tM0vr The da ily News r (i Mir no- RINCF. IlLI'KIiT, U. C, -HIDAY. AUGUST 24, 1017. PRICE FIVE CENT am AERomaB i omard zeebrogge GREAT DAMAGE DONE AND EXPLOSIONS CAUSED - OFFENSIVE AGAINST RUSSIA ILLIES' GREAT HalliM LIBERALISM! . THINGS THAT HAPPEN ZEEBRUGGE IS IHUN OFFENSIVE NEAR ELECTION TIME OFFENSIVE IS j 15 laMf V iaT tTtA ITS PLATFORM Ottawa, AukuoI 22. Just be- BOMBARDED BY ! on mims SUCCESSFUL' IS DISCUSSED f'r"ly-leteion the Drummond-Artliabanka in 1010 Sir George AEROPLANES! IS COMMENCED Fofttpr, iniiilsler of trade and pairing Us.e. Inflicted Upon Hlr. Fred Stork, the ProapectUe c'",'"rce, wiring on behalf of For an Hour and a Half Bombs are Germans Resume Fighting Oper Oirmans auatplana . Mtmlxii f nfi Till, ItlHInx 1 I lie iriiYr rtimnl. Ilia rndnraatinn Rained Upon the Defences of ations Against the Russians British a. Eiplalna Position 'f the Nallonallal candidate. Jus-f U-Boat Base Cause on Riga Front- Push 8uccetful. of Affair. i!tined that endorsalion by the! Explosions. Russians Back. finaeonio but forceful remarks:' La.t ning. theLlberal rooniji -Anything to beat Laurier." but1 (Special to The Dtllr Hewi). (StxcUI to Tbc tiauy tw.j K i-i z.---enerai wen- niipu u near Mr. rreo uri this battle cry baa its counter London. August 2i.Through- I'etrograd, August 21, Not , u light advance the Liberal candidate for this lart in the present plotting, con- :ut uie attacks by the allied troops withstanding the tremendous riilina .li m ii.. Ill I i ttikP n 1 nlal. 1 i . 1 i. 1.1 1. i I wbich the , . h- .Hlhiaat if positions yester-Io"e9 Germans have l. S"i"7 form, as adopted at the recent coin on behind the scenes andl. a . . suffered on the western and Itai- . 0 pw front, east euoveHtkHi at Winnipeg. Mr. A. . very eucce"ruI co-operauon Uq fponU in openly, in the Con-!da3r' ( lhey haye nQW sUrUd I.r.Jtn.rrli. attack M. Maiiaon. M. I. I'w oeeupied the aen-alive camp at Ottawa. There received from the allied aero. an offensive against the Russian chair in the abseaee of Mr. Fred are strong evidences that the I planes, in bombing attacks. Zee-lines. The drive has already CAMDRAI Dawson. Mr. Manion in his open-s aame old tricks to "beat Laurier" jbrugge and its environments were'trained ground on the Itiga front, - ; T riftf ahead loaay. THE ALLIED BLOWS iitig remarks spoke of the prlncli are being tried out again in 1917.' successfully bombed by an allied iThe Russian army's weakness in .." : 3tr Germans ..pies of Liberalism and what Ine -Win-lhe-War" movement. inn anil ..rrv1i 1 The arrompanying map ilnwi . air squadron yesterday. Great. K i an on om nun. a a -. .1'tSl. a l. ...Hnt f ! a. a reUlve,y and the location of the three allied ' u" . " t 'n 'TTr.: .tnM.- m-- nn. 9t I V. mlllf a PY l n -J i ji J dead, wounded ,,om of 1 "a there uauiattc orgauizea uermans lo make a n str..kes Wednesday, also T g,h ."J.1 r " lh! T .V s !:jr o tnouaanu n and . T : and naval defences. The bom strong impression against them. uiunm- cism. ami irvuiuk incae, niovemeni. in uniano a i.ioerai ; i 1 British. French the importance of the Canadians' ism too for all that was proV convention of members and can- bardment lasted for an hour and At the northern end of the Riga : , ' i s Despite their capture of Hill 70, just northwest gressive and orderly in humari didates endorsed the Liberal a half and five tons of bombs were iront, tne uussian iorces were there ia today of !ens. This Important height Considerable damage compelled to retire under :k I affairs. Misrepresentations o I chieftain and condemned the Con dropped. pres-was 'u deluge of both dominates the whole of the Loos Liberals and Liberalism was all aenative leader. It was followed caused and tremendous ex-'sure from the region of Ragged-plosions thrown against salient and the eity of Lens Itself. heard. The dock-Item to Kemmern. They have too common at the present tltueV immediately after by a "real were 3 the western and the Its capture was neeessary to further 'Mr. Maiiou referred scathingly;Win-the-War convention, whose ing facilities for the underwater!taken up positions extending from advances In this section of boats received special attention. Sployirn to Frankendorff. jlo the misrepresentation and de-.delegates failed to secure cut-'oe4l jLake Itoulsr Evacuated. the front. which was practiced by cer-' rales on the railroads because Ship Sunk. Berlin Say. T. .a population of the . af fit nrn fta ra.'il... iw r . f"KI- .i The destruction caused by the Berlin, August 24. The Ger-submarine VllVfiaffVtlO f Ann m. i lain miiivH. v. K" - ttir w It". M.a wu.vr.i il i-r. due eat of CriUAiTlUUj LUJJ Al 'gards Liberalism and the Liberal tjon, however, repudiated the campaign during the(man forces yesterday occupied prcs ira i -a uatlng the town In xnr citniTtii rinrslarl. owing to the ordinarily un-.ways and works of the former last week amounted to fifteen,without fighting, the Russian po-liritish r. t a flfht for II pos- lnL JflLUnilVA rirvE. rtn.iIMi control of a section of convention and nledired itself to and five French vessels of sitions west of the river Aa from !iry are being allowed - -- Ithe Dress. placn candidate Jn the Held more than sixteen hundred tonslTooding to Bigaun on the Riga if t! v ty the military ?'" siMiai u TM nUi (itwa.1 I On being called umm. Mr. Fred'atraitut "Lmie-tbe-War" Liberals. and three British and four French J front.' :. . , su4 are taTTn? at inrany London August St. The de- Stork, the proa poet he member for , Why Premier's Haste? vessels of less than sixteen bun-' The German Strategy. if possible - . ,l . .IU.l,.l I.I.I lt.a nial dred tons being sunk. I I'etrograd, August JI. General i -ion a tails of the destructive nre ,mi Mftsa iiiwh, hw m nr- In Winnipeg a further conven- oi!x. I..I Knrular ir now tag of Ills Visit V ln.niesj 1 tion was held. Now the resolu Alexieff, the former Russian com- French Capture. - K..t Th lota to lake iart In the Liberal eonven tions passed at that convention KAISER'S SON CHARGED Inlander in chief, when interviewed Ft!.i. A 2t. -The French wronerty has been enormous, awl'lten there a few days ago. In being repudiated and there is WITH BURGLARY .at Moseovr, asserted that Ger- taken tn prisoners .TV a i- i i. nir that the position of affairs further Ulk of independent can- many' strategy included, the .&t M . . loUI of 8.126 rnLrtA 'tnughl be fully appreolated. Mr. jidales being run against Liberal Paris As already announced,.living of the Roumanian army Ptc 3 iu. artillery captured rTmtll. arrVnleresteS ?T?h. toek reminded hi. hearer, of the candidates in the we,L In the one of the princes of the House of, om all its possessions for the of compelling Roumania belt;,3 - r f .ur field suns of I.,.', f - ihr million atate of things existing s years meantime there are strong inai- lloheoiollern. Prince Eitel Fried- Purpose rt- i :., - is. and more then ago during the last election. l cations that all the candidates to rich of Prussia, second son of the concitiae a separate peace, or P""0 I. i nine Bum. pounds.AH possible aid was rendered by the time, the Liberal parly- fought bt pul up against the Liberals Kaiser. Is being charged with forces uu xcu- Hospitals bombed. stationed ouU'nn eleolton on the question of are not to be mn.wt..i a a burglary. theft, and depredations !"nic iliary force T me m i .... .m. i'ni.i i. n....i before the Oise Court. The man I 3 try bomb were '"""-"' "- i ' . ... reeiprwiiy. side of the town, but the searelty eni Aiist aisMiaviltti pi' d IT a lOrman aviator ft as deieaiea. uui s.nrc ..i.uii Mr uooeri iwraen snou.u who has lodged the complaint o-niuu- snusiiun made It almost hopeless of water ARISEN IN FINLAND the Prince is M. Dubois, t , behind the '.ali against in stlemnt to subdue the names, urn, ine iwuc .-... up nnu ""-" W" 1 .n tfia Vr..iir. front . iini .r.i for hrouBhl in and passed a measure and have read a statement care. owner... of the Chateau of Fretoy. & ia it :i..ln.l nA tSptctal to Tttt Pally !fwa.) iay T'ii wounded men hV entente-military authorl- of reciprocity regarding wheat, fully typewritten, condemning the, a Historic Duuuing tnuaicu ioi the 21. The w vto. tn3 f.,rty-nve of the -iei. Thus v.nnii.i n,rU "in thU war" Guiscard. Petrograd, August a. "' ' .msiviiisiics. ----- a llfjUl ilJ t " J :n I a a a S. t IL.hI nnllfltf QlT 2 A B U ..wA AlSin(- M. Dubois is a wealthy French situation in Finland is serious as mid!. uie u wrai ai vin uin.aii-ii.B -"- ,'hile the Are was burning, auopung at a a;an is "Hrtcn 1, .POTimnl re- IK r....-nm.nt hA rliWiHo.t official. He has visited tne uiiMrom.uwiimm.mi, Troop. ov ,ears - - - . Ma? i) Ihree enemy aeroplanes new , f rrr -f" , . valla!., prions recently evacu- m lorming a cauiuet aim me ucr- yt emnhaaite the flaming city, dropping homps soneu iuei.ic..r i-v"" slstence of the Socialists In their . and also his T t..t U nlinttan ... not all-rht. Ihe question oi tne uag. nurm u nan Deen represenieu, am r-ir aled by the enemy on tne pn ci,- .n.l . imini- last plan to renew the session dis f -1 " an troop, being utl- !.. n.i. a. chateau. He returned nigui istripes was lo be the flag for 0 run candidates against Liberal and said that the latter is com solved by the Landtag on August -SAFETY FIRST WITH 20th. Premier Kercnsky has for NO Canada. Tho present parly In and Conservative candidates in pletely destroyed. I- h RAILROAD BATTALIONS added, "put a complaint bidden the meeting of the Land from he nt H power oonsiuereu u uisioyai me coming election anu mav wtir "I have." Km 1 1 tag and will use military force if 8 bei.-f MM L. h litilil v.n talk of reciprocity, yet tncy was atrain collusion. ow Henri into the hands of the Procurator " it a irrlt thai II,. A.... Word has been received in town translated talk inlo.rtou ot the Republic of Com-piegne necessary. " 3a (J.'iiirxl the pre from Tom McKlnnon. who used lo!"?"'". was disloyal, any- tlonallst narty. has never yet de- against Prince Eitel, who n h:, trn front of the wor m tne . i. i way f Mr. Stork made some tell- clared this lo be his intention since 19 14 had made his residence GERMANS FINDINO OUT i J ' i.a If . . He is with the Railroad nai- the moment cf now in, the chateau. At - mrii are necea tng remark on tho manner why. therefore, the hasle of in my ii tun aciiuiiiM talion "somewhere in t ranee. whieh the country fell for the;irjme Minister to repudiate any the departure of the Prince the (SpMUI la TtM Pall; tws.) v 3' iroona in iiir. Ha sars he Is working naru. every of the 'big Interests' ixualk of collusion? chateau was pillaged, ransac-ea, Amsterdam, August 21. "A 1 w .w .III)V II Volley 1 1 L i f. s- .ana. dav and a good many nlgt US, Bna . i. rtf I. I ri. aa.w o. . R-..nn and devastated to ruins. It was policy based upon might alone and tne." he says, "it Is no years uku, hiiia j invrv -.-'. ransacking, with the not right, is doomed to failure "believe that today the people of Canada ; There may be a reason. It l nraniiKil in NOTIOC safely first Job either, im nat- have to pay ten cents more per noticeable that within the past lplnr Presiding. Valuable fur from the beginning,"made was the by Dr. tallon has been unuer r pound for bacon than it is sold fcw weeks. "Le Devoir," Douras-for niture, pictures and are ..objects teresting admission Tfc" r. V Itr Ik...'UP,I- U, tll.-.l IIUMVU nearly till the time, which iemi in Seattle and other United ga-a paper, which up till now has were taken away, J n III. Foreign Kuehlmann,Secretary,the German in his Imperial maiden ' little color lo tho job. 'been all small gutters and roofs were demolished, irge. IImonton. will give Slates towns. suffering as paper the main committee of speech to A .lllf Will. HhnV..n...." In At the. time of writing, he was Mr. Stork referred to the treat-.i,aVe suffered since the war. has so that water could put a f I' c byterlan Church Hall on living In tho remains of what had ment Prince Rupert received from,increased its siie and is announc finishing ruin to tho various the Reichstag yesterday. 3a evening at 8 o'clock. Pro- once been a dwelling bouse, but the present government. A inin-ng all sorts of new features, rooms. Just arrived, 2S0 ton of lump Kill be devoted tn the mir which Is now a heap or ruins. isler of the crown referred pub- (hough it has not to any appre-licly The statues m tne garuen uuu coal. Phon 116 Albert o-Caffery f yarn for socks for the Tho boy have constructed for to this City as being "under jCai,ic extent Increased its adver- the park have Deen proaen ioi themselves fairly safe dugouts pieces by the Huns, mis is iuo Admission 25c. All are , , . 'n curse to mi ukuih- i the chateau has e Dme 0n. among tne runm buu norden Government, it was peCjaj ow rate Tor wree monins second time that tratcd some distance underground-! ( T p ,rack tj,at had to leto readers of his paper. Why homi destroyed. The actual chat tin is very necessary . M g. k rercrred to throe months, and where is tne eau of Fretoy was built in 161 1 by Prince Rupert Exhibition WESTHOLME things become "too hot" "'; I jLjo-k as the biggest slack-l,0ney for the new features and Louis Destournel a 1 .. to replace..n.aaV tne a, September 19, 20 and 21. "Like ancient forefathers, i lac-iih from? wnicn naa ueeu ruitu ,our , enuntrv. The same , increased slio coming.. . ono .a a rra in - - the says loin, wo u. ,., I., were Delng enipioyeu touay. Certainly not from tne i.ioemis. and destroyed by Charles Priie Lists and particular OPERA HOUSK The abomination of desolation,' . nv.prred. for the benefit -rhev have nothing to gain from Fifth's soldier in 1552 in the to be had nt the office TONlQHT ONLY Is on iew 1 n that part of l ninoe jnteresls" ns were used j(,0 entry of Nallonalists into the same manner as has been done by of the Association, 318 where Tom Is located. Destruc-! n Q The same accusa-j field. Surely Sir Herbert Ames, the barbarians of the present day. Fifth Street. 206 Dainty Hon, ho saj rs. Is the Huns long. . uUloyaity. No one slxho. In 1911. put goo.1 Conserva- Judicial .proceedings are actually nit. - o-n lirlieved that tho Lib- tu monev into the paper. Is not going on. I cannot say anything Marguerite Clark ..rain were disloyal because they a(tan subsidising It on the be more about U for the present." The Anglican Mission louncli . II.. '-l II ---. -.I wanli'd reciprocity. half of the "loyal Conservative In a Comedy Drama of the "Northern Cross." took ft party I,, win the election for the Borden party?" Such a possibility Is of Tho Methodist Sunday School Parisian Stage upto Port Simpson for the Confirmation lioveriiment. No ono believes that course not to be thought of. picnic will be held on Wednesday, LONDON CAFE service held yesterday Liberals of today are disloyal August 20th, to Digby Island; or, ! i Ii i AND GRILL heFortune.s of Fifi' afternoon at 81 Catherine a l . Uiey do nol ,et, ey. lo eye Carpet squares All slies, at if the weather forbids, on Satur. Church, Port Simpson ,inreci iiorden GoveMiment. et prices below the old values nl day. September t. Boat will Third Avenue u'v i uiiuiiiuir h i-. were iireaciiiru-..- i n. wuii B,h accusstions are maue. Tito Sale. 6..Q leave Davis Float from 1:30 p. in Prompt Service of the Best TRAVELOQUE Archbishop- of Caledonia by the Mr. Stork told of the plan of there Is to eat at all hour. Rev. W. F. Hushbrook, B. A. Kir Clifford glflon to dominate the See our new shadow effects in The favorite household Coal Ii Admission 10 Vinnipir convention ami now tne eroinn. Just arrived Tite' Au Lcdyamlth Wellington. Phon 15, BOXES FOR LADIES and 28 oenta. For dressed lumber of all kinds (Continued rrom rage mree gust Bale. A-8-0 Prlnc Rupert Goal Co. tf Albsri A McCafTsry. Phone 110.