Augtll 20, I9t7. Mo nddf TUK DAILt NKWB HON.T.D.PATTULLO WAS RHEUMATISM ONWCRIPTION Built To Please YOU MOST SEVERE Victoria, Aug. I). Thn un.n Imlty of viewpoint at the v,nn n. TJ-..U.UI H. peg to leave Convention no room ho, for io nurkeJ rtoub, TC5DCRS will La reled tl tb offlet and does please you because it offers - All of Um Dlitrlct Ennner, PsblK Workt D D-aJf.l to the altitude of that rare combination of service satisfaction Taut -muM"- mind of i ptrtmrnt. Prince Ropert, B. C up to ind ern Canada upon the problem, Ineludint Atruit 10 lb. llir, for Um par. and economy. Ask our local confronting us," said etitte of tb Oorornment iwiwd bor D. I'attullo to a press the um T 'PARMER." dealer to show you the "Sunshine represents Tblt bort It ilirbtlr lim on Hi rliDI tlve here. "We Mutt show ...... fort foot, otbcrwtM It It toand. rentlo tnd or write for freej illustrated, descriptive elves big enough u, acconiDlith In rood condition, tnd will mak s irr booklet. two greai purposes. tlcetbtt firm bone. Tbe first of 'e-B I Tb inimil rtn tx teen on If. Do Ver' these Is to purposes win the war HVasasBaH nrl't rincb, kltwinrt. B, C anl tho second on is properly Piled It rrlnr nopert, B. &, Inly tlrd. anu auequaieiy iu lane care of the hit . a. internal economy of Canada In TIMBER SALE X 942. lOther words, we must win the war SUNSHINE FURNACE Setled tender will be received by tb and at trio same time preserve in Minuter f Landt not later tban noon on ternal unity. tb Utb dtp of Annti, HIT, for tb pur- loidow -TOBoirro Moimnur. wunapio vaucoutxi Those who give no thought to enti or ueence kiit, to cbi i,sit.ot ,SAlTOO5,lAfiiTM0oV0HCALO"t feet of Spraee, Cedtr, Hemlock tnd Bal internal cotiuiiions, continued aam on tn iret limited on tb writ ibort For Sale by Steen 6c Longwill ' UN UMrlOU the Minister, hut blindly rush to or Ellenll Cbtnnel, Mart I, Cotit Dlt-trtct Veroos, Ont, Kor lltb, 1915. the single nolullon of in -1 for a ...W uVteh They are VncoT, Two (I) yean will Im allowed for re moval of Umber. nd UPrre ' ' . n-.i mttum .(rain, and heaTT profiteers who are holding Canada Pnrtbrr parUcvUrt of lb Cnltf Pereiler a? ...m- in thraldom, are unconsciously Vktorii. B. C, or outrlct Poretter, Prtne ft. . . . doing the Umpire and the eause Rapert, B.C. ITS. 1fi ,Min,rriiiareommroocu of service.freedom and justice a poor LAND ACT You Can Make Excellent Cake -rne liberal party Is In favor IIEE.1A LA.ID DISTRICT DISTRICT OP - i.l. ami BOW I of conscription of all our re COAST. HA.10E I. With Fewer Eggs e. . ueu " .. ... . TAKE MOTICE tlut tot Ortnd Trank n. k. . ... . itu." nl of LeUi. Hu sources for the winning of the Pirlfle Railway Company of Winnipeg, - urrcmctly". war, including man.power," ent Minitoba, intend to apply for pcrmltilon Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's LAMfSO.V. on Mr. I'attullo, "hut it Is to leaae tb foUowInc deKrtbed landi: W. M. in . . a favor of the intelligent Showing at the Westb .lme MMnenelnc tl a poit planted at Um molt Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in If too hotrfMI Uiu mii applica Theatre tonight. aortberly point or Lot 107 tt or about place of each egg omitted. KJacr or .UtdJer iron we, tion of nx-asures to this end and bitfe.water mark, tbene northerly, easterly, y with llhmmUmor V tin I a Tbe not a super-hysterical application COAL aontberly tnd wetlerly, roUowtnr tb This applies equally well to nearly all baked ff.-r NOTICES , jt mhTrouU-flr"lnH-ijti Tills is the time for sensible men ttouotlUet eoiBieDemBt,of tb toelodlnr i bo re-line an to tbal t point for of foods. Try the following recipe according to the This wonderful fruit to hold their heads. All our ma. DISTRICT OF COAST tin,, ft a fur trUi. f ll. anllialh.l r , . u.i . . ibor between tarb-wtter and low-water. new way: II wwj lerial resources Le Dlied July tlla HIT. B.Stl WUIIU w - must marshalled OO ft to B UI JOU irplr rortMeeaeo to pro.pan for rxl CREAM LAYER CAKE elte fJ. In form THE 0RA5D TRUME PAOnC RAILWAY ben efrjrtWnt every to the ser. il r km CO.. II. II. .laniard. Solicitor. Old New - Way Way w. . K,i. 6 for tiio, trul tii. s. nice of the state, including also -at la. luvi......K wmiM a, L"il.1 uli DianiVQ..... mmu. w, f 1, nuSill I ! -alert or teat potrM on rterifi the regulation of wages and .1. I cliim: tbeac writ SI thalai; uwata WATER NOTICE )! cv mSi ttmp rw mill aaf if -vwm. w iwi.,i .uriK rail a i ruaini t A ; eaya r ItiM Boar , bp Frlt--tlTe UJBlted, J prices. Ibror aorta is eaatat to lb point of L'8E AMD STORA0E. Dr.PrW Bkla Dr.Prfe Bakteff -" - ". a ..- mii, av TAKE NOTICE tblt Tb Empire Pulp k 1IE Unequal Burdens. .. .. . e. k b tu. ...a, M, - - y aiMriaalar t . tabtoaawOTi.abort rap " - wm HWMI a ,'Ui TI1IIH anlaa wboa It Van Paper MIUi, Ltd, addreu t ta.ipna Savwlaax I laaap o Sanrtac I'asslng on to the economic urara aitj sill. liw. nunwA.-i xtUA.1, couver, B. C, will tpply for I Hera to COAL NOTICCf conditions now prevailing in the Pr TblUp Cbrttey. A rent take tnd uie aU tb water and to itor ItakM 1 Xjltt 2-Layer cake Dominion, the Minister of Lands acre feet of water out or nanamed DtKXCTlOHS Craaai ta mtfrnr aad ahaataalaa tatbaacc Of COAST, luaf. I. DIBTIUCT OP COAST, Rant I. lake, alio known ai Wnalea Lake, wnlen Altar siftt.( tb fto r aa Dr.Piic.' B.kiac Ttmtt toatar, tw.aa thraa D.'JIMCT continued: "The purchasing now, Ttk MUe tbal L llurb Mclaan IblmuI Il .11 1. tb miliar. Oradaalr m xhm mUk aa bail nh mia it uii I. M(k McLeea Iaiea4 to apply rortDceaxa to moiimci fur rnal flowt and drain Into Wnaw Cbannel about aottl ywm Sava a imiwa pair bat tar. Ad tb.Baa4ac. hrt.gra-a-d of the er dollar Is every day di tad rolkiwiof oae mU aorta from Rlvert BirbL larar aa. tla. aad bat. la a m.larataly baa rm to t wanly-alaataa. Thla pcieoleoa oa IM dacru4 c.l. la baa kakad la tw larar. Ft toa-atbar wttb eraaaa tUtoa a.d aia r. it-jm ra UM ratio uf dKrUM4 minishing. while the rich are get laadi. Cuunaraciaf at t putt planked Tbe ilonr dam win tot located tt welt wwa wbita Icbag. ting richer the becom oa mil too lb or tb toulaweat eurnr ead r Lake al outUI or laka. Tb capacity lk Ij IM CMXtr IN UIU and poor ItUKHJ lit A. Metaaa't Ra S claim. buf abosl of reiervolr to Im created I about 1 1.0 10 r MM ft, ca im aria um vi im uiw ing poorer. From present indi i tad a bair milea Bnrtb or tb Beater r lurtr Ivor it utai mrr, aad tare toil well or u Cedar rr feet tnd It wlU Bood ttMul I.0SS tcret cations before the war I over the me r, tbraco nor lb SS cbuni, ibeoca eail uf land. Tn witer wul b diverted from " m it caaiaii tneae aosia ts caauu; tbene tbe ttream it t point about. . . .Taken by Dr.Price's 4bJHf3rattali omUJaJar Sit mw, wen t cbaioe to ta botal or cunmeoc (annal from rail end or Laka tbrea mllri " J aa large or larger than the ordl awat. coouiaiar SIS ami, to tM knowa I dlreetlo from Lot si. Bated, ava air aow. i i. aonorrly ai il JicLaaa no. 7 claim. Ml uH atUXA.I. nary revenue, who Is to pay this Locaatd Miy Itad, HIT. on Prater Reaeb tnd will be need for pr railif Ukfttor, stwat. debt and provide the amounts ne nvun aou.1, power purpoaei upon tn land described i per railip Cbctley. ArenL il In appllcatloa to leas tl eait end of I BAiUNlTPokDER t:: ;k t or v.ij vui uc coast, luan s, I Lakr oa Prtier Reaen. DISTRICT OP CO A IT, fUnf I. 'Hi r : Uui L Huts Mta iau4 pcvpie win owe uie money Tak aotat tbal I.?lonaaa McLraa latend TbH noUcw vu potted on tbe rround n?r 'xtimw to pnKt far cui 0 . few of lbs Deoole. and the to apply roralKMKw to prwpeet for coal m lb Sib day r Jane. HIT. A copy of Hir-Kjai ua iMauwiac orKrua . 7 . . , . tad iwiroieua on lb rotkiwiac detcrUacd tblt nolle and in application pursuant , cJMcia l a twal ttiaatod iiiaaara. iuuuku eeiuiiiKi7 uiie io it-. VACuiaraclac tl a Dull Planted wUI Mill, tjftiul and tb Water . tbrrelo to Art, llll, ot M a la. twiir MIU. ano go. i ill as truly be tx Ml wrath or tb tuutoaeal cortatr r w. Laa'a o. s claua. beinr about be Bled la lb oDce or tbe Water Recorder r. . itmca aurui se aiMi ,economic slavea as were the utm aad a bail aailea awrtai r ttm a(r it rrtnee Rupeii. B. a ObjecUoo to tn Made In Canada No Alum ngra--lo lb oulh actual nvee. aad tarM miiai ai trf um (a ppSealtoa may b Bled w-rtb tb aatdl txaai m H i w aofci river; tbeac well is caaiaa; Uxoc aoma I water recorder or wim tb Comptroller chattels. tt eaaiat. tbeae tail IS caauu; tbeac tszmm n. acLaaar a. I noria caeia m um poiai or cuamaoot- f Witer RlrbU. rtrllament BulLUnr. I With Theorise. Away aaaet, cuauiaiaf 4t acre, to IM UM' Virtoru. B. C. wiibin tntrty days artcr tb -It wunt do." menl on the .i, acuta a .to. a cinm, Brtt appearane of tblt noue In t local par rauip caaawr. Ami. minister. I wish to reiterate Located May Stad.,iunau HIT.aicuju, aewipaper. Tb dale or tn Brtt pubUct-1 Advertise In The Daily News Uoe or tblt nolle li Jaty tltn, HIT. t:j t or COAST, lUats I what I have several times stated, per I bilip caeiuy. Arret at t - a laal I. Kia McLaaa. lalead that no man has the right to a DISTRICT OP COAST, tunrs I. 6V I i M to proatwcl far coal of abnormal Tala aouca tail L Aarmaa Mcta Intead i. ana j U fvilawiM rUwl single dollar profits cval to atolj for a Uceoco to proitwcl ror lllMMtl al a Dual BlaatMl from the operations of the war. aad (trolaai on Um rouowmr dracrtlMd aoaaa BUal ai J I u.tuiaii analhal uwaxa rm..,Mrta SS All the superprofits must be taken UkmI laadai om Cuuu.ww aau m at l or a um pual noriaweai plaald I $25.00 $21.50 IIIIIIII Iteea wut aa tuui u-u. Mdeaa'a AO. S tbeac ni by the slate for the liquidation roruar r 11. culm; aorta tl cbaiai; tbeac aau IS cbatai; Si Lf rnaWAaaMOaialli aoauiala. of our national Indebtedness. The tarax aouia eaaiat; tareca wi a i ta U kaova aa H- sciaui caaiaa to tb puiat of oumaMneemeat. coo-uaatar will and welfare of the people as til acre, to tM known a 1. Me-Lraa'a MH I III. mi, a whole must be supreme. In k claim. ll, uU MflCl Loraled Miy I VIA. HIT. wr rsisp uuii;, AirraL this epochal time, those who fight, and those dependent upon per rmip Cbeiley, A rent. i:rt; t or coast, luan I. those who fight, must be thor DISTRICT OP COAST, ftanc . Uul I, Itnu M lla.B lalxvl provided Tak a Mllr that I llurh MrLan Intend . oughly and adequately - t-;na aa tar (wal to avoir fur a Uceoe to proaprct for coal for. All others must give time and peiruiciua oa um iomowwc octcruwa ' and wraith for the laiKli Cumnaancinr al a Dull claaled and service 1-" ur MaTLtua um tuil aoaib or um aouibwait corner of '' W aorta aida at ua benefit of all. This aspect must .'. MrLeaa'a o. S claua; bcini about on and t bair tuiiet norm or tb arr river, not remain a nebulous theory; it aad Ihrvo lull wral T to ted rivers mutt be put Into actual practice. tbeac Mill 19 cbalnti tbeoc eail tt U Ak,.. "-X mTZTSS" rbaiait tbcaco aorUi 14 ctvaiait tbeac 1 L We mutt have a government with at.I a cnain to um ikmbi oi cummeoc' " k.1 Mrtaaa. the will and the foresight to do. aa meat,ti- coouiniac McLeau'e .to.St S acre, b known per I MUg Uwauy. ArtCt- 'The cltldcl of privilege is tottering Located May Itad. HIT. 1 Kiarai; T oait. luat . and those In command, prr II llill PbUlp MCL.,Cbrilry, Ayrnt. concluded Mr. I'attullo, "are seeking ... DISTRICT or COAST. Aanpa I, " S-XrSKSl A tka4 rs a wa I la. Aifr. to deceive by loud shoutings Tik. iiAtlM th.l I llu ah Url a.n lnl&d Hanw of lip loyalty designed to mislead to aitUr for a licence to ptoimci foe eual Bi'la ., Fi and (wtrvleutn oa tb rollowinc deacruwd the unthinking, but the intelligent laadi; CtKunienclor tl a 11 planted t'x u, ,M jj?0' " SS Itaauiat Ujra understanding is now aroused, il tb awrUweit corner of It. McLeaa'e Umo ,o. claim, and about on and a b w p -ai " S cnaiaa to and nothing will satisfy but aulri norm or Um beaver rivers ibeaca a" .ua. U "a at M. McLaaa a the sovereign will and good of all aurlb tbraca 10 auuia cbaini;to cnainai tbeac wen ineoco SI eaii cbaim; a flas. HIT. the people shall and must be cnaiaa to Um Point or cutamenceineni. eoa XtOH umia tio acrta ana to o anowB at u. McLKA.I. tr l-ailip paramount." McLean Au I claim. Uwater. AttaL Located Miy Slrd. HIT. IIUID MCIIA.1, bWTHJCT Or COAST. Run . alvaUort Army. pre l allip Cbeiwy, Aftnt DISTRICT OP COAST. Ranrt I. ,',' ' rancn to prtupect ror rual Uflj. ,U1" " lar OaacrtbaJ Public meetings, Tuesdays, Tike.. nolle.... . tbal t, lluf b McLean.. Intend Partner ? ..I. iiMnM. .A n h a ru I fi i. Mil Axe You Your Country's BJ1;.'5 c um aoumwWi corar or Thursdays and Saturday at 8 p. iki iMirulaum oa tb follow tor deicrtbed tl t poal planted Tr " "' tiauaj uaroco wan aw tanla: Cutuioancmr i... toulfe la cbalaat Utroca tn. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. tn noriaweai corner oi r. (km Unlimited" a .I.i n an.1 alhAut Ihraai a&J a Hall Save and Invest in "Canada ik.1 , ',.c.tul, tucoca aorta is caalna to coo lamia milei norlb of tb Reiver rtveri tbene koown a ti. McUaat Navigable Water Protection Act. eil II cbaim; tbenco touui SI cbalnii " t Clam. ibenc eail IS cbamii tbenc norib 10 "A great struggle still lies before m wa Mir mi. hit. cbain to UM point of cummencemenl, con- SJr Robert Borden. nuRMA.I McLKAlt, n. S. C Cbtpur III. Ulnmr acrra, v v auwn aa . Pt ralllp OmiI7. AtaL Th artAty Coruolldtlfd Ninlnr. Mi'Lrau't Ao. II claim. to live Localad Miy Urd. IIT- freedom family-your right UmlU4 defend your SumUiui tod rowr Coaipaui your WITRICT or COAST. ItAUIt I. brtbr ! nolle lul II bti, uoJrr per I'blllp Cbritey. ArenL TO secure from intolerable Prussian despotism Canada is I- 7..iS ,.Um M MtLaan lauaj SKiloo 1 of lb U Art. orpotitMl wltk and in blood treasure. i ,7 Jortllcanra to proaprcl fir coal Um Miniiur of rublie WorU tl Otiiwt. DISTRICT OP COAST, Rn I. paying a heavy price ult.l ,r??u'm on lb foltowrof daiertbad noue tbal I. Hub MeUan Inund Tikt i CotiuuaivriDf tod la Im oOlr or Uvt Dlitrlct RtiUirtr share ? at a put I plaataU to ai.piy f or f:"7 V; .Are you paying your e' " of or Um UnJ runurr Offlrt. titnricl of J""" totiliiwan conwr and lie?irvicuna n av ivwwihi trtmendoua enort 7 '.1 ' lul Uienfo aouta SO rrtoe nupert, st rrlnr auprl. s d land i .utinuinrliir Al ft DOftt DUnteH Are you a real and active pattner in Canada a a?,?fl..u?Bt tnatMj taaaca of wharf ttM norUttl corner of W McLui,i thousands have devoted Uteiriives7 KTipUoa of tb til ao4 ptaa II as freely as Are devoting money ' Uitac SS eUloa U - iium ttnelh A A raalnAi IKawnrsi you your lha ti iC 1 lumbar null, tad tbr workt pro- NO..m (4UH, luein -- -"-f hAll.1.- for earnest thnft and ..a .' ' uauuwKBamiL coaiaiBiaa .Kiln! tkdirWal aWaUlll AA f Thk ts time for careless indulgence, but s VuVra.' U knon " ,tun' poted to I built In Sprue Bir, on tb ihawikt-s aAii 19 ctuint to lb point 0t coin- no In Canadian War writ eoait of Urcom liltad, CaMlir Pit-trlct nwnrrmeol. coauioior 40 rt. ta ! Invest dollar you can spare a4 Miy ,L HIT. If q ii, mmma m 11 vCeSSL. Take an idive interest in par IIUOII ramp McLKAN,Outlay. Alant AND TAKE NOTICE ImI tfltr tb tl- lied Mty Slrd.llu III HIT.MCLEAN, aessvwd thus become a worthy partner in her unlimited future after the plriuon of on moota from lb dii of per I'blllp Clwilry. ArenL WSTIUCT Or COAST. lUatt . lb Brtt PubUraUon of tbll nolle, im toT.m!!.lUM Uul MtUanTirKSa Oranbr Contolldatad Mini Of, Smtltlns tad DISTRICT or COAST, ! I, War Sevfaw Certifieatea are issued njaWomimUoM ol $25, $50 .. miim thai I. lluaa UrLan laland ii.i p.p7 'wsllcaoao to prvapacl fur rual rowtr Company UiulUd will, uader Stilton -.iply fortltcenc to prorpvet for coal and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face vake. They cost la.:i.HlTJ4um 00 ,M 'o'towlBi ilarrlbd 1 of tb iid Act, tpply to um Mia-uir to nd pclnilrum oa lb fellow lor deicrtbed $21.50. $43 and $86 mpectively, at o Money Order Post Ofteee end 2I.V...u,,luu,nt,,1 t poal plaoiad of rabli la tb coaimeiulne al a pott ptaated Workt bit offle J"4" touta ol tha toutowtit coroar tl landi oveTs f Intereft. Should you need it, you can get ,JL eltlin, btlnr about air or otuw for tppronl or um ttid it im noeuiweii comer of ft. MoLeaa'a nks, t4w yMdiag V.. ruim. and about um aad a baH i slme ' al lif wiiat norm of tlx i..r tut nd plia ind for lit to cooiiruci aortb or Beaver rtveri taeaee wel Aiaa. - Kmr-lr al- aaar '! Uirro B.,iai lull aal of IM (Mar th ttid work. touUl M cbtMMi loeae tbeac Vl !i. I1"" norm l cbaluii thenco waal ,j cbaini; BOARD OF CANADA, n,l ,hf toum aa (hainti tiwoca DATED tl Frtae Ruptrt, SrltUb Colun mi in caaiaai tbeac norta SS cmAm to THE NATIONAL SERVICE ulnl 'L1'?" 10 ItW polOI 0t ruOialWBCO. tl. tblt lib dtr of Julr. A. D. HIT. um ix iint of exinmaatonl. eoalataie-y SIS m. a, a. .A A. t I I AlYAi to b known at Meteaa t rw. II af ii ""'t'oios Ss terot. to Ita knowa THE UIU.1BT CONSOUDATlD MIMO rei Lottlaa Miy iiaj, hit. SMKLTINQ A.1D POWER COMPACT i"ord Mty Urd, HIT. UUUII Uct.lCAM. LIMITED, pr rtUllp CtMtUjr, AiidL rttmor a rvltou, aoniltort. par PbMp CiMaiaf, Artel.