i I. . TUB UAILT HEW . I .- The Daily News 'MAIL SCHEDULE S. S. PRINCE RUPERT ' THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. OH PublUhd Dally nd Weakly Monday. Wednesdays and Fridays PRINCE GEORGE Guaranteed Largest Circulation at SOUTHBOUND HEAD OFFICE: Trom th East, Mnftday m fr Saaaaon Bay. Vawaw, nrtana tM Miarday I a. m for oreaa nil. Vaaneaaap, Vwtam aui - ,., Dally New Building, Jhird Avenue, Prince Rupert, U.C. Tel 93. suodsys. Tuesdays and I'rL NORTHBOUND TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO ctAita tier inch. day. at :W P m wr.R.iEshAT It tn tor Ktlrbiktn. Waawa1. taaean ar.t -ai,,.. FRIDAY It fta for Anr. Contract Rates on application. a For Vancouver. TRAIN SERVICE Monday 7 a. m. PtMefr VnMr. Wed need r ib-t TrHf H ItiS a m , DAILY EDITION Tuesday, August II, 1017. Tuesdays .5 p. m. peeM Oaorro, bdaaaniOM n1 WHHMawac, SaaXfHr SJMaei , , . . iavturdars . . . . 7 . m, & p. m. padavH aaal sad mwUl Mite4 To4sjr I a.lm rar Sox.n.,. , k tarnteidMls patnti. FUTURE WELFARE matter of Ilrilisli preference. whirh will react fur the whole goo. From Vancouver, Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. . a r tin- Dominion as Recognizing thai "in moro It was advocated that a preferential with bandars i P m. Fur informal)n ami rcsenallnns apph t which will met-t production between the Great advantage be given to an on. of lh majority Mondays 0 a. m. City Ticket OfHce, 820 Third Avenue. PHONE Lakes and the Pacific lies the Iiritish imports of fifty per the approval this WedrVMdays 8:30 in. lUmada at key to Canada's future welfare cent, of the generaT tariff. Only of the people of Friday " m. the question of farm Imple a year or so ago, the alleged time. ' aaa awaaaaadai aaaama aaaaaasaaaaaaaaMaii amMaBaaaaaaaaiaaaai,,, ments was one of the many Imperialists at Ottawa impdsed ULTIMATUM TO HUNS For Anyoi. which came up before the big an increased duty on certain Sunday 10 p. in. Liberal conference at Wlnnl- goods of Iiritish origin, pre fiucnos Alrs. August 16. IM- Fridays .... 10 a. m. h 8 p. m CANADIAN PACIFIC De last week. Whether the sumably at the request and in satlsfied with the progress of ne RAILWAY Canadian farmers would have response to the desires of the gotiations with Germany growing From Anyoi. cheap implements, or cosily equally imperialist "big interests." out of the sinking of the vsm- Lowest Rales o ell tastorrt Po.nta one was one of the issues of This imposition of new tine steamer Toro. Ihe Argentine SoiHlays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m via Steamer to Vancouver and iha the last election which was to obstacles on the export trade government has broken off the nd Saturdays, a.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY a great extent lost sight of in of Great Dritain at a time when discussions that, were being conducted Maala mr4 nHh Included an Sleemer the fold of the Union Jack Iiritish trade meant so much with the German minister For Port Simpson and Naaa River, during that flag wagging cam. to the Empire and the Entente here, and has sent a final, eats Saturdays, a.m. Princess may for OranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Tridj, pafgn on the part of the pres. alliance was, of course, dictated Ilerlln gorical note to requiring southbound via Ocean Falls 0 Princess May p.m, Sunday ent party in power at Ottawa. from purely Imperialistic a clear and final reply lo the Ar For Queen Charlotte Islands. Even a person with the most motives. At least so it was said, gentine demands within a reason 10 n. m. July i8lh. August IsL Princess Sophia for the north Monday, August 20th superficial knowledge of the but the people of the Dominion able time. The reply is expected 5th and SVlh. conditions as they exist in the may think otherwise. Imperial within eight days. During thi J. I. PETERS, Genera! Aernt western prowinces will realize preference and low larifTs is a lime it will be decided if relations From Queen Charlotte Islands Co ncr Fourth Street ar.J Tlilril Aaonuo Print Rupert. C C. the importance to Hie Dominion Liberal policy, and must inevitably with Germany shall be broken if July Mnd. August 5th. 10th; as a whole of having farm im. become the national the response from the German eptember 2nd. plemenls, tractors and engines policy of Canada. Hut to the Foreign Office is a negative one. placed on the free list. Canada opponents of Ibis policy, Sir tewart, Maple Bay and Swamp wants Increased production Wilfrid Laurier and his follow, Salvation Army. Point. The Government calls upon the if ers are traitors. Public meetings, Tuesdays, 10 in. farmer to produce, produce and The convention dealt with Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Fop Wednesdays. p Launch AliceL From Saturdays, p. m. yet produce. And at the same' many other matters of prime m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. lime soaks him on his ma-' national importance and has chlnery with "an intolerable' contributed a real national CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Alaska and Yukon Territory. row THE SALT Uta .OTICE IS HEREBY OIVE.t that Urn For Mondays, 7 a. m. customs tax." This of course, ' policy of constructive merit. Eiaey Ptoa Oaf fra mr eiUUBf oer a amaa Imo4 la I be is a good policy, from the point Its attitude towards the win. harbor of mac Raprrt. kaova Let From Saturdays, p. tn. IS ay a. of view of the Canadian Manufacturers ' nfug of the war calls for greater its. fur i. Cot DHUKt, fcy reaaon HITUSa PASI zw Association. action of more far-reaching r a oouee aweartai la Mm BrttUb Oalem-u oiihm at tbc tut April. If 10. and on Canada's "infant industries" than importance any plan yet S3 OiM Ifm April. 111. U eaaretled far . t, TteOWAS, rtm are of course, mostly situated adumbrated Ly the present Um parpoea of roaklar Hit of tba aald BMH SSI east of the Great Lakes, and, government. Its war resolution LM to (be Grind Traak rseiflc Deekp-awal judging from the attitude of "states the most comprehensive Contpaar. Limited. GEO. ft. .1ADE.1, Depeu MUUitcr of Land. the Manufacturers' Association war policy so far promulgated." Depariateat ar Uad. VKtarla, B. C, I Its are not yet showing any signs It does not stop ana. HIT. M. Aac. IS- TIMBER SALE X101S. eeeeeeeeeeee of precocity, let alone adolescence. at mere military service, but it They still require to be would apply the principle of Navigable Waters Protection Act. Sealed leaders win be recalled y tbt R. S- C Chapter III. Mtaeeter af Laoda nal later tbaa aaeai aa Ix4terfM.ta fed and suckled. And spoon conscription more as it is applied Ike ftad dar "t September. If 17, rar Um Canada as a whole has to provide in Great Dritain and other The Orand Track rartOe Railway Com- parch ar Ureors X ISIS. U nil .111. KnvatofM the milk. It is beginning warring countries. It would paajr berrfcf tired aaUra I tut II baa, an- aaa reel at Sprat. Balaam aad Hemtork ttataenatita to be realized throughout the apply the principle of conscription r Sactten 7 af tfca aatd Aft. depaaited m aa area Htaaled an Uak Lake. Ran re tarda. El IW9S wiik tac MtnHter af raMM Warka ai Ot DUtmt. Dominion that weaning time is t the wealth and the whole Coatl tawa. d Id U affle of the DMtrtrt Tjft (1) ww m aaawea tar re- about due; so that Mother resources of the country. Tbl netffffar ar tM Lam MfHtty mux " mcTi ar tteber. Canada may regain her full people of Canada will have uo trtet or fHaea Rupert, at rrtnre Rupert, rartte-r parttcwUrt 1 tba cater Far- economic strength. objection lo conscription beipg a Jtaenamn a ttw alt and piaa af arbarf eter. Vlcaarta, B. C. ar DtalrWI rreter. The News Job Press had aUier warks aad aaa rafter plaal pra-paaed prtaea Rupert, B. C til Still greater and increased applied wholly, while a considerable ta ba trnKI la Frtftca Unpen harbor production in all branches of proportion do most at rrtee Rupert. Brttlah GsltimMa, Is TIMBER SALE X1019. PiiilJt sf All Otscrrstiisi Dsae in the of rni of Witerfrvnt Black "I." ateonUai activity development decidedly object to its partial j r rut red plaa af tbc tanalte at tbc the natural resources of this application, in the form of the ad Clly af Priaee Rupert re tillered la Sealed uadert wall Im mvlead by tba great Dominion cannot fail to Military Service Dill. If Canada (be aforeeald land reentry office a Ha. MMitor ar Lands aat Uler I baa oooa oa P.O. Eat 19 Program I be the outcome of the Immediate is to be united, the united St. Settton 7. aa Tta day t Aatait. 117. rar tba par. CstaJocs I mm r lJeenra x to rat It 11.00 kUD TAKE MOTICE that after Um I- ISIS, succeeding years, and to strength of the nation must be I atrauea of coa maeMi front the data af lb fret ar Sprure. Balaam aad Hemlock ra aa Dwlrera that end, it is only logical that utilized in the bearing of the rat paMtealloa af tWa nottea, tba Oraad i adJoaalBf Lat RSI. Raara t, Ooait PoaUra,. the implements and agencies of burden of the war. And the Truck Paetfle RaUaar Campaajr alU, endee Metrkt. alt ua ted aa klldala Rlaer. production should reach the burden must be placed upon SetUeai 7 ar tba aatd Art. apply to UM Twa (I) rears UI Im allowed for re- Mlntaur of faMIc Worka at bis efflca la Um aweaJ ar timber. producer as cheaply as possible. the shoulders of the people City r Ottawa far approval ar tba said rartber parlirulari ar tba itier roreaitr. evenly, with due regard to their lie and flan and for leare ta eeattniel 'ieiorta, B. C ar Dlatrlcl rreter. Prwca Another of the important powers. Um said wark a. Rapert. B. C All matters which engaged the attention This is the stand which the DATED at Prtara Rypert. BrtUeh Gafam. . Ibta ism day af ;aae. A. D. Itl7. MINERAL ACT of the members of the western Liberals have taken. THE OBAMD TRUMC PACtriC RAILWAY VVInnfnpfr mpotfno. tLn ItiA They have formulated a policy :omra!T. Patmara k Paltoa. ftoliutort. IMly rratuan,(R.S. B.Birtb.C. Itltt.Crocni rrstUon. You Can Make Excellent Cake aad Plum mineral elaima atiuata la tba Oaeea Cbartalta Dlatrtct kxaud at or With Fewer Eggs near Ikeda Bay. Queen CbarlotU lalaoda. A NEAT KITCHEN rroTiaea ar BrltMb Cblumbia, Uwrulljr bald NEwi'ECTjmSj by Ikrda Mine I Limited (.loo paraonal Price's Just use nn additional quantity of Dr. WITHOUT A BROOM TAKE XOTiCE tbat I, labn A. Matlaoea. Cream Baking Powder, about n teaspoon, In Sol let tor for Ikeda Nloei Limited (.Han No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no oil 9mcLsTovE , lerwmal UabtBty) rrea Miaers Certiflrale place of each egg omitted. dirt, no bother. You never have to tllllC latead, after tba eiplrailoa af This applies equally well to nearly nil baked my dajra ha tba data hereof ta apply to sweep up after cooking on a tiefeair of tba aald Cuupaor to tba foods. Try the following recipe according to the NEW PERFECTION. It Viakir1 Raaerder or I tie aald DUtrttl rar new way: a cerlinrate or Impraremeota rar eacb ar cooks more quickly and more tba att rlalma fur tba purpoaa ar cb CREAM LAYER CAKE conveniently tnan a coal or wood taiwor crawa rranl Ibercar. Old Way New Way AND rURTIILR TAkE NOTICE tbat action less for fuel and takes ,1 ea I eea eaaar costs range, uadar Sect loo II ar tba Mineral Art mult H eea milk I eme Ik half as much room. be. commenced be fare tba laaaanea or aacb t eM Im t eeeo Seef up CerUSaata of lupravemeata. t leeteieio Dr.rriee'a Baab aie.WMa Dr. rriee'a tWata at These dealers sell them: Dated tbtt Itlb day ar June A.D. 1117. S ea eheelealaa t UMmiiM abMleaiM I. A. Mtcl.VICS, I iMieew letloa tteoiatio SeeeeaM Sotleltar rar Ikeda Mine a Umllad (Mn Uajlm 1 LarKa 3-Larar Pareanal Uablllljrl. tit. DIBBCTIONS-Cteaaaiao teet mmi,kiil teeelbet.tkeo aUa letke IM THE ESTATE OP CHRISTIE ASe e tnia tke Seer oad D rtht'i r-ewdee ta.kee, I we t OIBSO.1 idd all OredaeUv edd IM Mia aod " ; Thompson Hardware Co-, Print Rupert. time,i It to Ibe nletere (DECEASED) Salon Hardware Co., " laiee take lie, 14 bake U -ede.eletr l-et let Im-ealr - JJ " " take la bM beted la two terete, fat teeUwM wNh atea-i SIU aod tlsrk'i Hardware Co., NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKM tbat all wttb white latea. How A McNultf, " " peraana battas claim upon tba Eatata ot K. J. Oalland, " " ibe lata ciifHlla Olbaan who died on or atMMil Ibe lib day ' Rember. A. D. Boyd Yeung a Ca Part Slmpean. . a Sis, wblle on actlva aervlcs ovarteai. Dr.PRICE'S are rrcialrad to send to J. II. McMulla, omcial Adiittahtraior rar tba eoaoir or Aiim. an ar before tba Itlb day or September. With Royalitr Coal OH Ihe New itl, rail itaterBeai ar their elaima, CREAM ur aajr aettMir betd br them, daly rerlOad. Ptrftctlon will took tntal your aad afire thai data tha uaderalrurd WIH for front 5 to 10 centi. liroeeeU i,t dMIHbau lh kiaela or lb BAKING POWDER deea.ua, amaar lie partlea enliiled there-ta. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY hai.ar rarard aalp ta the rlalma of limited wbMii nutira baa been Bled a lib Mm. DATED ai I'Hftea Rupert B. C.. thU Itlb Made from Cream of Tartar, from Qrapf BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES day of Joljr, a. D. II 17. ' II MrMt;i.U.T Mado in Canada No Alum Offlcial Adxiiinijirator EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PHINOE HUPCT S. ft