Tlnirlr Aimul 30, 107. THE DAILY NEWS MISERABLE FRflil1 I 'I ' ' r ST ON RIM) LE Fell Wretched Until He Started SALE OF OOVERNMENT L0T8 Part CUmtnU, Qun Ctiarletta Itlanda. To Take TOf-a-mes" KuticK it henttf turn thl. aetlnr on 691 CtiMurum St., Moiiuu ilr ifMlrutlon from lb Itfputjr Mmiiwr Tor two yean, I u a mlaerable f l.rvl, will im th ISlh tltr of B'pWra- luffrref from Rktumatitm in J ittomath lr. ItiT, at II o'rkKk in lb tortnoon, at l'rfl. Clrtnrnli, aril Xij futill. auction 1 miff. I had frequent Ditty:Sllt, Um! tM of tiw above tniie bflonnnr DJ hrn I took food, rell wrriclietl i an. Tim upt prife for nlcb toil ileepy ' ufTrrl from Illteu in lait will ta oirrrm u ( pr lot for u-jfijm dreadfully, with paint In mjr imidr lata ami ui prjtat tor earner loti. Trrmt. otic balf cab and txlauca in ona and hand swollen. b, and Joint, ray I rur llb mtrrrtt at tit per ent on tua ""- e I A fri. ndaJvlscd "Fruit-atWand afrrrl Mrmnit. Tha Crown Grant fa fr 3 th outlet, they did me fool. will be f 10 tddllloruL flan of tha town Everywhere rlhtrit tor, I tit I atgtttif alia and lilt of latl to b otfcrrd can be slJ ' wn truthfully lay that n at tba ofnee of the Atjlttant Oorn- in a.. nu tioner of Landt. Frlii' Rupert, or of work, study or play Urea" is Uie on) oiril icing .... a Mr. A. R. MiDorjr. Port Or menu, pr In LOUIS LAIUtlK. it-i.-.PcJme". Hie tieptrtnient of Landi. Melorla, a, Ifit bot,6(or tJiO, trial site, ?5c. I II. MfMULU. AialtUnt Commli'loner A? t.l dtlerornt pottjvtld by Fruit f Landt. Sept. II. WRSGLEY5 ijmitcJ, omw .v.i Navigable Water' Protection Act. K.s. c ciupur in. COAL NOTICES The Gum of Gumption Tbe Ortnd Trunk racine luilwiy Co. w t or coast, name i. c: iieri-try rirea notice thai It bai, under is a welcome help. The Tl' t " '9 ual if iiuin wci-ean intcrva ertton 7 at tba laid Act. depotlted wltb a licence to nroepect for co I Flavour "' -j. thai fAllai.tna a..a-a.I.At I ibe Minuter of Itiblle Worki it Otlaaw, Uii, jnlMMtar P'tnled n - tnd in the atnee of the Dlitrtrt Reylatrar Teeth, breath, apne Lasts Jf I .GBSlton of UM tdar and Ullle 1 : f Um Mnd netinry Odlte, Olitrlct of "ti,r Vr on itw Bona lid Of UM UlIU . ..Vn'-ift1 Phnea Rupert, it Prince Rupert, a dea- tite, digestion and Srir I!x.olk It Htm,,-,cbainti- ibenee w ten a ..,it rrlptbra of tbe Hie and pun af wbarf and spirits are the better Sii uk oorta ' to poim The Musketry Instructress, Mr.. Plant propoeed to ba built In Prtnea Rupert j 4Wuec'nol, cvolainiar ! acret. Ureen a well mfurmed lady, Harbor, at prince Rupert, BrIUib oa-lambU, for it. m t & at n. "- no. I, Cltlm, i'peaking.. of her .on. .n now erult "I .ay. to Frl. uv I in front of Waterfront Block "O." - r -1 " - OH ..-rr,ui u your gun url. yer .holder AMD TAKE NOTICE thai tfier tbe ei- lit MCLEAN, me boy. hfn .ay. pmoun of one DfiQth from tbe dale of WRIGLEVS makes Jl per I'fclHp tbeiley. ArcnL )er .booting at a hundred r.r.J. u.'.i . n ... the Brtl publlcauoo of thlt notlca, tbe t:s"ii: or coast, nam . ytr ahootln a thouaandf Iondnn Taller. arand Trunk Panne Railway Company win. the next pipe or nndrr Seetioa 7 of the laid Act, apply to Take BtS:s tatt cL-D. Intend I cigar taste better. It iuim to proepeci for coal I tbe Minuter or public Worki at bit i ut r COAL NOTICES um falMviar aMrUti (UO0K8 FOR HIGH in tbe city of Otuwt for approve! af tba pleasantly sweetens ranar at a pui piai4 ! SCHOOL taid aite and plan and far leave. to con- rtr im r-i o " umr taj uiu bllTIUUT or CO A JT. Htan , STUDENTS irort ttkt aald worfct. and soothes mouth u IteHM MMk aft r tt I r a. faka ttvUra thai IHumu u,i n DATED at Print Rupert, Brit lib Colombia, and throat. Iktt4 Mtl t wmi wirBcti owia Ituxi l'nJ.uI. Jr, r,.;J.r.T. " lOIIOwing 18 8 lltl OI Hie nut ttib day or Aacvit. A. D. HtT. i :wmDai ti a pott punuu which arc nccesaary lor THE GHAXD TRU.tK PAOriC RAILWAY laila tMMth Bf ilka a.ii i . i . . COMPACT, ntmora k rullon. SoUeltart. ., k u a. kuu i no. i of . McUaaa . t culi iMntr Luut i,luue" inieiiu ui pur.ue Three UUM4 a balf aukt ftortii of ma ar ' lliiir nlmlioa in lllcrh WATEIl NOTICE OCT ralUp Llaukr. AaL nttr, ibrMc u t( tbAiaj; ibroca i ta I 'or I'rellminary Grade or first Lasting fium, uwtK att ta duuu; uik year liiftli &hool; -Lang's The Dlvertkm and Vie). CU;u.T jr COAST, Haata S. ww .aaiai a MW VtU aa 1 Hj 1 1 1 a- j4,af- aval, roouiaiaf 4it M Hriluh Columbia High School Flavours vat. ftEOUra Hail L llHtk Mdau laLata.1 crca, tt Uwaa M v-7 1 Jl'-:: la propl far dual at .1. M(Uui no. 4 rutm. Grammar. TA1E NOTICE tbtt R. K. JteUl. wbota (.. m em um iotwisf oearruMMi Cotat. Mar tlad. m; addrett li Slawart, B. C will apply for AOHJlAJ Hcott'a Hi tiiwmit at a poat bioaud McLTA.1, Ivanhoe. a Ucenao to Uka and uaa aeventy cubic d tlQM-Kept right m .ia n.ta u taa aoaiaw(tt coroar of tr ramp caokr. Aieet ifykeji' Hlementary Composition feet of water out of North and Eatt rorkt in ff'a wtttCLira a. iuui it i ciauai Uwttta borta It ctatM, ttcac vat I It attaint Uwttca biSTMCT or coast, ruara i. llnll and Knight's llleiuenlary of catcade Creek, wrtdctt Sowt aoutberty kMia it taaibt. laaaca tatt It dtaiat to lata Stteon River. Caatlar Dlitiict. B. C tt - Take notlea Hut L Kortbaa MLaa laund Algebra. from tba taaal artuwafaawnl, coaiaita Tba water will ba diverted 441 V I I kaowa aa U. Mclaaa t and to ttflr uteiiM for a IKrore oa tba lo faiiawuir ttmit deacrUwd tar tal Hall and Stevens' Kuclid itreama at potnU about two tbonuod feet "Riter every meal Id uut-4 Ma Slat. till. laadi. uommjii al a pual puaied hiepmann's Primary French abeva the forki. Tbli notice vu potted BLUM MrtCAat, aii ana aair bum aut or um lturUl 'iMIP.a (.Me.Miuan ami lo.) on tbe rroond on tba Uttb day of Aaitut. per rt-kj) LHaatay. AnaL iviur of u. McUaaa Ao, t cuuu; ueeca HIT. A copy of ibla notice and aa ip- v a r iii., uiraca raat mm uuvaoa. For Junior Grade or second and tba tbertto to thaoca atu aa cbatat. Uaeoca veil ta pucatioo partuaat uttai t or coast, fuar s. tautu lo tba puial of touiaeacaenl. coo year High School: Lang's The Water Act HI 4. wttl be Bled ta tbe odea TtU acia Lkil L Marataa htiLaaji laLaiwf UutUif tit acrta, to to know a at A. Ma Mritith Columbia High School of tba Water Recorder at mote Rupert," M ixc L attca la oeuMl foe catl I i-a a ,u C-Uua. to tbe application mayj B. C Objectlona Don't smother cough Grammar. merely a-at a. ' u lta laib.i.i A.aila I LaMTalea .T fat. III? your I AOHttax McLean, be Bled wtta tba taid Water Recorder, or aatii wanxai at a iaai taUatrd .Meitniler'a ktlel Paawa. tte ta fr'll of U'alee Juewte, """"" "" o wr taa - ' .a. iit Of ta-a uw ana UIIUI ua v.-t oa ika itni aMa of tbm KykeV ICleiuefltary CHflie.ition, rarkameat batMian, Victoria, B C , witbin AtrT W7 Vr1 MathJeta'a Sjrmp of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not oolr Um u MM. Uik aotiU cttaliUil UIITMcT or COAST. lUOft I. Grootti and 1'ef.hallow's Hle UMrty dayi a Tier tbe first appearance of I I I fff4. I I proroptljr trmti coorhiBj, bot thank i to ill tonic aod Ulead tola nolle in a local aewipaper. The date vwnl Urtoghtnlng proocrtlea it belpe tlie ayaUni to throw at - ! rr.V... a .. I la tiXMT fuf a UPMKe to oroaprci or coal mentary Detany. af tbe Iril publication of UUt oolite U tta cold and tlina effects a permanent cure. It It fhia quality which haa worn far kltLtllU V M.lTir. I I r iVlrn"I l-Uilni o U- fUowut teacnld (irfgory and Simmons Elemen Aaraal tl. HIT. S.I4 It the lai-geef, aala of aa cooxh and cold remedy In Cartada. u-m.-, air u taii 1 uadi coodBeeciBf al a puat punirj tary I'bysie. and Chemistry .lages It. A". NULL, AppUranL Urjt hoitUt, AJMMA.1 owe mtte auoia of ua aoMUatal carbtr of JSC rmrrymmsrv. Hdtu, .t Hcuiai AO- I ciauoi t-uir aktMii oua S and 3. per ritfUp Utaaiar. AftaL a kaif auiei aorta of Uaa keavtr rier. The Daily Atia iialiverel ba I A E. kUTDI. CO, rratn. tmilllll. TJm. an i um. Bttlca wl of Um Qea ncf Siepmann'a I'riniary French w :w t or COAST, aa s. Uaraca aoaia ( chain!) Uieiwa aait Course (McMillan and Co.) rarrier, 50 cents per month- CM hiUM lkil L Ullk Dtlaia LaLtwl l.tatUU. Urae twAa It C&alMi UWOjCO bull ..avrai ta. rw....! r-t I tll It CfcaUU to UM POtal Of For Junior Matriculation or t ir-ata aa ua faafioaiaa aUtnwinta. cOUIBUf ai atr. w im twa third High School: Sykes" year a at a taoal tuavntawa l aa n jaa-ap .w mm t.a t Tia ot Uta aoajuwetl CMerl-alJ M7 find. till. Elementary Composition. m m. hum i Sc. cUua. lawaxe tharu MtOM McLXA.I. Scott's KenUwortb. .501 I II II I I M cum Uaxt aatl tt laauui Uteara per rattip Utealejr, AaeaL $25.00 $21 tmlm iMtat ihraco til aa caaxit to Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette. 4 coauiaiaa bISTMCT or COAST, fuata I. Shakeapeare'a Merchant of Ven 4 KTia, to U kaawa aa M. McUaat Tatai laalLM tKal I llliltl la't ttB IflLelad L:aia) lan Mi Mil to at'plr for a Ucaoca la proaprct (or outl ice or Henry the Fifth II I MWUN lilt.McUU.. tid pairoleuai oa im fobowta daacrtlwd Poem of the Homantio Ilevlva! jffM War Sayihbs Certificates p lr fkltip Utealer. Ataat. al um aoruiwail Ctauueacwr rortter ai a or puai i. acuarn luaoiew Copp Clark Co.) l:; ' .to 4 claOB, IM asol ona ua oau Itreasted and Hohinaon'a Out a or :OAST, Itaaia . Bilea Bur la of UM Beater nieri ueoca TUr i tltti L ftonaaa McLeaa la lead ouria a. caainti uwaca tt aa citauttj lines of Huropean History (Ginn ata, ( ' 1 1 aval l! tic a aoota It caauu. uteoro mm mm pruapeat lor Co.) m Uta fi deaeritl 'aa to Um puml oX cviamr ooameol. mo-ttii jAtTiaJ luittjtt aia acraa. and to be kooaa at U. Hall and Knight's Elementary a. a Ua 7J . puai iwia laita a, o. a cUttu. u ... tea toataaeai corner mt McLean AlKfbra. LJ?J tlimi l Located Mar tlrd. till. HUB DIUMi Hall and Stevens' School Geo l-WUp Utealey, AieaL ta uli i toru to cbaisa to per metry. ' -a atai.t I i I .aiiiiaJt. AC 4I9 tcret.t lllla ot iBt it x McUaaa Id AT hi CT Or COAST, lUBrt I. Ontario High School Physics Ltd .a. allaa lkil t Ifnfft. M I aVlt lDlaIVal Ml UL III. ,tit ttat.." IMII aa ....a. Marchant and Chant). u ivtla faarallratira ta cruapetl for coal fer "tUtAJt, aod pelrwletuu oa UM following detnbed Caear, I)e Hello Gallico, books rtMlip Ottaley. A real. Uadai taaniucDCua ai a - -a. 3 and 3. (Ituthrrfoni .McMillan of X McLean I tl Um Bortbweil corner wstiuit or tAir, Man i. o. . cuitu. Bnd aboal urea um a oau Co.) I-' aM,'riUi. J' " .taa. laleod mile til noria cbainti of Um iDenca Keattr tovm ner;ta "uu.umoco Gleaton' .V Term of Ovid .X i,iL2llt,M on um proapeal deartled or eal tbeara tail aa cbainti tbenca noria mm American Hook Co. mLiy?lDCtl l a pJat pun led ctuina to Um point of cwiuneoceiuenl,Hut Coo-uiaina Siepmann's Primary French at of um aoauweit eofner of at terra, to tM known I H Mr Lean I no. ta claim. tUiurse, Part 2. - ''f0' eaii t Weofa LecabMl May S-rd. tail. cbainti liain ncuu, WaddeH. A School Chemistry. K cil.'i" clulna to watl SO per Vaillp Utealer. A rent Hi V ln'aaocwiMOU coouiaini I DISTIUCT Or COAST, ivanft The Daily News delivered by le4 Mt, HCOH,, ,,,, Path trVartlliA fhtl t iiuatt Urltts lnlend arrier, 50 cents per month. McLttAM. to apply foralicenea to pro pec I or coal per rtUIlp Utetley. A rent. and petroleum on um iwhvidi LAND ACT uttaia. .iunttuannu at a outl planted MSTWCT Or COAST. Hinte . tl Um bortnwttl corner of ft. McLean't laT!,.u, LNortnan McUtn Inland I claim; l brute Dunn it cnaint; - ehaiitai thenea aoutb tl Cbalalj SKCENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or aadLi' forutbfa for coal I wen la I II m Um foft.V. diierlbed I tbrivra tail to cbaint to Um point of com- COAST. RANGE I. 'i.iinin.t.t.n.- .a poti n Unta1 I UWDCnurUL waubb aava wa to Im Partner ? i U noTUimatt corner a of II. McLean't kuown at It. McLeaa a No, It claim. Orand Trunk Are You Your Country s TAKE NOTICE tbtt tba t'" t.'uii Unca wett to cbaiaij tbenca Located Mty tlrd. HIT. Ilutb McLIAM. Railway Company of Wlnnlper. iiiaj laeocB a at l to coaiaai rarifle r !ha. north at enaina to lha point of per rtuup Cbeiley. Arnt Manitoba, tntendt to apply for permltaloo Save and Invest in "Canada Unlimited oeuoiaBreiiienl, coouinine t0 arret, to to Irate tba follow inr detcrlbed landt. utacrii;; ';..rrii..' S claim. DISTIUCT Or COAST, Hanra i:.uoenclB al t pot! planted at tba moil still lies before us." -A AOHMA.1 MrLKAN, ..a mum ttiAt t iinK u.ftn la lead northerly point of lot SOT at or aboul great struggle Ia arvnle for a llranra la nraarteet or coal Sir Robtrt Borden. per I'ttlllp ctwaley, Attn!. detcrlbed hi-h water mark, tbenca northerly, enter-y and petroleum on tba toUowiur tba DISTIUCT Or COAST, lit n t I Undtt at im -Commenrlnt oortavvai... . comer tt a ot a putt n.a. a.planted a."H I .n 'a iinuotltlet touiberly of and tba tborc-lina wetterly, followtne to a point ot defend your freedom your family-your right to live Ttkt No. 4 elalin. and aboul ona and a balf all that fora-a..ra notira tbtt t. Hum McLean Intend rtitniuencenient. Includinr TO Prussian- despotism Canada is intolerable .Plr tor a llcencw to proapeel or coal nil let north ot Heaver rlveri tbenca well between hllb-wtter and low-water. secure from d petroleum on tba follow(nr detcrlbed V a.Wasa.i auUCW tlN tit II lUailMa S.SII in blood and treasure. Mil; lafinnnatu'ln n I a rwil rtla 1.11 tail io cbainti tbenca no rib 10 charae to Otted fuly tltb, HIT. paying a heavy price aM mile toutb ot tba aoutuwail corner um point or commencement, containing THE GnASD TRUNE rAOriC RAILWAY share ? ' n, McLean't No. claim, belac about arret, lo bo known at IL McLean't No. It co . II. H. Iitnaard. Solicitor. Are you paying your . oa tud a balf tnllet norm or tba fietttr ciauu. in Canada's effort 7 ", and ihrre ml let wait of tba Cedar Located May llrd. HIT. Are you a real and active partner tremendous a. ft lbbca uorlb 10 cUluti Uteuca watt li in i n MCi can. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Areyou devoting your money as freely as thousands have devoted their lives j chtinai tbenra toutb to cbainti tbenra per I'blllp Cbeiley, A lent -"'"a to tba point of couunenca-IT This is no time for careless Indulgence, but for earnest Ujnft and .! t00''"'"! ret. to Im known NOTICE IS HEREBY 0IVE.H Wat tba in Canadian Wax Mflm'i No. . claim, LAND LEASE'NOTICE etUHor over t tmall Hand In tba saving. Invest every dollar you can spare totaled Mty itnd. HI!. reierva harbor of I'rlnca Rupert, known tt Lot Saving. Certificates. Take an interest in nada's tem "fc per IIUUII l-bilip McLEAM.Cbatley. AttnL SkCKMA LAND DISTIUCT DISTRICT Of lt6. Rtnrt I. Coait Dliirlct. by ration nowTand thus become a worthy partner in her unhmited future alter QUEK.H CIUHLOTTI. ISLANDS r a nonce appearlni In tba Brlllih Colum-it DISTIUCT Or COAST, nanea 1 (unite of the till April. HIO. tnd victory vnvin issued in denominations of $25, $50 ra-a notice that I, iiuib McUtn Inland TAkE NOTICE that I. Oeorie McRtt. of at led 1 1 lb April. HIS. It ttncalled for Ceycate, ue to apply roraliceure to proatwet for coal Ikiaertte, a, C. oecaDttlon enilnear, in the purpoae of maklnt t talt o( tba ttid and $100, to be repaid in three years at full face Vldue. They cost I.!a.i w,l?l,ula un," followiu. itetrrlbed lend to apply for permittlon to ' ii to tba Orand Trunk ptcine Develop-iimui $21.50, $43 and $86 respectively, at all Money Order Post Offices and 15 .,TCu",u"ne'l ',u" ." oC lb toulbiait P"l plained corner rollowinf detcrlbed UodJh Company. Umlled. Banks, thus yielding over, 5J InterelL Should you need it, you can-get " li-JcLmka!i I claim, belnf about Comnicncint at t noit nlinied tt the ,.k H. NtPEN, DeiMity Mlnliltr or Landt. S".4"41 . '"'f naiet norm of tba eitr nnrthetil corner or T. L Lot SJI. Allford iM-paruneol of Landt, Vlctortt. B, C, lllb your money back at any time. ii.Ii- f." ,hrT "il'et wttl of tba Cedar Sty. Sdldertla Inlet, tbenra wtll to HIT. M.AUf. t9. CANADA, VI'' 'benea norik 10 cbainti tbenra rail uM, NATIONAL SERVICE BOARD OF ...'?'. ,,M!bca aoulb no cbainti tbenca liaini. tbenca unrtb I tbalnt. t THE 20 " rUa" to Um polnl ol cumuunra-b cnaiui in aq raiicrly and aoutherly dira OTTAWA. S".'"i"i arrca. la Im known uon ruiowinc tbtH Una. Uwnra wH SUBSCRIBE FOR. iT.,.;. j.n-a no. t cltuu. , "ami to pomt of romntenreuieot, atay linn, HIT. IIUUII MCLEAN. laininv to arret mora or leu, r The Daily News per I'blllp Cbeiley, AienL uim Hlh. HIT. OEOIIOE ta