The Daily News pi. VIII.- nu. su j , . -v, . , a HUNGK RUPERT, U. C TUK8DAY, AUGUST 28, 1917. , - - ... .. .... ! PHICK FIVE CENTV DDITICII ATTAf ire nrcinirn am a aImi FIERCE FIGHTING IS GENaNALL FRONTS - ITALIAN SUCCESS GONTINjis THREE GREAT DRIVES MADE cnrs BANKING BORDEN AS LEADER THE REPORT FROM THE ON THE AGAINST TEUTONIC LINES ACCOUNT CHANGED IS UNACCEPTABLE COUNCIL COMMITTEE RUSSIAN At the meeting of the city coun TO THE WESTERN MEN FRONTACTMIY The report from the council cil held fcrrcwsivE resumed r British and French, both fronts kit evening, a report was . silting in committee of the whole ARE ADVAWwtB I T A kin pi DRIVE CONTINUES UNIN. read from Ibe finance e .mmltlee ,Co,,l,on AegoUatlone Fall Down of Thursday evening, the 23rd1 IS NOTICEABLE TCRRUPTEDLV STUPENDOUS CASUALTIES regarding the cilya banking ac on Question of Premlsrshlp inU was presented to the regular INFLICTED UPON AUSTRIAN count, and recommending that it Tho Have West Bordsn.Will Not ,meeting of the council last even-ing. he transferred from the Hank of In connection of the supply German Advance on Riga Is Ap 'j Ul I" TU Dtlljr 2ltt. I Montreal to the Royal Hank of . jf teel pipe for the water main parently nailed Russians j Aim. M. Three great r-anaaa.. a report from tu ! Ottawa, August 22. Coalition extension to Seal Cove made ne-negotiations Successful In Caucasus ft!...- j d we are being nude " iuww COUNCIL JOTTINGS i"urcr was read giving the have got down to'cessary by tbe industrial1 activity and Roumanla. i. Teutonic line on ,, ground on which the committee Uits: It Isn't a question so muchj Ue. quotations were received "', out front today. The a,fd irum various nrms ana it was (Speeai to The Dl1j fltws). Hire: t The car eoone.l ... . ..,.. lhe!r reeoramendation. iif who shall go In as it is a ques- j a ji ) r mseb have resumed ......!.. I..I . r.L " "1 k showed that in the llnn ..t H twi .1.-1 1 I.. 1 .1. k i agreed that tbe lowest tender be Petrograd, Aug. 28. A German , "H" Biaii uc iriucr. rturr il.: . while Italy eon- ririiniK iur ine snare matter of exchanged it was accepted. onenslve Is apparently beinsr nre- -j fcer Berr drive uuinter. of one hour, and among the matter that the cityN. might possible save oree oay. conierring on the mau , m the matter of the Increase, pared for in the Baranovici region . v., one week the Italian dealt with was an applica money by making the change. The W, western members have de- of pay, it was recommended that'midway between the Minsk and U-1 tporuiimately ninety tion from the Trades and Labor city treasurer entered fully into parted for home without having 'l,J rates for the men working onjPinsk marshes. The hostile ar- IT-; j : ot Austrian territor) Council asking for permission for the details whereby this might be given any answer to the offers l,,e termain extension be In- lillery has developed a fire of the i, tatr-Sve thousand the etclusive use of the recreation effected. road e to them. It is stated M'?? fC 10 fV?"'' Rr?Ufl ,nlpniltT lr. a vast store;,frol,nd, ,or l,,e Purpose of hold Aid. Nelson, speaking as chair. some sort of unanimity was ob- ! Md .lhe 'ilrs are ! munition and supplies. ing sports on Labor Day. Their man of tbe finance committee. ex.JUined a. to . cabinet slate, bot rBf Docking over the Russian lines in li t m"irld stupendous application was granted unani. plained that the city had received I.imii.r large numbers. mously. .hi. ii rito 0 per month; the foreman In the direction its J ifi upMt the enemy which a favorable offer from FpiUer. came to the question of Vtadimir-Yolynski iu i, it ited at seven ty.fhe Following this, a letter was itoerig & Co., of Toledo, who dis who shall be the head of iL West- lal, Shawallans and tbe operators in lower Volhynia, the read from Mr. Alex. M. Manson. (WSJw1 llf lh iitap knJ. I.I-I. --r. m.n ..( .1 lk.1 It w imu auu ii.. rcircucij, uie enemy infantry attempted an offensive, French Front. M. I. P.. in connection with the in the matter nf M.h.nn. -t II,. Ilri4.n Tl. IM. engineer to 1160; that J. Joy but was a mothered under Viri. Auguf 8. The Trench impending visit of the cabinet It. Uury receive an increase the Russian barrage fire. tanging their point of at-n,,'iters and certain members of Nevertheless, It was considered vative members thereupon gently: " On the Roumanian front, the a thr Ml bank of tbe,ln" House at Victoria during the that so long as the chartered suggested that ir Thomas White was Russo-Roumanian forces retook CS5 i. '!.e rlrbL truk an- recess. The letter was addressed banks of Canada were available. 'might do. To this also they adopted. jtbe heights and positions nortb- !a .a .... A report was also read from west of iHireia. Mackenzen'a at i the Herman du- " maynr ana suggested ine I 11. trr.flltno. rt III!- nT - ' fT--l null. -1 n rw -l.tu.ll-.. j army ,Mr. T C Duncan, in the Kokshani superintendent, district is unable per 3 fV.rdn. The In)t'al,co-operation of the city council ""i luuwurini uiiisuic. me cir i uunui um rn iuu iuiik 4 the French nearly "e iioard of Trade for the Hank of Montreal had been ap-'connected with the big interests.1' utilities. wrc'0 me licrlil de-,10 iilonn airainal th. , J rd on a two.milc entertainment of the distinguished p rose Led with a view to lhe :e was a Liberal once, but chang. 'Prt"nt linemen. As the In-,ened de fending line. 1 V ig eleven hundred !itr during their sUy here. giving the city better terms, but'ed his politics with the noble a,e asked by these men to 5.75, In th.e i-aucasu region, the :r The efforts of the. ,ln v,w making their visit they could not their way clear, j eighteen of Toronto on reciproc for an eight-hour day was not Russian success continues. The i granted, they bad left the city's Turks have been expelled from t:i wt. Prince t malntali. . profitable s possible. Mr. Man- therefore, lie favored making this ltr. employ. The superintendent un-'the Sbeikhiva mountain la ?cs tn the Aisne franr oa eipuined that their visit was v .t, .v h v uau cirri H,r..warv'1 I ., . . . line, went lu r j in emniiietefsllnr not of a iMihtical character, but son to believe would be more, ad-j -Jwho. thea wtjpW Jhe we.fjrrn i"lood.i1 lti !LA"W4!i HUh FronL ! nley In order that the mem vanlageous to tbe city. He pointed men suggest? The western men, ... -. - . unless tney receivea an increase.) ruga f ront. . L zt A .gtist i4 Tho 'night be famillarited with out that among banking Institu- il is stated, consulted briefly and In view of the approaching bad) London, August 28. The Teu-w f -ssfHllr araintt theUne resources of Northern Hritish tions. it was not etiquette to go 'came back with tbe name "Car-after eat tier, it was considered in. ton advance Riga has upon ap. each other's business, and veil." That spoiled the whole 'Columbia. It decided Uiat the i.-.fts north of 91 was advisable to let them go, and they parently been halted, as all refer- for the of that, therefore, the banks would l thing. Hon. Arthur Meighen. it rrangement reception a sector where there am a a a. . i : fj a I J I were willing to compromise the ence to this xegion has been IUii- ilshtinsr in th ll the ministerial party be left in not tenaer on sucn. a suojeci.. is sam. ai once rai-ru uwifniu. ,i .. i.i. .,. a a a a I hi J A f a . -m.1 III Bl-lCIUUK V JW l IB VUllltrU M Ulll aWM VCI IIS SBIHI 0 : s i'-werfully fortined Uh" hands of the mayor. AlU.-,JlCljymoni a UIO a a OOl.a see OT u.jlinl.a aim uiucr a iirni,lU. S .SWI . recommended that S. V. Cox Petrograd nfTVIal w f-?' '; poib hr Hlodrnburg line I Then the talk became of high tne oiner oanss couia not ie ap- memoers prrseui aiw iioru be granted an increase from 45c two days. proached this subject. It the suggestion. This is signifl-be might, ert t "34 an taken, and the!finance; being of banking ac on to 50c per hour. Bulgarian Ideals. ! If.-- . '' better to take tbem all into cant. Mr. Canell Is the man to advanced half a counts and increases In wages This report was adopted. Copenhagen, August 28. The consideration, when the best whom more than anyone else is a :...I- fronL Houthcast and incidentally the O. T. 1. ob. one annexation of large amounts ot be selected the due the credit for improve- might in any city's, Lt igrata;. wear Ypres, an'talned permission to use the city INCORPORATION OF NEW territory will be insisted upon by interests. With this In view, he ments in military organization -1 arried out sue- noles to run a wire to the Central ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO. Bulgaria, according to an inter- moved that the matter be de-f Ihe government has ever inaugurated. I Hotel, provided that an agree-Cm4ln view with Premier Radisloff. The erred for week. MeRae It was he who drove two a Aid. Uimi. Jtnent be entered into. The Cen- Word was received by the mayor premier is also quoted as,saying Aujui .U As the re tral will now get its war news seconded his amendment, being profiteering members of the government this morning from Captain J. J. that the formation of a large Im- It in complete with Aid. out of office in 1015. nuhtinr on the hoL and will be able to report the agreement shell and Logan to the effect that the Prince perial Federation of Middle F.u-Rupert McClymont. lie who exposed the it - fr, ttt. i...r Ihniiftsn.l nns:ress of weddinxs by tele. was Ice and Cold Storage Com- rope might soon be expected, Aid. Dybhavn in of scandals, as a result of was favor fuse b The The Moscow Conference, reported graph. pany was incorporated today. n' effecting a change. He regarded ;which the whole organlxation of 28. Russia "lsa4. There was some more financial plans and specifications have been j Moscow. August talk, about debentures this time, (Continued on Page four.) (continued on Page Four.) completed, and Captain Logan will maintain her democracy at all ""UTARY ttRVICE after which Aid. McClymont rx-nllned himself expects to arrive In the costs. She intends to use. the that the coal committee city immediately. ,weapon of the old regime against m n, -VbM , j eippflwi to be In a position The work of the erection of the those who would have the old 31 At Kutl fit - -CWIUIII 1. j- l V ...laia.V v- m Mnnrl nn uhll 1 lirV' had Westholme Theatre buildings for the new plant will autocracy back again and over-be '""I aunuun-.iinl nt'Annm hill nn WCCOUnt of SOine of proceeded with on the ite leas- throw the new freedom. So Pre-ed, - wms, t WW - li "J"i. the Military ter-'their Information not beiag quite TONiaMT ANS TOMORROW which is just across Cow May. 'mier Kerensky declared in a i ree4v II.. li.,.i '.l.flnil. th full renort of their and Will be a great adition to the speech .at the conference yester- ,r"w. when tin im. 'dolnics with regard lo the fuel flshiug industry. .1 .day. r 'eement of thellhf- Ultuation would have to be defer-f Famine In Germany. , tbe bill la Pimn.niiv'r.! until nexttMonday. when he Extra Special fea FISH ARRIVALS. New.. York, Aug1. 28, Germany ex. would he is on the edge of famine, and can- i. their full report - hoped Featuring Ihe Queen of the Movies in her first appearance in the hnds of the council. here Yesterday, the Corona brought not last until the spring, declare- f- lckness at Digby la. Then the motion for adjournment in 12,000 lbs. halibut; the Dolphin people who left there recently. It Methodist 13.000; the Helgeland. 80,000, and is said to De impossiDie 10 sei a picnic to that was in order Clara Kimball Young I -t;-3 ' been th. iw.on 1.000 lbs. Price at. square meal in Ifte country, con cancelled, Scholars r requested to meet at the SERIAL DEBENTURES FOR -IS- tained to the height of 1 4c per Ib.'ditions are also very serious In M, which constituted a Holland and anainavia. l yesterday Church on Wednesday 110,000 TO BE ISSUED tt tl The Price She Paid record for car lots. Today, how- Arrangements having been . . .1 1 . rt..j.i.. ...til IiaLI . n.ft t-id:- r ever, that record was surpassed! airs. j. uwmj uu t the picnic locally. 03 At the meeting of the city council 'Cross reception at St. Peters when the price realized was 15U held last evening, a resolution ADMISSION 15c. and 35c. cenls Last March, for small less unurcn, teai ixve. on weuuesuay by Aid. Nelson, seconded by Aid. lb. afternoon. Music ana rerresn- than carlots. 17 cents per 1300 IN PRIZES regarding Mcllae. was introduced was paid, but for larger carlot ments. 02. the financing of the water mains nuantitiea. today's Drice is the! . extension to Heal Covo. The reso-Utlon highest on record. The boats in'J LABOR DAY explained that the city Already today art) tbe Alliance No. t with had the power to issue debentures LABOR DAY EXCURSION 10.000 lbs; Guildford, 5,000; Unity Prince Rupert Exhibition up to the amount of 5,000; Maude, 7,000, and the Chief September 19, 20 and 21. 430.000. It called for a bylaw lbs. for the Cold SkugAid, 5,000 :: CELEBRATION being pAssed for the issuing of Storage Co. Prize List arid particulars and to be had at the office nerlal debenlures for 10,000 sale of AT TELKWA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. of the Association, 318 WnUr the Auaploea of th the issuing, but not the Carpet squares. All sizes, at Fifth Street 200 ! and Labor Council the balance, In accordance with prices below the old values. At the previous custom. The mayor Tile's Sale. 203. hssnsiim was also to be aulhorlied to enter BARBECUE HORSE RACING STOCK SALE rr(.M ,,MMrtf aa "ONUAV, Into the preliminary ArrAnge-ments The favorite household Coal la SEPTEMBER MO, for the sale of the 110.000 Special Train will leave Prince Rupert Midnight Saturday, Ladyamlth Wellington. Phone 18, sescuL rcATunis The resolution was duly concurred September 1st, returning 7 a.m. Tuesday, September 4th, Prlno Rupert Goal Co. tf. LONDON CAFE In and adopted. JllnuB'i Couun (lotludlnr mny l ffiiuri. ortfr Hor nrhi If Sufficient Number Make Application to Crockery and glassware at AND GRILL 'souuuns- twm. fry fuan, doi Five mora days for spsclsl Ml. On Mi), Mc, hSninr. prlcsa at TlU'a Auaust Horn City Ticket Office, flrand Trunk Pacifle by 0 p.m. Wednesday. slashing prices, Tile's August Third Avenue Wilo. Ibui vtnDti RtfM ror sale. 203. Prompt Service of th Best jFurnltura sals. .Print Linoleum Udii, bojr au4 OiiMmi la to sat at all hour. 76o there floor par Print Round square yard. Fare: $6.80 Trip. r iru aho Tuo-or.wan ollercth CBo VArd. For New Wellington Ccal and fr ua upn in U trvuo4. pr aquara Fir Lumber of all dimensions. OXES FOR LADIES Carpet and Congoteum Square- At Phone 118. 44 1 spia aal prices, 03'