flalunlar August P'7 THE DAILY NEWS ..mn crtnnn in in 'GERMANS CAN TAP HtumAiim wad TUr New York. Auir. iva . MOST SEVERE ilra,.lch The (Irrmaiia to The ( Franee oa.- , Guaranteed To Satisfy Invented n new devtee hkh la Jf.l Paint AU.Tk TJroe Until IU nulomatlcolly" projfct lnlo u The "Sunshine " Furnace gives healthful, T.W TRU1T A.TIVU . or telephone wires,rappi.a establish!.,lelegranli warm air heat and plenty of It. nn electrical connection and en When installed, according to plans nl.lniff the Germans to tap passing furnished by our heating engineers,-it message regarding operations is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. Prisoner recently taken confirm Write for free illustrated MP stories previously told of how the booklet. i Herman command obtained ... information of the hour aet for attar. MeOnyk Thia new device probably la lh most successiui mean of eiplon. ng invonfoil ! thm "l SUNSHINE FURNACE "o wcriuana. uur aoiaiera in trance have always loitdo Toioirro MOimttAL yramna VAjicotTTia been mystified by the eaie with T. JOHX,SASXATOOIT A S. lLi.Mf;T05 XbafOirTOal CAU3AXT which the (lennans Identified UH. LMPON Ilrlllsh regiments coming into new the For Sale by Steen 6 Longwill Vrront, Out Kor, lllh-. 1915- front line. When the neweomers II r .va lor nomuri mi j arrived they were Invariably greeted by placards erected over v. wivavl from strains w wa7 uie trendies or by a hail from th Evening I'etlicoal line and Camisole combined in pink crepe de chine enemy calling them by .... name Hh frills of net r... ctualed i - pun with posies. This ability of the Oermans to i wv:i a;-aln. W",1 rrcommmuMi pirn up me latest Information nn. wV't " and Mtrr utimg 8UQAR LIKELY TO BC ; to tan doubledly carne from the use of WATER NOTICE ' j l.x I if It mw4 WaVr tUt this hook-like arrangement which SCARCE IN CANADA A J to Uie tbffl, m1 I Is thrown over our telegraph and USE AAD STORAGE. U.a lt of beatb, tUak telephone wires The abnormal conditions ob. TAKE AOTICE that TM Emptrt Palp k Lifebuoy 1 1 ur rroiwJy laining in Great Dritaln with re. riper Mini. Ltd, wboat tddrctl It Via-comer, a. C. win apply for a Uce&kt to bath V . H. UA rw.-. COAL NOTICES Rard to its supplr of sugsr are lake and cm all Um water tod ta ttora ICrou- who r rraiKnr tula hare threatenlnn: to eilend to the 10,000 acre feet of water oat of annamed means a fc -,fv or VUMtt l rwiiw, or MITWCT or COAST. Haata 1. Western Hemisphere as well. In lake, a Io known 11 Wbalea take, wblea Tait aouca Uut ftowt tad draina Into Wbale Channel aboal Tt I. lliiib McUaa UtctMl In pr, t j ).!;rumaU or Pain trctr fwrallccaca) is imtMi x-i addition to the scarcity of ship, oaa mile north frtxa Riven BlrbL health? rV r ::.rliTruW rire"-) mll- ka4 iiro4ua e um ttiinmt oacntl pins' lo bring the raw sugar to The ton re dun win b located tl wtit 'r trial. TUi woaJcrtBl trull III"'"!"".' a puai puata4 the refineries, "there is end of Lake tt outlet of like. Tm capacity skin mrmrm M ! KaBi KMiaiaxMI Mm tm fcJ a unquestionably kV :a A do y wom M ooa Of J. MUaa t Aa f claim, tat.in r a! 1 a shortage that is of reaervotr to M created it aboal isto oat aad a MJf aailrt aorta of im Brtttr proving trrc feet tad It wlU Bood tboat S.OtO aertt It t .re lrn f TerjtbiB t tall. niar, aa4 lam aMiat ti of um CXUr a very great anilely to the re- at land. The wtter wUI M dlTtrted from a Us. 6 for 11X0, trUl . . rwtr; utroca aorta catiat; Uxoca n Oners, who have no assurance the tlreara al a point tboat. . . .Turn by First, because it's a pood soap-it postpaid oa rtertrt unn aoaiia tt ctauati tlariaa tanoel from etit cad or Lakt Urea mllet cleanBea thoroughly, though idi-eJf n or w um potai ai fTniTtraft that they will be able lo carry n1. XT a. 1 la. I . 1 rii by Fralt-a-titta Limited, ami, raiuiBtar sis arm. to La kima them the northerly direction from Let tt, Z ale-dale, iji nut, uccauae u it tt iaie- k. toraar4 n, Mtati Htr tfttaV a At), HIT.a claita. over remaining two oa rrteer fteaeh aad win be nted for guard against ail sorts of germs, infections, etc that months of qctive trading," sc. power parpoaet upon the Uod deterlbrd hands your or your clothing may have come in contact COAL NOTICCS pr raaip CMtir. imi cording to the Canadian Grocer it Lata In oa application r rater Retch.to leua tl rait end of with. That's the Lifebuoy story cleanliness with in its last issue. It saya the sugar safety. The slight carbolic odor vanishes DISTRICT or COAST. lUatt . ThU notice wti potted oa the iron id immediately. uiu r or coast, Ttkt BoUca Ual L ifata MtLaaa laiaxul situation lias reached a more oa the Itb day of June. HIT. A copy of Uuod ta tpilr for t UcBa 10 praapact for tul acute stage than at any time since Uii aouca tad ta tppUcauon partnint a. notice uui L Hit MrUsa. tail vmvm oa um I ji Lcraci w pruttwtt far na.-viabairarui tl foUoatar a put I acntrtl plaatJ the war opened. With the can thereto tad to IM Water Act, 1014. will LIFEBUOY fit. ic-sm M U fuUaBUf tlrrU4 I BklM taawUI of IM toautoaat lamil ning in full swing, and the be Bled In the office or tM Wtter Recorder af A. McLraa t Aa. I cUua. brui aboal season II Prince Rupert, B. C Objection to Um jttttUMi U Urn CXUr UUM r M a half taitaa aorta of tM artor encouragement being offered the ippHraUoa may be Eled with Um tald , im aorta mo u uiim Sr ie hi nvar. ana utrot will ottt or IM Catr tr tutrf Uarac HI If ntr. tfcrora aoru tt cMtata Utroca tail public to go into canning on an water recorder or with um Comptroller HEALTHY a uuu, lararo aoata ta caaiati Uwaxa unprecedented scale, this presents of Wtter nirhti, rtrtlamcat Bottlinc. n iac aorta St caua la Um poial ni a caaina u UM m of nanmriira Victoria, B. C, wlthla thirty days trier Um oiaMfraMBl, euauiaiar (It rr. awai. roatatataf lis a ma. ta Im aamra very serious situation. Brtl ippetranca of thii notice In a local lied Ka Mir m tJU.h. McLraa HIT. o. I, ai Locaiad n. acuta Mir ftad.1 m,HIT.I ctalav The combined stocks in the aewipaper. The cute of Um Brit pub Ilea-Una 5 DAP ML.UH MCUJL.1, United states and Cuba, the Cana. of Utl t notice U Jtly ISU. HIT. twr ramp takr, ArL rf rtalllp CbatWy, Araat. dlan Grocer continues, are 100, "r: t r coast. iun i WSTWCT or COAST. Ituf . 600 tons short of the 1910 crop TIMBER SALE XS42. Ttka aol Ual L Aertaaa atcLaaa kind and the Ilrillth Government hat lan t Ual t Mlffe Klltu laUad to Miaif fr a Itraoca ta momwcI for dual Sealed teadert will ba received by the Don't merely smother eoagk ; i '3f l lMr M mwm far rul tad ttroarnai aa IM foitoaias aVacrUwS still contracts calling for 200.000 Minuter of Ltadi Dot later than noon oa ' your awauaf i at cuOaturncitt tl a putt puaiaa tons, while In addition Argentine it lath da v if innil tatT roe the nne. pati 1 aula tuU of Ua toaUattl ceraar chaac of Licence X 111. to cut I.111.100 aflfTfwi-i WTfl UathVra's Srrap of Tax and Cod Um 00 not oaly Of A. MCLtaa t Aa I cUaav. aboal requires 50,000 tons to eke out oatat I I 1 K II bat laanaa to ta ionic mmn im aorta mi at im Utu aad a half aauat aorta of Ua ar feci of fprace. Cedar, Hemlock tad Bat- , r. pcocnpUT arreata coofhisc, n unc aorta at caaiaai a short It the tratetn to throw off nter. aa4 tarra ajutat al of IM CoiUr crop. -mm mm MMaiU oa IM aaal tharo i nttBrrpcTitbxlpt i-zz t i caiaj, um awata tJe cold and Uitm efferta It it thia cnulity vhich baa weja far U--l ! ttUM M IM nttr, Uxoca aal tt coaiati Uaaca ataj The Cuban sugar handler is PI uicrauc t namici. naufa a. woaat uim a permaaeat car. r..-awi, cet4ia(af acrta.poUl aorta aa cbauu,ta taaua ttwota 10 IM aaal tmtal It coatat;of nasaMaca-Uract making the most of the market, trtCL St Uaa larxeat aala of maj coogh aad cold remedy ia Canada. Two tt ata be allowed for re i lit i it, mt. at. naimiM Itt tcraa. M M Atwoa feeding it only such quantity as rrart jjc lmx t kotiZfX, ataijaalaii'. nwetl of Umber. tt A. MrXtaa a A a. 4 rliira. raiUp AaL Lacata4 Mir 114, HIT. will ensure the tnalntainence of farther particular! of Um Chief Former X L. htATBXra Cak, Praaw I CMitr, AukNA.1 MCIXAJI, a keen demand. Each Increase in Vlrtocia. B. C, or OUtrtcl roretter, rrtnee lr ramp caaatay, AraaL ; X t jf utUT. iuat I. price has been met with a moderate Ripcrt. B. C ITS. wnaicT or coiT. a&aa . offering only and experience Tata awlica Ual L .lanua Mctaa Iataa4 a . 3sxa ia brvaprcl far rval has proved that there is nothing I, -m m tM fJataiac aVacrUa to a4i far a Ucaaca to arvapact far Cwal u Muaaciaa at a tui uuuj aaa trarvB im latwviar swacruaa to be gained by waiting. CutuwtKtac ti a l I piuiM Ici.'Ut I iwara torLh aa wa kair taiM aaJl af IM aortal A nugar is urgently needed, Aca aui it ikiaii iK.M of M. attaa't Aa. S cuuai taaoca the article concludes, there is as caataa: laaaM tail cMlmj ltaca awata CMiaa; Utan cal It every likelihood that still further Wi im putal cf fwnuBwocanMat, coa- to be while advances are expected, taiauc 4t atrta. M M aiw-a at A. Ml-Laaat U. lu i t in S lUw. the possibility of ao actual scar UK4ld Xt Ilia, HIT. a- -a uaxxs. city is one of the not so remote WT lamp AltsL CMaHf, ow Aftat. ptt ramp . possibilities. 7 r ujAST. luat I, tilSTMCT or COAST, luart I. f.ia kaiiM iKal I U at) Mr!ial .-.-a Uval i. M! MtUaa UlaaO for coal The Daily News delivered by to tcptj forattcaoca to praapvcl .3 Ixfaaaiat mwii cVacrtM tor cwal aal iwtroaroat oa IM foUoaiar oeKTUaaO arrier, SO cents per month. at a ti u.ftuj laaala OaBaaaaactac tt a putt pUatc4 caar aaiuuM oua aula aoata of um toauaatl coraar of ,V McAaaa't Aa. S cuut Mtac aoeul om rdar aaJ a half cuUat aorta of Um kaar r1r. ata ta fiuiixi rati Ij --nm i - - to4 Ikrra murt oral a( im wow nttr; wo aooia tt cMtat; ucaca tt cMiat. Uaa aorta tt caaiai; ucaca aa at ... . . ' acrva. cat It cbaiht to UM puis I or frfiinamra- cj at ., hTT"" 1 iL coataiaiai Itt tcraa. m m aaoaa ' a.v at ti. MtUaa't Ao. S cltiia. I' lamp ta..j,,, Amt LartloS Ma Iliad.HbUM HIT.KIUi.1, par raillp CMaMf. AtTBt t::raj, t or ..oait. tur. a TODCRS wlU U receJted tl Um offlea Tato a; -j uui i u.,.. . tilSTTUCT Or COAST, TUaa S. of l be DUtrtct Cnrtacer. riOOle Workt De Tata aouca Ual f. ll Mclaa latcad parvsVat. rrtaca Rupert. B. G hp to tod uolT tor a Ucraro to prvapaci for coal tncludtar Anroil ttu. HIT, for Ue pur, u , au4 iuvtaum oa UM folaiaiar OaacrUwil rbtN of Ue OoeeraoMBt owned bone ,-?B4a puata4 UoJa uaarerre( at a pual plaatad al tM BorUocil curtaar of A. Mclaa'i rARMER," catau toeara aat" 1...HMBCt. aorta Ao, 4 claiaa. aoa thotil aao aad a halt Tbit borae It UifhUy lame oa lu rttht uilat aorta of im haaitr nri Ucaca tore foot. eUerwue II It tound, sentie tad Bur La a cbaiBl; Ucaca atl St ctuitit, la rood roadiuon. and will make a ear cotiuinim Urora towU tt chalait Uaaco call tt 4 lU U. MtLaaa't cbauu to Ua pual of cuetforacaaMal, coo-uiaiat ireable rim borae. tit acraa a ad la Im kaoaa at K. TM animal caa ba teen on IL Oa Vtr Where You Cannot Prophesy ni,uH MclXAT McLaau t AO. chub. Belt ranch, kitwanrt. B. C Pw ruup cixtW, Artat Located Mir tlrd. HIT. Dated it Prince Rupert. B. C. July tlrd. per rhUip CJattWX. Arret HIT. S. A. 4 PREPARE ! TW( j or COAST. Ruin I. tilSTTUCT Or COAST. rUDft t. ru McUaa laua4 Y... Ik.I t tl.i atl UalaiB lOtCBd Mavlgabl WiUrt ProtacUon Act, V "wa ia trotial for eual ia arwilV falMMM ta DroUMCI lot Catl or 1,4 .. itum oa tM fvliuvisr otrritMd Um feUowlof oricrtlMd the best-informed man in government kitti aotl iwtroiatua oa R.8. C. Chapter III. even 1 . .. ... laTinurii turn .1 & 1 laixli iuiMOCtaf tl a puat iai CoatoUdtted Mlalar, NOT dares to attempt a Pphecy of The Oranby circles af "f.??1? u aoUittl curMr of Um aorUaatl coraar of A. Mciaaa Wn I .. . -. Uroa aoa t nau tmcluar tad Power Company Limited for the best-meantime Ibrnem . . .. . Ao. f claua, tad about conditions after the war. We hope u.t.ti. 1-. tteaca tuiWt nuru of tM Metier rtvert hereby Hel notice Utl It bat, under 'l I rtuina . . . ni tit hjn,.tK.. .k. .1.1.. ibrora rtl to rati chalui it caaltui Uauot mill Ucaca ta aoru catuui tt Sectloa T of Ue tald Act. depoilled with wise men are preparing now for anything. rbaiaa to tM polol of cuauucarcmaol, coa- IM Miaiitcr of rublle Worki tt Otuwa. UluiDf tit terra, m im tauaa t nui ind In the offlra of Um DUtrtct Reiiitrar How? l anjr till. hit. MrLcan't Ao. H claim. of Um laid Rettttry Omce. Dliuict of their AUHMA.I MctJCAJI. Localcd Mir tint. HIT. Prince Rupert, tt rrtnre Rupert, a de By regulating their expenditures according to par ruup uwtitr, ArtaL Hiiro MCLEAA, per l-bilip Cbcalcr, Atcat . icriptton f Ue tlte and plan of wharf actual needs rather than by their prospenty-by husbanding V.L.MSTIUCT or COAST,. man t. DISTRICT or COAST, Htnrt I. and lumber to be milt,buUI la and Spruce outer Bty.workt on pro-puaed Ue the surplus and by investing to the limit in Canadian War In ,M, l,un XtLtaa laWDtl Takt noUra Uitt L lluih McUtn. Inund wen cutit of Larcaca lilaad. Caiiitr Dla-U-lcl Loam that help o much to maintain present prosperity. ItM ftoiLuf Uf,,,rf protpati for coal to iwlr for t lire are ia preapecl fur coal aad UiMlt.petroleum oiuaMBClOf oa Ua It roltoauir a potl dctcrUed pitaieo AD TAAK ROTICE Utl ttUr UM Money aaved and loaned to Canada by Canadiatai U two. .. ii.ila, lUa uu,,,,! (urur of 1 im auriboril corner of N. McLean t plriUoa of one month from the dale of for the future. The lender will benefit duectly , ,.,""? "o. I cUliai Uwuca awulu SO Aa S cltuu. UcBct oorui SO cbttni; thence the Brtl pubtlctUoa of Ula noUce, IM fold safeguard u t lh,M al ti cbtini) UMitca eat to CMint) ucaca aouw tt coauiit Oraaby Cunaolldtted Mlnlnr. Smcltlnr tnd from the excellent interest return and absolute sexunrv-and tt (BtlOtl tttaara weal aa rhmlna ta tbeitra rut 10 cbaina to tM point of com- ia Canada will help to "t vi rajuuiwurcnvral. cuauialns Darurrtiieal, cuotalalnf 040 tcrea, to Pt Power Compaay limited will, under Sec- maUrectly because the interest thus kept 't arra. 1.1 1 a...... .. 'i. aa........ loun ta n, McLean t no. tl tlalia. Uoa T of Um itid Act, apply to ue N ta keep business good after the war. cliiin. Uratcd Mir tlrd. HIT. uter of Public Worki tt hit offlct in Um .:ril4 Miy li IIUUII McLCA!.T. per IIUIB I'blllp MCLKAA.Cheitey, ArcBt City of Otttwi for tpprevtl of Ue laid f3iijj Canadian War Savings Certificates are issued in clenomina. par fallip CtMiWr, Atral. alto and plaa tnd for leare to coot true I Hons of $25, $50 and $100. repayable in three years. At the DISTIUCT Or COAST, rltart I. the laid worki. theyyield and $86 TesoecUveiv, of $43 WaThlCT OF Tilt ttollco Utl I, Huia McLetD UiUnd DATfD it Prince Rupert. Brttiib Colum purchase prices $2150, Order COAST. Raort I. to appljr for a U rente to pro peel for coal bia, thii its oty or uiy, a. i. hit. over 5 interest. Buy them at any Bank or Money inT!.I,r ,u I. Norman McUtolalcait tod iwtruleuai oa IM foiloalor deirrtPed I1..1 l? farAliranra to proipccl for coal laud i -CWDUienrloi- tl t potl pltaled TIIK 0RAMBT CONSOLIDATED MI-MMO, Poft Omce. i."Xr'uu 00 " follow& dcirrltMil il Um aorUvtil corner of A. McLean IMLLTInU AilD POWER COMPANY Jtuoa CotuueaclBV tl a poal pltnlcd Ao. I claim, tod ttraul oat tad t ball LIMITED. Board of Canada. ,,WJ,'Bl corner f II. McLctn'i luilti aoru at hetvar rltri tbenea atil Pttmoro rulton. SoUUtoro. The National Service ZL.l t.,!"ui "cara ail SO cUtlnij Uicnct to chain: ibrnca aouth St cbtlnti Ibcnra 18 tt ruaiui lb art can to cutiuii ettl to cbainn Ueoca aorta 10 ckafiie to OTTAWA. "bib iturib ttt rlialut to Um polal of Iba k4iU of cuuuueocenwBt. runttlnlot 040 riattuucarauirBI. coeuinlar Sit acraa. to cfiuu' " " H. McUaa't Aa. II SUBSCRIBE FOR Wtim Mtjr sill, HIT. Uucttad Miy tlrd, HIT. aaBBWawawBaaaaaaaaaaaanamBaaBaaa NUIIM AN McLKAN, IIUUII MM IAN. The Daily News per rauip cheticr. AttaL per rblllp Cbetk-r, AftoL