oHwr, rnamnBi seasion, which advocated tariff Tbe Grind Trunk pirlfle Rtilaiy Com J rill 10 ClUIOI. UMDM MMlUI ill tJ lm(MM4 aadrr Um laiiai: reforms almost approximate to, if piny berrby rim do tire that it nil. on aad eU Vf all fl paean si J UWDC ncraiBI.! IS rvoUiOiof CUIDI M UM aur.ffvtMt (li TIM frval llo af aajr turr uot more sweeping than those 0r Seciloo 7 of tbe md Act. dvpoiltrd rectrd eo af Uktt kU of rubUc Work Ot fl. I cuuu. say avail with the Mlalilrr I si kuomn II. MtUsSI contained in the emfarm la pUtu ta ta area t reciprocity pact taws, and ta tbe once or the Dutrtri tba oar af um Oairrtuumt I be scare create by this resolution Rertftnr of tbe Land Rertitry OfSee, Dli ptr ruiip utJr. Aoat Attet ai rrUN Brrt r la may be gauged by Ihe fael trtel of Prince Rupert, it Prince Rupert, Um txparunrai of Laodi il yh-lort, s drarrtpUoe of tbe lite and plsa of wharf that two of the Liberal members msiwct or COAST. lUan s. B.C. sad fltb rniinr plant aad other work! pro-paaed CSV WUn Wl . aia.a.iaiaa aaaaa (b hral lain Im p;itil la qunrriy front Ontario, Meairs. Guthrie lo be ball! In Prince Rapert birbor lUTIMaWM mm yw-vmywm a va ivw latutmrali ta BdiiBra. land tardea. vinee fairly strong it PrMwe Rupert, Brttlib Columbia, It FRED STORKS HARDWARE llr-ilum Ml UM fMMUI KKTUM O. K of Wltrrfroot Stock "I," sccordlnt A0t5. opposition to the resolution in the froal BiiM uuia of im toauiarii conwr oi rn. A-is. brpaty Mwtur r Uadi. 'bouse. There to rriHtrrtd plia of Um towtulte of tbe Ui:Lfioi nu I dim; tiwnc Dor lb is was, however, no aid City af Prlnte Rupert rrfliterrd to FOR CANNERYMEN ....a. aA .k.ia. la.M a . a akala. ... COAL NOTICES dissent among Liberals from tbe sTareiald Uad rertitry office is No. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete tKdal ur cuataarotvtDral, ronuituaf Quebec or in the Maritime prov ttl. Section T. line of Rubber Belting at right prices. . DISTRICT or S. . : v. la 1 kuM a a u U COAST, iuatt AND TAKE NOTICE tbll srter Um ! inces. 1 cJiua. Tika BoUra UMI 1. llufb McLaaa. lalaatl tranoa af one mootb front tbe date of tbe FOR FISHERMEN .-..a u A... .A. to i(ply far a Ucrocm to far anal A Tory Scheme aaat iTlrvtrum um faUoaiar prwpl dciU.al ant pabUrsUoa of tbll notice, tbs Orand A complete slock of the best goods that money can buy for The prospect of increased Trwak Pietfle Rillwsy Company will, acder iaadi Gutuoractar I twal pUaUd an per riiilip UMikf, AttaL trolling Spring IJrass, Silver and lironze. "i..!1? ur.jl,1Til,.c!! rejrsiiUlHin from the Weil at SecUti T of Mm said Act. apply lo tbe MMWiter X pebHc Work! al bit offles Id Um FOR THE WATERFRONT t:jiiui t or coast. iuj.t s. mm sad s bair touri nrta r um nrr the nst atecUon and of an almost City of Ottawa far spproeal of tbe said The celebrated Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat Maple mar. aad Urr ami rl af Um Cadar ..j..t f ..l n n i vrt( t u UmI I, Xviiua McLna touitd urtrr. taruc aaru ss ttuuu, liver arils w-"9 w aBu--e vvHiira on w aa a He aad plan and Tor tears ta construe! line of "FLOOLAZK" A complete Ship Chandlery. IP. - I in U pptl tar eual cbtioi. ibroe aatb IS rtuiai; Utrner questions, was disquieting lo the tbe tatd works. paint ia u UM taUovur 4ariaMl rail is claiuM ta iat I af auniaraw)-mi, Brttlib Colum. pots DVT ED st Prince Rupert, FOR EVERYONE II Conservative members and their aaowociar s pual plaaiad Its le Im kaaaa coauiaief am, . ::ij.IMI of UM C4ar Ms. tau tita day of June, A. D. HIT. Oxford IM UUU Stoves. aa il. Jtckaraas na. (liixa. frieuds. the big interests of On A line stock of Hardware. Gurney's n, laa MTU Il4 1 UM Uxatrd Miy ftad. HIT. THE ORAND TRUNi PAUHC RAILWAY it. ' r. Uwaca aouiit if cttaiaa; tario. Something mint be done to COMPANY. Pltraore k rullon. Sol I U ton. We Sell Nothing But The Best. eaij. baUiu, Uxixa oortk IS par r-mbp CtMiiay. AraL separate the two elements, wiiat til ss etaina u um polal 33tat, (cttUiBtar lis iTTf, UlStlucT or coast. iuar better than to create a cleavage SUBSCRIBE FOR I I. m , a a. McLaaa'i .1. I cltim. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE lot. HIT. f ak. ballM llaal I Hk.l HaLMH I between 1 1)em on a question of per NoHUA r tulip McLaaa.ClMiiry. Arrf-L and lu aifl f?irMrtiiB for a lirrora oa Iba lo fauowiar protl dracrtaaal fur raal loyally to the lirlliah Umpire. 80 The Dailv News la. luuwiKui ai a iui t" Ihe conscription measure was , ... bb.IL. a,.lh IK. a.ilnMl MaTtaar :."w t jt coast, luars s. mi K Meteas .a. I CUUa. tyrtaf ataMll OTOURIH OOWtl. Willi woai lenuus .. aa a atll awiaa twu-w wir ,lp,flll .vvidnce.i. Tftk Md IK.I I tl. k W.I hilM1 lf, - - nrr aad Ibre aiiwi wai OI um ucoar W ' ; I iacc u pruil far coal nm, luruta nwu ss cbatiui ibeacs cwi, Nothing From Laurier. l. . u-im oo um rauuwtai tvxru-Ki ' JUXMkCtBf II Dull laaAAlaKl Z:fVr;J;t?nZlu lnUl0sorot today Henri S III b t k ata (a iLa loallisail enraar -.. cvauiatni tie atraa. m im knowa t,,Urasa, head of the National. U. Mclcu I ka I tUtaa ibaAot bur Ik a n. HiiMii n,. , whib , u . . . i.ucaied May Had. HIT. ists, roiuruuici toe impression j ilk 111 tula, tkaci ! is ttei&i U Ml j( ..UaHararrUMBL coouialBf ,1', .'Ur'iV k.rL "V circulated ogainst SirAVlU j ai k b 1HII It H. MCLaaB I frtd in the following words: "The mi IIIL if II. wiiwtT or wait, ton I. .French -Canadian people have IILtfH McLtAM. JrTrTrJ:, l.ltle or nothing lo expect from t-r faukp CWlkf. AtOL ad k-uvuu. mi um iouo.h.. u urrta Hurler, any more . . WW UBHiuaiKUf a l r - ,la , stW T or COAST. lUnta . 1 HUM awulb 01 um iwuiaweat vorocr iiiuii iruiu iuo utu.icnauio uuv Tik. ..I H MlLraas A. I CUUB. iMiai aiwoi ,..,.., ,,- i..,!. n, lV tm Umi i. tmtm McUaa IbimvI . -1 .uj kail tuiiaa uru ut um Braiar IIC t I I ItfHM ftaa -- ... .1 riv,i. aud tarca uumi ti 01 vm v ueviaraiion 01 its leaner, uie uiu- 1 in,. . , "'. mi" ' aa -.---- ... ., 1 . ..,.1 ... ,1... ... v ctuttu. Uwaca) aail IS caauu. wene nm j ta nu.m lu luc na. lalO Ma 1 alatlMB. .a . .. uo.ia so -baiaa l iba puial cMaea- policy (0 me very end. In Ihe next Siaa)a raarerriei ouaumuic 140 actaa, li Im kuuwa aaae ea if !l I TTiv Mcucai .V8. 4 cuuu. place the association of Sir Wil- ' " aaaa-aBT. RBBUl uuma I A ffad. HIT. twalad Ma frid Laurier. I 1 5r?i i' -"rOI. MUlBlBC ,OHMA. MclXA.1. anlUconscriplntnmt Im kaaaa a . ui..n-. par I'bHip OatWr. AttBU 'and lion. Frank Oliver, more con- a"J IIII. ocrlplionUt than the government. ..-"...l.t haiim a. HoaMAS McLCA.f, ,u. .nr- ib,i i. iicLaaB iBtcod sutTlce to show how great is the w rHJf iw a KcMia u, prpi tor cai illusion of those w ho blindly count a uaa ivuwuuia raw- lad iwirviaiua t:?TIUIT Or COAST, fciais s. . iibiuritrioa ii a iwat ptaatcd upon the Liberal party for the Tkr ;t:H thai I llioh W.I ..a. i-i-n bowl mm air lutM cait m um wiu-ni aalaliin of Ihe country t arm I , . t ...... .TV" " ivtwr ol II. McUaaa a tuun. ibraca r.t ljreiruai fof Vtlb SO (taaVlUL. UMtK tll SO CUUMi IJotli Itourassa and Lavergne 00 Um folio drirrUxd uwuca aoutb so clu.ai. uwik wcii i "iSrl..,U "'""rBclnr It a pl plaalrd .Mini la UM pMBl ul cwuuucumiicat. cmi-uiMnf will be in the held against Mr iJ u,n ' BoaUta.aH cvrnar of 440 scrca, la Im kaowa ai !. Me-Lcau Wilfrid at the next election. u ' 'UB ,' ,..,!aXe Uieoca aoata IS a .o. t cUUu. ittmra rail so cIuibi; lliroca HIT. Luraird May f win, 1 1:- ;1Uum lb or wril ss cbaini U p :a of cunuuraraisaat, coelitBlBl nunxu mui par rnillp catalay. AiroL to ta knun si If. McLraa s a uitn. '3t?4 May I tit, HIT. PISTIULT or COAST. Hantra S. MUCH McLKAN. rn. n.iiira Th.i I Hurh Url in tntrod Par I'blllp ClMilay, Arrat. la apply for a iKrova la proiprcl for coal aud i iroirviu ou UM foiiuwinf daiertlicd Lana ikMUUaanrliia al a float DlkBlcd MSTIUCT or COAST. Rinr s. mm luila awutb of UM Southwell corner of You Your Country s Partner?' In aotlc that I. Nortnio NcUin loUod ft. McLeaa'i rvo. t claim; being aitoui vim Are rltcr. aud s bait tuilea uortb of Um er afji'y foralurnra to for rual im 1 proiprcl turra tuiM- writ of Um CedA. rurr. P.'lralrum rallooina drirribatl u: ;.i Cunnirnclof on lha II s p-l plaotad Uwuca south SO chalni ihroce cut 10 Save and Invest in "Canada Unlimited" 1 Um norihKril cornrr of II. McLaao's rtuini, tbeucs noria 10 chain , ibeaca wril 10 cbaini la the polal of oMnaieuca I tlnm. tnrara writ lo rbilaii nunc ' 440 serei. to Im known still lies before us." Hit 10 rhaliiii tbrnca ant SO cbainii lueul, roniiiiuus A great struggle II. klcLeia'a No. t rliuu. Ltru-a north 10 ctulni la Um polal of il Sir Roixrt Borden. Lixaied Miy ttnd. HIT. xnntrorrtiimt, miililalnr 010 serai, to y. knoan ai It, McLrio'i No. t CllUn. IIL0H MCLEAN, 1 itrd May Hit. HIT. per fhlUp Uwtley. Atrent. defend your freedom your family-your right to live prr iVOUM rnilip Alt MrLCAN,Chrilry. Afrnt. UlSThlCT or COAST, tune I. TO secure from intolerable Prussian despotism Uinada T.V. n.,.M thai I lluah U'ljin Intend A Heallh-preservimg and in blood treasure. PISTKICT or COAST. Hinra I. la apply for s ltceuce ta prvapect for coal paying a heavy price Tika no lira Uiit I. Iluti McLfin Intrml ind pclrulrutu ou Um foikwiur dricrlbed delight share ? ' l'lljr for 1 llrrora lo proaprct for coal uiuia. Luiiuueucius ll a poll piauwu Are you paying your Rd prlrolrum on the foltovini deirribrd al Um nottbweil corner of N. McLean in Canada's effort 7 of Lifebuoy Soap real and active partner tremepdbu MHili Conunanrlni ll s poll plintad No, 4 claim, and sbotil ona and s hair lite ue Are you a t 1 ha north writ cornrr of N. Mctcin'i mllei uortu of lb Heater rlr, thenra . mskea the bath a suprsincly Are devoting your money as freely as thousands have devoted their Uvea f A" Uortb 10 rbaluii Ibcucs well 10 cbaini Treasure as weU you I rliioii Ibroca uortb 10 rhilnii tbanra soothing thrift and but for earnest rit is chalni. thrnea loutb 10 chilni, Uwiive loutb SO cbainii thruc call 10 beaJlh-insurlni: dellcht. This is no time for careless indulgence, Ihrnfa rut 10 chum to tha point of com-lurnrrnirnl, halui la the paint of cuuuueucruient, con; ' a of oils gives Invert dollar you can n Canadian Wax Tha crram pure saving. every sparer runtalnlnr 440 acrai, la Im laiiuiK u icrri. and la be known i systematic known n ll, McUin'i No. II clilm. MiLriu'i No, claim, i a velvety lather that.Is &vings Certificates Take an active interest m Canada s ?m.?rtr! Utcitrd Miy lira. HIT. Located Miy Slrd. HIT. cleansing and healing. Tha her unlimited become worthy partner in and thus a Ilufh MclJCAN, IIU2b McLKAN, very mild carbolic solution now, wr I'bllip Cbctlcr. ArrnL per Philip Clwilry. A rent. means a perfectly hsalthy victory is won. skin. Tho odor vanishes la a Certificates issued in denominations of $25, 5U liliTIUCT or lunco I War Savings are IXSTMCT Or COAST. IU0S S, COAST, Tika ni.llra that I. Ilnah Mrlain Inland Tika notlra lh.1 I n.,.h uriaan tntrod fow seconds after use. and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face value. They cost to ipply roriilrrnra lo tnpcl for coal tu ai'Dly for a lu.nr- ,. i,a,,.,.,i fur toil ALL aaocsao stLL at all Money Order Post Offices and and respectively, id prlnilrum on Mm foftuwlnr drirrlbad and t-rtrulruiu ou tbs foflowfnr deicribed $21.50, $43 $86 laud CuiiiiiiriKiDf' St S ptt plintad Until; Cuuiiueuclns it a poll planted Banks, thus yielding over IntereA. Should you need it. you can get it tha northwail cornrr of li. McLrm'i I Um uoriharll cornar of it. MrLriui LIFEBUOY M. 4 rliim, md about una and s bilf No. t claim, and about tbres sad " your money back at any time. mi In north of Urivrr river; thrnea writ tullei north of Mm U.Lt.r rl..r: tneute CANADA, 10 rh.lm ttirnra aouth SO rhilnii throra wen is rhilnii Uieiica aoutb 0 cluim. HEALTH r THE NATIONAL SERVICE BOARD OF rail so chainii thrnea north 10 chahia to ib-a em io cbaiiu; Uwuca uorib M Um point of nuniuriirrinriit. nmtilnliif 140 ir! f." 4.lu bu'n ctiiiuucucenieul. rB' OTTAWA. u rn. in tM known n 11. McUin's Mo. IS 50AP riaiiu. IbUl l-uritrd Miy Itrd. HIT. Loiated Miy mrd. hit. 1IIJ0II Mcl KAN, lluih McLKAN, prr Philip Cbrirry, Ant per Philip Cbailey. Artnl