Lighten the Day's ! " 'illL SCHEDULE The Daily News A of SunlUhl Work by eating food that lon4 nayj goes , THC LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BftfTISH COLUMBIA docs not use up all the vital roe Us East. pure; there every Is noihfn,particle J PuUUhad Dally and WVeklr Wednesdays and FrU harm the clothes in an effort to digest m srfrr or impede powers Guaranteed Largest Circulation it. Every particle of Uty, as t a.m. the rapid projtrcit nl HEAD OFFICE: Shredded Wheat Biscuit b From the EaaL l.ght Soap carries a J5.000 Daily News Baildiag, Third ATcnoe. Prince Rupert, B.C. TeL OS. digested and converted into aa4r Tuesdays and Fri- guarantee of purity, , TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - SO cents per inch. healthy tissue and caloric ? at P-ra Contract Rates on application. energy. In the present food crisis every housekeeper and re Vancouver. 1 nr. should demand bread jlaSMftay ...... Sunlight Soap DAILT EDITION Monday. Auruil 20. 1917. mother Te4ar -5P- m- that is 100 per cent- whole txrdTS . . . . 7 a. m. & p. m. wheat. Shredded Wheat ELECTION occurred in the Mouse, and the From Vancouver. Biscuit is inadc of the wboee At the pretest moment there under-representatton of the AtsMtar 1 p. tn. are about twenty-Ate vacant West, the House of Commons wheat grain prepared in a wa4T .....9 a. m. is about forty-five votes short digestible form. Better than 1 Wednesdays 8:30 a. m. Dominion llonse chairs in the of what it ought to be. 9 a. m. or potatoes, or i Fridays meat, eggs, of Commons in Ottawa. These The Borden Government has PRINCE S. S. RUPERT and costs each less. For Taeaneiea bare arisen from new a majirity- in the House, Fee Anyot. vartoas eautes death. lose of but so fearful It was of the breakfast or any meal with Stasj&ys 10 p. m on- ml en account of graft, profi eonUnueoce of that majority, sliced bananas, berries or Prfdays .... 10 a. m. & 8 p. m. PRINCE GEORGE it daren't risk bringing it down. teering- and corrupt practices, The Minister of Elections keeps other fruit. SOUTHBOUND acceptance of vacancies in the his ear fairly close to the Made in Canada. From Anyox. Mendey Saaasoa Rtf. VSAeoater. Victoria tad Seeltle, ferta and of fMlivs- a. m.: Tuesdays, p. m for Ocesa rsiu, Viaomw. Vtctarlt sod Seatcs Senate, and so ground. So from the point of tanrdey S a. av count, in the meantime, these view of the Government, it he was oreoared So ssreal to! nd SaWardajs, a.m. NORTHBOUND various ronstilueneiee are un- would have been an unwise the WtDMClDAT tt aoon for Kticbikaa, WraareR. ! tad trif the Bs war country. nptTm4 ta me uoanmoa thing for their own safety to be won, just the saase. or Pert Simpson and Naaa Riser, raiDAT It aooa far Aayoi. ParliamenL Many of the tup- have filled up the vacancies The Borden GorutJinnst Is SaUsrdays. a.m. TRAIN SCRVI1C porters of the preaent Borden Of course, it did not matter well aware that it has forfte4 rtewarer Mondty. Wedaesday sad rrtday si I lilt s. ta. for Ec:iWrv Gorernznent bare been eleraled that the people in these par. For Queen Charlotte Islands. rnaea Gear re. rdmoetoa sad Taar. smnnr dtrect CMMeetkm X u the confidence of the peopte af rail sod soatb. Mited Taeadty 4 a. sa. for Siattlters cJ i. la to permanent places in the Upper ticular constituencies were dis. Canada. It has been fowad ssL 19 p.m. July 16th. August 1st. paeau lerawduta polM- Chamber, but never a by-election enfranchised in the meantime 29th. That is the reason of its desire Slh and baa been held since the S u e b considerations weigh the Agency All Ocsart Staamshlp Llnsa. another extension of for beginning of the war. To even lightly with the reactionaries. life of Parliament. Another From Queen CharioUe Islands For Information and reservations apply to take chance City Tic ist Office, SN Third Avenue, PHONE tta the a upon continuous They are the more concerned 19lh year in power would look good Jaly 32nd, August Slh, disapproval of the for their own eontinuence in because to them right now, epteraber 2nd. present Government by the office than that the will of the they know well that the electors electors, which undoubtedly people should b even con of Canada would give them tewarl. Maple Bay and Swamp would have happened, was far suited. no extension. With representation PolnL too risky a thing. If the Borden Government the election equalized by For Wednesdays. 10 tn. According to the terms of felt that it possessed the confidence members p. of the twenty new From Saturdays, tn. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY p. Confederation, representation of the people, it would from the Western Provinces, of the people in the Dominion have seen to it that these va and the filling of the tweaty-five Houe is governed by the pop caneies were filled up at the vacant seats, they are fearful Alaska and Yukon Territory. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ulation of the different provinces. earliest possible moment. The of the result. Aad from For Mondays, 7 a. m. via Steamer to Vancouver and tho As far back as 1911, principles of democracy de their record of Use past six From Saturdays, p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY when the lait census was taken, mand such action. But not years, they may wet! be fearful. Meal and Brth Included ane 9ome it was found that the increase The principles of democracy in population in the four Western may be all very well as "good Princess May for OranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 pjn. Friday provinces of Manitoba. Al. election dope," but when it The Daily .H4H demercU bj Hi Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls pjn. funds? berta, Saskatchewan and British eomes down to cases, the Bor carrier. SO cents per mouth- Princess Alleo for Vancoover Saturday, August 1th. Columbia since 1901 was so den Government takes another Princess Sophia for the north Monday, Auaust 0ih. great that a redistribution of thought. Why imperil their CANCELLATION OF RESERVE seats giving them the relative existence for the mere prinei TIMBER SALE X101S. J. I. PETERS, General Avent representation which was their pies of democracy? They were soncs is BiuiT crrxs Cm nee Fourth Street end Third Aeiuo, Pilar "pt, D.C mertt eiliuxr orer a cats laad ta la Sk4 tradrrs wffl I rtcatrte J ta right, was a necessity. Alto- loo busy winning the war to barter of rrtar Report fcacva as Let latnrr of Lsatft aot tatrr turn aooa gether, twenty more seals on permit of such distraction as Its. Kurt s, Cuil DUtrtct. ty reaeoa Ik trad day of Srpteaihtr. ISIT. for tat the basis of population, would a by-election. t a mom ctms la tte anas Cataav mmrthum af Uenem Xtttt. sa rat S.I 1 1. have to be provided for the To win the war is the first u Gumm of taa tin Aprs, ISIS. m see rt t Spnc. SkiMoi sad Hcaaioa 614 ttta Apr. ISIS, u caaeened for a aa arra Kaat4 oa fjak Lait, Raar Western Provinces, in order but consideration, that is not tae pnpcM of auxar aal of to Coatl DUtrtrt. that they might be equally rep incompatible with the holding Lot M Uw CnU Traak Tettt Devekav nm til yvar mm tx amt4 far ra- resented in the councils of the of an election. Take the example il CwtT. Ustlled. rrU of umber. Dominion. That was the slate of the Mother of Parliaments. cro a. aiscs. Depaty w tauter & Laad. ranker pvtuit e taa caiaf Toe LauncbiliceB. imm twii, miant, s. c, ta rfur, Tlctortt. a C or DUlrtft rorrsttf. of affairs discovered in the Great Britain has an F. It IT M.Aaf. ft. rrax iimt. S, C Stl year 1911, and since that time, equal interest in winning the TOM TKC SALT LASH the four Western Provinces war as has Canada, but there, LAND LEASE NOTICE TIMBER SALE X1019. leery ft Dei have been short of just that whenever a vacancy occurs in 'jtA D llfaaaaaaawaaaaaMraafii it a. ov number of votes in the House the British House of Commons, eszcu lx5d mitmct nunucr or Sctled tdr win U nttrt4 IT Um ncTvsiN raat n. of Commons. an election is beld immediately, OCEX.V CHUILOTTX ISLANDS. Ktaitlrr of Laads mot Uur taaa aooa oa tat f Tta ear or Aaraft. It 17. for tat par. True, a measure providing and every constituency is fully can eSaM of Utraca X ISIS, to eat t.ltt.ttt for the redistributio of seats represented. The late Premier TAXT 50TXCZ fast t Goorre ScXm,la-trad of frrt of Spraca. RaUaia aad Hrmkxk oa aa Mf. L TteOSMS. faeee, Ekider. S C oeccpaOoa ecriaeer. was passed by the Government, Asquith himself tested the con. to tttT tor peraoe to leaea tfte arta aJ4&tar Lai ! Raara t, Coatl but it has never been given effect fidenee of the people In bis administration, fbOtrwItr draerOwd Uad: DtsUict. tltasicd oa KM! RJttr. to yet, owing to certain when he ran in ma si pmt tluM at It mart)To of(t)UaUxr.rrt m fca ailovtd for ra DorUtrMt nntr f T L. Lot til, ABfertf circumstances, wbieb are still a by-election nearly two years Udrnu fain, uwac rst tt rartiarr parttraiars of tat ChUt raraattr. familiar to those who have ago. And only last week. Premier taiaa, steaca sorts I castas. Utraea fl Victoria. R. C. or Diitnct rurttur, Priact taken an interest in Parliamentary tfirce- RaparW a. C it! Lloyd George intimated cbaias la sa euterty sa4 oaUtMy procedure in the Dominion that if the Labor men showed ItOsvlir sbor tint, tbrar wtt t UtterbeaJs since that time. So be. their dissatisfaction with bis M potai of comawaenarat. com- MINERAL ACT Fivtlopea Ims. A St. uislaf It rt nor or tween the vacancies that have) administration by their action. j KM ttta. isit ctoacE Mraxa. Statements (K.S. a. c tttii. UoOr rrsruoa, Rtrca. Crocus rraetloa. Cards, Etc rVsstM 4 riam Blorrtl tlaims sltssu ta tbt Qacea Caarlotia DUuit. lorsttd st or arar Urdi Sr. Qnraa Cbarlotta ItUadi, A NEAT KITCHEN rratar of BriiUh CotaanMa. UfaDr tU by UU.lDty).fseda mums United (5oa rtraooal The News Jab Press WITHOUT A BR00N NEWPE TAIC XOTICC Qui t lobn A. KullUi, JFECTJCTH SoUdlor tor Ikcoa Mlaaa Umilrd IHaa Prittist sf AH Dcsaistitss Dtsc No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no Oil CQul&aTOVaTfi i rtrnaxl LlaUUty) rrra Miart CtruScsu So. lltltc lateod. irwr taa tiplriUon of dirt, no bother. You never have iltiy days frtxa tba dtla acrcof la spply to sweep up after cookine on a oa txtuir of tat said Caspaay to Um P.O. Bei & Miaiat Raeordrr at Um said DuUKt for NEW PERFECTION. It CaUlors , CrrtiScaU of UoprotuarBU for tack of cooks more quickly and more Ct soovt claims for taa parpoaa of cb Dadxers croa triat tatroor. PoaUrs.cU conveniently than a coal or wood A.1D rt'RTHCR TAKE NOTICE Uul SCUoa ranee, costs less for fuel and takes tDdcr Sacttoa St or Um Ml&rral Act mail half much S cbauaraeed txfora um Utuaaet of tack up as room. Ccrtiflcai of ImrraTtmratt. Dstrtt UI lllb day of Ibo, A.D. ISIT These dealers sell them: 1. A. MMI5.1ES, Sollrtlor for Iked Mines Umiud (5m reraooa! UatiUllyl. fit. &&&&&&&& TkoaipM MarSsr Co Prlacs Ruport. 1.1 THE ESTATE Or CHRISTIE OlBsO.t KJa Htrtwirt C, " " (DEUUSCO) What He Likes! BUrk'a tttftwars Oo " " 50TICE IS HERXBV DIVTI tk.t .n Ht a MeNaltjr, " persons U1d cUUn upon uta Etuia of Delicious coffeo mad witrt a. i. UiUn4, - - um uia unmiie uutoo tw died oa or "Canada Fint" (Evaporated Bl4 VcMHf a Co4 Pert Simp, a.O. tbout Um tin dr of ItovenUier. A. D. I tit. bUa oa tcUrt serrlco mmu Milk. ra reaulred to send to 1. ll. McMniiin It's clean cooled taste- imprcvci onelal AdmiBiiirtior for um cotinty of aula, on or oerort UM Ittb day or Srpirav coffeeit Is Iiomceruicd, anJ With Royolitt Cool OH the If em ber. HIT. a full SUUmeot or their tlilni doos t!i not turn In or any serurltir beld itreasy cup Perfection wil cook your meal by tbem. duly rerlfled. for from 5 to 10 cents. tod sftrr tint dM Um node;timed Addt a mellowness that mal proceed to diiinbatt lh ami of tba rVxxl coffee Letter. orreaw, amoor to ptrues toUUed I here-to. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY baviar rtrtrd only to tba cUims of 5ay "CanaJa Fltil"CcaponleJ. Your grocer knout. Limited bKb nuuca bu been tied wltb aim. TMK ATLMtN CONDBNSa MILK CO.. LTD. DATED si rnnca Robert B. C thli ifih BRANCHES IN ALL CTTTZS dy of itly, A.D. ISIT. ' Attata. ONrsrio I. H. McKL'lIJ in omcui A dm 1 nl ai I ta Ui s. - - sa s4 EMPRESS COFFEE kVHOLEtALK BiSTRHMJTOR . . P. Q. DAWSON k"""TT ft prince RurrRT.