ITiirailay Atigiml 1 1, 1017'' THE DAILY NEWB SCIZC5 ALL SHIPS if WONDERFUL j NOW DCINQ BUILT LAND ACT He used a pebble to ualiliwlfitt, August 4r.lA LAJIU PISTWCT -DUTRICT Of 10 I nlled Hlatrn Oovernmenl In. , , ciiast. rtA.rQe 4. keep bis mouth moist FROITJEDICINE qtilsllloned nil merelm TAkK 50TU.K that Empire Palp k Ftpr of morn tlmn 2,500 la,!. ,,., M. i imliad. ct Vanronvtr, Drill.h Co i atf lumMi muiiuiiik in .imrrirnn -ti lunibii. occapation pulp manufitturinr WE USE busands Owe Health And iMulile and trifl n,, hifl- a-npanjr. inwndi 14 applf for parmiMkrfi leaaa Um followlnr daer!td landt: will bq put in the yard- f PrrlanlBV at I be aouihwrit torntr; tiffin miw To "Frull-a-lftes" length construction. Ibtnrt true iKiflh 10 chains; thtnee It tho marrellotu No aiinoiiiieemeut u. ,,,.. .. 11 It tat approilmitclr 7 chain; IGLEY'S j-HClfA-TI VIS", to the amount of tomm.- itieurt (rue north 10 chain to a corner r, at mt Jo from frtiUJulffa !a md,.,, al-d upon the with shore of Kbetie , trwro cases of SimmatA, J.itrr, over, but Itio shipping i m.) inlcl. mhteb tars . 4" 1 V Eail from UK A ,dy d Skin TrvubUt M record allow that ntioui ;nn uurirvait cornr of lot numbrr ft, and la fitdlfint. In tesere casea sds of nearly ., r sifroiimairljr tlV chains distant there 4,r Imd, tiicnre alone the sooth snore of all clause ore building. mstism, Sclsllca, lumbago, khuixe tnlrt to the point of txcinninr ;,e lUck, Impuro Wood, Heu- An fast ne Ilia yard ai lari-l tarlnr S. ?T"4l' Weal and Is spproil-tnalrl; x hronie Headaches, Chronlo of tlieir present eon.tru ii i) Hi. ft chain. - ;n and Indigestion, "Fruit-Uas Mill Off ptll IA Work l) 4 1.. irriMi Utte June ST. tflT. S. EMI'inC PLXP k PAPER MILLS. LTD. glren unusually efffcUre licet the Oovernm.-nf mil (Ml I li O. A. iorrenaon. Arm.. Uy its cleansing, healing The yanla were ordeivd t, "'nt-f i en the eliminating organs, Into no more contrail. .,r LAND ACT a . ca" tones up and Inslgor iniimeni lor private (m.Lr nation ..3 ;e system. and to begin no new rii 8lvEE.1A USD bISTIUCT DISTRICT OF at.-t. flfor 2.M, trial alia, 23c. tracts already made without (lr COAST, RA.10E 4. II & Jcrs or aent postpaid by Fruit- ohtalnlnK the ermiaatitn of Ui cj suted, OlUaa. licet eoriWBtfcm. TAKE NOTICE that Empire Palp Paper Milla, Umltfd. of Vaneourer. British Co (Mtipensalion for Uieonalr un i. orropatin fxtlp manufaclurlnr COAL NOTICES Unit aelied will J letrmrHNi ' ii!p)r, inteada lo apply for permission later. lease the fellowlar deecrtlxd Undi:-B'Honlnf f COAST. MAM 4. at a corner located at the l: lu; r .... j...i. k. I aan Inland uilrravrtlen at the west Una of Lot No, " WATER c : : uti i. .e "7J NOTICE I, i r a ucenc "P"'" with the blrh wster Una on the sooth adT tti ;. lin on um iuw. .(..r- of Ehatte Inlet; thence slont the U&E AID BTOIU6E. ainta bre of the Inlet In s northwesterly h. of lb. cr u tua TAKE .lOTtce that Th ttnMra Pto k TsKlaH if"lion ta which brare . as 4 aSBaV a earner Ji. Ik" fit,. a, "T ,t,, ra(MT MHla, U4., wtoM marttt it van- K.tUi. uieuca " Wett, from the Initial corner, and Is toner, o --. win araay ror a Htnat to appruslioateljr IT chalaa dlataat there. Umik Dorm a cbewa IS,'' lata an4 all tit mitt tad la ft m. Ibenee .1. l!"0'E.f! rhtlni; thence aar rti of iur oi r anniimd a No. I. tuuo. it"a' E. sptireiimately IT chains: thence ( il McLeaaa lak. alaa kto ai vnulea Laka. ahirti ll-a Wast it chains mi. to the point or luin, May iiri.!. McLLAN. D"l and drauii lata W'bala ciwne! aboal bertenttif. per ramp cheatey, Altai mH iwHi rrora Wraf wrfci. Data June 17, It IT. 8 WRIGLEY5 TtM alarata am win b awatad at ai Oallara Attached to SklrV The EMPIhE PULP k PATE B MILLS. LTD. tiii( t or coait. Raan . ?,HM ' Tb 'wr. tan walking dreas 0. A. Jorreoson, A rent " .a - ajh a ai i Kav with UcVwi ,9r " "1B IM i e caiii ro foriuiDR a part of the L, f ra to V" at . trrta LAND LEASE NOTICE gives kuui uo Uta iMMtviai "frf UM Taa ir mm m faatad rnxo in i our f tbe moat attractive us a wholesome, antiseptic, CjOiiuHKisa ai rf"72 i t at a aoaat abt Takaa kt fr t-arly fall ar. Sanall but ton a tkEEAA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or refreshing confection run from thr bin to the bottom QVtEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. to take the place of the cave rati to cJMtaa uraca mr ftaarft tad M b aad far or the naiu r, KiMtig a moat novel .KflHIl, ciuu a .iriajf"" Jatpa acMta Um laad draartkad effect. TAkE NOTICE that I. Georre McRae. of man's pebble. utl U H. N(UM . I aa la arfaauca) aa Mat tl aaH aod of tkMerat. B. C. eeewpetlea eeitneer. In Lak aai rraaer.Rrarfe. RETURNED SOLDIERS lend to apply far permlta to leate the We help teeth, breath, appetite, ateakjr, Altai. IMa nattf n pid oa Um (rawed faasswiar deirrlbed lands: digestion and deliriously soothe fr fwav l Ilk tof t Jaaa. HIT. A tmor af AND WASTE OF FOOD fommewetnr al a paal plssted st tbe IMa aalira and aa ipakuika paraaaal aarlheait ewraer of T. U Lot tit, Allford mouth and throat with this -welcome kisTMt r or CoAaT. luara . Ihrtaaa aad to Um vur AtU till. U( MeUiria. Augnat ie. Bay. Skldeaat Inlet, thence wei tt sweetmeat. r- it -A IU.I 1 la.AtB "-' The pro t ait iw oau f u Wiur rtrdr -MtiM. tbeoce north S chains, tbeace tt at rrmtm hiti, B. C Ut)rteoi u ua vincial eonvenlioo of the (ret raata ta sa eaiterly and saatberly dlree- nr mm in ivnu mi gtmiwa Chew It after MMMctaa ai a pual plaaiad arNraiavii .r b Bird IIH Um atd War Vetera ua" Asaoetation con- ' rrftowtni abore line, tbeace west t every mtsal it t jit til iM avaiaocai atxtwr M arr rer4r or iu. Um GemctraaWr eluded Ka daiiberalMina here this rttam la point af enmmencenient, eon-uiasai cLcat a N l cuuu, Uraxa (wrta aa 10 less. A it, at wafer Hutu. rartuoMet seres mere or aUara. lirr a tl aa ttu.uu, uwaca week. Among the reaolulions Tina Flavour Viriona. r iuua Ian Hlh, HIT. 0E0R0E McRAL. to caajaa tawoca aatt aa cbaioa . uunr dara afwr um !) -j;: el ciAiurocuurai, tpmauuaa Brai afpMraata) af IhU aoUee la a taraj paaaed I tie following ia noted: a aawaa aa il iomii aamapaprr. Toa data al Um am wMtea-lieai "Wbemaa we are assured by TIMBER SALE X 942. Lasts! J Mu f (il, HIT. f taia fo Ufa la air HUk. HIT. the iHattiiftaon uf Canada that it is mull MHXAJI. of the R real eat inipor tane for the Sealed Under win Im received by tbe Ir i uiip CbMatjr. A taut COAL NOTICES safety of thr country during the Maatsaer af Lands not later than noon on Mm I ath Aar af A emit (SIT. for Iba Dar- MaThJiT or COAST. ku.ft s. war that the greatest T : COAST, fuara I. eooomy XSli. eaate al Ueence to cat l.ttt.000 laka awkrr Uul I, ftartnaa AlcLcaa totaM !.. I . i .... a mi u I. ftauaa aa Ivp McUaa tar Uio4 anal lu mm lur a ttcveea a A4 far eaal i '""""' " w- feat af Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Bal Don't merely smother your cough Um toaaaaisf 0MrlLl ad frwvaMiaa u im iuw. Hritw'-uiiilon and rare of our food sam aa aa area (Hulled on the weal snore at lan.l. cuawMtawtaa al a (atl pUated : r,rr-t.,ZZ ,r of Etteratle Channel. Ranre J, Coast Dls- mmmtmmmmmmm 'ii( a tHMl MaatMl n -.1 uw taoif aad UliM mm tmiit autita Um aouUaral amM IHJ iHIIDI? TTfT Uathien'a Srrap of Tar and Cod Liver O0 not oadr v( NtLeui f cUiio. bcaar abaal "Wharaaa it hit Kmu nnivul hw I I Two it) year will La aHowed lor re I.IIKri promptly arresta conghiiis;. but thanks to Its tonic eaaa aw rir LSi I m.i w S. cw tMUmony before ttie Kisberie aaaaal of Umber. jlja atrenfthenins; properUes tt helps the system to throw cat The cold aad thus effects a permanent cure. It la that quality which baa vest far u ia cuiii u um LKMai I .J .7T. .. " "-rr-i."""'.:- iKnoiiaiion mat a reariui waale farther particular or tbe Cb:et Foreater tt Use larxeat aaj of say cougb and cold remedy In r ' auauiaiar 44a acrta.1 vtctaru, B. C or DUtnet roreater. Frtnee awrua aa caauta w ia twiai of aunna-oca- and dealructioa of fWi is taking a. aa aa a. McLaeA'a Jla. I Rupert. B. C ITI. jjf. I ioiiUt, rmrywktr. l " la,"" ay t ia. itll. JSlSS?',i44 aui Place, in u far that U flab other V-:;: kMAA rukfi MtLeaa.Uwaley, Altai. I Lacalrd Mar Had. HIT. than salmon and halibut are The Daily News delivered by aV L. aSATBIXXJ CO, trv. aUnaKsUttMstaT, PjSV per HURSU ramp M(LX.,tJMaley. AraL thrown away and destroyed when arrier, 50 cents per month. "SatTall BaaTSarMa L' aJE ha aaa'aaai. saTVtl ttm ; r AiAtT. luasn t. caught, and that the btiik of tlie DIITIUCT or COAtT. ruaia . t TtUH list h MtLaoa lalrod fish so destroyed ia greater in far lake cwUca that LAinaaa McLean laleod asm la rual um lauowiar preafwci oeaeriMti Ui ttvi 'ar a urate la prMpetl lar eual number and weight than the fish mj tl a imI pita i4 A,iiacui ai a puai tuaaiea , i'rrirrrui J 'M Um faiuiMi nrae at a !... ....a -J.,.. .. " irmmr auuMi um um h.nail ji r aula i ei ai. um swrtaaeat laeace j 'Therefor be il reeolved that Save the Food and uwaca iit J2 TaS UMae eti sa chains, the Dominion novernmenl be r. i- roeiiaiaias I quested la take wueh aelluii im Serve the Empire ! ai i Iw kaawa aa M. MtLeaa s to Um pual at cuauiuaarcaaaBl. cwa ataa UMUac tie aires, la t kaaa aa X Mc mediately aa may be necessary to 1 Mai HI. IIH lu a nu. t culm. Uii, MctXAM. Lwcalad Mar fSU. HIT 1'revenl such waste ao that the The Average Canadian Family Wastes .ivsau aiitjeaii. ,.... ..... tawatey. AfeaL . w r ft ItMhp CAealey. Aaeitf. truvid an ManniMiaAl fnn.1 fnr Enough to Feed c Soldier -uAT. fuara 1. I. Ranuaa McUaa laleod Tal. sZa. IIul L ..r.a mX Ulteadl,'" l'P' ' W Industry J a oL,TJ!?, ,or to, I facsiareaea l lrapel fee oaal m nalkTltalited SO as to lurnisn raa i n I ffttumi tw.r aTi um tall aaata vT um eetilhwesl earner of It ia further resolved soldiers that in fjT? an meace mu! ani a ban Kuiea iwru of um neat riter. the interests of the Industry that SB IB SPaHSklSKa. at f ""neal. aaartZalnr S -i aaiars wsi oi l CKia.- ri.ri,iiIA (iovwrninent takn over bv niir yrXaTaaji "f oa i auaut SO CbaiBJi uwoca tail - rf " 4 -JL " ... MfUUI-.l . taK mu so cbaiasi tnenee chase or otherwise of a old ator - - I-J Mai ri,L itis ai as ebawa la Um Dutal al cvauiMOca- agr plant." vtJnaMcrjA' 'HA Jiadux iucdl eaAiajatfaif acrea. la tie known "P CbeaJ,,; aa II. MeLeaa a Ha. S claim. President Duggan declared that An,u Laralad Mar Stnd. HIT. the (lanadian cold II IUII MII.I..I.1 storage ayslem T or COAST. Haas, s. tr rtUHp Chealey. Areat was the greatest curse of the 1 "Li..KPM " niSTftior or COAST, runs t. country and should be taken over an mr n . T'.. . ."t.Mi vern.ent "The Kitchen mutt help as well as in ; Ihm WMiihw-.. I ..... ... iu i..,rihi ll aiieirttalMt In Ihia rwirnnl Hint 1 t. 1 . I ... i. . .. . . m h... f .... .. the Workshop and the Trenches" a7i .a ,-. . " 1 7. is- 7.":, M".n i relumeil aohllera could very well wd laenra aa .h.i.. ...I.. t rlAlm .n.1 .bout caio mil a kbAir Intra tliolf lUfl It. IIiA fllAlifnc n Lloyd George, i nm..h..M... l..... . -. k. H-.... . .tuMA. ' Ic a known aa IL vclmbi I iUi se chains, itwnce weal so chain: l us try by lllling billets from tho inrtKa aoutn se rnaios, went eu s actual fishing operations itself lo It..!. uauia lu Um Dutdl of cwuaa?oceineol. eon lUUIt M1 FAN sis acrs. and lo lie kaowa aa It. the cannery and atorage plants economy in ler I'blllp CBMifv. AaeaL MeLeaa Aa. a cuuu. ' a The returned soldiers could do 1NTF.I.T.IGENT much LuriLnl Mar alnL HIT can do lii X Or CuASr. hans I. Itwaa aii.u.ii a great deal to help In the llfty "a that I. Mwrouu UcLaan Intena I we Philip Cheater. Asent. per cent, reduction in cost to the to prevent the threatened - uta a lirrnra on the lu follow prufp(m deartllMd tur coal DISTRICT or COAST. Raa S. consumer. world famine can countcradt the effecx of high pnees Take ikulifa Ih.l I. Iluih Mclean Intend 'aeM-in al a . - R, 'hel rornar or pual II. MrLaao'a pleuled lu ai uly luf a licenr lu nrutneel tor cual and can replace growing debt with systematic saving. turnre weal so cbalna; tbenc and tieirulruui on the follow lur deacribed The Daily delivered by .um inenc eatt se chain land. - CtniUMiuclna at a roal Dlanlad m lv cbalna to the point Oil curuer h ... au.ui rarrier, 50 cents per mouth Careful investigations show that before the war the average humoi BMiuinini ii lo ..u. V-.4IIH, aitu auuui lorre anu a aaii Canadians even acrae, and were loilea lb British wasted 25 of their food we 71. ' "CLeana Jlo. S claim, Our of tbe Heater rlreri tbeuc family d May till. HIT, waal 10 cbalnt: lliriira south SO chain. Navlgablo Waters Protection Act. Mi It MAM MfLEA.I, ibeac eal 10 chain i tbenc north an more extravagant. per I'blllp Cbetlay. A sen I. tbaina umiur MriJtan to a io tbe no.arret,point to claim.of lo cuuiiuenreiuent.Im known si lluth con Tbe Oraaby R. I. C Chapter Oonaolidated III. Minlnr This waste is not in a few big things,but in many little ones, each, -TMl n-,iir,T Of ,(COAST.,llittt klrLcsn Ilanae t.Intend Lvraled May tlrd. HIT. HnMlimi and Power Company Limited we used to think, too small to bother about such as careless peejing 1 ir s lirriica Ui pnwie fur coal per I'blllp (.iw.Uy, Arent. lie re by sites notice that II baa, under of vegetables and fruit failure to make good use of dripping and leit-overt" l Iruin on Um fullowliif rteacritMd Sort lan T of tbe said Art. depoatted with ' .nuneacins al a poll plained lilSTHICT OP COAST. Itani t. tiw Minuter of I'ublio Worka al Ottawa and gUCh others as will occur to every thrifty housekeeper. - ai.uin ui um anulbweil corner Take Bullre that I. Iluah McLean Intend and In the once of the District RrrUtrar atui m ii Uf i um,,no t norm claim,uf ueinc Iha about and ti ai lielrtdeuin plr fur a lirenre on Um to follow ironect deacribed fur coal uf tbe Land Iteriairy Office. District of For the Empire's sake as well as your own, hunt up and cutout ami Uienra Hire milea tU r Hie Cedir Uuula. t:utiauriirlni a I a inr pual ulanied Prince Rupert, al Prince Rupert, a de- these leaks I You'll be helping to relieve the food shortage saving north 10 cbaliKi thence well at tho norlbaeat corner or N. McLean errtplKui of lb site and plan of wharf "aina ti '.lialna Uk-ik ki the auulh to ciiaiuu tht'iiw rlaiuij ibvnc north 10 cbalnas ibeuce and lumber mill, and other work pro-jk.,.,1 own money and putting yourself in a position to buy Canadian olnl of ruiuiiir nre-i your '! 10 rbaliiii tlM-iir aoutb SO chain; iu be bulli In Spruce Bay. on the t."'.uu"n."H-1" clm.res. lo Im known lltriKe eatt se chains lo lb point of com- ni iiiail of Larrom liland, Caitlar M-trlrl War Savings Certificates and help win the war. led iim mi inrui, r.intatuiiii tio acre, to b May Ifo.l.ntuii HIT.McLean, knowu led aa May II. Mtteau'a 3rd. HIT.No, It claim. ami TAkK NOTICE thai after the e- War Savings Certificates are issue'a in denominations of $25, ler I'blllp Chealey. A lent Iff lluth J'n'"P McLEAN, Aa-ent. piration of one month from Um dale of $50 and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face value. They bisTiucT or COAST, nans I. Cbelejr, the Oral publlrstloa of this nolle, lh and at all Money Order Post-Offices cost $21.50, $43 $86 respectively, lake tuiilr thai I, lluth McUan Intend DISTRICT or COAST. Haosa I. Orniby conaolidaied Minlns, Smeltlnt and ... !or "cauoa lo proaiwcl for coal Take nolle I 111 I I. llueli Vrlon Intend power Company Limited will, under See-ikki and Banks, thus yielding over 5 Interest, Should you need J. I' troleuni oil lb followliii deirrtbeil lo alTlV for a licence tn nni.iw.1 t.. Mial T of tbe aald Act, apply to tbe Min-later ..'Lotttftteacini si a poti plsutad iiut ixlrvleum uu Iba followiiir deacribed of Public Works at hi offlce In tbe it, you can get your money back at any time. ! . ","' .uiu of the suuihweal corner al a immI planted N. NcUaii's No. i claim, Iwlnc about IlaiHit;-Ctmuiieiiciur borthwail corner of N. McLean'a city of Ottawa fur approval or the said a lu If milt a uorln of Um Dcaver claim, an.t .1...11 ..... ...1 . it and plan and for leave lo coneirtiet 'a-r and llirre milea writ of lha Cedtrlnill north of beaver river: thence watt th said works. river. llivnra liiirlh an .h.i.... ....I.... .. .. . .. . DATED si rrince Rupert. Brltieh Colum bia, into 4th day or July. a. D. HIT. ".!: M:.'rNV9T' u kuttwo ,o u knou i"' 11 THE 0RANBT CONSOLIDATED MlfilNO. The National Service Hoard of Canada, v- SMtLTIJIO AND POWER COMPANY kofaUdM.ytu,i IllJtilt HIT.McLkAN, LociVd May tlrd, HIT.McLEAN LIMITED. OTTAWA. par I'blllp Cbealey. Acnl. r .wUp cIm.mV. AftnL Paunora k Pulion, Soli tl tors.