ihe daily News 1 -i k, N il SO. 181). ' ? j- ''Xf:K RUPHRT, H. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 117. " """" - ' PHICK F1VK QT8 5EEMAN ABMjUjjjS BOM ENGLISH COAST ERY HEAVY FIGHTINGjNjlA SUCCESS ON ROUMANIAN FRONT i VERE ACTION HON. ARTHUR HENDERSON ' RESIGNS FROM CABINET THE FOOD CONTROLLER KENT COAST IS IN FLANDERS I AND HOW HE SAVES ffrltt a It Dill) Vvi.i London, August 13. Tlif Hon OllawV BOMBARDED BY August 7. One does YPRES Arthur Henderson has resigned' NEAR not look a gift horse in the mouth. from the Ilritish lUibinM. I Favor. That is to doesn't say one question GERMAN PLANES Ing llrilish representation on ih- the methods of a Food Controller llon.l Progress Is Mad. by Iw br -" """ib like Mr. Hanna who works More Prisoner ;M" '. 1'rem.erj without salary, or of a Iloyal Commission i.....Mh Sides fOnr practically H,r such as has been appointed Southend and Margate Suffer and Lose Aeroplane Mr. Henderson with 1mm ratiti and' to probe Sir Joseph Flavelle, Many are Killed and Injured dupllelty with lilt colleagues which will also act without com-pennatlon. French Retaliate on losition will be explained in lb. One does .not look a Frankfurt Main. nghU House of Commons by Mr. Hm gift horse in the mouth, I repeat, 13. Heavy id. :i Aug. derson himself, when he hone i., unless one is obliged to do ed in (Special to The Bl!y JVwij. today in reported "r"7""'llu.llff Hid a la ml I.. I... i.l- the London, August 13. Heel ground of expense -A of or some ,r! ,gress r vpre. in muue oj i , t, Seaman.. . ! ., ih,.,,. olheP equally valid reason. twenty German aeroplanes ap ... ik. -I..1.I 11 ulr'" nr iu " The basic idea of food control peared over the Kent coasl early Mil HIB liriiiri UHegai f,r in stnrk ti regulate expenditures ck River, wiiere iz awi- and on Sunday morning. Bombs were In meeting. fir-e eCnninie Pnn.1 fnnlmll..I . .. lt k nera were captured.; A German Scheme. .......1 1 .. .... . , uvr.. ..warn. I"'1.TPl.n."I'i'vu oil the coast waterine a uas 111 mci iBsuea iiiree if u. mail allae in 1011 roau Copenhagen, August 13. Peter statements and the last word in places. Margate, Southend and rrZilk HwlWrWI. dlj of the Rriti.b ul of them was thrift. Draw the Hoc h ford were the chief sufferers. M V,.ii TOer- l.iBfi"mfni, "' Oman's Union. "ell fghler. cat less, go over the Twenty-three people have been .11 . 1.1 j 1"mi unv it-t-ti umiiinr iiim i iniii garbage can carefully before killed by the. destruction wrought f(i;. i artillery 11 II II UK I. . . in, B..i.- front from the 7wjinavian -"- Ifttifi nr the man cart away the by the falling bombs and fifty 1 o a ., fntnl. piuuying in onfHmions underlying ' ntents. Save, save, save I have been injured. Considerable Aeroplanes Busy. Hie Stockholm conference, told And yet the Food Controller damage was also inflicted on the las been exceptional ae a representative of (ho Associated when he tells others to save can-i'l buildings of Ihe towns. Fuller ai l .if the air forces Press that lie Is firmly con-Mured be raid to save himself, hav-uiK details are awaited. 1 3 Miieen uerrnati lhal the Socialist ronfrae t.. Just appinted three highly Retaliation. i s.' ijeen driven down, he held in Hloekholm in wholly paid men, WillUon at 11,500, Paris, August 13.- In retalia j w-'re uneontrollable, and nothing- more than a (ierman Todd at $1,500 and French at tion for the bombardment of the : Iweite liritlsh Mlinne. .:'00 u ait him in his arduous town of Nancy, which is just behind i rled. The Ilrilteb labors. Mr. Willison is a the French lines and is not . : bombed the! ONTARIO TORIES FEAR son of Sir John Willison of Toronto, a place of any military importance. it. n dumps and and at this writing nobody French aviators bombed the ,; ntuleratile dam RESULT OF CONVENTION km.vvn w ho Todd and French, are, city of Frankfurt on Main. The although doubtless questions will French air squadron returned French Front. be asked about them In the House. safely, and received little damage (rrui Ic. Tfct tH rt , ' 1 ue world does not know them although they were fired upon re- m 13. French -The fltlawa. August 13. AreordiRg r foem expert, ythlnr6Ud!xJijJhv nil.oircraft.inins . - J the ground pre t Information rereied here, the int tvtn TOUTnruL QUEEN.MOTHER Th lion naturally arises, on Protecting Frankfurt. . n.,... 1 1.. v the (lerinans in Ontario Tone are sertounly vet ."".iiuk a i.-i.-ui n.:.ii.Mi in ...iinon i n iin.. una vr.mn,i ..--.-.. i. . . I t. r . regioti, and also turbed oer the aolidarlty dls. inotfter retains Iirr yootl.ful app. aram . and her rare dignified f Humor has it that Mr. Hanna was ( Itrofrrad, Aug 13, An Austro- l uHrtaHt trench Played by the Orlls at the Wlnni " jlnlluenced by something more German attempt to break "the au I'rlnee'a forces peg eonentkn. Notwithstanding than merit in selectintr them. liiussian line near Zarkov in north . the sulh of the comprehensive resolution CetVa MIIIMIItllHMI. Food Controller Hanna is also.'eastern Galicia has met with com. -iir front. In the paused by the romentfen advocating TERRACE NOTES LOCAL NEWS NOTES credited with selecting the Fla- P'ete failure. Elsewhere on the ; 11 the Champagne iraelMaJly Ihe onoeripllon e . velle commission. I forget just 'whole front there is little activity ft lierman attaok of all resources, whieh ineltsdem vvniie a man was uomg some Mrs. J. Watson and daughter what number this particular com-1 w'th the exception of the Ilou-mission f ni was broken wealth ami man power, for the clearing In the neighborhood of left this morning on a trip to the is but it must be well up manian sectors. In the Upper successful prosecution of the war. Mr. Oofdon'a ranch the Ore prairie on a holiday. in the hundreds. At all events Hjiwora valley, the Russians were second win the war conference got . it is one more commission and to at first driven back slightly, and IARINC COLLIDES on the line of the Ontario path- away and with the wind in favor Miss Pearl Allen and the little a certain extent sui generis because southwest of Ocna in Roumania, WITH EXCURSION BOAT ering is sMken of. rapidly swept up towards the farm Misses Allen left for Haiellon by it gets nothing for its ser-vises. stubborn fighting took place on Like the Ontario conference, it building. Willing hands, however, Use train this morning. When a government commission Thursday, in which' the Rouman is expected lhal this one will not quickly had it under control and shows such lavish disregard ians were forced to retire at ilrst. It M, August 13, A go further than endorse the Mill. were able to save the property of Mr. fl. A. MaNiehel of the G. T. of money one Is led to ask A concerted counter attack was ir United stales lary Service Hill, the enforcement P.. was a passenger on this morn. what is the other reward in addition made which was completely successful ih a Nautankel of whih is quite sulfteienl, in the a rancher who is lighting ever in ing's train for the east. to the generous glow one and the enemy rtas driven " stamer. the pinion of the Tory leaders, with-nut France. feels at doing a patriotio act. back for a considerable distance. I"isi Hsrsxtr durw touching the accumulated Mr. and Mrs. Normington, of The chairman of the commis losing heavily. Twelve hundred t'.i s ' K late on ttaturday wealth of Ihe Dominion, as Can A tea was given at the home of kimilhers, came in on the train sion is G. F. Henderson, K. of prisoners were also taken. General T. re Ifteeo bun. ada's effort to win the war. Mr. and Mrs. Keith on Thursday last night and left for the south Ottawa, a well known Conservative Savinknff, commanding on - board thf afternoon in honor of Mrs. 11. It. on this morning's steamer. lawyer of the reliable party the southwestern front, has been V L.. ' ' "lunateiy there GENERAL, NEWS ITEMS Mrs. J. It. type. He was counsel for J. Wesley appointed in command of tho Mitchell, who has 1 Grant, wLw Is a visitor here, 3 -Jine. With lcr been Allison in the famous Hughes Russian armies on the western ' Peeagera on ifpenii te Tbt Par .w.i There were a number of ladies Southern visilinirvith Alberta for her the parents last in investigation. Later on he rep front. six t ti'arm was fcltfor lAndoii, August 13, A Iloyal present, both of Terrace and Itu-pert. weeks, is expected to return tomorrow resented the food interests in an ! i'a,,,c s aVrted message has neen leiegrapneii A short musical program night. inquiry into the high cost of living, MINING NOTES FROM " kept until the from King George to Kerensky as wus rendered by local talent. The conducted by the city of Ottawa. THE OMINECA DISTRICT j v. 8't ashore. It is head of the Itusslan people, beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs Mist Clark, who came down Mr. Henderson is a cor y. 1 whether r not the breathing of faith In Itussia as an helth added greatly to the plea. from Terrace on Friday evening poration lawyer and naturally no A carload of ore is being haul v 33 damaged by the Hy. is ure 01 Hie event which was of a to attend a tea given in honor of enemy to capital. According toj ed from the Highland lioy mine Melbourne. August 13. It is "Hsi enjoyable nature. the departure of Mrs. J. II F. Mel- Premier llorden he qualities for I to the railw ay at Skeena Cross- exnected that a standard price for A Inrge dance was held in the ville, returned home this mom. his present position as a "drain-Mug'- Until the road is completed . . . . . . as 11 a. DYNAMITE IS corner will -be nxeO. Australia , i-ronress nun uere rriuay nigiii. ing. age referee. w oat drainage this will be the only shipment. STOLEN IN QUEBEC will In future treat nil minerals The town orchestra kindly lent its refereeing has to do with food Sloping at the Highland Hoy is produced in thai country Instead services for the occasion which in One of the new conspicuous ar- profits heaven only knows, unless to be resumed in a few days and f sending them to Londou. useir u a great ireal. in Ihe rivals in town is the motor truck iiaps the drainage meant is in a few weeks trafllc on the road a August 13 It be- Pacific Coasl Port, August 13.;words of oue who was prtwent it belonging to Ihe Pacific Cartage. lh' money that has been drained will be heavy as ore shipments w: today that another A lavish entertainment and a!wus uescripeti as being a ripping Ltd. It is a Cadillac chassis and olT b Sir Joseph Flavelle and his will then be continuous. RMly of dynamite had royal welcome nwait the Japanese 'good time. Ihe truck is a light one. suitable J fe,,ow pirates. Meanw hile Mr. The New Hazelton Gold and r 'fn from a minrrv In Mission which will soon arrive ou for Prince Runerl conditions. I Henderson is acting without any Cobalt Co. report their property r It 1 feared that IhU the wnfttern cuat of the United 'VIC" TOMKINS IS NOW salary. Doubtless he finds bin looking very favorable and the n rinin. Htales 011 its way to Washington. WITH THE ARTILLERY Mr. John I!. Davey had the mis. reward in his own conscience. work progressing. There is talk" "rage The nolico fortune (o gash his ankle bone Associated with Mr. Henderson of doing some development work , are 1' -'f A- ....-.lttf ...l-t. . t FISH ARRIVALS Word has been just received in ihe other day, when doing some are Mr. A. It. Hrodie of the firm on the Haxelton View which is a nmcn 011 several town from "Vio" Tomkins, who is axe work, Tho wound required of Price, Waterhouse & Co and copper property. ! Hiuce Saturday, there have been stilt in France. Yio left hero with some stitches, and he will be con Mr. Geoffery Clarkson, also a On the No. 3 vein on the 1000. Dp dressed lumbai r .n kinH. heavy arrival1! of halibut. The tbe first contingent, amThas been'fined to the house for a day or leading accountant. No doubt foot level the Rocher de lloule . . ... . .. . Lit II... I I II these encountered another shoot of Duplies iu rmi gentlemen are competent to pre n A McCaffery. Phone 118. Albatross brought in 15,000 lbs.: loo ousy pituiMp iwo II. and II.. 0,000; Margaret G lately. No wortr has been received deal with the complicated figures on Wednesday. There are 2 feet 7.000i Starr, 12.000; Corona, 20.-000; from him rr several months and The Rev. J. P. Westman of Cal-iSir Joseph will present to show of ore of the same high grade as Norlhcape. 13,000; I.a Pal-oma, his many friends in town wero gar, who conducted the services .why ms margin on export bacon before. A shortage of men and. rESTHOLMfi 35.000; Soya, 1,000; Nautilus. ben i ii in im ( get uuxious on bis yesterday evening in the MelhoJwus 5.05 while that of his nearest cars is handicapping production fONIQMT AND 5.000; I). C. F. No. I, 15,000; ucoount. jdist Church, left this morning competitor was only 3.3: also why jusl at present. Oinineca Herald. TOMORROW Margallce, 5,000; Hunter, 1.000, l neir iears uiv utj cti m iph..wiih me nev. w . urnx on a uccording to his own statement he J sse L l.asky presents and Clara N.. 3,000 lbs. These Vie is a gun layer with the Cana short visit-up tho line. They will did business at two thirds of a BUNCHC all sold yesterday, the price averaging (linn artillery, who he says are return tomorrow. cent profit while the Swift In SWEET 12 cents. Yesterday the giniK KriUie what for. Ho meets are not phllantrophlsts but plain LONDON CAFE a HUrrlng American Ynkutuk brought In 35,000 lbs.; iiiunv of. the other.. Rupert boys Mrs. R, I). Campbell, who has business men, could do it at a AND GRILL 'THOSE Photoplay llrlngold, 10,000; Pelma, 18.000. unci' in a ..,1.11..wiinr, uim n.l I-iii I.....ooi'iun I.... ir t been visiting with her brother, Mr. quarter of a cent; also why Flavelle Third Avenue WITHOUT SIN" and the Tahoma, 21,000 lbs. lea-1 any day. Parker of Seventh Avenue. Icfl for bacon that costs thirty-six Prompt Service of the Beat TOPICAL VUloria and tho southern oeust cents a pound In Fnglaud costs BUDGET Just favorite household Coal la citios this flfly cents there la to eat at all houra. arrived, 250 tons of lump The morning She is mnk. a pound in its own aSmltllea 10 tn n Mwt. coal. Phone 116 Albert A Mo Ladysmlth Wellington. Phone 15, Ing (ho olronlar tour on her way home town of Toronto. Doubtless BOXES FOR LADIES CafTery. Prince Hupsrt Coal Co. if. homo to Saskatoon. (Continued ou page three.)