THE DAILY NEWS "The Poor Man's J MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News Potato" has become the THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA rich man' luxury. Whether For the East. Published Dallf and Weekly nt three dollars n bushel, or Monday. Wednesdays and X-Vl. Guaranteed Largest Circulation twenty-five cents a bushel, days at 9:30 m. potatoes ore not a complete HPAD OFFICE: Two or three Shred From the Cast. food. Dally News Building, Thin Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. OS. ded Wheat Biscuits with Sundays. Tuwdar" and Frl-days Really Sir, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per Inch milk furnish more real, at :30 p.m. a you are Contract Rates on application. body-building nutriment For Vancouver. than a meal of potatoes or Monday J vastly DAILY EDITION Friday, August 31, 1017. meat, arc much more easily Tuesdays 5 Pi m digested and cost much less. Fatardays . . .. 7 a. m. A 4 p m interested in HOME TO ROOST his loud-spoken but utterly Shredded Wheat is 100 From Vancouver. With regard to the position compromising declaration. per cent, whole wheat, noth Sundays P' m' of affairs in Canada today, and ."Now," forsooth I ing edded and nothing taken Mondays 0 a. m. Sunlight Soap What difference can denial o:30 m. mental vim WeiHesdays a. especially having the situation "now" make, when the damage nway gives 9 m. a. of Nationalist Quebec in mind, to Canada's unity, to Canada and physical vigor for the Fridays to Canada's Delicious for You pay (or tho anricnu a deaniet their ejection to tho conscrip integrity, loyalty hot days. For Anyoi, we II and o carefully 1 on like vnur w.f-T. tion of the Borden was done by Dourassa and the breakfast, meal, with " proposals Nationalists in 1911? or any Sundays P m- liavc leisure and to be free from the drn.i. Government, and the Premier's It is quite proper, quite be sliced bananas, berries or Fridays .... 10 a. m. flc 8 p. m oi waih'day work. You. as a business mtI reading of the Nationalists out coming, and altogether, fitting other fruits, and milk. can opprccJate what the $5,000 Sunliiht of his party In the House of that the Prime Minister of Made in Canada. From Anyoi. guarantee ot purity intitt moan. Commons the other day, the Canada should "now" say Sundays, a. m.; Tuesdays, p. m Su&cst to her that Sunlight Soap mutt b worth trial for it it. Toronto Globe in a recent issue "I regard the altitude of the inevitable and inexorable retri nd Saturdays, a. m. n points out how this unfortu Nationalist party of Quebec in bullon. The chickens of 191 Smttibl Soap I U by ell Iroeer,, nate position of affairs, as this war as unpatriotic, and I And or Port Simpson and Naa River, It I eaede U CeoeJe by Lever 1917. coming home in are brought about by the National. consider that it is the first duty Saturdays, a.m. u Hrothers, Llealled, Toronto, the end of their desperate com isls in Quebec, is the outcome of myself and my friends to ing is not yet. Please God thl of the action of the Premier assist in defeating that party illbrcd and long-nursed dis For Queen Charlotte Islands. and his colleagues taken six mu inai auuuue is no more loyalty, which has brought such 10 p.m. July 18th, August 1st, years" ago. "unpatriotic" today than it was confusion and heartbreak to 5th and 29th. The mills of the gods grind in 1911, when it was recognized Canada and the Km pi re, may slowly but their wheels never by Mr. Dorden in its campaign Charlotte Island not bring civil war. But what From Queen cease. How small they grind ,of anti-British Nationalism, or ever comes will be the logical July 22nd. August 8th, 19th S. S. PRINCE RUPERT in the politics of Canada," the wnen it was rewarded by him and inflexible outcome of what, eplember 2nd. Globe "was illustrated in with choice says, Cabinet portfolios Oil - through the past half dozen the House of Commons when for Itourassa's nominees. They went before. Nemesis Is and Swamp years, lewart, Map Bay PRINCE GEORGE Sir Robert read a skillfully that say nothing now they did has been on the trail of the Point. worded declaration denying not say then, and said repeat SOUTHBOUND Prime Minister. It had to that 'there is now some con-nection edly, with great plainness of For Wednesdays, 10 p m. Here it is. Monday a. m. for Swansea Bay, Vaaroejver, victoria and Seattle. or collusion, and that speech, and in Borden's very Cnme,And Nemesis, while it may From Saturdays, p. m. Saturday S a. m, for Ocean falls, Tanocuvvr. Victoria and Seattle. my supporters and friends The "Nationalist NORTHBOUND are, presence. be slow of fool, never Is fooled in fact, encouraging the Nationalist parly," against whom he now or dodged, arid, while It Alaska and Yukon Territory. WEDNESDAY It noon tor Ketchikan, WraartU, Jcnea) sad Skirtj. party in the course declaims, would never have may For Mondays, 7 a. m. fRlDAT II noon for Aayut, seem to be delayed, it never Is which they are adopting.' " had From Saturdays, nt. national significance, or What p. TRAIN SeSRVICE put by. Hero it Is. Here are the very words of national power for harm, or Premier sowelh that shall he raieenarr Monday, Wednesday and frtdty at I lilt s.m. for tsasam, his denial: national opportunity for the f-rtaco Oeortn Edmonton and Wtoatper, nuilnr direct roenectlens tor si "I desire also reap. petals east snd tonus. Mlied Tuesday 4 a. m. foe lanttbers tad all la-termed! to make most weakness em. and disgrace and But, by the unerring reach of tie petals. phatic, unreserved and comprehensive peril to the Canadian nation, the organic law of national life, Agency All Ocoan SUamahlp Lints. denial of this statement. had Premier Borden nol,openly Canada also is involved in this For Information and reservations to There is not and and apply never deliberately denied his retribution which Nemesis City Ticket Office), 828 Third Avsnu. PHONE 3 will be -duly" connection collusion any or as lender of the Conservative brings to the Prime Minister. whatever between my party in Canada, and TIMBER SALE X1018. friends and supporters and flagrantly and recklessly betrayed Salvation those of the Nationalist party I his trust as Prime Minister Army. Sealed tenders wiU be received by the Public meetings, Tuesdays, Minister or Lands not later than noon on of Quebec." in a British Dominion. the ftnd day or September. HIT. for Um The man who wrote that The Globe say purrbase or Licence X ISIS, to col S.I 11 "denial" may be an artist with it said tn 1911, scores of limej fret or Spruce. Balsam and Hemlock CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY words. The Prime Minister, in front-page prominence iMF WATKIt NOTICE on an area situated on Link Lake, Rears S. Coast District his colleagues, and his support with editorial emphasis. tVJ'I Threw (S) seers wui be attwwetf foe re Lowest Kates to all Eastern Points ers may be beguiled by its campaign was a Bourassa. moval or timber. via Steamer to Vancouver and the cleverness. Dul does he; do Dorden cabal. It was a Ilou-rassa-Lavergne TAKE NOTICE Mul R. K. RelU, mhos) further parUeaUr or the Chief for RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC ester. Victoria, B. C. or DUUKI forester. does address Is Stewart, B. C, win apply for tney. or Intelligent any undertaking. It license to Uke and hm seventy cubic Prlace Rupert. B. C 111 Meals and Betth Irnluded on Steonwr person imagine, for one silly was a Nationalist-Tory triumph feel or water out or .forth and Kail Fork moment, that this studied The profits of that whole disloyal or Cascade Creek, which Bows soutLsrly TIMBER SALE X1019. Princess May for OranbyBay and Alice Arm 11 pjn. Frllii manipulation of the tenses of adventure went to Borden's into Salmon River, Casstar District, 8. C Prlncesa May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 p.m. Sundar Tbe water will be diverted from the verbs in 1917 can blot out or political advantage. They streams at points about two thousand feel Sealed tenders- will be received by Uke Princess Alice for the south Saturday, September 1L obscure the ugly truth of Immutable helped to make him Minister or Lands not later than noon on premier. a bore the forks. This notice was posted Prlncesa Sophia for the north Monday, September 3rd. the STih day or A tIT. for the facts that date back to They secured for him whatever on the around on tM ilith day of Aurusi. urn it, pr. chase or Licence) X ISIS, to rut 1911? Of course he of HIT. a copy or this notice and an ap 1,111.11 can now party power was in the early plication pursuant thereto tod to I rret or spruce, naisam ana liemiocl ret an J. I. PETERS, Ceneral Airent stand up in Parliament and years of his Premiershfp. His area adjolnlnc Lot 501. Ran re t. Coast win be Bled In the omce Water till, Act. Co nee Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C District, situated on alldela River. deny that "there is now" repudiation of the Nationalist of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, that "is now" is of the very party "now" does not wipe out, O. C Objections to the application nay moval Two or t)timber.years will be allowed for re essence of his denial. Of course either for him, or for his associates, be Bled with the said Water Recorder, or further perttenlars or the Utter forester, with the Comptroller of Water Rlrnts, he can swear, by all the gods! or for the Canadian rartumenl Bulldlnrs, Victoria, B. C within Victoria, B. C. or District fureatcr, frtnee at once, that "there is not and people, the piled-up humilia. thirty dajrs after Um Brst appearance or Rupert. B. C Atl never will be" that cautious lion, discord and peril which this notice In a local newipaper. The data "is of the Brst publication or this Dotlce Is MINERAL ACT not and never will be" Is now menace the nation. is 17. Annul II, s.11 the whole scope and compass of There is no use blinking the R. K. KEltX, Applicant LatmchAliceB. (R S. B. C. llll. Holly fraction. Birch, Crocus fraction. and Plum mineral claims situate la the jtpppppppppppppppj ton THI SALT U1U Uuera Charlotte District, located at or Itey fie Oef frea near Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte IsUftds, A NEAT KITCHEN Province or Brttlih Columbia, lw fully Mid 10 a. ak by Ikeda Mines Limited !oa Personal strrusisi rt WITHOUT A BROOM Liability). TAKE nonce that I, John A. Maclanes, Call Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited (.ton w. i. two" s, r No coal-hod, no ash-pan, no rersonal Liability) free Miner's Certificate set, Sex Ililic Intend, after the aspiration of dirt, no bother. You have never slaty oafs rrwa the date bereor to apply to sweep up after cooking on a on bebair or the said Company to the NEW PERFECTION. It motor Recorder or the said District for Certificate cf Lspromstnu for rata cf cooks more quickly and rnore the above claims for the purpoeo of cb-Ulnlnr conveniently than a coal or wood crown rrant thereof. AXD FURTHER TAKE 50T1CZ thai actloa ranee, costs less for fuel and takes under SecUon SI or tho Mineral Act must Letterheads up half as much room. be commenced before the issuance; or such Fj)veiora Certiorate or Improvements. Statements These dealers sell them: Dated this llth day or June A.D. HIT. Cards, Etc. 1. A. MscI.VIES. Solicitor for Ikeda Mine Limited (Won fttaeM Personal Liability). us. Thompson Mars ware Co-, Print Rupert. THE ESTATE Or CHRISTIE OISSO.1 ! Kalen Here'were Ce " " (DECEASED) The News Job Press Stork' Hardware Co., " JlOTIOf IS HEREBY OIYJ-'I thit all " " Howe A MeNulty, hutiar tf AH Diicriptiooi Diet persons tuvtnf claim upon the Estate of A. i. OallanO, " " the late Ctrl i He Oibson wbo died on or Sloid Vounf A Co-, Port Slmaeon. 8). C. about the lib day or November, A. D. its, while on acute service overseas. P.O. Bet S3 arei required to send to J. II. MeVulio. 1'roframs Official Adminlatrslor for the county or CaUlogs Atiin, on or before the iota dsy or Septem With Royalitt Coal Oil tht New ber. I1T, a full statement of their claims, Perfection will cook your meal or any security held by them, duly verllled. l-oUrs,ct.J for from 5 to 10 cents. and after that date lb underslrned ylU proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anions the panics entitled there, THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY to, havmr rersrd only to the claims of limited nlch notice has been Bled with him. DATED ai Prince Rupert. B. C this I lib BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES dsy or July, A. D. HIT. 14 J, II.Official McMULLI.f.Adminiatrator. Advertise In The Daily News EMPRESS CO FFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR r. Q. DAWSON ft PRINOE RUPnT.