run DAILY NEWS s a a The Daily News Hot Weather is a Joy MAIL SCHEDULE to the man or woman ' S.S. PRINZE KUPERT THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA who Is properly nourished For the East.N cm Published Dolly and Weekly with n light, easily digested Wedpcsdaya and 1'rl Guaranteed Largest Circulation Mondays, PRINCEL GEORGE food. The food problem in days ot 0:00 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: Summer time, war time, or 8OUTIIB01ND- is From the East Monday t s. rn. for $anson Bay. avwovee, V1arji imiit. Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. any old time, a simple one and l'ri Raturdsy lim. fer ocean rails. VasoeTjivt,, njfSrla'aiil s.auir for the housewife who knows Sundays, Tuesdays TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch Shredded Wheat Biscuit days at 8:30 p.m. N0RTH3QUKD ; Contract Rates on application. WEIi.tESlUT It lwin for ketchlkarif Wrtnfel. Jaettsu and Skiim, and the many delicious, For Vancouver. r run at it t&m tot Anyoi. nutritious dishes that can be Monday 7 a. m TRAIN SCnVI'.E DAILY EDITION Wednesday, August 8, 1017 0 made with it. Shredded Tuesdays 5 P. ni rtssenter fer Sinlthees, rrlore Oeorre. Mmmton and Wlnmpei i.,-. Wheat Biscuit is 1 00 per cent, Saturday .... 7 a. in. & 4 p. in ronneciMif fer all points East snd Sotjlh. MUctl Tuesday 1't.n fer ?mtt!T ens) eH interflnllale point AN ABSURD SUQQE8TI0N an profiting heavily from the whole wheat fully complying How absurd an able man can war. with all government require From Vancouver. Aganoy All Ocean Steamship Lints. In the light of his record the Sundays it p For information ami reservations apply V make himself when hit Judgment in and cleanli t ments purity 0 .Mondays a attacks upon Sir Wilfrid' City Ticket Onco, 628 Third Avsnue. PHONE ?60 is captured by one idea is loyalty are abyssmnlly stupid ness. Two or three Shred Wednesdays 6:30 a. m I shown, the Victoria Times says They not only embitter his fol ded Wheat Biscuits with Fridays 0 a. m tw- s mmm. -m - by Sir Clifford Slflon's sugg-es lowers and admirers, whether milk will fully nourish and tion that if Sir Wilfrid Lauricr conscriptionUls or' anti-con satisfy the average person in For Anjrox. to Sundays p. were elected, Canada would scriptionists, but at once rivet hot and the cost is weather, .... 10 8 public attention upon the rec Fridays a. m. p. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY out of the war. drop ords of those who make them only a few cents. In 101 i Sir Clifford, obsessed They give rise to the inevitable Made in Canada. From Anyox. by his antl-reciprdcily idea, query: If those who do not Sundays, a.m.; Tuesdays, p. m Lowest Hates o all Eastern Vo nts had no hesitation in forming fawor the conscription of men nd Saturdays, a. m. via Steamer to Vancouver and the Frank Oliver's died under CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY son an alliance with Henri IJour-assa, alone are unpatriotic, what is conditions of the most admir Meals end Berth Inclurlrct whose views on Imperial the quality of the patriotism For Port Simpson and Naaa River, on 5terrer connection were the same then w h i c h protects profiteers able gallantry. Dr. Helaml 1'ostmaster.General in Lauricr Saturdays, a. in. Prlnceso May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday as they are now and whose stands behind the Food Karons cabinet, has been a prisoner of Princess May southbound via Gooan Falls 6 p.m. Sunday campaign was waged against for nearly two forced the years For Queen Charlotlo Islands Princess for the south Sophia Saturday, August 11th. in since-the war Germany cap the Canadian naval programme Iloss ritle into the hands of the 10 July I8lh, August 1st Princess Alice for the north in particular and against Canadian Canadian soldiers exposing ture of Antwerp, from which p.m. Monday, August 13th. he declined to when the Sth and 29th. participation in Imperial them to death and mutilation, escape opportunity - presented itself J. !. PETERS, General Airerit defence in general, rather than provides only a contemptible against reciprocity with the pittance for the dependents of because he desired to minister From Queen CharlotU Islands Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Trlnco Rupert U.C His has July 22nd, August 5lh, 10th United.Stales. soldiers and provides a pensions to the wounded. wife Canada is in this war by the scale so small that many since died, and he himself Is eplember 2nd. will of the Canadian people as pensioners must depend upon a broken man. If this splendid chivalrous French - Canadian tewart. Maple Bay and Swamp expressed by their Parliament public subscription for their """ M...m,. -"'crfm,,,,i and no Government could detach subsistence? What of the pa were home and endorsed Sir PolnL . i her from her duty. Moreover, triotism which grafted in ban Wilfrid's. view, as he possibly For Wednesdays, to p m. ' none would dream of trying dages, drugs, horses, shoes and would, would he be also called From Saturdays, p. m." W'- LaurcliAliceB. it. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is evert in binoculars and motor a "traitor" by the allies of the AjL as intensely devoted to the cycles. What do they call the Fod Itarons? How does he Alaska and Yukon Territory. LmmmmmmKBtKU ,0H ' LT LM cause for which this country Shell Commission's relations compare with Sir Clifford Sif- For Mondays, 7 a. m. PnTaff25S3HlsiH "very flee Oer f'ew and its allies are fighting as with John Wesley Allison? Is (on, for instance? From Saturdays, p. tn. Sir Clifford Siftorf is and if the Dob Rogers a greater patriot records of the two furnish any than Sir Wilfrid Laurier? The laily News delivered by test the quality of Sir Wilfrid's The man who believes in con arrier, 50 cents per month. patriotism shines luminously scripllon or men but opposes LAND ACT aSEajClSC" W L THOt"ia' ' by contrast. He has the thorough organization of been forty-five years in public the country for war for fear of SktE.Vl LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT or life. lie has preached and practiced interfering with those who are COAST. RVIGE S. the doctrine of a united enriching themselves out of the TIMBER SALE X 1018. Canada. He was the author of agony of their country is indeed TAKE XOTICE Uui the Grind Trunk rieine Railway Company of VTInnlpec, the British preference which a thousand times more Manitoba, intend to apply for permission Sealed tenders wlU b received ty Use Sir Clifford's friends have all unpatriotic than the man who lease toe toUowlnr described lands: Minister or Lands not liter than noon on LeiUrhsk but destroyed and in the believes in voluntaryism and commenelnr at pott planted at tba moil the t rod day of September. I SIT. fer the Envelope northerly point of Lot SOT at or about purchase or Licence X toil, to cut! midst of at that. His war gov the prevention of these criminal SUlemenU turn-water mark. thence, northerly, caster IM reel or Spruce, Balsam and Hemlock ernment Instituted a policy practices. Laurier thinks southerly and westerly, follnrlnr the nil an area situs led on Link Lake. Rant Cards. Kit. PicacM which for fifteen years gave to voluntaryism would provide the sinuosities of the bo re-line to a point of 3. Coast District Canada a measure of prosperity reinforcements required. He commencement, Ineludlns; all tbat fort- Three 1) years wHI bo allowed far tt coo v si of limber. bore between blfb-water and low-water. and development which aston says the recruiting situation Dated July Mth ttlT. 8.8 IS further particulars of toe Chief For ished the world. He was the has been mishandled, and is THE ORA-ID THU.1K PACIfTC RAILWAY eater. Victoria. B. C. or District forester. The News Job Press author of a naval policy which able to prove out of the mouth CO., IL H. llanttrd. Solicitor. rnoee Rapert B.C. sit if it had been carried out would of Sir Sam Hughes that the LAND LEASE NOTICE Piialisf of M Dose TIMBER SALE Desaiptisa. have been of incalculable value Government actually ordered a X1019. in dealing with the most vital 'let-up" on recruiting last year. Si.EE.tA LAUD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Sealed lenders wHI be received by the menace with which civilization At the very worst his attitude QL'EE.f CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Minister of Lands sol liter than noon oa P.O. Ut S9 ever has been confronted and denotes only a difference ofL the f7th day ot Aarvsl. If 17. for the par, t'rocrams which was wrecked by Sir Clifford's opinion as to method, such as TAKE 50TICE that t, Ceorre McRae, ( cease of Licence X ttlt, to cut 1,111.000 CUIst friends. Forty-five Sklderale. B. C, occupation entineer. In feet el Spruce, Balaam asd Hemlock oo so Uudarers years Sir John Simon expressed when tend to apply for pertnltiloa to leae the area adjvininf Lot nts. Rior t. Coast of signal service have left him, conscription was adopted in follow tor described lands: District, situated oa kitdala River. Posters,e" like Sir John Macdonald, with England, an expression which Commenrtnc at a poet planted at lb Two (t) years will be allowed for re no worldly goods beyond what did not provoke the infamous northeast corner or T. L. Lot SIS. Allford rooval of timber. Bay. Sklderate Inlet, thence weal ts further particulars of the chief roreater. v is needed to keep him in comfort. tirades against him such as are bain, thence north 3 B. chains, thence tt Victoria, C or District rresier. Prince Sir Clifford Sifton's eight made against Laurier. eta ins in an easterly and southerly diree Rupert, B. C Atl or ten years of public service Many of 8lr Wilfrid's supporters lion follow tor shore line, thence west I left him a multi-millionaire have lost their sons chains ,to point of commencement, con-uinibc MINERAL ACT to acre more or less. a SO, with affiliations which no doubt and relatives at the front. IBM I tin, I SIT. GEOROE McRAfc. Holly Fraction.(R.8. B.Birch,C 111).Crocus fraction. You Can Make Excellent Cake and Mum mineral claims sltosle In the Queen Charlotlo District located at or A NEAT KITCHEN ear Ikeda Bay. Queen Charlotte Islands. With Fewer Eggs Provinco of anils Columbia, lawfully held WITHOUT A BROOM by Liability).Ikeda Mines Limited (.loo. reraonal Just use nn additional quantity of Dr. Price's TAKE .10TICE that I. John A. Msclsnes, Cream Baking Powder, about n teaspoon, in Solid lor fer Ikeda Mines Limited (.too No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no Preal Liability.1 free Miner's CerCSea! piace oi cacn egg omitted. dirt, no bother. You never have u. ItlllC intend, after the eiplrstioo or This applies well all baked to after cookinc silly days from the date hereof to apply equally to nearly sweep up on a on behalf of the said Company to the foods. Try the following recipe according to the NEW PERFECTION. It Minlnr Recorder of the said District for cooks more quickly and more Certificate of Improvements for tlch of new way; tba above) claims for the purpose of ob CREAM iJfrTR CAKE conveniently than a coal or wood taiunr crown rrant thereof. range, costs less for fuel and takes f- AMD fl'RTIICn TAKE NOTICE that acUoo A e Old Way New Way Section St of the Mineral I ea Ht( undef Act must TV ea uk half much J up as room. be commenced before) the issuance) of such I rare Sni nM sr Certificate of Improveutenta. D,Prtee's Be.lx rwef iiHteem Of,Wee's Mm rwe These dealers sell them: Deled Ibis Itth day of June' A D. HIT MravelMvtnlnc STaT lull 1 mmm spteole J. A. Mad.VIES. I iHwn aewta I tee liwm solicitor for ikeda Mines Limited (Xm rersooai Liability). sio. Makeo 1 Laic 2-Layer Cako piaiCTIONS Cream k M(a,s4,I1mI. t4tMf,Im ads hike $ Thompson Hardware Co., Prince Rupert. 11 THE ESTATE Of CH.USTIE CIBSO.t AMm einic k smi i), Hmhtrng fnlH lMkM, Sweee Uim ' " IIim,4S n U te tbe MHe a4ullr 44lhMtk eoS sl oKk tswee KjJen Hardware Ce-, (DECEASED) Mil rH k, iMMk Mr beiiw, A44tkeSmtM rr tele s tUrk'a Hardware Co., -Hows lr t.l. II.. ,4 k.k. U e m4mmr hmt tm sm I.nI, TM NOTICE IS HEREBY J wkiJUtai ' r' wHk iihk SUto A SUHullr, " " OIVJI thai all persons Javinr claim upon tba Estate of k. i. OalUnC " " the laic Christie Clbson woo died oa or yd Vomiis A Co., Poet Slmpeen. .C about IN stb day of November. A. D. ISIS, vbile on actlvo Service overseas, are required to send to J. II. McMulUn. Dh.Prices ornrial Administrator for the county of Atllo. on or before the lath Am, r - . With Royalitt Coal OH the New ber. to IT. a full statement of their clalraaJ CREAM Perfection will cook your meal r r security neia by tbera, duly verified, for from 5 to 10 cents. and after that dels the undersimed will proceed to distribute the, iiui, ..r .i BAKING POWDER THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY decaee, annoy tt, parties entitled there- . wiwi rriara ouy to tlx rlilras of limited hien notice has been filed lth nun. BRANCHES IN ALL CITI18 DATED al Trluco Rupert. B.C., ibis Itlh Made from Cream of Tartar, from Or apes) day of July. A. t If it. S't I II.Ofllrlll MrllULLIX,. lilmlnl.!..!.. Made in Canada No Alum nwM,..,,wr EMPRESS COFFEE IMMOLESALE DAWSO