r :af K 4 TUB DAILY NEWS f. I , , . s s MRU Your "Get -Away i MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News Power" in Summer is o A little of Sunlitht oe TIIC LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA matter of fuel-food for the For tnt EasL lontf ra,there every U psrucle ,! Publiehed Daily and Weekly human engine. Food that MnMsars, Wednesdays and In- pure?harm the clothes noth,n or impVde J Guaranteed Largest Circulation is hard to digest and low in 4ft ai Bn- the rapid protreu 0f' ,h; nutritive value does not supply ril.h'cJivCryckec' W HEAD OFFICE: From .Wis EasL for the day's camet a $5 000 energy Daily Neves Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. TcL 93. work. It uses up needed RuiHSavs. Tdays and Fri- guarantee of purity TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - W cenU per inch. power by overtaxing the digestive art at : P m- Contract Rates on application. Shredded organs. Vancouver. For Wheat Biscuit is all food. Moadar J m DAILY EDITION Friday, August 21, 1917. It is 100 per cent, whole Tvesdays P- m- Sunlight Soap wheat and is prepared in a SatardsTi . .. . 7 a. m. A p. tn. PLAYINO THE GAME eral candidates In Quebec in digestible form. Changing From Vancouver. llecently Canada bad the the last election invariably were from meat and potatoes to Sajadayi P m- spectacle of Sir Robert Borden opposed by Nationalist candidates. Shredded Wheat brings a Moadajf 0 in- reading the Nationalists of Will Sir Robert Borden mental buoyancy and physical iaasdays 8:30 a. m Ouebee Out of his party. The prove toe sincerity of his par-pose .... 9 a. m Fridays results of this remarkable pro by insisting upon Nationalist alertness that makes one S. S. PRINCE ceeding will be regarded with candidates being opposed eager for the day's task. For Any 01. RUPERT a great deal o f attention in the coming elections by Conservative Eat it for any meal with to p. m on throueheul the country. One candidates? Will be sliced bananas, berries, or lYtdays . ... I0i.ra.48pm PRINCE GEORGE reason for this scrutiny will be supply convincing evidence of other fruits. because, as The Times puts it, his sincerity by immediately SOUTHBOUND From Anyoi. "there Is hardly a rump of the bringing the conscription bill Made in Canada. Moadsy a sa f Ivaaao Bay. 'aa-oTr. Ktorts sad 8: 'a. Conservative party Jeft in the into effect and proceeding to Sady. a.m.; Tuesdays, p. m Salarday S A m for Oteaa fsas. Vaaoravtr. rtetoria sad Seatua Pattern province. enforce it for the purpose of Military Service Bill as aa excuse mi Satsjrdays, a.m. NORTHBOUND It shows that in the political supplying tbe needed reinforcements for his desertion of bis friends is WtmUPkr tt aM far EeUbikaa, WrsareM. laaess tad film; campaign which culminated in for the Canadian forces quite significant. or Port Simpson and Naaa River. meAT tt SM far Aayat- the defeat of the Laurier Goe-ernmenl fighting In France and Flan Satsjrdays, a. m. TRAIN SCRVI1E in I9I1, the Nationalists ders t If the Premier does not Iaforaua is reqaesled re-ardmg PawCr Manday. Wdaar aad rndar si 1 1: a ss. ' t E-;, led by Bourassa and La-vergoe, do these things, then there will tbe preseat whereabouts For Queen Charlotte Islands. rrtoee Ooarr. EdsMAtoa sad Wtaaifr. SMkiar dtreat eaaruju ' g tmtmu eaM aad aUL Kited Taesdar 4 a aa. far Bantam ac.1 t absorbed the Conservative besuQlcient grounds for a sus of Uyron Will-bar Croweti. rate ef ;10 p.m. July letb, August isL terawdUte r"- party. The leader of picion that there is still an un S farthers. B. C Last beard of ia 3ti aad 9tb. the Conservatives. 3ir. Monk, derstanding between tbe Con Kaatloeps. B. C, he is about 18 Agency All Ocean SUamshlp Lin as. merged himself with the Bor- servalives and Nationalists rears of age, grey eyes, dark From Queen Charlotte Islands For information and reservations apply I den Government. Continuing, that they City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avanue. PHONC HO are playing tbe old brown hair. Any inform alien regarding July Stud, Agast 5th, 19th; The Times says that in fact ai political game of tbe "big is. him wiH be gladly received eptesnber 2nd. the members from Quebec who terests" represented by Sir by Mrs. R. W. CreweM. entered the Borden Government Thomas White, the agent of Sir Smithera. B. C, or the DaMy News tewart, Mapfe Bay and Swamp were Nationalists, nominated Joseph Flavelle, and the junta olce. Prince Rupert. tf. Point. for the positions by Messrs. of profiteers whose bank balances Bourassa and Lavergne. At have grown exceedingly Salvation Army. Par Wednesdays. 10 p. m. least those two ebullient leaders fat at the expense of tbe people Frosj) Satardays, p. sn. CANADIAN PACinC RAILWAY claimed the honor of making of Canada, and who are in PabUe meetings, Tuesdays, saasssssBBBsaBassi"aaaBBaaasBa the selections, and the assertion a stale of nervous prostration Tbwrsdaya aad Saturdays at 8 p. Alaska and Yukon Territory. Lowest Rates o all Eaatern Points has never been denied. at tbe prospect of the so-called m. Sundays at 7:34 p. m. For Monday. 7 a.m. via Steamer to Vancouver and the A huge campaign fund was radical programme adopted in l'ram Saturdays, p. m CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY collected for the campaign of convention by tbe Liberals of Iron beds. Any sixe, from f 3.9d Meale and Berth Included am Seenr 1911 from the "big interests" tbe West becoming the plat and p wards, at TKes August centered in Toronto. Their ob. form of a new Government. Sale, 6-8-0 Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. FHdtf ject was to kill reciprocity and Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 p.m. Sunday to pave the way for the orgy of NOTES AND COMMENTS Tbe Daily . uettvered i Princess Sephla for Vancouver Saturday, August 2SUi. profiteering they expected to auav'ilA Princess Alice for Alaska Monday August 27th. carrier, 10 cents per mnth enjoy at the expense of the! The news that no more muni. people of Canada, anticipations ttions are to be made in Canada CANCELLATION OF RESERVE TIMBER SALE X101S. J, I. PETERS, General Asent which have been more than.must be taken to show that the Ca rter Feurth Street ant Third Aeenue, PrifM Rupwt. B.C. realized by reason of the extra- authorities in Great Britain mast soncx is Bxaxar gives cast um ftraM tradrrs I rtcl ky ta utmuur r taad st latrr Ikaa sm a toon Haas la Um , ordinary opportunities afforded have the producion of the neces reeerr harbor af rcumr msec er expert, ivni as Let aw hm ear r pot. is it. tmt um vy Ice war. The Nationalists sary war material very well in SIM. kaare I. Gout DUlrttt. IT reajcei porrkM r lMrn X I St I. to cat S.lll. were given their share, full t band. When the present ecu r bmsm irpeutts ia uw sntaa cam-u rM at tprwe. Salaaat sad BW Guhu r tt tut Aprs, ins. and e aa aira tiwatoS ea Uak Lakt. Ranr and of tracts measure running over, are finally completed and ( S. CMIt DMtrtct dated lltk aprll. ISIS. Is eaaecSed for that vast fund, whose treasurer transported across the Atlantic UK parpnee tf BMktar s salt of tt said Tfcfr (ti jrari mm b avt4 tor r uas a vreu a. aanaeomeiy a a rewaraea uiere win m ite mere cargo space Lot to tae Grand Trs&k Tdt Deedee wal aa SHUbrr. rrtor r Um oarf Tf Launch AliceR for bis labors and sacrifices(available for foodstuffs and other I Otospaay. Limited. trvUrt mm. Vtotorla. B C, ar WtrWI Trtt Vtatiter U Land, SCO a. SASE. Drpaty with a peerage. Such is tbe necessary commodities twpanmsl Laad. Victoria, a. t, ilia mmn aapen. a. C sit history of tbe unique I political IS IT. tS. tom THE SALT UltS game played by Sir Robert Bor- Having duly taken notice of tbe TIMBER SALE X1019. teef flat Dar fa den or more probably by tbei straws which have been pointing LAND LEASE NOTICE 1S a. aa. astute political schemers be. j tbe direction of the political wind SACEIA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or ScJa toxWs wta tm matiad r UM asrrvais raas m. bind him with the connivance for some considerable time past, Ofc'EE-V OLaJUJOTTE 1SLA5DS. MMiatrr ef Laads sx4 later taaa aooa em um tTta day tt Aaraat. is it. far Dm par. of tbe leaders of tbe ilon. Robert Quebec .the Rogers has taken caaac a UtiM X ISIS, to cat t,IIMSS tan Nationafists, who have consist- beed and got out of the cabinet TAXE SOTlOE ttiat I. Geerr Meaac. sf (rl f Spracc Balaaa aad Haaalara aa w. a. TMoavAS. rm enliy altaeked Sir Wilfrid Lau-jof his own free will and accord SUderat.I to apply B. C for oecvpatfc permuatea eartoeer.to Jeaae Um ta- ana sdiaiaiaf Lt fist, ftaara t, Uajt aeewi SSi, rier as "too British for ibemj apparently before tbe full storm Mtovlst deatrUMd Uadi: Duirtct, utaawd aa KAdaU lutcr. T (t( years vut V aiiovtd for rs- But there is ground for a (bursts. The lion, Minister or Cbomesaar St poet ptaatod at Uw atial T XkaOttr. suspicion, concludes Tbe(Elections always keeps bis ear aortfceait comer KT.L Let 111. kiHari Tanbrr parUraUrs at Um catef Farvaicr. Bay. Bttdento lake theaea west tS Times, that the alliance be-j pretty close to tbe ground, and on ailna. tfcrae aorta t caalna, tbrsxa tS rirtoru. I. Cor Dutnei raster, rrtac tween.the Conservatives and:this occasion, having cut loose as la aa easterly aad soautrrly dlrec- aaprrt. a.C At the Nationalists Is not at an. from the Borden Government, be ttoa raOovtar stars toe, tbcaee st t LetUrkaada ebxtat ia point of conaiKacn&rat. eoa-lilntnr MINERAL ACT end, notwithstanding the latest us neither in it nor of iL The Cavtlapca It rm anee or leea. A SS. manoeuvre of tbe Premier. Lib- delay in tbe application of the SUUmeota jaw 1 1 to, 1SIT. GEORGE McRAfc. a.a. a. c 1st 1 . HaBy rracttoa, Slrta. Croras rraeitoa. Cards, Etc and riiua aalaarU claiaas sltaaM la Um Que Caarlotl OUtrUt. fetated at r acar ILeda Sir. Qa Caartotu ItUada. A NEAT KITCHEN rrattac of Brtuak ComMK lawrony bcld by LtablUtj.lkU Mtara Llaallcd t.loe rtrsonal The News Job Press WITHOUT A BROOM TASK .10T1CE last t, ioba A. MadaiMS. NEWPEjEGfJl Sottdtor ttt Ik4 Mums Uatted (5oa Pmtef f AO DesaiBtias Dit No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no 9IBA5TOVEg 'ill rrraoaal Uauaty) Tr Mtarfs OrtUUau So tttsic toimd. arur Um ciptrsuo af dirt, no bother. You never have sixty days trva Um data nrraof to apply to after cooking A LtX tU id C..-.ttay is Um sweep up on 2 Precrajns Minis r RHxn&rr of Um said OUtrtet far NEW PERFECTION. It s Ccrtiacata of Inprotaaarau for rack at CaUkcs cooks more quickly and more itM kbov ctalota for Um pwpoM f & Dodstrs Utaiar trown rraat UwraoT. IUr,l J conveniently than coal wood a or AID FtKTHEH TAKE SOTICX Uat acUOO ranee, costs less for fuel and takes ndrr SUoa SI of to Mmrral Art Bail t enaunenced txfora Um laanaaca of lata half as much up room. rrttacato of laaprarri&cata. Dated tats Itu dar r iaac. A.O. tf IT. These dealers sell them: J. A. Mad.l.fZS. Sulttttor far Ikrda Mlnra Llailted Pmaaal UaaUlir). IIS. Tnewpeea Mardieare Ce-, Prince Rupert LV THE ESTATE Or CUJUSTIE CIBSO.V Raisa Kvlivi Ce., " " (DECEASED) What Ho Likes " " Stork' Mardvar C, 50T1CZ IS HIRTBT OrVE.1 tbal aU Ha 4 RWNaltjf, " - prraoBS barlar cuia spoa Um EaUM f Delicious ccffea maJd with a. i. Oallad, " " Um late CartaU Otbaoa tM dted oa or "Canada First" (EraporateJ) ttwat tiM sut day of NotcoiUr. A. D Bf d Vea a C-, Pan Slmsaa. a.o. ISIS, bJl MS acUa MfTlca ortrMaa, Milk. ara required to send to . IL McMolUa. It's dean cooked taste imprcvef OfAcltl Administrator for Um cooaty of AUta, on or bafors Um SOU dar f Srptem coffee it Is lwmv?$eru3od, anJ With Royalile Coal OS the New ter. If IT s roll lUiciMai ef Utelr tlaima, docs not turn rVeasy in the cup. or aar security beid by tbm, doly venoed. wUl cock Perfection meal your BaSB sad srur inal dau Um aadcrsiraed utll Adds d me.'iowncjs tluitmskcs for from i to 10 cents. pruceed to dutnlDUi lh usau of Um rtxxl CdlTeJ letter. dweaaf) amour Um parties aaUUed Ibert-to. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY barior rerard oaly to Um claua of Say "Canada lint"EcapotoltJ. Your gwtr notfJ. Limited blth none has been Bled wiia him. TM ATVMtn CONOaMSCD MILK CO, LTD. OWED si friars Rupert, B.C, mis Ifta BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES day of July, A.D. ItlT. AUNia. saratio f. H. UtMVLUS, SI I omdal Admiaiitrttor. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. U. DAWSON 1 -. a PRINOE RUPlnT,