THE DAILY NEWS ORANGES, 1 THE WAR PUTS PLAIN APPLES, FC29 ON RICH TABLES FlfiS AND PRU ItS SfeSsA vSl "lcoiiomy meat puddings"tiles" are and the "economy latest IMW 'form in which food Is nerved from certain fashionable kitchens in Are The Four Fruits Used In Canada. The idea in making these foodstuffs is to avoid any Making TOM-ims ingredient approaching the class of a luxury which can be replaced Is th..en!f 1ft- IT A-TIVE8" with a simple material. More and more, the custom Is growing of L'm Uio juieca..if.u oi unfair to Mr. "I yz&s serving these plain foods at fash- Fruit tires lanoM l Uf lonable dinners. ,UU - medl and they While this custom of serving tried plain food on prosperous tables f mit Ue."I tntirtt,diffrtnt did not originate In Canada, in this country the availability of rou ihould f l It a fair trUl, luxurious food in comparative " Abundance makes the habit a par- WRIGLEYS ; :.iia Jt' .. . , rAh. "frult-a. ticularly happy one. It iff such r ii j, M""'1 ; :. , things as this, small enough in themselves, which the soldier The Gum of home from the- front appreciates. Gumption ass- -1 - waiam "The war is doing my patients J., , -a-' ca lmiw. " good," said a doctor recently who Cleanses the teeth sweetens the has a large practise among the COAL NOTICES wealthy city people. mouth allays thirst and fatigue. "The dyspeptic who never was t V'lIU f if ;OAT, Rl-t 1. able to resist rich foods is getting The Forces in Europe are finding itsa tike BuUM M,tt tU, taUod, his chance now," continued the to pro.peei hJeaa Uctnca rk" deacrlMd medical man. great comfort. A rT aunK-clat l putt punlad a of iha CMlir and Utile CM J,. . nnrlb aid of Lb UlU WATF.Il NOTICE Uwaca wii wihi It gives them vim DlTcrilon and L'te). SiJ Sac rtk cMlMi( caaloi wrnc la IM till point a and staying power. c UN ABA TAKE NOTICE that R. E. ftcUL whOM McLeans no. i. ciaim. .Imii it ii addren Ii stewtn, B. C will apply for iil .41 McLXAN. a Iteenat to uke and nia aeeeetir cubic It is refreshing ptt tulip tMiicy. AteaL feet of Inter out of Nor Ik and Eail forki of Caieaoa Creek, which nowi aoutMrtr to workers fit- ' ' '"AST. Rehft I. Mlo Salmon Rlter, Cautar DliUlct, . C tu ac- kUl t, M.- Mctea uiod TM witer win m diTerted from tM everywhere. WRIGLEYS vs.: treimi at polnu about two thoutand feet n inciutnT OF THE AIR raid, I...ndyn Uyitander. I bote im fork i. TbU no Ilea wu potted mm ?71.-'", rf tl Pl BlOld on tM round on tM Hith day of Aaruat. klk fiLtA .f IK I UlU hit. a copy of toll mum and an ap SntoUcra will t PERFECT GUMTUili plication pununt thereto and to tM .."SSL,.".-; oe"mv still wahts Water Art. HI I, win M flted In tM omca find It soothing uan UMJM W IM paUl A COLONIAL EMPIRE SCAUH TICHTHWT UIHHf of tM Water Recorder at rrtac Raperl, "t Mniiiii uuiiu i itni, and cooling Sailed lenderi 1U M rtctld br tM B. C. Objections to tM application miy :.7J.i f.i. hit Amitrnlam, AuruiI H, Oen- MMiur of Land mi liter Una noon on M Bled with tM tald Water Recorder, or ivi:iriim-L-aj IM I it dlT Of Annul HIT tnr lh4 nnp. with tM ixcnptroller of Water Rlr-ta, AfL rral ton Llebtrl, In a n ptrc h at (Mm U Umci xnl. PirUament within i cut Ml 1,010 Baildtnr. Victoria, B. C. Kjru t or u)Ar, iuar i. Itatlienow. I'ruiiia, ti quoted by reel tr Spruce. Cedir, Hemlock tad Bii- thirty Oiti arter IM Bnl appearanca of Chew St the Deutirbe Taffi Zeitung ai Mm l m it l iltmled on tM well tbort toil aollrt la a local Mwrpaper- TM date tut Mm ui t Ink NcUta lauad of kUrrfc CMaMl. Man) I, Com! DU. of tM Brat publication of thu noUce la l' bit la mxm(i far cui ajring: ..j t - i ib fIkaaiA -- imi Atrnit Ii, HIT. 8.14 after la4t, -l i iintl II puf I pUai4 "We eannol iljrn a pac before To (t ir IU M aliewrd for rt R. K. NEUX, AppUcahL DM wi Mil M IM wUal ttiramt f we have the Plamleri coail, a moil or timber. JWRIGLEYSv I. Ilmii .v I ua, imm aerw rartMr prUnUrt of IM Chief roretter colonial empire and maritime KM; Urr M M CMiM IMa every KU 1 MiM, IMW Mil II CMiM ! bate.. Should we not realiie this Victoria, R. C. or Dltirlct former, rrmet Raperl. R.C ITS. m til ICtl U U IM1I M H, MCUMA I now. me muit prepare to work for meal itu iairi i ctom nif it a hit. it after the war in view of the COAL NOTICES Mi McLXA.f. neit war." M7TMT rtAYBVrt LASTS' lr i kiup UkMWr, Att fienerai L.ieberra ipeeeh wa DISTRICT of COAST. Rant I. uj:ijct or com, IUf I. critieiieil by the German preii. Take aouc IMI I, Naraaaa McLean In lend to 4Jy (e a Urtotm m pruepect for J offlea TENDERS wlU U recelred at tM TiK k -l uui i, nui McLa uucul Vorwaerta tWIaring: and petruleiim on IM tulluvuii deacrUwd af tM Diitrlrt Enrtneer. Public WorU De- Ii tit ' l mm(wI for cwl Tbl mar prolong the war un laad cunaaeactnc II pual planlctf Don't merely smother your cough h4 -"" IM ftrflowtM dMrUi4 m Unit auvia ol IM toaUaneat comer partmrnt, rrtaca Rupert. B. C, Bp to and Mt i II fwl tUal4 til Oermany hai been o beaten of 5. McLeaa t Aa. S cUiH, Min( attunl taciBdiar Aaruit I its, is it, for tM pr ttr M i. a oT IM Cod Ml UlU thai even our I'an-Uermani eannol m and Mtr mttaM nwrta ( im Reater rkiM of tM OoTemmeot owned bone AnYTTlYI FT I-UUiien's Syrvp of Tar and Cod lircr OD not oaJr Ufl 1 IM MU M U IM " nter, and tor mtt ul of IM todar fAhMtR.- I I IKE" I I fror.irCf arrt-U coaihiaj. bot Uunki to ttltorrl aad USJ Jkl t? . Ih MUI II CMIM) think of a 'neit time.' nitr, uariK seal SS (Mim. IMoot tttu vJi-AJ A cnT IM c: t MJJ. IMM Mftt II IS (Mim. laftn eil 10 cUlu, IMnct Thit bar it tltrhUy lame on Iti rlrbl atreBfenlng propertlca tt help the ly-trm to throw Mr IMrn B.l if Ct.fll W IM t4l Commint Unfaorabl. aweia tt (auii to IM polnl or cuuuetKa fort toot, atMrwtae II U touod. renUt and (he coll and tbna effect! a permanent re re. It li tht quality which baa weal Bar London. Ausruit 21. The eom-tneut aueal, muimu lit acre, to M kJoa in toad condition, and will makt a aer-rtceabl at th Urgttt aaia of any exxifh and cold remedy la Car-aria. "KIH MMa HO. I la .1. McLraa t no. 4 claim. uw- IJ. it IT, in lierman newpaper UKilnl Miy Ifnd. till, . farm bora. j$e. aj r tettUt, tmij awl-i . TM aounal can M aeew om U. Da Ver- F : thiUg CMlWr, AL reaehing Amsterdam ii generall) per riaiip CMaJey, A teat, Mi't ranch, kttwann. a. a A t ss-kT-rxxn cow rp. aTWTnntirt. rjA unfavorable to the I'ope'n peace Dited tt rrtnee Rspert, B. C, ialy Urd, 7 or coast, luar i. note, awordlng to diipatehe to DISTRICT or COASr, Raat 1. HIT. S. A. 4 Tako bullc in I L Auraaaa McLeaa lalond . t - (t i, tun McUta UuoJ'the Kifhaiige Telegraph Company. to aiy farttKMKa to prwprcl for cval im rJiar omtu4 iThe (Irrman Catholic papers ex 4oJ ktada.-piriem CuauurocUf tm IM ll ruikuif pul deacruml piaaled mmru'j II I txxl puaM the deepeil respect for the tuxail mm Mif nul tail of tM BorUeil preti . A IM MUtAI IMWr cwiucr T 11. McLeaa'a .10. S ciaim; uac " uu i cUua. utati ftoria Pope initiative, but consider the aarta IS cbaau, iMiKW tail it cmim; IMrt till it iMtMi Uxor uiia II uuaii unc it N nolr ditautettna- so far as it te-irards UariK IMIM. IIMI J SMI It CMiM to mini to tM pual or cumOMOcetneai. coa- r - vi - 4UHtnaiii, muuui Germany's Interests. Luauc Sit acrea. la M mm m n. ms- tc.t, U M IMII II tt. M(14441 t Lei I claim. IV I 14, Zeilung, orcording The Tagss Located May ttlo. HIT. Bif IUI, IIII. declares Ihwt to the dispatches, m MOXA5. ArtaL per l-aiiip Uteaiey. tfeiiip Uukf, A(fl. the lop's peace propoials wmild t:'-IfcKt mean Germany's ruin. The Vos-licbe DISTRICT or COAST. Kan re S. or -OUT, Macs I. fit. uiiai thi I I 11 u rh McLan Inland iA j- . MtUia lalM4 Zeilunfr asserts that Ger- to arpry fr ucrnc to proapect for cual iLIJ' x wmi for coai'many will rapidly solve the llel-wj-TT?" and itn4um on tM touoauir detcrtMd " rii wcnt4 ,, 4 .nnrnPmiiv -uh landi. cuumeaciai' a a pu pww it mm mil aoaia of IM aonla!t cunier of t iu3t?V the wishes of the I'ope, but de t Mcuu'i S (UUBi Mine aMul OM lWii UrK and a Mlf mllet north of IM Miter rlter. JlTIt tiUJ:,Clares that France must also give tad ibrro uuea ril i( im teoa nveri Alsace Uaeacc aoata IS cbalni, tMMt (alt IS of annexing H hope- ft ;"P tauu: iMaca nor in a caauui urnra 2t, MtUMix)rraine. mi IS cmim to IM poial of CucuiDeDC- araL ouulalniaf IIS acrea, to M kMa - Slit. 44 M. McUtl'l AO. S Claim, 'SW KUU, LAND ACT Ucilcd May find. HIT. MU CMiMy, AaL IIIUII ICUJU, per raiup Uteaiey, AreoL IkCCIA USD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of COAST, RANbE S. DISTRICT or COAST, Ran S. Urt Til, uiim Uul t llMth afrLan Intend Vli K hmmci for el J It f Ucenca to oroacwcl for coal orwd rtwx la 4 mi of a fullaviar OiicrUinl taie ocr imi im . lflrtf 41 teal hlAKl4l and petroleum on tM fuliuauic deacriMd rtclBC RaiUir Company w " land; cxamueoclnr ll a pual plantod MinlloM. InltnJl la IPP'T for ptrnantoa ll tM nortaveil comer of .1. McLeaa'i IM( touts SS ttwu t,""l ktto IM rollavUf olcrUXl Uodl: .No 4 claim, and about m and a n M aulei norm of IM Reaier rtiert Uienca U,Vml SS tMlkt to ciximMlai ll s pail pUnM4 tl IM tnail Burtn at duuui tMoca weal it cMii lit U nMMiifu eoouittiot BortMrty potsl of Ul 1ST U or tbool iMoca touta It cAUUi IMoca tail SO When You Market Uii. M XiUui UigU VlUr Uirk. IMc Borwrn, rnaina to tM Dulat of cuauneacenMni. con Ut4,ti l roour im laiaiaa" tit acrei ana-w do aaonn aa n. 1 1 wtiurly, xl It, HIT. lr. toatMrly McLeaa a AO, ciaua. Less MCOM to s polnl of Consider Your KcHAM. UMMMlUri or IM Mrt-UM Located May flrd. HIT. txr I'bUip CMikr, Arrat f0r u CMMIMMraMBt. lOtlBdlBf HUn NCLaA.1, HIST Ws iur si w.wr. per l-nllip fcMaley. ArtaL Mlta iter Wit Or COAST. RlDn t. Fortunate Neighbor. III Pit4 isly :Hlc Lbii I. Nuruuo McUioloUivd TRlfM rAOnC RAILWAY DISTRICT or COAST. Ranta 1. 0RA.1D THE v.v- nmiM i K.I I II ii rh Inland rui kMiK'?a 00 foltominf Ptupti ocrlb!lor CO- IL M. Ilintiftt olicar. to aivly furaUceBca to proapeel for cual "Every citizen who uses more in his household than his house-ttold aBd wiruieiuu uu u ivinpuii w.. actually needs is increasing the cost of living forUiose less , cWf Conunenclnf it a poll planted II. MtLaint NOTICE Undi: li 5 ,k,!C ,l (haai IMlKt WATER il im norinveil corner of Ii, McLean i fortunate, and he is hindcrinsr the prosecution of the war. u. S Claim, ana aouui ur mm a "' Sir Xhomat What, Cwtmain of Finance. USE AND STORAOE. BMlea nortn or tM nearer riTrrj muw Wo, 1 tulm" TAkE NOTICE IMI TM Unplrt ru aell nnr. ait cnainai ao cMinii uaeacs auuui Uienca norm 10 rrHE wH-trdo woman who sits at her phone and orders Pons -.5dm;.V "i.CcUT Pr MUli. Lid, 6M irtii l via-rour, rMini to tM point of cvtumeneemeal. con. lavishly, regardless o! is abusing the power of money as a bully AOHMAM McLXAIf. B. C , will ipplr tor I'"0 " Uioiul 110 icrea. to M knuma ai llufb I price, Mr ruillp UmiIx. AtroL 10 McUan'l No. 10 abuses brute strength Ukt iml ui all ins llrd. I SIT. unlimited food tilled Miy fit from an blSTMCT nr rn M . IS.S0S .crt feti ol iwr vunM? I1U4U likw.', No longer can we help ourselves as we see Uk. tUo kJKo u Wtalta Ukt. per rmip CMiley. AttnL pplywe re either limiting our buying to our own real needs or hogging" nTL'.11!: 'r i nol o4 drilM law Wlult CMnrnJ 4twu else's share. Pl OISTRICT Or COAST, Rmia I. someone WsM. on milt north dim from will Rittrt H k" Take noUrt that I. Iluca McLean Intend Extravagant buying by those who can afford it, with wafte In some TM Itorut in? tlt,n, b,,D end of Ukt it outlrl or Ukt. TM nr1' IVui apply i Mirulcum lor Mrenc on IM to follow proapect lov UeicrlMd for coal kitchen, and excess at some tables, will inevitably bring still greater rt. Mtf aonu or im bitr or rrwnolr la M crlJ U ul 0. ana. y"j : mimed Urdahips to those who cannot afford the pnees, and hunger to those who irr (rl tud II mill Rood iboul LOSS " i? s i m diTirud trom V,, f 11 in IUTU1V IWIW WW , aBUSf. uvo on less. , , nr or Und. TM u, I u craiiw -w - for household as careiully and economically as your husband IM Mrtun it s polnl imui ihinro eail II chaini to tM polnl ofcom. Buy your i?u4,l.l.,c, to w knows IuomI Inm etil rod l Lkt thrta " Mnceo.enHi conuininr .4. jcr... to - btn for hia factory, store or office. Study food values as well as pnees northerly dirtttlon from Ut It. ,,a,f,,': tnake H a point to know just what you are getting eliminate wasteland ... M.y sr 4. Ii i k knJ III Dm U9va IWIMi,,,. than now. iuuii McLean, aJ urtl you'E find that you can feed your family well on far less you spend Mr mm,, cMiitj. Aitnt puurr pnrpoirt upon IM per I'MUp Cbeiley, AreoL and wiU Certificate, Canadian War Savings you ii In ippllcitlon to Witt l i ytAIMNAL Invest the saving in WITWCT Of COAST, ItiD- . Lilt on rrmr Reicn. . riMTRICT Or COAST, Rmrt I. be doubling your service to the nation. Tin mum m pMttd on im "- Tikt rwUca IMI I, Hutu McUin Inleod mliaw Certificates are Issued in denominations of 525, ttJ War Saving '" oit iL f"" ir coil .n IM lib diy o( iuw, HIT. A ttpy I., iit-y for Uceuf. to proapeel for coal Wlrutoum U.H uilc ind in irpUctiion l"" Miroltum on IM folio in f deicrlbed and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face value. They coft f1'? lulliSuTh'"if,," rn.ll plinwd IMrtto tnd to IM WHr Am ! -" it fawli ib - noruaeii Ci-wiieiHlnf coraer at s of pott N. UcUana PUntod $43 and $86 mpedively, at all Money Order Post Offices and Banks, w- .na . fflf it " !.fc?laf bul b Bird in IM oraro of wutr V i claim, aul about on and a Mlf yielding over 5fi InteresL t of Ueiver rlviri IMnct well it I'rinrs Ruptrt, . C ObJnoni wj miiea norm "ri utruc imrih mi T ur PHkillon mil I RIM ' iT.r It ait Huinii io chiton Ihenca iMnca loulb nonb 10 cnilnii 10 rbitiia tbenea to The National Service Board of Canada, ur reorder or "H 'fr,, k. nuinl of commence menL conululnt 110 i'i. fMiuiarni T.T """' ronmitocs. .r Vitr rush. rtlUttiml iu.M',,M ,rra W It known ll IL McLeini No. It OTTAWA. 38 Viciorli. B. t. ltwn ihiny dvi tan is s ti4 Miy llrd, if I ii ' Bru of tan nuiet iI, II T. icpMnnra IIUIlll MCLEAN. "uoh McLean, MiMPr. tm ditt or tat am PWK, per I'nlUp CMikry, A tent. r rtaup cmii.',, kttuL Hun of tnii noiirs Ii isly lOlfc. 1T