THE DAILY NEW8 Twer"-'' The Daily News J MAIL SCHEDULE IT A Utile o( SunlUht d0e. , THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ' fTnn the East. Ion way; every parttclc j Published Daily and Weekly Wednesdays and 1 rl-days sauajXT1 pure; there j nothinj J Mondays. thp clolhes or impede Guaranteed Largest Circulation at 0:30 a.m. iiniiiriiiiin-f Ihc rapid proa-rets ol th0 i HEAD OFFICE: From the East. rjBMMr'r'jSlBr IiftM boap carries a JS.Om Dally News Buildinff, Third Avenue. Prince Kupcrt, IJ.C. Tel. 9& Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays fuarantco of purity. , TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. Some women breadmak hold to at 5:30 p.m. 1 the idea that Contract Rates on application. InJ is a long and difficult For Vancouver. operation, but this is a Monday ' m Soap DAILY EDITION Thursday, August 23, 1917. mistake, for with Royal Tuesdays P m- Sunlight Yeast Cakes, light, sweet Saturdays .... 7 a. m. & 4 p. m. NATIONAL RIGHTEOUSNESS in either iirovincc or Dominion. bread can be made In a From Vancouver. "In a democracy one thing It must legislate in tho inter-1 few hours with but little Sundays 11 p. m. absolutely essential Is n vigor csts of tho whole people of tho I trouble. Mondays . ..-.0 a. m. ous and Intelligent publio spirit country, rather than in the in- j FREE: OwRoTIYit Bk Book Wednesdays 8:30 a. m. If tho individual elector docs lerests of that particular sec-' will taine be loU sat iattracttoai tra ( lot ret.mM Iteeej rt ! Fridays 9 a. in. not think and feel corporalely, lion of the people from whom name and adJra.a iWnlf written aad S. S. PRINCE RUPERT If he is not loyal to tho welfaro il believes it has a mandate. thli ealubl little book riU t Ballad For Anyox. The tninulo it does not, "the ptampUf. -on whole and honor of the community, Sundays 10 p. in. ready to forget self In- democracy is not safe." f E .W. G I LLETT CO.LTD. Fridays .... 10 a. in. & 8 p. in. PRINCE GEORGE terest for that, the democracy It must be evident even to TORONTO,CANADA.HOt.TI.IAl is not safe. It cannot succeed the dullest student of affairs WINNIPIO From Anyox. SOUTHBOUND when most of Us members are that tho democracy alleged to Monday S a, m. for Swansea Bay, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, looking out for private ends, exist in Canada has been in a Sundays, a. in.; Tuesdays, p. in Saturday S a. m. for Ocean falls, Vsnocvver, Victoria and Seattle. irrespective of the national perilous position. Tho differ and neither willing nor competent nd Saturdays, a. m. NORTHBOUND gooil." Thus the Toronto Globe ence between tho theory of the public WED.tESOAY It noon for Ketcbiksn. Wrsnrell, Juneau and Sksrwiy to promote sounds forth a warning, tho popular government and that weal." or Port Simpson and Naas River. miDAY It noon for Aajroi. necessity for which is, alas, which Is actually in practice is ' The truth that all are born Saturdays, a. in. TRAIN SERVICE only too well founded. so great as to disgust many of with equal rights, that the na Tassenger Monday. Wednesday and frlday sl 11:10 a.m. for SnCthrrt The curse falling upon poll-tics the voters. Only too often 19 For Queen Charlotte Islands. rrlnre Oeorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections r - u tion will prosper the more as points east and south. Mlted Tuesday I a. m. for Smltberi and a:, tt In the continent of North action taken in the guise of 10 July 18th, August IsL p.m. all its types of citizens pros tennedlate petals, America, and, so far as we are being in tho public weal which per, that taxation must be felt 5th and 20th. chiefly concerned, in Canada in is purely and simply for the Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. by all alike, so far as possible, For Information and reservations apply to particular, is that self interest gratification of party ends. From Queen Charlotte Islands such truths should be so gen- City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE iM Is loo often followed at tho expense This is of course common occurrence erally dessiminated as to be July 22nd, August 5th, 10th; of the public weal by the in this Dominion that 2nd. come an Instinctive principle eptember who chosen to citizens have refused to men are represent many democratic of action in any the interests rnot of them take any interest whatever in community." tewart, Maple Bay and Swamp selves but of the people at the affairs of the nation. .They "Righteousness exallelh a Point. large. have seen so many evidences nation." In order to attain to For Wednesdays. 10 p. ni. In the casting of his vote, in of venality .in the conduct of this state of exaltation, the From Saturdays, in. p. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the first place, the citizen is the public affairs that they now welfare and honor and right too often controlled by his own refuse to take any 'interest of the Dominion must particular interests rather than whatever. By this course of eousness Alaska and Yukon Territory. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points be insisted It is for the that of the Dominion as a action, of course, they are play upon. For Mondays. 7 a. m. via Steamer to Vancouver and the consideration of the electorate whole. Whereas, the real consideration ing right Into the hands of the From Saturdays, p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY which are the men who are is rather what is class of politician who would Meals and Berth Included on Steamer "most likely to legislate with a best for the whole nation have it so. rather than that of the individual. Instead of standing out single view to that welfare and Princess May for QranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday This is too often, boldly in tho demand for honor" and righteousness. This mi Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 psn. Sunday consideration is light duty. however, regarded as theory, righteousness in the conduct of the no nation depends Princess Alice for Vancouver Saturday, August ISth. and is but seldom carried out of national affairs, they leave The destiny upon it. Princess Sophia for the north Monday, August XOtfi. in practice. The success of the matter in the hands of tho any modern democracy, however, professional politician. Which, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE TIMBER SALE X1018. J. I. PETERS, General Asent demands that this theory of course, is just what he Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. Sealed tenders U1 be received by the fCOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE tbat tbe be transformed into practice wants. In this the manner, reserve etlitlnr over a small isand la tbe Minister of Lands not later than noon on No compulsion, however, can destinies of the nation are lop harbor or Prince Rupert, known ai Lot tbe tfnd day ef September. HIT. foe the be applied on this matter. It often left in hands totally un Ills, nanre t. Coast District, by raion purchase or Licence X ISIS, to est S.lll.-eee rests with the conscience of the fit to handle them. And for r a notice sppcarlna in toe British Cclum-la feet of Sprvee, Balsam and Uemlock and on an area filiated on Link Lake. Ranre Catena of toe Hit April. ItlO. individual voter. this stale of affairs, the electorate Coast District dated Ittn April, lIB. I cancelled for To an even greater extent. as a whole, have but themselves tt purpose of makint a tale or tbe said Three (1) years lfl be attewed for r the same applies to the repre to blame. tot to tbe Orand Trunk ratine Develop- nnsal of timber. rami company. Limited. farther parttealart ef tbe Chief for Launch AliceB. sentative elected by the ma The conduct of public affairs CEO. R. JIADtX Deputy Minister of Land. ester. Victoria, 0. C. or District forester. jority of the constituency. A now more than ever, demands Department of Lands, Victoria. B. C. Iltn Print Rupert, B. C Sit member of parliament be their being handled by may men ne. HIT. M. Ant. SO. fOR TM SALT LASH elected by any particular party, whose hands are clean and LAND LEASE NOTICE TIMBER SALE X1019. very flee Day fret but the minute he is elected, no whose hearts are pure. If our IS a. ea. matter by whom, he becomes" boasted Western civilization is SkEE.IA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Seeled tenders wiu be received by the rctum rase n. the representative of the whole to maintain its place as the QL'EE.I CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Minuter of Lands not later than noon oa , the tub of hit. for tbe day Aurust. of his constituency. If democracy best that this world has yet pur. i ran enase of Licence X 1011. to cut l,!ll.0s is TAKE NOTICE that I, Ceorr McRae. ot wr. 4. TKoaaaa. rsw, to be a success, this produced, there must be a Intend reel or spruce. Balaam ana riemioes ra an Skldryste. B. C, occupation engineer. member must act in the interests quickening in the minds of all to apply for permission to leas Um area adjoinlnv Lot 51. Mare t, Coast eee ML of his constituency as a the people as to their responsibility follow Inr described lands: District, situated oa fcUdala River. Two (t) wUl be snowed for re whole, rather than in the interests in this matter. The Coounenclnr at a post planted at tb moval of timber.years northeast corner of T. L. Lot lit, AUford of the particular parly Globe says truly "There is ordinarily Bay. Sklderaia Inlet, tbenee west t further particulars of tbe Cnlef forester. under whoso aegis he was loo little interest taken .bains, tbenee nortn 3 cbain. tnenee II victoria, B. C, or District furtsur. Prince elected. by Canadians in really national chains In an easterly and somberly direc Rupert, B. C Att To the fullest extent must affairs. Most of us are busy tion folio lor snore line, tnenee west I Letterhead chains to point of commencement, eon- MINERAL ACT the same principle be applied putting our keenest energy into taininr it acres more or leas. A SO. Envelope tu mc uui eminent ui me uay j making all the money possible June IS tn. It IT. 0E0R0E MeRAfc. (R.S. B. C Itlli. Statement Holly fraction. Birch. Crocus fraction. Canla, Etc and Plum mineral claims situate In tbe Vfueen Charlotte District, located at or near Ikeda Bay. Queen Charlotte Islands. rroviaee of British Columbia, lawfully held NEAT KITCHEN A by Liability).Ikeda Mines Limited (.loo personal The News Job Press WITHOUT A BROOM NEWPEE&-ECTJON TAKE SOTICE that I, John A. Msclancs, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited (Hon Piisliar sf All Dttaipuns Dsac No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no Personal Liability) free Miner's Certificate -to. 1UHC Intend, after the eiplraUon of dirt, no bother. You never have sixty days from tbe date hereof to apply behalf of tbe said to the P.O. Bex S9 to after cooking m Company sweep up on a Programs Mining Recorder of the said District for NEW PERFECTION. It a Certificate of Improvements for each of Catalcsr cooks more quickly and more the above claims for tbe purpose of obtaining Dodjrvra crown rrant thereof. - I'oatera.eU. conveniently than coal Wood a or AJtD flRTIIER TAKE NOTICE that action ranee, costs less for fuel and takes under SecUon II of the Mineral Act must be commenced before tbe Issusnce of such up much room. certificate, of Improvements. Dated Ibis I tin day of June, A.D, II IT. These dealers sell them: I. A. Mael.TIES, Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited !,on Personal Liability). 810. Thompson Hare'ware Co-, relate ReperL 1 THE ESTATE Of CHRISTIE 0IBS0.1 Stork'a Kalen Hardware Hardware Co Co " ' "" (DECEASED) . What He Likes I NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVK.1 that all Howe A McNulty, " " persons havinr claim upon tbe Estate of Delicious coffee maJd with A. t. Oallans, " " the late CbrlsUe O lb son who died on or "Canada First" about the lib day of November, A. D. (Evapotaled) Boyd Vewnt A Co Port Sim pa on. B. C. Illl, while on active service overseas, Milk. $ are required to send to J. II. McMupin. WW It's dean onoked Official Administrator for the county of last a iinnrcvei A tun, on or before tbe SOU) day of Septem coffee it is homogenized, enJ With Royalite Coal OH the New ber. HIT. a full statement of their claims, does tKe or any security held by them, duly verified, not tuttt Creasy in cup. Perfection tvUl cook meal 5 your and after that date tbe undersigned w"l Add. 0 mI!jwncss tknt males for to 10 front ants, proceed to distribute the assets of tbe L aJT.. I. deceased among the parties entitled there THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY to, having regard only to the claims of iS Canada Pint"EecporaUJ. Your grocer knout. limited bleb notice has been filed with bira. TM ATLMCR HATED at rrlnre Rupert. 8, C. this llta CONDINSSO MILK CO, LTD. BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES day of July, A. D. HIT. AttxtB. burssio , II. McMULU.t, l Oinclal Administrator. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR .F. Q. DAWSON ""777,1 prinok nurttrr,