The Daily News III, NO. 201. n! 1'MINci: JlUPKHT, Jl. CL, T JIl'IlfilMY, AUGUST 30, 1917, PRICK FIVE CKNT Mi ARLGRE Y,LATE GOVERNOR GENERALDEAD ITALIANS STILL SMASHING AHEAD-LOCAL ATTACKS ONLY ON WESTERN FRONT run UrATUPD BETA PI.Q WAD BORDEN mi3 LET hMli it LiM l iiLiii lujiniujj if in OPERATIONS IN FLANDERS FOSTER BE PMMM pnin to Tbe Dallr .tews.f Ottawa. Aus-ust 30. At a narlr 1J0R OPERATIONS ARC SUSPENDED BY THE SEA OF MUD caucus" held here, it is reported LOCAL i """"nu uun ah. that Sir Hubert liorden disclosed TILLERY CANNOT KEEP PACE WITH INFANTRY bis willingness to resign the ADVANCE MORE PRISONERS TAKEN leadership of the Conservative party, but the caucus would not hear of any other chief but him. I r.J a 30, 'r',e "lr'ny He ofTered to vacate his office in .. .., Him western front la favor of Sir George Foster. The . nfuni n it It i DEATH OF EARL GREY, meeting pledged its continuence rn.ordiuale the LATE THE GOVERNOR. of its loyal support to Sir Hobert. .f Jarge bodies of GENERAL OF CANADA BjP -jBSSmL SaSySjtgjBhjij- iic3aSSSSSSSM War Proflta. .5 t .tint of tli sea of To meet the radical movement j. !:. i ause greet, urmjr I in London. August 30. for greater taxation of war profits .1' 'l'he leather U till Karl flrey. who was Governor-General the Snate Finance Committee today y t::J siny. During the of Canada agreed to amendments carrying i . wi mail a a w au from lOOt to 1911. died at the war profits taxes to more 6 o'clock than thirty.three cent in place .la of yesterday morning .k . per. . ,;.-4. nd southwest of at llowirk House, in ' i- present provisions. XorlhumberlandtiTre after sanitary service. Montreal. Anmikt In- T!n.1. a long Illness. aaSBSSS .... SjaflHBjrJLTaBSSlBEUMvMHTK the Military Service Act, the pen. French Fronu ' 1 auies are severe, i-rom one to Pti A s SO. Heavy rtlllery five years imprisonment may be :$ j u- Verdun and Alsne M. THOMAS TAKES LUNCH WITH GENERAL KORNILOFF inflicted upon persons resisting . mly French activity THE POPE'S PROPOSALS of the Itussian armies, during the visit of the French fr ::j 3 1 Tli picnic was given by the .mmander the operation of the Act, or persuading r?r rtsicrday. Minister of Munitions to the eaftern front. others to resist or impede Italian Front, it. i ft gust 30. Desperate Washington, ugtist 30. Pres THE PROBLEM BEFORE r.r CIVIU tMPLUTSLB I PROGRESS OF THE If', r - cen the Italiana and ident Wilson has sent n reply to DISCUSS WAGE QUESTION THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE CHINESE TAKE OVER A.; ,i the Ilalnliia plateau the Pope regarding his peace pro. NEW FISH PLANT GERMANY'S BANK (tpecltl to Tbe DUj .1evs.j i t u ni uninterruptedly. posal. rejecting them. The Pre. A meeting of the outside staff IU . J'lateau la now vir-7 Moscow, August 30. At the 28. The Chinese Tti a London, Aug. ident says It is useless to discus of the employees of the city was. of the water- i.-e centre of the Uomo Is In The development conference beina held here, tbe Internment, a Reuter desDateh peace while the autocracy called for last night to held il,:.-.r Tbe Italian troop are control. Peace rests upon the !u "Vfot arnd 'al tne ,no1 !Kreat orobl h-fa-a th meetlmr'frnm Pekin ars. is arranffinir for ui.a c. ,tng distance of pow. decision of the people, and not the Carpenters Hall. In lmiceaL,e al , ,. tore the discipline of the j the prompt liquidation of the Ger- rr t Uflrd positions, where upon the decision of their mlera. r of Mr. S. U. Mac- 0n lhu of ,h(l Canadian Fish army, Th iruopa ro i - .an are making a stand. May U9 AeeepUd. donald. president of tbe Trades . j.. Btor,Ke Cdmpany'e large IH-Interested aJoL the. Foreign Office have been nl ii tenaciously defending. llnu.rla from Orrmany have led and Labor Council, who arr change has been poisoned 1y drnm,TntMt ( i.k..ov anl, a 3 ii .her sectors, tbe Italian' tbtrnrrs here to believe that the later, the meeting was called to P qtle nt trines. w hich have split the people counU anj ca,n ncro and in the rrro " nine ha paused tern. Central Umpire and their allies i... w. W I- Thnnmuin lOBOP l r "I'l" v. into two camps. The oflleers are Shanghai, Canton, Tientsin and r- s; 1 day The Italian force will not reject Ihe peace proposal The diseusslon was a very lively waterfronL The work of Pourinff... now the martyrs. The soldiers 'liankow- branches. t t . a rd so rapidly that the of the Pope. one on Uie question or wages ami eanercie lor inr jiirr look on w hile their leader go -mneae iroopa oae n ru t 7 art . cry ha been unable it was deeided that Hie men an support me the and face to enemy .. bravely ....411 II,.... nlr P nOW LoMlincrlA n l-'Trhanffft TpIpCTanh w I ,i with the Infantry. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS join the International cmou m uer uj, --- certain death. vuiuiuo v w- .0 and--- J Aus- Ow a 1 i iand additional prisoner Mine. Mill and Smelter workers, unaer ounsirm.uu.. -"i . ' 'despatch, and German of sticking to- the foundations for wo ten are Irian shiDoinsr is beinK seixed at : s aptured yesterday. ((rul to TU Dsiljr Jwi. with the intention BIG ROCK SLIDE x. -obtained. Canton, Amoy, Swatow,, Shanghai living wage was jui aoout reaoy. until Russian Front. Paris. August 30. Capl. Lau-rearnl. gether a to ar-Vommlltee AT KAIEN, MILE 5 vessels in. To that end, a special all ready and It Is expected and .Nankin. The I'f jrJ Aug. 30. In aouth-e haa es. aviator, -i the lUllan consist- 'rivve in the harbor at any "me 'elude several small warships. appointed H i ,a the Itussian are record for was , tablished a new- world and It would have been here by v..p.i vs. hanlilv broueht to : t evacuate their posl- flew- for ing of Messrs. Hancq, Fraser now. i..tiir ili.tance firing. He town last night of a serious rock.'N0TED THEOLOGIAN will work wun mis time, oau - t who t r-sl .,n Ihe Germans to mile without lop- MrLellan. nine hundred and Jef- 'able. The piling is being got suue ou iue ruiva i v "- i nx BrTif wnum n i'. a rnathen theid de Hose. Thompson bit It is re-, , from the Lagoon at Smith Island fiv miles froai town. le-. ques whole Russian dl- Hlockholm rwein muumiwi 'r, jand is all hemlock. Just im- norted that over a hundred loos Tbe Rev. Dr. E. M. Keirstead, r,k:n '.ft .lay abandoned its and buslnes circles are stirred P..-inM !..,..iiaiplv the nilinir is in the har- of rock and debris slid down and ITOiesSUr. . Ul. CJSICUII.IU..II Tl.nvlnmf UCVJB7 V s ra ilr Vulhynia and fled r-ailv over an eioort tat of 25 ANDREW'S HALL bor. they wilt be driven for the forced the track from its bed, al McMaster University, Toronto, lr. i,nr npr ton. which Oermany IN ST. construction of the necessary blocking It to a depth of almost wjll ,peak al lue Bapu8t Church f lH ARRIVALS ha Imposed upon all coal shipment ...i.- v....-.. li. Ilinr lielil 'wharf. twenty feet. A gaug of meti are t onisht. The subject w ill be "The to Sweden. iue "-Vf "7" . ..1 . t . i..,...n .imer. busy removing the obstruction on church as a making place of The V'Mti.iM rrU..I ttllh 7. I a .Art nr in I 1 1 St) AnilTPW R i JIT. liUWIJi Hint wua nv... Mnnseltrnor Kennedy, iusl rKun. ( - M..v ii.aaifirk hir!i the railroad com- 000 yaltniiy lbs baiibut. Magnhrl, 2.000 rector of the American College at nf'tv rPi 3 Iev7 r Cto wChTnj aoon tolpany will be anxious to have clear ,. a distinguished ihe Aurora has died after a ions in- the permit of the trairr getting In the theologi- is iii wjlh 5 000 lb, halibut; Nellie Home, 'dancing kept up until the arrange for the arrival of ma-1 to lheo,ogUn figure llSi , niaI1i s soon as the'past tomorrow morning. It ia cal Ufe 0f Canada, and the oppor. Onah, 1.000; Haysiort, Amsterdam The Hurgomaster eariy nours. u.w ""-" V. , ir f1.Piimni, indav that there are no ,..:, , .nk is one l 000 Kan f V.. j - .. itaiitirnn ano liar- wnari i traui m "i"""" , - uu.ij - oca N 3.000; Minnie lllamoiit. In the province of Llin-iburg ru " . . mT.. nrv .ati.fled with the passenger trains either in or out. tha, should not be missed. ami g Irene. 10,000; t r it Itoitt 1 nni IK In Ilelglum. has been sen-Uenced cell'ent condition, all the circum-'manner in which the work is pro- to. death by the Oerman aiwioun " " DIED FROM PLEURISY ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY in favor of thorougn gressing. with stances were ! authoritlea' He wa charged helping lflglan to escape Into enJoymenL Farewell wa. taken;down runner man w-. "" At the Priuce Rupert General 'Trim .Jlt'ht Sonool Aa ttHe St. WESTHOLMR I I II..linn.I. of lour oi me wiu.. oi...tne"......-1 wnar hhu Hospital this morning, Nicholas j&ept, Academy will reoVen'on TONiQHT i liiiPiios Avres The danger of t ii.. f o? lii Th" Unnecessary buildings will be ex. Hragovich, a Serbian, died I of ,Monday September 3. at 7;30.P. ONLY break in the Argenline.Oerman a day am ,; . L.i .. li!iiiiriv. lie bad been working , fn .nmmrHia itudenls. Pro- a ana u ...r " " uurun poaueu. Mlsse KilpatrlcK. "T..T t,,etion henners MADAME PETROVA rlnliitns was nnnarently remoeu . . .i,i.,r Mill , in inerotioii at tiro earnest nvi .tllVV .. " " .vision Will w iuuuv .w. -"- " AT eslerday afternoon by the receipl I'rinuie i urn ur 'ui..v social tll.lo mniiipiit. of the new railroad there and wa jn stenography and typewriting, "FLAYINQ WITH FIRE" Herlln. in..a ii oulte a gap in me admitted to the hospital on the School, the complete 'of a satisfactory note from Ilupert. It N expected that this new pro- a lne uay of Prince ....... . who affair s i oik i mm if i una ii l rriatiiDa ini onnran m in airakAaa i Hegina The two Kklmo. cmh oi pacKiiiK COMEDY 'were murdering mls- hr hi. burial wi be looked K.,., number 1st. 201. j charged with THE CRADLE claze will assii iiiinc . i . -, . , ...mirvmen here. I SSUla 10 M IB Mat. 'sionarlcs. havo been entenced to . . A.. '.-aIm.tli.fV "n traue in inose cisr unci U ... . f . .a l a I f m Horn to Mr. anu at i Tne ravorite noun. life imprionmeni on iirnui" ....... wai Anci.tsu'nf. llsh which are not handled land. rum .vieiiuc , fullest extent For New Wellington Coal " Ladysmlth Wellington. Phone 15, son. Fir Lumber of all dimension. !prnca Rupert Coal Co. tf. 1300 IN PRIZES Crockery and glassware at Phone us. .IJ)lf,J)iurfiii''''' ' lashing prices, Tile's August 203. Plwa more days for special' ...... LABOR DAY sale. EXCURSION prices at Tlte'a August Home ' Prince nupert SO tmigmuu and 21. DAY i. -.1. D.I. n,. I Innlnum 4 SepUmber 19, Camel squares. All sies. at LABOR purnuun wub. i i i - prices below the old values. At 75o oer square yard. Print floor Prize Lists and particulars 203. ollcroth 55o per square yard. Tite'a Hale. at to be had at the ofllce Carpet and Congoleum Squares CELEBRATION 3 . 9A3 the Association, 318 :: SEPTEMBER a I o Iloast ox nl the Telkwa bnrbe- TOTELKWA MONDAY, Special io irm, " Fifth Street. 20 cue. A apeclal train leaves rui- I. Undsr the Ausploea of the . " 1 1 " "" Trades and Labor Oounoll urday. Kxciirsion fares. i BARBECUE HORSE RACING STOCK SALE PUBLIO MEETING NMrMtk rsrk, Prints Rusrt, 0. . e Prince Uuperl "' A non-polltlcal meeting will leave WANTED MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD. Taylor Engineering Co. e sintf ber train 2nd. Passengers may hoard after 10 p. in. Sau will le held in the Kmpress LONDON CAFE artoiAL puTunia to Laborers, $1.00 per day 31V H.lurnl.ig. will leave Telkwa lOJO in. Mo,uUy Theatre on Friday evening AND GRILL riilwrnwn's Conutt (Including man (0 Trackmen St.00 per day J . Puipcrt H luesnay. i u- at eight o'clock. Addresses buttl rur$). Jockey Hurt rtfbl to Drillers 11.85 per day & tiwr reservations mak- application by Premier Brewster, the Third Avsnu Bilts(KiiMiUlnr III. iim new,Mil rjr Hsrs,tunny,nunnlor,don't Free fare by C. P. R, Boat mrSJX mS. Grand Trunk Pacific. 528 Third Ay.nua. llon. John Oliver and Prompt Service of the Best others. AH nre cordially eat at all hour. luuiinf, Sbot ruliinr, ne fur Friday. there Is to l.tdlrt, Boyt iu4 CUIItlrcu II. K. U08S, Labor Agent Fare: $6.80 Round Trip. invited to attend. BOXES FOR LADIES OASCBALL ANO TUOOF.WAa Kuipress Hotel, tulrles tnut ina vwu lu lbs tround. ? t a t