The Daily News Too in Summer Much means Tood clogged MAIL SCHEDULE 1 S. S. PRINCE RUPERT THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA liver and sluggish brain; too Fop th EasL OH - Publlthod D.IIr s"d Weekly littk food means flabby Wednesdays and Fri-oys PRiNCE Mondays. GEORGE Guaranteed La it eat Circulation muscles and starved nerves. at 9:30 a.m. The man on the job must SOUTHBOUND HEAD OFFICE keep his brain dear and hit From the EasL Monday I is fr Saanaoa Biy. Vivntw, Vieaotlt t4 Sraltw Daily News Building Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. TeL 93. muscles responsive. The uoers. Tisawlaji and Fri Sttwrday I a m Tor oeeaa N0RTHC0UNO rIU. Vanc, VmsssH i4 .nu TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cent per Inch way to do this is to eat days at : P- VtjflrjftJiY it wmm for KcirMkaa. Wrs, ssraa im siirw Contract Rates on application. Shredded Wheat Biscuit, rWDAY is faooa for A am. the food that contains everything For Vancouver. m- TRAIN SSfiVCC wheat MswMy J rawarr MwoHy. Wednooday and rndsy al ll.M a.a r.r .., DAILY EDITION Monday, August 13. 1917. in the whole Tuesday ft ......- P ni. rroaee Soarrs, lmowtos nd Wtmtf. aaakssf astsst Mm. . grain prepared in a digestible Stotsntay . . . . 7 a. m. A I p. m. fmm eH sd sxaiUt Mlted Tseossf I i M. hr Sfnttlarr. and , form, including the outer TENDERNESS den Government displays when bran coat which is so useful From Vancouver. Aosncy All Ocean Steamship Lines. A striking example of the dealing with its wn peculiar in keeping the alimentary gfeadays I P m. Kor information and reservations apply t tender fashion in which' the friends. Oensideratron for the canal dean and healthy. Mosay tn. City Ticket Office, 620 Third Avenue. PHONE ito Horde n Government deals with great mass ef the people wto Two or three of these crisp, Wsrfsmdars 0:30 a. m. "Him that hath" is brought out after all, this preetous Government Httlc brown loaves of whole PrWay 0 a. m. in the Toronto Star in a re Is supposed loepre-seal, wheat with milk make a For Anyoi. cent issue. This relates to the it knows not. If this income nourishing, strengthening Sa4ays 10 p. m. proposed income tax, which the Ux bill had been drawn meal. Heady-cooked and Fridays 10 a. m. A 8 p. tn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Minister of Finance said would up by the profiteers lhefusehs. ready-to-servt. j-ield about the same amount of they would hardly have bad the Made in Canada. From Anyoi. Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points revenue as that which was re nerve to let themselves off more Sasxiays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m via Steamer to Vancouver and the ceived from the present war lightly, and to the average man GREAT STRUGGLE FOR nl Saturdays, a.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY profits tax, which the new income in the street, it does not -require THE SUBMARINE BASES Meal rH IWtth Included en Sltamtr For Port Simpson and Naas Rivsr, tax will replace at the any particular strength Saturdays, a. m. Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Frlds, end of this year. It has pointed of vision to perceive where the Berlin. August II. Special dis Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday out time and again that the patrhr. from the front in the inspiration or the provisions For Queen Charlotte Islands. Princess Sophia for the south Saturday, August 11th, new income lax, those making of the Income Tax Dill came Berlin newspapers agree in Ie 10 p.m. July 18th, August 1st, Princess Alice for the north Monday, August 13th. scribing the battle in Flanders as large profits from the war from. 5th and ?9lh. a struggle for the submarine would pay less into the national This government promises bases in Delgium, as wetl as in J, I. PETERS, General Atrent treasury than tbey are to be a costly one to the people characterizing it as the most stu From Queen Charlotte Islands C nee Fourth Street and Third Aeenuo. Piinco Rut,t. n.C. at present paying. And a study of Canada, before they re pendmis combat of the war July Sfnd. August 5th, 101b The British advance in the eptember 2nd. of the provisions of the proposed linquish offtee. The people Wvtehnpt aretar An Jura Tlh I income tax confirms this have had to-pay large excess eommented upon by the eorre. tewart. Map Is Bay and Swamp view. It shows that the effect profils to the munition makers pendents as part of the stratus Point, of the proposal is to shift the at the instigation of the Gov. seneme to gain the U-boat na For Wednesdays. 10 p. m. burden of taxation from the big eminent. The evils of patron- u,e Jujie tlaek calculated From Saturdays, p. tn. Launch AliceB. concerns, who are making the age were never more apparent lo lne iorees ire. big profits and best able to bear than has been exemotified hv dom of movement and permit Alaska and Yukon Territory. SksSBm, oLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLb SOW TMC SALT Ultl the present Government, and u,"n to P" frHn the Ypres For Mondays. 7 a. m. taxation, on to the small investors, ' (tet flea Dt fro L ballle ln norths a..rl siscA fT u ictTlirtHaiBD ground now. the Minister of Finance From Saturdays, p. m. 1S the small merchants a. ov direction and strike at Zeebrugge to on that proposes pass per RCTvanj rant is. and the salaried class of the lion of the burden of the war from the rear Dominion. which ought to be borne by Can The Toronto Star presents a those who can best bear it, on Salvation Army. Mr. I. TKOaaat, rM comparative table showing the to the less rich classes of the rea SSI community, thus letting the big Public meetings, Tuesdays, taxes contributed by several . interests escape lightly. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p well known firms under the This is the Government m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. TIMBER SALE X1018. present war profits scale and which was returned to office to what they will Navigable Waters Protection AcL pay under the "save Canada for the Empire" Sealed tenders will t reeelfed tr Um income which R. S, c Chapter ill. will take tax, its when Canada was in no danger Ms4ter or Lands not later tfcaa ooco oa LettethaoJa place. The table Is as follows of Um trod dar of September. ISIT. for tb being lost to the Ettvetopew Empire. It Tbe Grand Trunk Paelfle Railway Com Pretest rrease of Ureseo X ISIS, to csl S.III. 5w Steel Co. of Canada t ISS.tiS tMt.SU really has saved Canada and lnj hereby guts Detlre that II bat, uo ose tt t Sprsc. Balaam and llemtock Stat! oa scotia steel. . ti7.tst ststt Canadian markets as a private ur Skim T of Um tiM AH. drpealled n as area sitsaied on UbX Lake, Raaft Cards. Eu wish Um MiMater of psMic Work i at 01 Goatt DtttrML IWSf oniric Floor tlO.til li'.tt preserve for its own particular ana. ad Mi Um effier or Um Mi met Tbroa ( years wtH b aMowed for re Canada Foondrte.. ttt.iit tt.tst friends, the big interests, and Heruirar or it Land fun tor Office. tu eal of Xitabfj The Minister of Finance says this latest piece of proposal tract a ! Ha, a, n' airl f r partSHrUr of tb esaer for that the new income tax will legislation is but another wit t der1plea oT UtMI and frits of mbttt rate. VlotoeU, B. C, or Dtttrkrt roretur, Tlie News Job Press awl a aod Uwr works pro -rlt Rspert. B.C Stf yield about the same amount of ness to the completeness with poed to tM lHt tn Prtaro Rspert bartoo revenue as the present war which the Borden Government I rrlaM Rupert, BriUaa C(ui&ll. Is TIMBER SALE Tiulai f AH Ouoittlsu Dac profits tax. This table shows is under the influence of the rroBi of Waterfront Block "I." accord Hit X 1019. that tram the to rertitered pUa of Um iowmim or Um big interests, of aristocracy of wealth. Mad CHr of Prlnc Rupert reflate red la Seated tenders HI U received by tb which the above are only four, The first war profits tax took Mm afareaatd land resutry omro as .to. MMiaier of Land sol later tbaa noon oa P.O. Bet S9 the new tax will yield only a twenty-five per cent, of the SfS. 8 ret too T. in SJtb day of Asrsti. isit. rr tb par. I'Tvcrams small proportion of the amount profits over seven per cent. A.1D TAKE SOTICE Ibal after UM CI chaac or Lieenco X I0IS, U est l.llt.SM Caufecs which otrauoa of eoe moot from Um dau of to reel or Sprse. Balaam and Hemlock ra aa Itodcvrs the present war profits This was increased, and rightly arai rWralko ef Utu notice. Um Grand area adainiBf Lot KSI. Raar t. Goat I I'oater, tax brought. The question so, until it took seventy-five Traak Pacta Hal! ay Ceanpaoy wilt, tinder DMtrtet. al mated on KHdala Rleer. arises, where will the equalizing per cent on all profits over Sectloo 7 or Um aald Art, apply to Um Two (t) years wUI b allowed for r amount come from? It can twenty per cent. The replacement Minuter of Pa UK Work at bia offlco la Um aaoeal at lltnhrr Qty of Ottawa for approval of Um said rsrtber partieslara of tb Cblei' rentier, only come from the small sal-aried of this scale by flat raie a h and plan and for le? to rorutroct VKteru. B. G, or Diatrtct rrttr. Prwe man, the small merchant of four per cent, would be a ibe aaM works. Rapert, B.C Aft and the small investor. joke, were the Minister of DATti at Prince Ropert. Brtlltb Oram. This is Ua. thu IStb day or Jim, A- D. ISIT only Finance one example of not apparently quilei MINERAL ACT THE OH.tD TRU PAClflC RAILWAY the tenderness which the Hor- i serious about it. COMPACT. Patioora k rwltoo. Soil titer Ilody rratUoo,(R. S. B.Birth,C 111).Crwcus rratUon, You'Can Make Excellent Cake and rtam mineral claim altsate la tb Queea Cbarloii bUtrlct. toeated ai or A NEAT KITCHEN near Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte latandi. With Fewer Eggs ProTtec or BrltMb Cstnmbta. Ia folly beM by Iked Mine Limited Personal (.Ion WITHOUT A BROOM UabMly). Just use nn additional quantity of Dr. Price's TAkE KOT1CE Uul I. iaba A. Mtdanc Cream Baking Powder, about n tenspoon In www for Ikeda Mint Limited (.tea No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no Penonal UaUSty) rre Miner' CeruAcale place of each egg omitted. dirt, no bother. You never have o. I line la lead, after lb iplrtloa of This baked nil applies well to nearly Uty day from tb dale bertef l apply equally to sweep up after cookine on a a bobair or tb laid cmpBy to the foods. Try the following recipe according to the NEW PERFECTION. It Mintsr Reoorder of lb tatd iHiirlct for cooks more quickly and more CerliSeate of ImproTement for eacb of new way: be aboe claim fr tb purpote or ob CREAM LAYER CAKE conveniently than a coal or wood talstsf crown rrant tbercor. Old Way New Way range, costs less for fuel and takes Att ruRTHER TAkE NOTICE thai atuos I nr ' leear iibder SecUon IS of lb Mineral Act matt H ml I aula half much cap up' as room. 14 earumeeerd brfor lb Uiwanc or tucb t Bear I com Sear CorlWcaw of tmproeemealt. t fair-aa Or.Trie' ItaVIa Pearler 4 1 . a O.ftte' Baklaa These dealers sell them: Dale4 IMa Iftb day of Jane. A.D. HIT. K lil ea ahorlMle I lec takeaaaea aaartaolaa' I. A. Marl.VUS. I laaaeaaa Saeaeto- lleateaaa Saeaeto ftoMetior fur Ikeda Mloet Umtted tHjna Makes 1 Lares 2-Laytr Cake rertonal Llabtltiy). SI0. DIRKCTIONI Cfaa IK aaat aod ahatlaoUi aetlMt.tlMaj aUa latka aa. Tnoanao Harer Co., Print Rvaaet. t THE ESTATE OF CllhlSTIE 0IDSOM After ataiaa Ik Bear a4 Ur rrtoe'a tt.ktaa t-ewer taetk.twaee Hum llM,a4 It all t I ha ratalar OraSaaUv a4atke milk aaal k KaiM Hardware Co " " (DivEASLD) aatll ra kat MaMk oaar aaller. A44 Ik Bavaria rVar lat (raaarS larar take II a a kaa la a enoa'aretalr ha area are ltr aOaat. TUa SUek'o Mae.- Co, aabalakaat fcaaa I r laroi. fat lrMba Hk(taaai Ula aa raxMi .tOTICE IS HEREBY OIVI'I thai all Howe Jk BWNvltr, " " Hh akU kio. PorsoB baki claim upon lb Eauu of A. i. - " Oaltoad, tb lat CbrHil OlLaon bo died oa or Sr Vauaf A C rrt Slmoaoo. s.a iImwI lb tlb day of Noreruber. A. f) SIS. wbtlo on actir arr'lc overieai. ar required to send to t. II. NMulln. Dr.Prices "fOclal AdiHtMatraWr for tb rountv or AUla. on or befor lb )lh day of SeMcin With RoyalUe Coal OH the New tt. ISIT. a rati ataleeaeot of Ihelp rlalma CREAM Perfection wiU cook your meal e any arenmy betd by Ibem. dalr rertSml. for from 5 to 10 cents. and afMr umi dale lb undoeointNi uui roreed Ml dtatrtlMlM lh aaaela of Um BAKING POWDER THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY dereaaojj aatanr U panic eauiM thert-"' bf retard only to lb claim of limited Meb ml tut been filed witb hiiu. BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES IiAti ii prlnr Rupert B. c, ibt t ttb Made from Cream of Tartar, from Grapes day f J Sly. A.D. HIT. . II. McMULLlM, Made in Canada No Alum SI I Official Admlnl.tralA, EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F.Q.DAWSON PRINCE RUPCRT