Tuesday. August 28, 1017. THE DAILY NEWB TIIE0HLYMB1ICIHE THAT HELPED HER "fruit-a-lives Again Proves lis Extraordinary Powers Ilooiox, Qc., Mrth 2nd, 1913. "1 hs receWed the most wonderful broeflt yfrom uklnf " Frolt-stlrft". I iucrel for years from JtAtimathm tJ rhsDfc" of M, 1 I look T r :fi3r obtainable without result. I ' Frult- me" aoa ii u me roe-Heine that rtlty did tut good. 1 am entirely well Hit Ilbeu-:m has llippred, and theler- ;j pain III 10 I"1 we " fDe- I -a that others, who suffer from Buch nuinr diseases, will try 'Fruit-a- MADAMS ISA1K JUXJIIUX. t.-j(Of a bo i, S for $20, trUI (lie, Sjcj. The Gum of Gumption Clare r ! Kimball At ill Scalers or tent postpaid by FruJt Vminv -fi.- I'rii r Kin, Limited. OlUw, wh"w'ng al Ihe .thnlme tonight t-lW.M Cleanses the teeth sweetens the BARBECUE COAL N0TI0I8 AT TELKWA COAL NOTICES mouth LAND ACT allays thirst and fatigue. blSTMCT or COAST, Rants I. ON LABOR DAY, SEPT. 3 district or coast, rant. I. Take notice Ul I. UHfti McLean InUnd SKCCVA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or The Forces in Europe are findingit a lraucrnca to prwii ier coal COAST, RA.tOE I. tuTZ-ir 00 "" ,o&o,t- aKriui i Hern promt u be some buiv comfort. great one ma. .km,. Tt ,b7 T,., VZ". Z7t it iwuoa of um ccr and mile, "cnK time al relkwa a So. t euuo. beioc liuat TAKE flOTlCE that tba Grand Trunk .r . . fcJfU or um uitie week frmn today. A big- leather I'acinc Rallwar Com piny of Wtnoipet. R;vr. ibeoea wel cbainai looked rlr. and uirrc mil,. , ,lSLJ?fI?? Manltotia, Intenda to apply for permliiloo It gives them vim sti1" for io" -oi is enema, uoce 4ii froui all over to leaaa tba. foilowlnt deaertbed landit -Oommeaeint rt Mut jSiBJcrJ'wR?r ritnui, - 'a- ".a""tWrtt, nortuern -part of the. t,r,.in, at a poll planted al Uw moit and staying power. CAN ABA b. IJ I -OB M K. McLean's A, i. on the oeca.on of the Labor DayW w'tHS"-wlebralion nortberlr point or Lot 107 al or about La lit J ttu. it 17. Ihere. LU? I 1.""- huh water mark, tbenca nortberlr. euter-ly. .No effort ha. I aoatherlr and weiterlr. followtnt I be It is refreshing heeri aparrd in the making of the ftOHMA Mclean. alnoaaltlea or tba bora-Una to a point of ... r or co Air. fcaan i arrangement for a day'a enJor Pf Ihillp Cbcalar, A real. coBaMncemrnt, Incladint aU lb I fore. to workers iborc Letween bltb-waler and low-waler. vaa . "" "(Uu lauad ",F"V u l elan. mstiuct or coasr. rusts i. Dated J air tttb HIT. SJSIt everywhere. A t tn ' ' T r Tr' ,UT " "uer lo leed lUe ataembled Taka cutlca Uut I, ftortDaa McLean tatend THE CRA.HD TRU5K PAQHC RAILWAY to f ad apJr of a iK-ruca to proiptcl for coal T wnrinr ai a poi piai4 , "ullltude, they are going to roaat and pairoarum on um follow tot daicrtbrd CO.. II. II. Ilanaard. Solicitor. land. KrfDiueoctaa al a Dual niuiixi r3,rarL12la ox right on the field in the autvi one nair moa tail of um noribvtal m an tr r-r w a-W e-i7TariAlTt Coofl nut i k umc oorta a rttaiaaiiopen air. They uaed to do this tximer . f II. McLtao'a .10. t claim; utcaca WATER NOTICE Smokers will vm, . uHinii ujeaca) call ao CaaUU: lioa iMa vtn at ctaiaa m um poi,,u,,urwl" w year ago ou the vil- "m tuaia aa auiaa. tnenca veil aa find It soothing a umamrwiwii nwutaiBf a acraa. lage green in Merria liirlaml cuaiiu M uw powi or comuteoermcot, eon- VSe AMD STORAOK, and SEALCJ TIGHT KWT RitiUT k to K a at a. miitm nu, i uaua. aiiuat in acraa. m na txwwa aa Me TAkE NOTICE tbat Tbe Emplra Palp 4 coolluy That ai before the food rettrir. Laaa a fto. 4 claim. r? Ill HI I Located Mar ttui. It IT. Paper MHU, Ltd, wboaa addreaa la Van LVl:irHBI:v'JVJ ptr ruUp LAvaatr. AatcL tion came into force. Iloaat mut ftUHXA.1 McUaa. eouf er. B. C, will applr Tor a Ueenaa to PllliraCTalrilllij tun and roaat iork will lend a per rtuup UMater. AtenL taka and uie all Ibe water and to 1 lore 1 1 tti it .i.ii.ininii-i MITailT or COAST, luat t. riely to the fare, and lota of isse acre feel of water out of unnamed Chew st I I1 li : 7 new tilSTMCT or COABT. Ranf 4. lake, alto known aa Wnalen Lake, wblcb kit ua thai L Hmk McLaiu laiHi L aitr Jluctaca i prt(i fr cuali,baked bread and tea and coffee ad Taka boUca tbal I. lluib StLtu intend Bows and drain Into Wbale Cbannel aboat to applr far a uceuca to for coal aai Uj fUJuu llolluni There it prvaprct mila rib from Ritert BltbL imrttdB oriUMl ; always plenty and prirvltum on Uie fouoautf deacribed aoe no after K tl a mi Maaiad Und. Tbt? alarara dam win Lm located at wen lo eat and drink at a barbecue CuMneaclBt at a Dual pUoicd awla irf U aoquaaal acsi totwr l on bum aautb or Um aoaUaeat corner of end r Lake at onUet or laka. Tba capacttr JWRIGLEYS. a. Ljia Ao. I cuvai iaa twia aa a lie proceedings will start al .1. ttuin i i a. r-claim; belor about oaa & u .at tkrata attl at cbalaat uwaca of reocrrolr to La created la about 1 0.0 at tuia t tut. Uka aaai aa ctaiaa to ten o'clock in the morning with a ana a www aaii win aaiwa norm wni 01 Of um uaa Better onus nvcr;rner, acre feel and It wiu flood aboat t.OOt acre every liWIIHMailcgj U fsi ' utaaaratarali eoauialaf stock sale. The sale will be by Uteeca vu tt cfeataai Uteaca aaai St af land. Tbe water wilt ba diverted from ill k.'at. ia l IMti aa II. McXcaaa cuama, Uwoea noru St cnaini; Uwnca Um aiream at a taint aboat Taken bj meal CHEWING GUMf im4 ki I laua.aajr till, HIT. aurtioii. Horses, cattle, sheep and ail IB caaiaa to UM potnl or commenca- tunnel from rait end of Lake tbrea mUei meai, maiuiaiat its acrea. to ba known piga will be offered, and in fact, MLUH MclXAX, aa n. biuii i fta s claim, nortberlr cUrecttoa from Lot 11, B a 141 e. THE FLAVOUR LASTS" 22 r ratlip CtMtt', AfTBL jevenlhing that the farmers and totaled Mr Slod. HIT. on Prater Reach and will be uaed for I -. l I t A i m HUi II McLCAN. power parpoaea vpon Ibe land deaertbed per I blbp Cbeakr. AtenL aa la appHrsUoa to leaaa at rail end of Tauia4ii.(MMaMai4jCalu ar driven in Lake on rraaer ReadL law a ucaaw to Mvapvci lor aval from Terrace, about 1 10 inilti tH STRICT Or COAST. Racr Tbt noOcc polled on tbe tround smother Laa fuutt im iliirritit Taka aUra Ihil I Main Vil.ia IiimI Don't merely your cough af HIT. a or .0 Utr lib dar June. eopr u avsMi ai a aval pUU4 'y to wr ' a ceora 10 proepeel for coal r e !-uLh2uLrJJ,i Ar rtrt ox haa been dls- awt ihiiiwiw on iaa- immim tuiliw tea sauce and aa application pornnl tdt. ttonmaaciat at a poal puaied IheTTWi and lo tba Witrr Art, ISM. will -jrT"w- wrn Matbiea's Smp of Tar and Cod TJacr OU not oaUr - r. uwar aua s caaiaa. uaaed and the cooks ooinpli-ZUTTitlTJiV" ai um Borwaaai cerorr or .1. McLean a be Blew la tbe offlca af tba Water Recorder I 1 1 ! II promptly arreato cooghisg, bat tbanka to its tonic aad fta. a ctaun. and about eoa and a b "e Prince. Jlujrt team milea aorta al Um tfearar rl ttr. uraca at rnaew Rupert, B. C Objection to tba VVA1U UrtDfhenle; propertle It help the jtn to throw oaT U4W" ,' and the Telkwa Uairt will dispute BwrUt aa causa, lArac weal tS cnaiaa. ipciMcaitPii mjr be Eled wltb tbe aald Tie cold and tba rffrcti a permaaewt cure. It i that qnality waich haa wbb tar Jr-J'!'a aa MLaa 3. I claim. , . . ... , ..... , Uiewca aU a cnataa: Ibeac aal at trr recorder or wiu tba Gomptrocer It tfce largest sale of aa coogb. aad cold remedy ia Canada. uwu aty It La. HIT. . iu uitcutii, auu cnama to Uw pvtat o cocBmeucemeat. con. of Water RlrbU. rartument BaUdtara. utataa- aaa aerta ana m im abowb aa 11. jj. Ujt lettUs, aarjaatria'. to auaNA.1 t-ktua MtLaaa. A n.. Ili.l lh. h..r. ratmir larl. McLeaa'a ft a. S claim. VMtoru. B. C, wiuwn tftinr dart after tbe Ltontar. ArraL .and will be cvulinued for the bal Located Mtjr lira. 1117. Oral appearance of tbla notice in a local HBB MtU-AX, aewipaper. Tbe dale or tba Brat pool lea-, fc " or coast. iua . f Uie afternoon. There will per I'blbp UMaler. AtenL Ooa or Ibia noUre la Jeiy Itu. HIT. DISTRICT OF COABT. rUata I. aaa uim m um fuuuaiai Mruii of Ihe programme. There will be Taka aollca tbal L Uub McLean. Intend TT. . iBt at a tl puau4 V. . . f. lo apply foralicawca lo pro peel for coal and petroleum on tba fellow mr deacribed "M iat a ft. cUua. ttoace auita the Indians. There is some good land . Cuaamewrtat al a poet planted ikai utau ai as itou it um BotUtweit corner of .1. McLeaa'a Maw i uwaa aaal s ctauu to bomrllesh In the Interior country fta. s claim, aad aboat Uvrea and a bail T. F-st uwtnuti, iMiuiautt and keen interest will be shown in milea noru U Um bcaier rlier, tbenca l a i a aun it ai, . eat IS cbaini; Ueoce aouUi 4S cbaiBai their performances. There will wco rati is cbaini; uteoco norui ss I A1J MlJ l,, mi. be oilier sports of various kinds cnataa to Um pomt of cuouurocrmeot. coq- War Sayings Certificates U' till MttaJA5. lautiBt aaa acre, ia pa anoaa aa uuia J tor I hi tip UtoaWj. AtaL and lite celebration will end in the McLeaa'a fto. tt claim. Lor led Mir tlrd. HIT. with a dance. tcsTaicr ivOAiT, aaao . evening item acu.A.1, Jl.' 3 Ut !. ftonaaa MaLaaa UKal Il is proposed to run a special per l-bllip Cbealer. AtenL aaa . to proaprl lor Ml train from l'rince Huperl at DISTRICT or COAST. Raare 4. -SiTT&i specially cheap far?., leaving here Taka Bo lie tbai L Uuib McLean, tnund to apply far a urenca lo pro peel for coal and petroleum on tbe folio mr deaertbed K awia aa caaiaji uwan ' riving tack again at 7 a.m. on land: Oummenclnt II a poal planted at the nor tk set I corner of It. McLean'a JT?"!. ... TMli.r. Kleeninsr will be P-a:, cars fto. t ciauni tnaace norm It cbaina; tbeoee a . . . .... r r t i Uteoca aoalb is ctumi. et is cbatn; "a vwmiura ft, t u attacneu so tnai eery j.ob. liwoc ettt 1 cbain 10 um pout ot com i tilt ,, consislenl with railway travelling torwreeucoL coataiaiar tit acraa. to ba uSAft If known aa II. McLeaa'a fto, tl claim. M(LXA.1. may be obtained. you are going, par raatp Ctealr. AoL Located May JIM. HIT. better tell lh O. T. 1. ticket I!UD MCLA.A.1. per l-blllp Cbealer. A rent htgenl at once so that the Com . B'l.i"8 laal I II,.-w w.i I .....n.,n.fila In DISTRICT or COAST. Ranre 4. ' it""" aiv ! ' i iiciiJl .ir7Tnltal't i'laJ Taka atuuea that t. Ifuth ileLean inland kaji llk)US UHIIKM run two trains If necessary. to ainlT for a ncanca to proapacl for coal tw r m This Is a ne opportunity to see and petroleum on um lot torn mi- aeccrweu " u Uw auutbrn it comer ol land: Commenclnr H a pui planted tUiai-an-a ftu i ciauni uwoca aouut st what the interior couutry is like. at Um nortbweil comer or ?t. McLran'a mm uteafa UaSBLfaaii aa at l at cAaioai . itonra and will b largely taken advan fta. 4 claim, and aboul ona and a nair isbtmi vsii am srauiinti aa ia bi.i mile aorta or Beaver mart tbenca waal . aa rbaina. ibeoce aotiu 10 cnatnai tnenca s :. ; - - 'itaitr fj mw .V"s- - .V s TV?. aa II. McUaa I aaet it cbaini: Utenra noru to cbafna u . taw Itupert. Um point of commencement, conlainlnt tit mi, tli t, HIT. acre to pa anown aa n. aiuu i no. 1 uOH McLXAM. claun. txr ruup cLttur. AtoL Tha Dally Ma oeiivered h) Located May "ru. HI7. 6UTWCT Or COAST. Rao,. I. rnrrler, 60 cents per inonth per rbllip Cbealer. AtenL toIJJf.0Uttal I. Norman McLaanlnUoa "rBr proapaci Tor coal Province of Brltlih Columbia and toiroMun on ut rouowuir Jtrnbj iL L1!10 P'01'1 Country's Partner ? a DtPARTMIiir Or LANDS Are You Your m I -.,I?U,M ik.MU tmr. . .-or U. McLaiai.. IVtr I"iuii h a .inraca.. fail. .k-a a. rtmni,. .. NOTICE in "Canada Unlimited" Save and Invest fJtoBiu.aL cuoiaioiot t aeraa. u Ro Orenlua raiments cm ApplicaUona to Cron Lands In Brltiab Columbia. - ! Mir till.AOIIMAN HIT.McXXAN, rurcbaaa ftOTICi: la berebr Siren Utat. unaer ina "A great struggle still lies before us." proililona of UM "Soxoierr uomeaieaa Sir Robert Borden. pr rwup cbiir. Aftnt offlca TCtUEHl will La recaiT.4 al Um who did not Ad Repeal AcV any person D1ITIUCT Or COAST, lUot. I. or Iba putrid EBilnaar. PubUc Work Da-ana tpplr uadir Um Soldier' llomeaiead Aei. defend freedom your family your right to live paruurot. rrtnea Rupert, , t,P your u.T.'.k. boUc that I, lima HcLaan loltnJ taia." k eoraplala nia application to pur- TO Canada tba pur. Prussian despotism is fralicoc. to protpl for roal inrludiiit Auruit 10 m. ttlT. for cbaae. elUier br panmcBl In fuU or br " secure from intolerable M. toiroLuui oo tua lolloio iliertLd fhaaa or Iba Oovtrnmaot owimU ncraa Mleclloo of a proportional auoiment, heavy"price in blood and treasure. paying a ". llUnuniiclot at a tual pUotrd rAiiMtn proilot n'l Inieraal and paylnt tulla auuia ol Uw auulbwail wtut Thla horta U allahll lama OO IU lifbl mar. br share ? of Um purcbaae w ft. McUau'a No. t Claim. Ulot alxwl and un in full iba balance Are you paying your M Mt o' rora fool, oibarwlaa It la aouod. inils and una before tba Slit December, effort? itV. ! U Baatir nrlce in Canada' tremendous UIU' f?J lhr "ila of lb CaUir In rood condition, and will maaa a acr HIT. obiain a t.rwB oiu 11 iwi ..- Are you a real and active partner h,"a nurm to cttaluit ihauca wtil tlcrabla firui boraa. r.rtarr to UM .......Mioitter ot-. . . 1. .m- Are you devoting your money as freely as thousands have devoted their lives t L.i r .-Mi chalna oeoca to Um aouin point to cbalnii or coiumoc.-IT tnraia Tha animal can t aaan oa II. DO r nubrd tbal lucb peraoo I luffertnt Injury This it no time for careless indulgence, but for earnest thnft and il' "alptiit 4o iMt'a rmrb. Allwania, B. C abaenca or uouce or oinarwi. War arraa. lo U anoa Utroufb dollar Jn Canadian can J Mrita'i 4 claim. tiaied ai rnnca Ropert. U. C r ,nfc And further that Iba lateral! In un-omplcMd systematic saving. Invest every you spare tocai.4 May llnd? I t IT. It IT. . 8. A. appllcauons lo purcbaia bald br Savings Certificates. Take an adive interest in Canada s stem ftru.eje Par IIUUII l-alllp McLKAN,Cbaalr. Attot. anr (icrioo on Acuta Service may ba pro. now, and thus become a worthy partner in her unlimited future TIMBER SALE X 842. ar. led by BollOcallon 14 lbs Lands Depart victory Is won. . bISTIUCT or COAST, naota I. awol of Iba fad tbal eucb perasn U on War Certificates are issued tn denominations of $25, 550 . naa nonca thai I. iiu.h u.i ..n i.iu.i Braifd trnden will ba malad br tM tiU lerrlca ana or ne nuot 01 prooi Savings i.t Kl!' f'aaca to proapacl for roal Miniiirr or Unda not laiar tbaw noon os f Iba iniri Ol uru ieroo. and $100, to be repaid in three years, at full face value. They cost ul.i.,!"u4,"im " ollamt dicriL.i Um I Sib dar of Autuil. I SIT, far lha por further information win do rurmaneti on $21.50, $43 and $86 respectively, at all Money Order Pott Offices and fV-.1' ol tba aoutbeal coruar cbaaa of Uceuca Xll. to cut I.IIM09 queii to tba Deputy Mtaliter of Land, Banks, thus yielding over Sfi Interest Should you need it, you can get faal of iruca, Cadar, Hemlock and Bal-aaui Victoria, B. C. Ji?.."? 1 norm Ilia l)aar on an ara alluatad on Iba waal ibort ruUicaliuu ot tbla no lice without iu-inoriiy your money back at any time. iu .i'J,m""., Wr uillaa cualnai waal of tbaoca Um Cadar aaai of Utrnll. Cbaanal. Rant I, Coail D'1 will not ba paid for. Tu. Sep. 14 tup MATinMAT. SERVICE BOARD OF CANADA, L... I-"1. "'"' aoulb 80 ctialuai tbanct irlci. fa 4iaf Sfc am dft aT a M W aa-ar- 30 aiua to tha point of couuiwnra- Two (ti ycara WUI La tltewaU for i OTTAWA. S.uuu acraa. to ba known nioul oi timber. SUBSCRIBE FOR Uciuj Mar tmt,no.HIT.t ciaiui. ruribar partlculara of tba Cblaf roriW . UrtorU, B. The Daily News SI II SB ft. h m c. or IHitrlcl roraiur. rJ par rtUllp CHaalay, A lent. Rupari, B, c. tT'