f-4 1 The Daily News V,) VIII- NO, 200. MUNCH RUPERT, it. KATt'lWAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS fflnn) i mm ERS AMOTiER -SUSflHG BLOW NEW POSITIONS OF THE AUSTRIANS ARE STORMED--FRENCH CAPTURE HILL 304 aiictpianQ'NPW HUN RAIDERS hi hii mm POSITIONS ARE BOMB HOSPITAL PREPARING TO ALSO CAPTURED AT RAMSGATE QUIT TRIESTE Prisoner Captured by Notwithstanding Huq Red Croat M.nt Wore State ArchWea and Objects of Un Vlolant CoonUr Slona, Chatham Houta Wards ljswifrv ..3mW , IKSKftS Art are Being Forwarded to , Attack! orosen up. War Reduced to Match, Vienna for Ore ate r Oun Tan. wood and' Scrap. and Ts V ?Oaaaaaab.l- i u- iES&nkKW -Vaaaaaaar vaaaUBaaaanapaaa Security. "aaWf ic.--!.'1' t seaaaaaaamF-A. jBsmwT- i- aaaaaaaaai.aaaaaswplaaaT7fKfl99 l-itl lo Ttw tMlr ,V. iKtMcUt to Tlie l.aDjr , .'5. Thi? balllr tendon. August ?t. -Chatham lftpWaNh?r 'BaaaaaBaaaBaaaaaaaRaaaaaBBBBI Indon, August 21 Informa (.3 W I- . (r.'iil atill 1" pro- lliHtse at Ramgale. ued a the '-qfctlL iir'V-ir'sr' ''-fLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'tfe--'BBBaV' .aBBBBBBBLHssllBBBBBSBB tion has been received that the Canadian Military llopital with V?Ibs5Hl ' ' kBBBBBBBBBBBBB .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWraHaH an bate been rap. - - ::. "tT Austrian for weeks past have the adjoining Townley Castle, was I Ul !k, enemy, General IIoiiiImhI In the air raid on Wed-1 been preparing lo evacuate i a.-i arm) ia eolUlnuliig to nesday. when ten German raid in if Trieste. All the stale archives t &ai the Austro.Orrman niarhlnea apMared over the Krnl and the most valuable objects of ihe Italian v.sirrdiiy roast. A huge tied Cross was art- iu the museums, libraries and j new counter Austrian attacks poi-V spread on the ground to indicate churches have been removed and ienf the the and of building eharaeler ibr to re. sent to Vienna, where it Is con tijr enemy such could not have failed lo have st around, but bia at- sidered they will have greaterTe- been visible from the air. Notwithstanding f. ' l' in up and a fur- this, bomb cunty. The Italian inhabitants l. - .si-f-- Lumber of Austrian-,3j were of the city have been subjected to dropped direct on the building taken. a ruthless reign of terror. were "BKi ii used a hospitals, two ward be. M )2:' uty thousand prl-;aers ing reduce) to matchwood and I - t" raptured since srrap iron. One invalided soldier SPLENDID WEDDING lit !f urled. Immense wa killed and a number of others LANDING MONSTER STURGEON OVER SIX FEET LONG, Haul away boys A rather ticklish ' Munition have alo injured. Job is the handling of a monster sturgeon. .. This photo .was taken on Lake Huron. The sturgeon AT HOTEL CENTRAL n a a i a JL.. A A ft. 1. L A It. ft.A.l utca. Is frequently caught in pound net and tlie nsiiermau ursi mis wie great mbu a ui.-a. vu tuc ur Russian Front. hammer before attempting lo gel it into me uoat. with a big The ceremonr of inarriaffe wafr I -i i A puit 25, The Alllea THE REORGANIZATION A.I i-l m I X aiicrnwii in rceieuraieu yesieruay n.i I li? are turned to Russia. Of BORDEN'S CABINET U. 8. EXTENDS FURTHER n nvnr LrCTUREl the large dining room of the Cen- ..r-z-ary s drum powerfully tour CREDIT TO RUSSIA FRENCH TROOPS ON SHAKESPEARE tra Mp j,, flf n..f3 A number of dia-Tt Kitkatla and ills Maria Smith of be j Pelrograd admit Ottawa. August 22. This week (specul ui TtM Dstly .i X.tJ;GAINALLTHEIR A very large and appreciative Massed were the happy couple. r ct.'- aj. .. advance. Tlie no-i Is eipect.lo be pne of the uosJ . Washington. .August audjfie. listened to the Rev. Dr The- bridegroom, is very well - rh. J?ernntr3Vmoig interesting of the present session Cniled Slates liovernment lday Dyde In the" PreSbyterTan "Church known in town, andwss scTfl of ::. F srad to Moscow ha of Parliament and may be historic extended a further erHil f OBJECTIVES Hall'alst night. "An evening with Mr. Amos Collinson. of Kitkatla. fce- t ff i .-j. Pelrograd ia lent in the annals of the country. Hev-eral hundred million dollar to Russia i .Shakespeare" was the subject of one of the best known among the .. a ' ed mile from Ultra. evenU of importance are This is Secretary MeAdoo s an-j . . the evening The itev. Ir. Dyde Indian on the coast. Very many T tr 3f' if ofllrlal inform.. looked for. and one already has w-er to the gloomy rumors of fear .M MnM M-.t-p. 0f All ImoorUnt acted the part of many of the well of their friends and relations -jt njt the Russian -- retirement or which ha were present to see the matri taken place Ihe for a Rulan collapse, p0nu on the Verdun Front known characters of the great 3 3 in considerable lion. Robert Roger. One of the created a feeling of unrest and; Hea Fighting Still DlavwrighL and explained the monial knot being tied. ctss:;.a the granting of the in thl coun The wedding oarty entered the incident la a lack of confidence Continuing. whys and wherefores of their ac No Msntlon. Royal sanction lo the Conscrip Iry. Russia'a credit is now 275,- tions. As Hamlet. Richard J1I. large apartment to the strains of ft' .sac August 25 The This Is the nnai aiep Mendellsobn's Wedding Marcn. Hill. tion 000.000. London. Aug. S5. Heavy fight and Macbeth. Dr. Dyde excelled, Hainan at statement make required to make a law of what The Oovernment s shipbuilding . . dur,n lne nlglll lo and other characters were also and the ceremony was conducted r ' the fighting in the i. mm vt a bill. 8ucti sanction nrmrmmme rails for a total OI here Ihe Can- portrayed. These recitals were by the Rev. W. V Wright. The Ihe south of Lens, w (lira ' n the Roumanian Government In a bride was attired in white and would pul the 1,270 ship or 7.VOU.OUO tonnane. m.uan troan eantured more ery much enjoyed, and the short n A -tnan at larks have lo organlie exemption revealed today when n the looked well. Immediately afterwards, position This was trenehee from Ihe enemy. Fierce talks given in between by ?' d. tribunals and call out the first requesl was made for a new bil encounters also took place along lecturer showed him to be a keen dinner was served, which Th Arch Enemy. classes of conscript. While many lon dollar appropriation. road. The Hrit-i.h studeut of the works of Shake was a very merry affair. After Ihe Ypres-Menin vier .,rut 25. "Kng- feel thai Ihere will be no calling hold the German wards the wedding party was trnnns also speare. s - tr h rnrmv nf fiortnanv. out of men under conscription HUNGARIANS HAVE 'trenches immediately northwest i As a mirror of the times i photographed in front o t the ti; MUaUn at whatever coal" until afler the pending general A NEW PREMIER f the bitterly disputed Green Cas- which he lived. Shakespeare bouse. i u u the guests were Mayor Kmoer-.r William told election, all agree there will be no troops re nlavs form a medium without Among b ier The Portuguese s K"rt:l If In and Mrs. McCaffery, Chief and .-I. the Royal delay in obtaining (spui i Tbs DsiU Sews). German raiders at two which the times of Queen Elixa- t pulsed Mrs. lander Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Vickers, n WWday. .Bnetinn for the bill, because as much less Uasse. wti would be very The of La ha been as Stockholm. Aug. 25. ap- points in the region E. Shockley, Mr. Elklns, Mrs. Le the measure soon a nolntment of Dr. Alexander We- French FronL known. T Mrs. Herllng, Mr. Bever- JOSEPHS Roux, ACADEMY certain provision will sented to of Shakespeare told Hungarian 25. The rrencn The slory kerle to be the new Paris. August idge. Mis Hardy, Mis Hirnie, There ha been a ? A Vl 4 The S,gii take effect. most Importance toward the realpnopj made an attack this morn- last evening wm pro iu c .,. Mra;,... Mrs. W. seh,.i at tho tfl. someubat lively criticum going of the ut- .. l..mi Ae i V.. l ui.a realer incentive lo the reading oi -""V J ;r"'J 1 A. Premier marks a lp .nig oU tne ieit uaii " "- .w.--- P!l M '-a? ademy will reopen on on In varlou Canadian publica democratism and complete inde-Viween Avocourt WoihI and Dead the plays. There was also a short Messrs. M. Sheady. lemhtt 3. at 7830 p. tion, nuriieularlr I.e Devoir, me . iw.ii. in.iria nml . n;ii ti. vm-ii cninMl alL imiieal nroerainine, to which Miss Thompsorf. v ' o,mercial students. Pro. Journal of Henri Dourassa, and iMMlururv ii rrL.. .H. nu.nl..-"-(fjiiii id .. i a inn,. i .i . ..It.ntt.in w I --tn nil of Vancouver,( who is visit Ilrooks, Keefe, Morrison, A. - : bo made tnr hosinners have lo be greauy modi tiermany. nr -iineir oojene'. aumuvini. :?peer, Smith, W. Smith, D. Thomson, will the eilv. .and the .Misses Ihis ing the most llungar-iavcraKe of iwo Kilometre, of popular deplh ? one Parkin and F. II. Hart. 'aphy me and typewriting. stooped altogether, I fied or ian statesmen, and I noleu ror The French troops are now mastephen contri all kept a Iay fine The festivities were up School. Ihe complete bill provide rnnnrriniioti of 30 was realized on Iho The sum r : rrrial ut hi democratic spirit. ters of all important points evening- and a very enjoyable time course will begin for those and Imprisonment vr.lim front. The famous inn which will be utilized lor tne pur Valu- al- ' October uas aoenl by those present. 1st. 2-1-0 tering leaching of oisooeuience CONCRETE SHIP IS am ha been taken front the chase or yarn tor tne khiihk i nmt npiir irifts were besiow- to the measure. Prince and socks for the soldiers at Ihe front, LAUNCHED IN NORWAY forces of the Crown ed upon the newly married couple NOTICE New Cabinet. is now nrmly in the possession f by their friends in the city. The it i rirarded as a certainly of tea T Rev Dr. Drde. of Robert thai before the weeX l oui nr (Spwltt lo Tb Dy Admit IL I ON LABOR DAY silver articles consisted a The Berlin pot, large berry poon aim uu " r.hritiania. August 25. a ilege, lliiHinlon. will give iinheri liorden will announce me dish. At vrning with Shakespeare" In .i.tnii. nf the government reor- first Norwegian Iron and concrete ""'VV:"":-:!;.,0;! i M,,n.TTi7. Trades and elaborate bread Ibe I'rtsbyterlan Church Hall on ganltation he ha been won ng essel has been launched at tne H,o?.ruB: xu Just arrived, 250 tons of lump T. IV lVnlnff ml It n'olnot Urn. tiunii aincti the session began. Hi Posgrun Cement Works in me tne "nuCH here ing to w.mplete the programme Phone 116 Albert mo- Knud- ' coal. '! will be devoted to the pur-' firit effort to strengthen hi presence of Prime Minister ollleially. Z tne ct.ebration of Labor Day Caff 'iase of yarn for aocka for the an man i hv itllmliiaLiiiaT dead wood son. l,,n tl 3rd of September. The ery. idlers Admission 25c. All are Vft...i IISSIV tsVinir Saf In liva men -commenced Lnnrtii eommitlee have made good fcorne. 199, with the coalition offer Sir Robert arrangements lor me kuic. si. Wilfrid Laurier n- entrants are warned to be getting Prince Rupert Exhibition rectly after hi announcement of DAY CELEBRATION Into good condition. The prize September 19, 20 and 21 WESTHOLMR enmerintlon. Kver llCe that LABOR nre valuable and close contesl time there ha been no let-up In are expected. Prize Lists and particular OrtRA HOUSI the effort of the administration e to be had at the ofilce in it-i rtnlii...... men whom they de. 3. W. W DEPORTEES ARE of the Association, 318 -- -" SEPTEMBER TONlQHT ONLY Ivia lis nrnAnl tWsrlfollOS. lllv AT TELKWA MONDAY, DRAFTED INTO THE ARMY Fifth Street. 200 I 1 1 j a v- t'w latch string I till out tor such . Pardee, (Specitl to The Pill lUwM Cnrvell. 1 ..n n. V 11. r CeorgeJValsh N. W. Howell, Hon. J. A. Colder BARBECUE HORSE RACING STOCK SALE Tuscon, August 25. Approximately and Hon. A. H. Hudson, but none 176 I. W. W.'a who were 'The Mediator .f it..!., nr. wllllnir tn come in on Special Train will leave Prince Rupert Midnight Saturday. 'deported from lUsbee, Arizona, on tlm lirni nlTered. The great September Uh. I the 12th of July, have been draft-jed LONDON CAFE Five Parts. tumblinir block has been Hon Septembers t, reluming 7 n.m. Tuesday. Into the National army. AND GRILL Robert Roger. Now Mr. Roger Jf Sumclent Number Make Application to Coal I Third Avenue TRAVELOGUE I crnnn. The favorite household GAZETTE Hlno. C3t. rilfTnril RiftOll l City Ticket Olllce. Grand Trunk Pacifio by 0 p.m. Wednesday. Ladyemlth Wellington. Phone 15 Prompt Service of the Beat miiivu sj uiiiiui - - - COMEDY lakcn chnririi f Cabinet reorgan- Prince Rupert Coal Co. it there la to eat at all hour. ia tinv moved more Round Trip. EIGHT REELSI Fare: $6.80 miieklv. n u nnt so particular For dressed lumber of all klnda BOXES FOR LADIES Admission 10 and tf cents. 'as to the men he gel.- All thl -Albert A MoCafTery. Phone lis ijiiniiiiix -rrrrfi 1 1 (Continued on Page four.)